Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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Märtha Louise has thanked all well-wishers today:

It is with immense gratitude that we thank each and every one of you who poured out your hearts and congratulations to us. It means so much to us to be supported by so many beautiful souls globally.

We are in deep appreciation of your kindness and good wishes for the celebration of our love.

May our love be a sign to you that you deserve unconditional love always.

Our love to you

** instagram post **
I'm not particularly. ML made recent comments about her daughters' careers taking off in Norway so she didn't want to move to LA permanently. Is she also doing that series on Norwegian TV about supernatural stuff as well?

It's possible both have realised it's better to be big fishes in a small pond that the other way around as Durek does appear treated as a VIP in Norway despite many people disagreeing with his "medical" snake oil e.g. getting invited to give lectures at Ingrid's school and having the press/morning TV shows report on his band. Whereas in LA they get Tamron Hall interviews but not Oprah and a handful of profiles in things like the LA Times but despite Durek's apparently successful business and ML's previously stated desire to be a normal person, it is clear both desire attention. Also perhaps she may wish to be close to her parents as they get older and Durek and his mother do not appear to be close (she gave quotes against him).

Thank you, I must have missed that interview. It is a good sign that they are prioritizing her daughters, and despite what Durek has said about Norway in the past, you make a compelling argument about the benefits to him of settling down there, both professional and familial.

Does Durek have children from previous relationships? (Here on Earth.)

No, but I recall him saying he is close to his sister's children.

The first two seem to be recapping the wedding announcement news; the third is an interview with a Se og Hør editor who seems to be of the opinion that Durek Verrett has toned down his comments about Norwegians and become less confrontational and more in line with the King's approach.

I can't understand waiting so long for the wedding, after all, they have been together for years now and it is not as if they have to scrimp and save to afford it !

I don't know their reasons, but given that the wedding will be paid for privately per the court spokeswoman, it is possible that they will need to draw from their own funds.
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Yes, in the neighborhood of Stabekk in Bærum. A suburb to Oslo.

From what I can tell, it's mainly a higher middle class neighborhood. I.e. doctors and people who own a smallish to company.

The article says that as far as Se & Hør has learned Durek is not a man of fortune, so they are convinced it's ML who has bought the house.

- Makes sense to me to buy a house in a decent but not too expensive neighborhood, if they are only going to like there for periods at a time,
And I speculate that it is all she can afford (get a loan for.)
:previous: I was wondering just what or where Stabekk is. I know a lot of people don't give much credibility to wikipedia however until Muhler enlightened us I googled Stabekk in Bærum.
We would consider it an upper middle class community here in my area of the US. Interesting that Martha Louise is mentioned as purchasing their new home. Where are she and her daughters currently living? I can see why the wedding won't be for another year in order to settle in to a new house together. That might be a real wake up call:)

Thank you for sharing this. I apologize if I missed it, but why do the couple require a new home, especially since they will remain in Bærum? What happened to the princess's former(?) home there?

Also worth noting is that Durek Verrett's manager says it would be "very natural" for him to eventually apply for Norwegian citizenship, but that for the time being he is focused on the relocation process. That suggests the royal family will not request the government to expedite citizenship for Durek. Not surprising given how this engagement has been handled, but still an interesting contrast to Denmark, where the spouses of the "spare" in the same generation as Märtha Louise (Joachim) were granted expedited citizenship on their wedding days.

Ifølge manager Eriksen Valvik kommer amerikaneren til å søke om å bli norsk statsborger.

- Det tenker jeg er veldig naturlig. Men nå er det fokus på å få fullført flytteprosessen som er i gang, påpeker Dureks manager overfor TV 2.

I was wondering just what or where Stabekk is. I know a lot of people don't give much credibility to wikipedia however until Muhler enlightened us I googled Stabekk in Bærum.

In my experience Wikipedia is satisfactory for information of this sort (current geographical information which is not affected by any controversies), but when it comes to topics such as royal titles and lines of succession its articles are riddled with errors, which is clear when checked against more credibly sourced information.

Where are she and her daughters currently living?

Bærum is the municipality where Princess Märtha Louise and Ari Behn raised their daughters (more specifically, in the town of Lommedalen), and Princess Märtha Louise and her daughters continued to live there after the divorce and Ari's death.
A main difference being that both Alexandra and our Marie married a working royal, Joachim, and they were both expected to become working royals themselves.

