Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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I think this is *mostly* to elevate their profile and brand in the US. Keep upping the racism angle . Where does this end ?

Just sickening, trashing Norwegians and The Royal Family for monetizing purposes, again my opinion.
I could very easily see these two taking this on the Talk Show Circuit in America or Speaking Venues in hopes of making money and more fame.
If I were Harold and Sonja AND Haakon, sure, see them in private. But I wouldn't let them participate in ANY public Royal Family Events.

Martha Louise is a disgrace and clearly loves the attention. The damage and repercussions to her family ? She could care less !
And he is a very slick self aggrandizing con artist who loves causing controversy.
(Before the last sentence, I was wondering which lands the Norwegian royal family had invaded and colonized.)
Racism and colonialism comes in many shapes and forms. Norway, like my native Sweden, has a long history of oppressing the Sami and Finnish populations of the north and also of the Travellers and Roma groups living in both countries. While today they've all received the same legal rights as other citizens and some additional rights to protect their cultures and ways of life the Sami and the Finns are still at risk when faced with the increasing industrialization of the Scandinavian north.
Though I'm sure that this is not what Mr Durek is talking about and I even doubt that he knows and cares about it.
:previous: On one word: Attention.

A charlatan like Durek cannot exist without attention. That's the basis for his whole business model. (And he probably also genuinely believe in whatever he says when he is saying it.)

This, his latest tirade is clearly for the US market, because it's clearly made by someone who doesn't understand Norwegian/European mindset. It is possible to be black and a quack at the same time in Norway and be called out for that.
While there certainly is racism (or perhaps rather prejudice) in Norway I dare claim that it is first and foremost based on a person's background rather than ethnicity or skin color.
Example: A black well educated liberal American will almost certainly have a higher status in Norway/Europe than an uneducated white American neo-conservative.
An Iranian secular-looking doctor is likely to have a much higher status and being met with much more tolerance than say an openly religious Tunisian taxi-driver.
That's a difference Durek seems unable to comprehend.

Also, Norway is a tribal society. You are expected to integrate and assimilate into the Norwegian tribe, regardless of your background or ethnicity. If you do, you are embraced. If you don't you are an outsider.

Had Durek not been a quack but a certified therapist, the overwhelming majority Norwegians would have welcomed him with open arms no matter how black he was.
It's not like the Norwegians have never encountered people of other ethnicities and cultures before or there are no other ethnicities but white blondes in all of Norway.


I also believe Durek is certifiable. Certifiable in the sense that he believes in himself.
The latest example being the one with dealing with children who have a tantrum.
I suspect he has witnessed a child having a tantrum and the poor parent trying to deal with it. And the "solution" came to him in a dream or vision or whatever - and he posted this... curious... video, complete with some made up explanation as to why children have tantrums. - And he believes in it himself.
And as he naturally can't be wrong, well everybody else objecting to what he said must either be ignorant or in this case racist.
It's logic in a twisted way.


The interesting thing is why ML hops on this bandwagon.
It is a kind of Stockholm syndrome?
Is it because she see an advantage in supporting that idea? (In USA for example, it would backfire big time in Scandinavia!)
Or could it be a way to calm things down? - Yeah, yeah, you are right, now calm down.
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Racism and colonialism comes in many shapes and forms. Norway, like my native Sweden, has a long history of oppressing the Sami and Finnish populations of the north and also of the Travellers and Roma groups living in both countries. While today they've all received the same legal rights as other citizens and some additional rights to protect their cultures and ways of life the Sami and the Finns are still at risk when faced with the increasing industrialization of the Scandinavian north.
Though I'm sure that this is not what Mr Durek is talking about and I even doubt that he knows and cares about it.

I think I know what you mean, but what Durek's spokesman said in the line which I commented on was "invading and colonizing land", instead of "racism and colonialism", and he was referring to the actions of royal families and not countries. (Besides, most US Americans would view Sami and Finns and at least some Traveller groups as being the same race as Swedes and Norwegians.) So I agree that is almost certainly not what he was talking about.

It's her second marriage and the groom is not only a practicing non-Christian but has positioned himself in opposition to the Church on a few occasions.

Other than sentiment on ML's part (and then it would require a clergyperson willing to take the responsibility of officiating), I can't see why they would want to have any kind of a church wedding at all.

In regard to Durek Verrett's religion, he apparently commented in 2019 that he went to a Christian school and studied Christianity as well as other religions. So I wonder if he perhaps was raised a Christian (the majority of Black Americans identify as Protestant Christians) but no longer identifies with a specific religion.
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If a person of color, here the black Shaman, says something about being treated racist, what can you say as a white person?

So, the discussion ends there!

The Shaman is shutting the Norwegians up. And this with a cheap charade of Harry's and Meghan's Sussex behavior... Norway deserves better! It looks like the international backcountry here.

And to this minority treatment of the Sami and so on: The Norwegian Royal Family is Danish. Shortly after the begin of their reign came Hitler and then the leftist Welfare State. They are innocent as daisies!
To those of you speculating whether or not the King will give Märtha his consent to marry, well, the court has already told Norwegian media that ''the King and Queen don't decide whom Märtha marries.'' And with that sentence, the court has IMO already confirmed that the King will automatically give his consent. Because if he had decided not to give it (which would have been sensational), they wouldn't have said it like that.

Read what the court said in this NRK article from 2020 (link). Google translation (link).

The court repeated it to Aftenposten in June 2022 when Märtha and the Durek-dude got engaged (link). (You must have an account to read that article BTW.)


The sentences ' I did a trick on her (Märtha Louise), to see if she had racism in her, and of course she did. She is part of the royal family, and the royals are the biggest racists of all.' makes a very clear point in connecting the racism accusation to Märtha Louise and her family. So, his spokesman trying to explain it away is just doing that... Durek's words are clear enough.
Not surprisingly, it was headline news here.

And if these comments were meant against the NRF, they are pretty bizarre! I mean, the King is widely known here in Norway for his support and inclusion towards minorities and immigrants. So are the Queen and the CP-Couple. And I would be extremely surprised if either of them had as much as a little racist bone in their bodies!


