Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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Wasn't it not too long ago that Mr. Verrett was posting videos praising King Harald V for (in short) speaking up against the racism directed against him? I wonder if something has occurred between himself and the senior royals behind the scenes.

no that how these grifters operates.
But what else can they say?

They can't say they don't look forward to the wedding and they can't say they would prefer to leave Durek at the bottom of the Mariana trench.

And while Durek no doubt have been called less than pleasant things on social media, which is to be expected, it's an open question as to how much that would have amounted to had it not been for his... eccentric.... utterings.

Had Durek been saint Durek, the most squeaky clean man in all of USA and people had attacked him for his skin color, then you can talk about indisputable racism.
Here it is IMO mainly down to people attacking what most obviously stands out: His "religion", his skin color and him being American. (With all the stereotypical prejudice there is against "bungling and ignorant" Americans.)
I feel as though the Norwegian Royal Family has been fair with regards to their treatment of Dudek. They acknowledge that he has experienced racism, but he has also done things that are worthy of criticism. They routinely express how they like him as a person, but acknowledge how keeping him at a distance from the institution is the right thing to do. They're adamant about the fact that HRH Princess Martha Louise of Norway will always be a princess, but they don't agree with many of her or her fiancé's extreme beliefs.

Many royal families in similar positions have, at best, not acknowledged "troublesome" family members at all or, at worst, laid all the blame on those members without acknowledgement of the greater context. The Norwegian Royal Family are like, "We like Dudek and he has experienced racism, but he's a quack, and we need to keep him away from the institution."

Many people may prefer a complete break from Dudek and HRH Princess Martha Louise of Norway for the sake of protecting the institution, but the Norwegian Royal Family seems like the last Royal Family to cut people off for "inappropriate" marriage choices.
I feel as though the Norwegian Royal Family has been fair with regards to their treatment of Dudek. They acknowledge that he has experienced racism, but he has also done things that are worthy of criticism. They routinely express how they like him as a person, but acknowledge how keeping him at a distance from the institution is the right thing to do. They're adamant about the fact that HRH Princess Martha Louise of Norway will always be a princess, but they don't agree with many of her or her fiancé's extreme beliefs.

Many royal families in similar positions have, at best, not acknowledged "troublesome" family members at all or, at worst, laid all the blame on those members without acknowledgement of the greater context. The Norwegian Royal Family are like, "We like Dudek and he has experienced racism, but he's a quack, and we need to keep him away from the institution."

Many people may prefer a complete break from Dudek and HRH Princess Martha Louise of Norway for the sake of protecting the institution, but the Norwegian Royal Family seems like the last Royal Family to cut people off for "inappropriate" marriage choices.

In your zeal for exactitude, it may help you to know that ML is just “Princess Märtha Louise” (no longer HRH and not “of Norway” in-country), and that “Dudek” is spelled Durek.
But what else can they say?

Here it is IMO mainly down to people attacking what most obviously stands out: His "religion", his skin color and him being American. (With all the stereotypical prejudice there is against "bungling and ignorant" Americans.)

What do you refer to with "Here", this forum or general opinion in Norway?

I don't know how the majority of people in Norway is thinking about ML and her fiance. I never had the impression that people are attacking him because of his skin colour, in fact I was always of the opinion that Scandinavians in general are quite tolerant towards people of colour, in fact more than Durek's own US people are in general, which is especially sad regarding American history concerning the White/Black population issue.

Racism is unfortunately everywhere, I don't know any country where you don't encounter racism, and that sometimes goes viceversa.
I have been confronted with racism in the US being white , even in Africa, being white among black people. I don't blame them, just a reaction to what they themselves had experienced.

But that fortunately doesn't happen often. You'll meet biased and intolerant people everywhere, that sadly is a fact.

Him being "American with stereotypical prejudice from Europeans" I doubt this. I never had the impression that there is a general negative opinion about Americans. Most educated Europeans know that there are such Americans and others who don't fit into the negative stereotype.

At least that is my personal experience, others might have had different experiences and therfore different opinions.
I don't know how the majority of people in Norway is thinking about ML and her fiance.

They don’t like him, because they consider him to hold dangerous and unsound opinions.

At least that’s my impression.

The fact Verrett has experienced racism is a separate unfortunate matter, and people like Haakon should stop conflating the two in favor of downplaying the first part.
They don’t like him, because they consider him to hold dangerous and unsound opinions.