I think should Ingrid marry a foreigner, the matter regarding citizenship would be solved very quickly. Because it would be next to unthinkable that Ingrid's spouse would not become an active royal.
Searching for a kidney on the Internet
Now Durek Verrett is calling for friends to donate a kidney to him. Can the shaman recover for the wedding?
Durek Verrett - Søker etter nyre på Internett

Durek is known to have kidney disease again, and must have dialysis three times a week.
- Now I am waiting for friends to offer me a new kidney so that I can have a kidney transplant. I want to continue to heal and do great things, says Durek in a live broadcast on Instagram, which is also recorded on his Instagram page.
He believes that his shamanic activities have made him sick again, and that it is the dark energy he receives that passes through his system that causes his kidneys to collapse.
Stor bekymring før eventyrbryllupet til Märtha og Durek
So, he is not connected enough to reality (still cynic enough), to be humble and admit he's in trouble and really need help.

Well, it can be bad for business if a healer gets so sick he can't cure himself, I suppose.
What did he say once about cancer-patients? They are sick because they deep down want to be sick.
Karma is a b*tch.

- If I sound hard and lacking compassion, it's because I am.
How many have believed his nonsense rather than seek and get professional treatment from doctors?
How many have died, paying money to Durek, believing he could cure them?
Did he ever display any qualms about taking money from desperate and sick people?
Did he ever donate the money he got from sick people to charity? To research? Return them, because his patient died?

So my sympathy for his is more than limited.
The same goes for his family. His mother and siblings have earned quite a bit of money on his... spirit-friends... "treating" sick people.
When you're a "hybrid species of space lizard and Andromeda," it must be really hard to find someone who is a match.
The Shaman and the Princess as Working Royals?

Besides the kidney-problem, some are already thinking ahead:

Bunte, the German tabloid, reports and cites the Norwegian newspaper "Nettavisen".

There a so called nobility expert going by the name Tove Taalesen demands, that the Shaman and the Princess are going to become Active Royals after their subsequent marriage.

Her points are, that it has to be accepted, that people are different from each other. And a Royal House should be able to represent a cross-section of the society - and this would be achieved with the pair. Plus: The Royal House could avoid with that measure, that the Shaman and the Princess make their money as talk show guests.

For this measure, the integration of the Shaman and the Princess as Active Royals, speaks too, that the Princess declared in an interview, that she was not completely free in her decision to stop the working for the Royal House.

And pragmatically seen: The King and the Queen are already very old - So, the burden to represent the Norwegian Monarchy would be on Haakon's and Mette's shoulders alone. And Mette-Marit has these health issues...


Well, my take: Some of this makes sense. And the slightly anomic Shaman as a Prince - This is my humour! But I am not from Norway...
Well, that's a load of... from the nobility expert.

She has completely missed the point.

It's not a question of whether Durek adhere to a shamanist spiritual belief or represent a different cultural thinking. That would probably be perfectly acceptable - even interesting.
But Norway cannot have a quack to be an official representative for the NRF, Norway and the Norwegian people.
Well, that's a load of... from the nobility expert.

She has completely missed the point.

Yeah! I was just bringing that up, not because it is my opinion too, but because of the "Sussex thread": There I learned, that Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have a journalistic mouthpiece by the name of Omid Scobie or something.

So, this thingy here, the Working Royal status for the Shaman and the Princess: I am just wondering - It made it into the press in Norway and into the German one. The gate was not kept. And now a specific agenda is set. I am just suspicious, if the journalist from Norway, which started this, is somehow connected to the couple in question.
Martha Louise and The Shaman have about as much chance of becoming "Active Royals", as I do.

Maybe, just maybe, instead of planning a Wedding in August 2024, they should concentrate on his dire health issues.
But it is seemingly more a publicly push now than anything sadly......
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I was curious about Norway's kidney transplant programs and found this:

"Since 1983, all transplants in Norway have been performed at Rikshospitalet. The Norwegian model, with a single national transplant centre, ensures a broad knowledge base and uniform evaluation of patients before, during and after transplantation. However, all evaluations of patients and potential living donors take place at local hospitals. After transplantation, patients are followed up for six to eight weeks at Oslo University Hospital, before being transferred to their local hospital for lifelong follow-up. A nephrologist at Oslo University Hospital is contacted in the event of any transplant-related issues. This cooperation is founded on a dedication to the field and interdisciplinary communication."