Wasn't it not too long ago that Mr. Verrett was posting videos praising King Harald V for (in short) speaking up against the racism directed against him? I wonder if something has occurred between himself and the senior royals behind the scenes.
And he told VG in January that ''the world needs to know what a wonderful and future-oriented king Norway has who fights against racism and stands up for me.''
VG article (link). (You must have an account to read that article).


The well-known biology professor Kristian Gundersen (who is much used by the media here) has told Dagbladet today that the King should use the first and best opportunity to mark a clear distance from Durek's controversial video about spirits and parenting.
Read more here (link). Google translation (link).

Well, the King and the Royal Family have already been out several times saying that they don't agree with many of Durek's opinions. And as I wrote in a previous post, they can't speak up every time he says something crazy, which is quite often!
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I don't follow Harald's New Years speeches that closely but could he make a rather defining statement in his upcoming address that makes clear he and the family don't see eye to eye with the Sham Man and very rarely do and that they won't be commenting on each and every odd remark the Sham Man makes for attention?
I don't follow Harald's New Years speeches that closely but could he make a rather defining statement in his upcoming address that makes clear he and the family don't see eye to eye with the Sham Man and very rarely do and that they won't be commenting on each and every odd remark the Sham Man makes for attention?

New Year's speeches aren't for things like that. Can you think of one time Elizabeth mentioned anything personal in a Christmas message that wasn't extremely anodyne?

They’re about unifying the nation. And Verrett— while he does do that— is neither in the direction nor of the importance you want to mention for New Year’s.

He merits a press release, if necessary, at most.
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I don't follow Harald's New Years speeches that closely but could he make a rather defining statement in his upcoming address that makes clear he and the family don't see eye to eye with the Sham Man and very rarely do and that they won't be commenting on each and every odd remark the Sham Man makes for attention?
That will basically overshadow the whole speech and make it all about Durek in the press coverage afterwards, which IMO is not good for a speech whose purpose is to unify the nation.

And if the King and the Royal Family want to say something, they should just issue a press release making it clear that they love Durek as a future family member, but that they disagree with him on health care, parenting and other basic stuff, and that they won't be commenting on all the unconventional things he says.


Se og Hør has been digging for dirt and what did they find, well, that Durek is offering so-called treatment from Märtha's house.
Read more in this article from Dec 16 (link). Google translation (link).

Here's a quote:
''Ettersom Verrett er amerikansk statsborger, må han ha oppholdstillatelse dersom han ønsker å jobbe eller oppholde seg i Norge mer enn 90 dager. Det er ingenting som tyder på at Durek har oppholdstillatelse i Norge, men Se og Hør har ikke lyktes i å få bekreftet dette.''

''As Verrett is an American citizen, he must have a residence permit if he wishes to work or stay in Norway for more than 90 days. There is nothing to indicate that Durek has a residence permit in Norway, but Se og Hør has not succeeded in getting this confirmed.''

I mean, then it's likely he's only been granted a visitor's visa, which means he still can stay here for three months but not be working.

Se og Hør has contacted the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI), which said that they cannot comment on individual cases and answers on a general basis that citizens from outside the EU and EEA countries must have a residence permit to be able to work in Norway.

Oh golly!
Thanks for all the replies, I wasn't sure if Harald's speeches were always more personal bu seems they are very much like our Christmas ones here in the UK.

Sounds like Derick is going to be getting into trouble - I defo see them moving to America, maybe once all ML's girls have finished their school days. Though I do wonder if they quite like the fuss and attention they get in Norway vs being pretty unimportant and non newsworthy in USA.
That will basically overshadow the whole speech and make it all about Durek in the press coverage afterwards, which IMO is not good for a speech whose purpose is to unify the nation.

And if the King and the Royal Family want to say something, they should just issue a press release making it clear that they love Durek as a future family member, but that they disagree with him on health care, parenting and other basic stuff, and that they won't be commenting on all the unconventional things he says.


Se og Hør has been digging for dirt and what did they find, well, that Durek is offering so-called treatment from Märtha's house.
Read more in this article from Dec 16 (link). Google translation (link).

Here's a quote:
''Ettersom Verrett er amerikansk statsborger, må han ha oppholdstillatelse dersom han ønsker å jobbe eller oppholde seg i Norge mer enn 90 dager. Det er ingenting som tyder på at Durek har oppholdstillatelse i Norge, men Se og Hør har ikke lyktes i å få bekreftet dette.''

''As Verrett is an American citizen, he must have a residence permit if he wishes to work or stay in Norway for more than 90 days. There is nothing to indicate that Durek has a residence permit in Norway, but Se og Hør has not succeeded in getting this confirmed.''

I mean, then it's likely he's only been granted a visitor's visa, which means he still can stay here for three months but not be working.

Se og Hør has contacted the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI), which said that they cannot comment on individual cases and answers on a general basis that citizens from outside the EU and EEA countries must have a residence permit to be able to work in Norway.

Oh golly!

Which strictly speaking means he can be deported and told to apply for a work-visa - which needs to be approved - before he can even attempt to try and enter Norway again.
He and ML can be married seven times, no work visa, no residence permit, if I understand the Norwegian legislation in its ultimate interpretation.

- Of course Durek won't be denied entry into Norway, due to ML and the NRF. I can't see that happen. But if he tries to set up business in Norway without a permit, it will be closed down. The NRF cannot, even if they wanted to, do anything about that.
If a person of color, here the black Shaman, says something about being treated racist, what can you say as a white person?

So, the discussion ends there!

The Shaman is shutting the Norwegians up. And this with a cheap charade of Harry's and Meghan's Sussex behavior... Norway deserves better! It looks like the international backcountry here.

And to this minority treatment of the Sami and so on: The Norwegian Royal Family is Danish. Shortly after the begin of their reign came Hitler and then the leftist Welfare State. They are innocent as daisies!
Actually, I won't say he's shutting us up at all because the more he uses the race card, the more the Norwegian media criticises him.

But has Durek experienced racism in Norway? Yes, absolutely sure he has! And both the Royal Family and the Norwegian media have been speaking out against it.
But most of the criticism towards Durek in Norway has nothing to do with him being black; it has to do with all the crazy stuff that comes out of his mouth! And I think Märtha knows that very well, so perhaps she should try to tell him that instead of encouraging him to play the race card every time the media criticises him.


Which strictly speaking means he can be deported and told to apply for a work-visa - which needs to be approved - before he can even attempt to try and enter Norway again.
Can be the reason why he has been back in USA recently (think he's still there BTW). He and Märtha even missed the opening of Maud's art exhibition back in November.

He and ML can be married seven times, no work visa, no residence permit, if I understand the Norwegian legislation in its ultimate interpretation.
I don't think we have work-visas. We used to have something called a work permit, which is basically the same thing, but that is now called a residence permit for work.

So to work in Norway, he will either need an ordinary residence permit or a residence permit for work.

- Of course Durek won't be denied entry into Norway, due to ML and the NRF. I can't see that happen.
Not as long as he has a visitor's visa, but if not, then I can actually see him being denied entry. But he's not so stupid as to put himself in such a situation I think.
He can, of course, play the race card and say that Norway denied him entry because we are racist, but I don't think he wanna go there since it is in his interest to be in Norway together with Märtha.

But if he tries to set up business in Norway without a permit, it will be closed down. The NRF cannot, even if they wanted to, do anything about that.
It will be closed down, yes! And the Royal Family will be keeping their long distance from it.
Which strictly speaking means he can be deported and told to apply for a work-visa - which needs to be approved - before he can even attempt to try and enter Norway again.
He and ML can be married seven times, no work visa, no residence permit, if I understand the Norwegian legislation in its ultimate interpretation.

- Of course Durek won't be denied entry into Norway, due to ML and the NRF. I can't see that happen. But if he tries to set up business in Norway without a permit, it will be closed down. The NRF cannot, even if they wanted to, do anything about that.

Hmmm, interesting, this could actually be a convenient way to deal with the Durek situation while keeping the King and NRF impartial. Just let the government and current laws deal with it and make it difficult for him to even be in Norway.
Although I hate the spectacle both ML and her finance is making, I admire the king’s way of handling it instead of making a room for speculation regarding the title of his daughter similar to the Sussex disaster in the UK he did put his foot down stating that his daughter is a princess because she is the daughter of the king and Queen of Norway and any issues or criticisms towards her won’t change the fact that she is the daughter of the King and Queen of Norway.

It’s refreshing to see a monarch understanding that a royal title is indicators or the person proximity to the monarch and not related to the favorability poll or the public opinion.
Wow, I'm speechless at Durek's remarks about ML and the Norwegian Royal Family. He did say royals (plural) but he connected racism to ML, so to her family in extent. I fail to see what he gains with this...publicity? Money? Pity?

BTW, I'm always a bit confused to see the word "racism" being applied exclusively to "black"-"white". Is it a 21th century thing? Because racism can be from white to white, from black to black. I have a friend in Angola where she feels racism from tribe to tribe and they're all blacks. I think people in general distort the meaning of the word "raciscm" nowadays, where it is perceived as just white to black. Durek and Meghan seem to have that distorted perception, which can lead to many misunderstandings.
Wow, I'm speechless at Durek's remarks about ML and the Norwegian Royal Family. He did say royals (plural) but he connected racism to ML, so to her family in extent. I fail to see what he gains with this...publicity? Money? Pity?

BTW, I'm always a bit confused to see the word "racism" being applied exclusively to "black"-"white". Is it a 21th century thing? Because racism can be from white to white, from black to black. I have a friend in Angola where she feels racism from tribe to tribe and they're all blacks. I think people in general distort the meaning of the word "raciscm" nowadays, where it is perceived as just white to black. Durek and Meghan seem to have that distorted perception, which can lead to many misunderstandings.

I agree and have seen a lot of racism towards "white" persons myself while growing up in Asia. The source is mischief and other rather unfortunate character flaws. No excuse for none of us and the shaman himself shows a lot himself.
I wonder what his agenda is, ruining monarchy? How can ML marry him, I hope she will open her eyes before the big event.
Hmmm, interesting, this could actually be a convenient way to deal with the Durek situation while keeping the King and NRF impartial. Just let the government and current laws deal with it and make it difficult for him to even be in Norway.

It would be a possibility.
If he is caught working illegally in Norway. I.e. having an official address in Norway and is setting up a business somewhere in Norway, earning money without paying taxes and getting the necessary permits. - Then he can be deported and told to apply for a work visa/permit (you know what I mean) from USA.
ML can of course guarantee (paying a deposit and disclose her accounts, whether she is on welfare, has an income etc.) that she can provide for him and pay his expenses and in that case he can get a residence permit through marriage, but he will not be eligible for social welfare. With a residence permit he can get a job or open a business. But if they divorce within a number of years or are caught not living together, then Durek will be deported. Or if he gets unemployed and doesn't get a new income - ASAP, then he will also be deported. Certainly until he is eligible for unemployment benefits and that may take a year. (Not sure about the Norwegian rules in that regards.)

That two above paragraphs are a very simplified summing up of the general rules in Scandinavia and I dare say quite a number of EU countries as well in regards to citizens from third countries, USA being a third country.

There is of course the little problem about ML's finances...
As far as I understand, she has no regular income and she has pretty much sold away all her assets. She may very well be in debt and her personal fortune seems to be quite modest even in comparison with a middle class Norwegian.
IMO had ML not been royal, I believe she would have had very serious problems obtaining a residence permit for Durek when they marry, should they wish to settle in Norway.
As it is Durek right now has to apply for a visitors visa - at intervals - for going to Norway.

And that leads me to answering Royal Norway's question:

Actually, I won't say he's shutting us up at all because the more he uses the race card, the more the Norwegian media criticises him.

But has Durek experienced racism in Norway? Yes, absolutely sure he has! And both the Royal Family and the Norwegian media have been speaking out against it.
But most of the criticism towards Durek in Norway has nothing to do with him being black; it has to do with all the crazy stuff that comes out of his mouth! And I think Märtha knows that very well, so perhaps she should try to tell him that instead of encouraging him to play the race card every time the media criticises him.