If Durek is receiving dialysis 3xweek he might want to start applying to the transplant program in Norway if he qualifies as a noncitizen or back in the US. Appealing for a live donor is also good ;) I have to remind myself ML and the Shaman are real people and not characters out of a drama I've been streaming.
Princess Märtha Louise congratulates Durek on his birthday:
Happy Birthday, darling. ����������������
Life is just more fun, better, more vibrant, exciting and great with you in it. You always see my highest potential and I love to be loved by you. I hope your Birthday will be as great as you are.
❤️❤️I love you.
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After over a year of calmness around the Shaman-dude in the Norwegian media, he has once again angered some Norwegian commentators by saying some pretty outrageous things.
See it for yourself in this short Instagram video (link).

NRK-article (link). Google translation (link).

And to the dude in the article who thinks the Royal House should intervene, I mean, what are they going to do?

1) Speaking up every time the Durek-dude says something crazy?
Not an option IMO! And the Royal Family has already been out several times saying that they don't agree with many of his opinions.

2) The King can strip Märtha of the princess-title, which will create a greater distance between Durek and the monarchy, but that will most likely only create family drama, so that's not an option I think!
But hey, can't Märtha just renounce the title voluntarily? Weeell, that's not how Märtha usually acts, putting the monarchy before herself I mean.
I think Durek delights in stating these bizarre and inflammatory positions. It is beyond controversial what he comes out with. And Martha Louise enables him, in my opinion.

Just pathetic, and downright passive aggressive to Harold and Sonja. Almost as if he is daring them to react.
Disgusting, the man is simply DISGUSTING.
And of course Durek has responded
Now the shaman addresses the criticism in a live video that has been sent openly on Instagram.
- It's always the Norwegians, it's always the Norwegians. They are not educated or knowledgeable about spiritualism. Nevertheless, they think they are, and they think they can tell me what to do, it's very interesting, he says in the live broadcast.
Durek Verrett svarer på kritikken_ – Det er alltid nordmennene - VG
I understand why Norwegians and perhaps the NRF are not enamored of DV. Martha-Louise must be out of her mind to consider making him her husband.

But I would be dishonest if I didn't admit that I get kind of a kick out of Durek. He is a complete shyster, but I don't get malice or ill intent from him. He cracks me up with some of his absurdities.:lol:

Who grooms his eyebrows? They look fantastic!;)
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I just wish and hope that Haakon will be made of sterner stuff, like King Felipe, in dealing ( EXTREMELY problematic Family) with this recalcitrant grifting duo, Martha Louise and Durek.

When that time, sadly comes, will it happen ? I'm not encouraged though. The Family seems to just tiptoe around the grenades that loathsome fraud Durek keeps lobbing at The Family, and Norwegians. Upping the ante, so to speak.

This seems to be getting worse and out of hand. Who is worse, this charlatan or Martha Louise who enables him in his outrageous and dangerous positions.
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Sooo, if your child has a tantrum: You hold them hard (you have to) and stare them down for a very long time, while repeatedly telling the child that he/she is weak and has no power? (Because that's what the child will hear and can understand.)

Anyone here with a degree in pedagogy who would like to comment?
Le5's hope that people don't follow his asvice and scare their children staring them in they eye while calling them weaklings and sending them away into the light (as that is what the child will hear).
I think the Royal House should not intervene. The Royal House is not to blame for the things Durek says or does.
And of course Durek has responded
Now the shaman addresses the criticism in a live video that has been sent openly on Instagram.
- It's always the Norwegians, it's always the Norwegians. They are not educated or knowledgeable about spiritualism. Nevertheless, they think they are, and they think they can tell me what to do, it's very interesting, he says in the live broadcast.
Durek Verrett svarer på kritikken_ – Det er alltid nordmennene - VG

Nice. And then he can claim "racism" when the Norwegians dont like him.

The NRF at some point will have to put a stronger stance in my book
I think the Royal House should not intervene. The Royal House is not to blame for the things Durek says or does.

Exactly. And if any parent is crazy/impressionable/incompetent enough to take Durek's advice on any aspect of child rearing, that is also of no concern to the Norwegian Royal Family.
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