Can be the reason why he has been back in USA recently (think he's still there BTW). He and Märtha even missed the opening of Maud's art exhibition back in November.

I don't think we have work-visas. We used to have something called a work permit, which is basically the same thing, but that is now called a residence permit for work.

So to work in Norway, he will either need an ordinary residence permit or a residence permit for work.

Not as long as he has a visitor's visa, but if not, then I can actually see him being denied entry. But he's not so stupid as to put himself in such a situation I think.
He can, of course, play the race card and say that Norway denied him entry because we are racist, but I don't think he wanna go there since it is in his interest to be in Norway together with Märtha.

It will be closed down, yes! And the Royal Family will be keeping their long distance from it.

The two of them missing the art exhibition could very well be down to the fact that Durek could not yet (at the time) apply for another visitors visa.

There are IMO plenty of options available to deport Durek after their marriage if need be. And if there is a will to enforce it.

The question of supporting Durek financially.
If he works illegally.
If he breaks the legal guidelines in regards to the work he is doing, after gaining a residence or work permit of course. If he in the context of therapy is advocating something that is ethically wrong, or provides a treatment or therapy that is harmful to the patient. Having the patient/client signing a waver won't work in Norway. He'll be considered a quack and he can end up in prison for that.
He might also wish to be careful about his accusations. It could come under the paragraphs regarding defamation, slander etc. Even considered extremist hate speech.
There is certainly freedom of speech in Norway, but you have to prove what you say is true if you accuse someone or an institution like the government of something.
If he for example accuse the Norwegian Ministry of Interior of racism, especially if he names civil servants, he could find himself in trouble. It's one thing to say something in a fit of frustration, it's quite another matter to went it - especially repeatedly - on social media platforms. Also outside Norway. He could suddenly find his residence permit revoked = deported.

- The NRF can't and won't lift a finger to protect or help him. That would be close to unthinkable, especially in Norway.
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There is no need for others to put this guys reputation into pieces….. He does that perfectly himself !

LOL I an hardly listen to all that nonsense he s talking, Martha knodding and the "interviewer" agreeing to everything. Though Martha's body language especially her eyes movement and blinks express she is upset when he (23:30...) is talking about the RF being racists.

To me its extremely funny to experience his view on scandinavia as an us-american, while believing they are the best, strongest and superior nation in the world, while ignoring reality on the streets, in america.
Norwegians are among the happiest nations in the world, but what do we know :D

Can't they just live in the Us, leaving us poor supressed souls in scandinavia alone with our unhappy lives?
It would be a possibility.
If he is caught working illegally in Norway. I.e. having an official address in Norway and is setting up a business somewhere in Norway, earning money without paying taxes and getting the necessary permits. - Then he can be deported and told to apply for a work visa/permit (you know what I mean) from USA.
ML can of course guarantee (paying a deposit and disclose her accounts, whether she is on welfare, has an income etc.) that she can provide for him and pay his expenses and in that case he can get a residence permit through marriage, but he will not be eligible for social welfare. With a residence permit he can get a job or open a business. But if they divorce within a number of years or are caught not living together, then Durek will be deported. Or if he gets unemployed and doesn't get a new income - ASAP, then he will also be deported. Certainly until he is eligible for unemployment benefits and that may take a year. (Not sure about the Norwegian rules in that regards.)

That two above paragraphs are a very simplified summing up of the general rules in Scandinavia and I dare say quite a number of EU countries as well in regards to citizens from third countries, USA being a third country.

There is of course the little problem about ML's finances...
As far as I understand, she has no regular income and she has pretty much sold away all her assets. She may very well be in debt and her personal fortune seems to be quite modest even in comparison with a middle class Norwegian.
IMO had ML not been royal, I believe she would have had very serious problems obtaining a residence permit for Durek when they marry, should they wish to settle in Norway.
As it is Durek right now has to apply for a visitors visa - at intervals - for going to Norway.

And that leads me to answering Royal Norway's question:

The two of them missing the art exhibition could very well be down to the fact that Durek could not yet (at the time) apply for another visitors visa.

There are IMO plenty of options available to deport Durek after their marriage if need be. And if there is a will to enforce it.

The question of supporting Durek financially.
If he works illegally.
If he breaks the legal guidelines in regards to the work he is doing, after gaining a residence or work permit of course. If he in the context of therapy is advocating something that is ethically wrong, or provides a treatment or therapy that is harmful to the patient. Having the patient/client signing a waver won't work in Norway. He'll be considered a quack and he can end up in prison for that.
He might also wish to be careful about his accusations. It could come under the paragraphs regarding defamation, slander etc. Even considered extremist hate speech.
There is certainly freedom of speech in Norway, but you have to prove what you say is true if you accuse someone or an institution like the government of something.
If he for example accuse the Norwegian Ministry of Interior of racism, especially if he names civil servants, he could find himself in trouble. It's one thing to say something in a fit of frustration, it's quite another matter to went it - especially repeatedly - on social media platforms. Also outside Norway. He could suddenly find his residence permit revoked = deported.

- The NRF can't and won't lift a finger to protect or help him. That would be close to unthinkable, especially in Norway.
If Se og Hør is right that Durek has offered shaman-treatment from Märtha's house without having a residence permit, then I am quite sure that he will hear from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI); perhaps they've already contacted him.
Because then he will have broken the rules of his visitor's visa and may have been asked to leave the country.

So what will be his next move? Well, his Norwegian manager, Simon Valvik, has recently told Norwegian media that they are now in the process of applying for a permanent residence permit.
So will he get it? Hmmm, it depends on whether he has done something illegal or not. But I guess he will get it.
And then he can live and work in Norway indefinitely!

And when it comes to Märtha's finances, well, I think she's mostly debt-free after selling her holiday home for 26 million NOK in 2020.
And the official tax lists for 2022 show her with a net income of 1 million NOK and a fortune of 5,7 million NOK (down from 16,7 million in 2020 and 13,1 million in 2021).
So she is not what I would call that well off!

One can read more in this article from the online newspaper ABC (link). Google translation (link).

(Think I will be writing some detailed posts about the finances of the Royal Family in the finance thread in the coming weeks.)


Dagbladet asked Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre about Durek's exorcism-video yesterday.

Here's two quotes:
''Vi har ytringsfrihet i Norge. Folk kan si hva de mener og tenker, også om det er rart eller merkelig. Så er det klare grenser for hva som er lov å si i landet vårt når det kommer til å oppfordre til vold og den type ting. Så for meg er dette et ganske uforståelig utsagn ut fra hva det vil si å oppdra barn og ta dem på alvor.''

''We have freedom of speech in Norway. People can say what they mean and think, even if it's weird or strange. Then there are clear boundaries for what is allowed to be said in our country when it comes to incitement to violence and that type of thing. So for me this is a rather incomprehensible statement from the point of view of what it means to raise children and take them seriously.''

Dagbladet asked Støre if any action should be taken by the state after such statements from someone who marries the fourth in line to the throne?

No, it shouldn't, he said!
And had he said something else, it would have been quite sensational!

Read more here (link). Google translation (link).
:flowers: :previous:

Considering the prices and salaries in Norway an income of 1 million NOK is equivalent to what a plumber without too much extra work can make. (Black money not counted in here. :D )

And a fortune of 13 million NOK. That must include all assets, bank account, shares and house. I'd dare estimate that at least 8 million NOK are tied down in bricks and location - and that's a very, very conservative estimate!

So, unless she's got a Renoir or two on the walls, her means of living must at present be around that of a machinist working day and evening shifts at a factory, and not one single cent more.
@Muhler and all:

Do you really think, The Shaman gets kicked out of Norway for being illegal? Come on! That would be a field day for him!

The so called human rights heroes and fighters against dictators would have nothing against him, The Shaman, critic of Royal racism and guru of misunderstood healing for the deeply needy Norwegian society!
I think he will get quite some space.
After all when he goes on tour abroad with one of his magic shows, he doesn't need a permanent work permit.

The problem is if he sets up a practice without the necessary permits - and courses. He would basically be a therapist but the legislation in Norway is different than in USA.
In USA he has clients, who can not necessarily sue or report him, especially if the signed a waver.

In Norway he has patients. Period! And he is personally responsible for them getting the correct medical treatment by doctors if need be. Regardless.
If he advocates a treatment that is potentially harmful. Or he treats a cancer patient with some shamanistic ritual, without making sure that patient is a the very least being well informed and encouraged to see a doctor, he's a quack. - And you can end up in prison for that.

Another thing is that even though the Norwegians don't want to rock the boat and raise a sh*tstorm, there is a definite limit to how much the authorities can look away - especially in Norway.
The law is the law, also for husbands of NRF members.

Also, how big would that commotion really be if he really is deported? Or even imprisoned?
Sure there will be some howling for a period, but it will eventually subside when focus shifts to something else.
And the racist-card is now getting almost worthless. It doesn't work anymore in regards to Joe and Jolene Average.
It wouldn't bother me one bit if anyone accused me of being a racist. (Which would be an interesting accusation BTW.)
There are many misguided souls who firmly believe in their own specialness, powers, spiritual superiority or even spiritual transcendence. A percentage of these folks use this to make a living. It is just unfortunate that the "shaman" is linked to a royal family and very much exposed to public scrutiny. If ML was an ordinary aristocrat (is there such a thing?) many would roll their eyes first, then decide if they could stand having the "shaman" in their circle. Some would, some wouldn't.

I don't like to see people taken in by this foolishness, and if the "shaman" uses the ML connection to elevate his profile and attract clients, I can see where some think that the royal family should take steps to disassociate themselves from him. I don't think that will happen, however. The King and Queen may not wish to isolate their daughter from her family.

I am not a person of colour, so I cannot comment on what it is like to experience of racism. I believe racism is nasty and pervasive in most Western societies. I can, however, comment on how the theme of racism can be used to neutralize possible criticism. A person like the "shaman" may claim to be a spiritual leader, but he does it from a place of arrogance and egotism. In my view, he is driven to show how any criticism of him has less to do with his work/beliefs and more to do with racism. He attempts to shield himself from criticism by highlighting the racist elements of society. People who are not black cannot claim to be experts in what it is like to be black. The "shaman" can; further, non-black people cannot easily challenge him about his accusations. He has an easy excuse for why many don't like him, and his faith in himself and his spiritual calling remains strong.

I try to uncover and accept my own "unconscious bias" in how I respond to others. I don't, however, accept that I have to accept the beliefs and behaviour of a misguided person just because they are a person of colour.
There are many misguided souls who firmly believe in their own specialness, powers, spiritual superiority or even spiritual transcendence. A percentage of these folks use this to make a living. It is just unfortunate that the "shaman" is linked to a royal family and very much exposed to public scrutiny. If ML was an ordinary aristocrat (is there such a thing?) many would roll their eyes first, then decide if they could stand having the "shaman" in their circle. Some would, some wouldn't.

I don't like to see people taken in by this foolishness, and if the "shaman" uses the ML connection to elevate his profile and attract clients, I can see where some think that the royal family should take steps to disassociate themselves from him. I don't think that will happen, however. The King and Queen may not wish to isolate their daughter from her family.

I am not a person of colour, so I cannot comment on what it is like to experience of racism. I believe racism is nasty and pervasive in most Western societies. I can, however, comment on how the theme of racism can be used to neutralize possible criticism. A person like the "shaman" may claim to be a spiritual leader, but he does it from a place of arrogance and egotism. In my view, he is driven to show how any criticism of him has less to do with his work/beliefs and more to do with racism. He attempts to shield himself from criticism by highlighting the racist elements of society. People who are not black cannot claim to be experts in what it is like to be black. The "shaman" can; further, non-black people cannot easily challenge him about his accusations. He has an easy excuse for why many don't like him, and his faith in himself and his spiritual calling remains strong.

I try to uncover and accept my own "unconscious bias" in how I respond to others. I don't, however, accept that I have to accept the beliefs and behaviour of a misguided person just because they are a person of colour.

Very good comment! That is exactly what I have been thinking...
Considering the prices and salaries in Norway an income of 1 million NOK is equivalent to what a plumber without too much extra work can make. (Black money not counted in here. :D )
No, not much to brag about for a Princess and a daughter of a monarch!
However, it was much worse for her in 2021, when she just made 564,000 (most likely due to COVID).

And a fortune of 13 million NOK. That must include all assets, bank account, shares and house. I'd dare estimate that at least 8 million NOK are tied down in bricks and location - and that's a very, very conservative estimate!
You looked at my post a bit too fast because the 13 million fortune was in 2021.
In 2022 (which are the latest numbers available) it dropped to 5,7 million, which is mostly the remains of the sale of her holiday home I think.
So not much to brag about there either! And she seems to spend money faster than most!


@Muhler and all:

Do you really think, The Shaman gets kicked out of Norway for being illegal? Come on! That would be a field day for him!

The so called human rights heroes and fighters against dictators would have nothing against him, The Shaman, critic of Royal racism and guru of misunderstood healing for the deeply needy Norwegian society!
As I said to you in a previous post, the more Durek uses the race card, the more the Norwegian media criticises him! And I think that applies to ordinary Norwegians as well; the more he uses the race card against us, the more we openly dislike and criticise him.

Will he get deported, weeell, most likely not! But as I said in my previous post, if Se og Hør is right that Durek has offered shaman-treatment from Märtha's house without having a residence permit, then I am quite sure that he will hear (or have heard) from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). Because then he will have broken the rules of his visitor's visa and may be (have been) asked to leave the country. But most likely, he will just get a warning.

And as I also said in my previous post, he is in the process of applying for a permanent residence permit, and I guess he will get it.
And then he can live and work in Norway indefinitely! So lucky us Norwegians!

And he's back in Norway now BTW!


If he advocates a treatment that is potentially harmful. Or he treats a cancer patient with some shamanistic ritual, without making sure that patient is a the very least being well informed and encouraged to see a doctor, he's a quack. - And you can end up in prison for that.
Let's hope his Norwegian manager, Simon Valvik, and his Norwegian lawyer, John Christian Elden, keep him away from that sort of stuff (at least for the sake of the patents).
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No, not much to brag about for a Princess and a daughter of a monarch!
However, it was much worse for her in 2021, when she just made 564,000 (most likely due to COVID).

You looked at my post a bit too fast because the 13 million fortune was in 2021.
In 2022 (which are the latest numbers available) it dropped to 5,7 million, which is mostly the remains of the sale of her holiday home I think.
So not much to brag about there either! And she seems to spend money faster than most!


As I said to you in a previous post, the more Durek uses the race card, the more the Norwegian media criticises him! And I think that applies to ordinary Norwegians as well; the more he uses the race card against us, the more we openly dislike and criticise him.

Will he get deported, weeell, most likely not! But as I said in my previous post, if Se og Hør is right that Durek has offered shaman-treatment from Märtha's house without having a residence permit, then I am quite sure that he will hear (or have heard) from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). Because then he will have broken the rules of his visitor's visa and may be (have been) asked to leave the country. But most likely, he will just get a warning.

And as I also said in my previous post, he is in the process of applying for a permanent residence permit, and I guess he will get it.
And then he can live and work in Norway indefinitely! So lucky us Norwegians!

And he's back in Norway now BTW!


Let's hope his Norwegian manager, Simon Valvik, and his Norwegian lawyer, John Christian Elden, keep him away from that sort of stuff (at least for the sake of the patents).

That means the value of the house she/they bought is not included in the assessment of her fortune? Of it hasn't been included yet?
But it fits reasonably well with ML having had to make a considerable down payment when buying the house - plus her additional and not inconsiderable spending on all sorts of things. I wonder what her credit score is?
:previous: Not included yet! (Planning to write a whole bunch about it in the finance thread in the coming weeks).

Her credit score: Not that good I think, but she is the daughter of the monarch - plus that she is a princess, so that will help her with the banks.
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In the annual year with the Royal Family program on NRK this year, the King and Queen were asked about the upcoming wedding in Geiranger:

King Harald: ''Jeg tror det blir veldig fint. Vi gleder oss."
"I think it will be very nice. We are looking forward to it."

Queen Sonja: ''Jeg er jo veldig begeistret for Geiranger, så jeg synes det er veldig, veldig hyggelig at de legger bryllupet dit. Det er et spesielt vakkert sted. Og hvis det kommer noen utlendinger, så får de se noe av det beste vi har i Norge. Det blir veldig spennende om været holder, men i august lover det bra.''

"I'm really excited about Geiranger, so I think it's very, very nice that they're holding the wedding there. It is a particularly beautiful place.
And if some foreigners come, they will get to see some of the best we have in Norway. It will be very exciting if the weather holds, but in August, it promises well."

And despite her fondness for Geiranger, the Queen didn't have any say in the choice of location for the wedding. But she says she was pleasantly surprised.

Read more here (link). Google translation (link).


In the new biography about CP Haakon, which was released in November, we can read about a conversation he had with the author last year, which was on the day he was meeting the press to talk about Märtha and Durek.

He says: ''Jeg skal møte pressen i dag for å snakke om søsteren min og Durek, og kritikken mot dem og kongehuset. Jeg tror det går fint, men jeg har en liten klump i magen, siden jeg må balansere to hensyn som begge er viktige for meg. Det er hensynet til institusjonen kongehuset, det jeg bruker livet mitt på, og det menneskelige hensynet, altså familien min.
Jeg ønsker å ta vare på både institusjonen og familien, og jeg tror vi kan få til begge deler samtidig. Søsteren min, og Durek, skal føle seg ivaretatt, og det vi bestemmer oss for, bør vi stå sammen om. Dette skal jeg si til mediene etterpå. Søsteren min og Durek må få frihet til å jobbe med det de tror på, leve livet sånn de ønsker.
Jeg vil også få fram at jeg er glad i søsteren min og at jeg setter pris på Durek. Det har vært veldig spennende å bli kjent med han. Vi er jo forskjellig på mange måter, og det gjør det også interessant å være sammen med han. Det er gøy å bli utfordret og å diskutere og prate med noen som tenker annerledes enn meg selv. Og så er han morsom. Durek har masse humor.
Vi må tåle kritikk og lytte til den. Men det er en side ved diskusjonen som overhodet ikke er bra. Durek er utsatt for rasisme, særlig på sosiale medier.''

"I will be meeting the press today to talk about my sister and Durek, and the criticism of them and the Royal House. I think it's going to go well, but I have a small lump in my stomach, as I have to balance two considerations that are both important to me. It is the consideration of the institution, which I spend my life on. And the human consideration, i.e. my family.
I want to take care of both the institution and the family, and I think we can achieve both at the same time. My sister and Durek should feel looked after, and what we decide on, we should stand together on. This is what I will say to the media afterwards. My sister and Durek must be given the freedom to work with what they believe in, to live their lives the way they want.
I also want to state that I love my sister and that I appreciate Durek. It has been very exciting to get to know him. We are different in many ways, and that also makes it interesting to be with him. It's fun to be challenged and to discuss and chat with someone who thinks differently than myself. And he's funny. Durek has a lot of humour.
We have to tolerate criticism and listen to it. But there is one side of the discussion that is not good at all. Durek is exposed to racism, especially on social media."

Read more in this TV2-article (link). Google translation (link).

Well, I think the Durek-dude should be very glad that the future King is such a nice bloke. Because he really is!
He's kind, friendly, understanding and folksy, all very good qualities for a future monarch!

And I think it's very wise of both the King and Queen and Haakon to be as understanding and careful as they possibly can when it comes to Märtha and Durek. Because if not, the parent-daughter relationship between the Regent-Couple and Märtha (which has always been very strong) could be damaged and we could get something of a British/Danish royal family drama here. The same with the very strong brother-sister relationship between Haakon and Märtha.

But it's also important that they create a distance between the monarchy and Märtha/Durek, which they IMO have been doing!

But the best thing would, of course, have been if Märtha had renounced her princess title, which would have created an even greater distance between Märtha/Durek and the monarchy, but I can't see that happening. I mean, Märtha hasn't exactly been in the habit of putting the monarchy before herself, and I doubt she'll start now.

King Harald and the future King Haakon can (as I said in a previous post), of course, strip her of it, but that will most likely only create family drama.
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In the annual year with the Royal Family program on NRK this year, the King and Queen were asked about the upcoming wedding in Geiranger:

King Harald: ''Jeg tror det blir veldig fint. Vi gleder oss."
"I think it will be very nice. We are looking forward to it."

Queen Sonja: ''Jeg er jo veldig begeistret for Geiranger, så jeg synes det er veldig, veldig hyggelig at de legger bryllupet dit. Det er et spesielt vakkert sted. Og hvis det kommer noen utlendinger, så får de se noe av det beste vi har i Norge. Det blir veldig spennende om været holder, men i august lover det bra.''

"I'm really excited about Geiranger, so I think it's very, very nice that they're holding the wedding there. It is a particularly beautiful place.
And if some foreigners come, they will get to see some of the best we have in Norway. It will be very exciting if the weather holds, but in August, it promises well."

And despite her fondness for Geiranger, the Queen didn't have any say in the choice of location for the wedding. But she says she was pleasantly surprised.

Read more here (link). Google translation (link).


In the new biography about CP Haakon, which was released in November, we can read about a conversation he had with the author last year, which was on the day he was meeting the press to talk about Märtha and Durek.

He says: ''Jeg skal møte pressen i dag for å snakke om søsteren min og Durek, og kritikken mot dem og kongehuset. Jeg tror det går fint, men jeg har en liten klump i magen, siden jeg må balansere to hensyn som begge er viktige for meg. Det er hensynet til institusjonen kongehuset, det jeg bruker livet mitt på, og det menneskelige hensynet, altså familien min.
Jeg ønsker å ta vare på både institusjonen og familien, og jeg tror vi kan få til begge deler samtidig. Søsteren min, og Durek, skal føle seg ivaretatt, og det vi bestemmer oss for, bør vi stå sammen om. Dette skal jeg si til mediene etterpå. Søsteren min og Durek må få frihet til å jobbe med det de tror på, leve livet sånn de ønsker.
Jeg vil også få fram at jeg er glad i søsteren min og at jeg setter pris på Durek. Det har vært veldig spennende å bli kjent med han. Vi er jo forskjellig på mange måter, og det gjør det også interessant å være sammen med han. Det er gøy å bli utfordret og å diskutere og prate med noen som tenker annerledes enn meg selv. Og så er han morsom. Durek har masse humor.
Vi må tåle kritikk og lytte til den. Men det er en side ved diskusjonen som overhodet ikke er bra. Durek er utsatt for rasisme, særlig på sosiale medier.''

"I will be meeting the press today to talk about my sister and Durek, and the criticism of them and the Royal House. I think it's going to go well, but I have a small lump in my stomach, as I have to balance two considerations that are both important to me. It is the consideration of the institution, which I spend my life on. And the human consideration, i.e. my family.
I want to take care of both the institution and the family, and I think we can achieve both at the same time. My sister and Durek should feel looked after, and what we decide on, we should stand together on. This is what I will say to the media afterwards. My sister and Durek must be given the freedom to work with what they believe in, to live their lives the way they want.
I also want to state that I love my sister and that I appreciate Durek. It has been very exciting to get to know him. We are different in many ways, and that also makes it interesting to be with him. It's fun to be challenged and to discuss and chat with someone who thinks differently than myself. And he's funny. Durek has a lot of humour.
We have to tolerate criticism and listen to it. But there is one side of the discussion that is not good at all. Durek is exposed to racism, especially on social media."

Read more in this TV2-article (link). Google translation (link).

Well, I think the Durek-dude should be very glad that the future King is such a nice bloke. Because he really is!
He's kind, friendly, understanding and folksy, all very good qualities for a future monarch!

And I think it's very wise of both the King and Queen and Haakon to be as understanding and careful as they possibly can when it comes to Märtha and Durek. Because if not, the parent-daughter relationship between the Regent-Couple and Märtha (which has always been very strong) could be damaged and we could get something of a British/Danish royal family drama here. The same with the very strong brother-sister relationship between Haakon and Märtha.

But it's also important that they create a distance between the monarchy and Märtha/Durek, which they IMO have been doing!

But the best thing would, of course, have been if Märtha had renounced her princess title, which would have created an even greater distance between Märtha/Durek and the monarchy, but I can't see that happening. I mean, Märtha hasn't exactly been in the habit of putting the monarchy before herself, and I doubt she'll start now.

King Harald and the future King Haakon can (as I said in a previous post), of course, strip her of it, but that will most likely only create family drama.
the question is is the same view he have when him and the crown princess are alone talking about the issue because I am certain its a totally different view but they dont really got a choice in the matter and just got to make the most of the situation to avoid drama (..)
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In the annual year with the Royal Family program on NRK this year, the King and Queen were asked about the upcoming wedding in Geiranger:

King Harald: ''Jeg tror det blir veldig fint. Vi gleder oss."
"I think it will be very nice. We are looking forward to it."

Queen Sonja: ''Jeg er jo veldig begeistret for Geiranger, så jeg synes det er veldig, veldig hyggelig at de legger bryllupet dit. Det er et spesielt vakkert sted. Og hvis det kommer noen utlendinger, så får de se noe av det beste vi har i Norge. Det blir veldig spennende om været holder, men i august lover det bra.''

"I'm really excited about Geiranger, so I think it's very, very nice that they're holding the wedding there. It is a particularly beautiful place.
And if some foreigners come, they will get to see some of the best we have in Norway. It will be very exciting if the weather holds, but in August, it promises well."

And despite her fondness for Geiranger, the Queen didn't have any say in the choice of location for the wedding. But she says she was pleasantly surprised.

Read more here (link). Google translation (link).


In the new biography about CP Haakon, which was released in November, we can read about a conversation he had with the author last year, which was on the day he was meeting the press to talk about Märtha and Durek.

He says: ''Jeg skal møte pressen i dag for å snakke om søsteren min og Durek, og kritikken mot dem og kongehuset. Jeg tror det går fint, men jeg har en liten klump i magen, siden jeg må balansere to hensyn som begge er viktige for meg. Det er hensynet til institusjonen kongehuset, det jeg bruker livet mitt på, og det menneskelige hensynet, altså familien min.
Jeg ønsker å ta vare på både institusjonen og familien, og jeg tror vi kan få til begge deler samtidig. Søsteren min, og Durek, skal føle seg ivaretatt, og det vi bestemmer oss for, bør vi stå sammen om. Dette skal jeg si til mediene etterpå. Søsteren min og Durek må få frihet til å jobbe med det de tror på, leve livet sånn de ønsker.
Jeg vil også få fram at jeg er glad i søsteren min og at jeg setter pris på Durek. Det har vært veldig spennende å bli kjent med han. Vi er jo forskjellig på mange måter, og det gjør det også interessant å være sammen med han. Det er gøy å bli utfordret og å diskutere og prate med noen som tenker annerledes enn meg selv. Og så er han morsom. Durek har masse humor.
Vi må tåle kritikk og lytte til den. Men det er en side ved diskusjonen som overhodet ikke er bra. Durek er utsatt for rasisme, særlig på sosiale medier.''

"I will be meeting the press today to talk about my sister and Durek, and the criticism of them and the Royal House. I think it's going to go well, but I have a small lump in my stomach, as I have to balance two considerations that are both important to me. It is the consideration of the institution, which I spend my life on. And the human consideration, i.e. my family.
I want to take care of both the institution and the family, and I think we can achieve both at the same time. My sister and Durek should feel looked after, and what we decide on, we should stand together on. This is what I will say to the media afterwards. My sister and Durek must be given the freedom to work with what they believe in, to live their lives the way they want.
I also want to state that I love my sister and that I appreciate Durek. It has been very exciting to get to know him. We are different in many ways, and that also makes it interesting to be with him. It's fun to be challenged and to discuss and chat with someone who thinks differently than myself. And he's funny. Durek has a lot of humour.
We have to tolerate criticism and listen to it. But there is one side of the discussion that is not good at all. Durek is exposed to racism, especially on social media."

Read more in this TV2-article (link). Google translation (link).

Well, I think the Durek-dude should be very glad that the future King is such a nice bloke. Because he really is!
He's kind, friendly, understanding and folksy, all very good qualities for a future monarch!

And I think it's very wise of both the King and Queen and Haakon to be as understanding and careful as they possibly can when it comes to Märtha and Durek. Because if not, the parent-daughter relationship between the Regent-Couple and Märtha (which has always been very strong) could be damaged and we could get something of a British/Danish royal family drama here. The same with the very strong brother-sister relationship between Haakon and Märtha.

But it's also important that they create a distance between the monarchy and Märtha/Durek, which they IMO have been doing!

But the best thing would, of course, have been if Märtha had renounced her princess title, which would have created an even greater distance between Märtha/Durek and the monarchy, but I can't see that happening. I mean, Märtha hasn't exactly been in the habit of putting the monarchy before herself, and I doubt she'll start now.

King Harald and the future King Haakon can (as I said in a previous post), of course, strip her of it, but that will most likely only create family drama.

Thank you Royal Norway for translating this interview for us. This family is really special when it comes to support of their family members. They show much tolerance and support for Märtha and Durek, admirable.
If you compare that with other European Royals, I cannot think of anything similar.

I know that many people think that the family should be stricter with Märtha and her Shaman. On the other hand what would they gain? A family break up, bad feelings. It is indeed not easy for them. Still I admire their support . I really don't know how I would have reacted as a parent.
And again, I would never objected to Durek because of him being of colour, but mainly about his Shaman business, which is causing me trouble.
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