At least that’s my impression.

The fact Verrett has experienced racism is a separate unfortunate matter, and people like Haakon should stop conflating the two in favor of downplaying the first part.

Also the fact verett think they are actual lizards people not even Alex jones believe that’s
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Wow. So much here with these two.

First, shouldn't Durek be concentrating on his dire health ? Has he had the needed kidney transplant even ? They love to talk about so many things, it might be nice for their fans to know how that's going. Might also get him some sympathy for People to find his situation more relatable.

As I sit here on a dark, chilly and rainy day in Pa, I also wonder how our California native Durek will find living full time, or mostly in Norway. Big change there.

And as to Martha Louise's finances, I would bet that there is some kind of Trust Fund set up for her. I also bet it is strictly administered by a Trustee. Her Parents are indulgent, but not fools. A certain amount of discretionary money for her to use, but not the principal. She is one of only two children, and Haakon will be King . So I bet there was Estate planning for something for the three Granddaughters too . Especially after Ari's tragic suicide.

A Trust, probably tied in with her Girls, in some fashion. To protect them. Plus, there certainly are enough red flags around Durek to proceed with caution, in any case.
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This is not about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, all comments about them have been removed.
What do you refer to with "Here", this forum or general opinion in Norway?

I don't know how the majority of people in Norway is thinking about ML and her fiance. I never had the impression that people are attacking him because of his skin colour, in fact I was always of the opinion that Scandinavians in general are quite tolerant towards people of colour, in fact more than Durek's own US people are in general, which is especially sad regarding American history concerning the White/Black population issue.

Racism is unfortunately everywhere, I don't know any country where you don't encounter racism, and that sometimes goes viceversa.
I have been confronted with racism in the US being white , even in Africa, being white among black people. I don't blame them, just a reaction to what they themselves had experienced.

But that fortunately doesn't happen often. You'll meet biased and intolerant people everywhere, that sadly is a fact.

Him being "American with stereotypical prejudice from Europeans" I doubt this. I never had the impression that there is a general negative opinion about Americans. Most educated Europeans know that there are such Americans and others who don't fit into the negative stereotype.

At least that is my personal experience, others might have had different experiences and therfore different opinions.

Here as "in this case."

Nor is it my impression that Norwegians are attacking him for his skin color, that's my point. It is also my point that when people lash out at someone they attack the most obvious things that sticks out. - His ethnicity being among them.

Even though it's for another thread: I agree with you. Racism exists in every society worth mentioning that has any contact with other cultures. Also very much among Africans BTW.

I believe that everyone who has an IQ above their shoe-size are well aware that stereotypes doesn't apply to everyone - even they are Americans. ;)?
And in that context, yes Durek has got the "ignorant American" label a number of times, from what I have seen in various Norwegian comments.
Not least because he evidently doesn't fully understand how royalty works and how racism (or more correctly discrimination) in Europe is different from discrimination in USA.
- I can't personally blame him for that. Firstly because we all see the world based on our own experience and our knowledge. It's merely a fact, where he needs to be educated. (And that would primarily be the job of ML.) It's when you refuse to be educated/informed and refuse to realize that things may be different elsewhere that you go wrong. And here I for once have to give Durek credit. He has shown willingness to learn and accept (to some extent) the rules around royals.
But, there is always a but, Durek pulled the race-card and that was wrong of him.
Either because he tried to stifle criticism or because he hasn't understood that in the eyes of the Norwegians he is a black American quack - but he is first and foremost a quack, who also happens to be an American and black. You see my point? (A rhetorical question.)
I get your point Muhler, thanks for the explanation.

Other forists also have pointed out that "being a quack" and having such weird and sometimes dangerous ideas of "healing" is on top of the antipathy people are feeling about him.

But this is exactly what he is not willing to take into consideration because he is so convinced of his beliefs and powers. He doesn't have any doubts about his "religion". It shows lack of self reflection. As Märtha is on a similar esoterical level she wouldn't be any help.

Claiming racism as the main reason for him not being accepted and liked is for him the only relevant explanation. And I don't exclude that he has suffered from racism. In his case it is difficult to separate the two issues.

Hopefully Haakon and they royal couple could explain this to him before he decides to permanently move to Norway. Otherwise they will face lots of problems.
Verrett has again shared a video that has got massive criticism. Now he talks about suicide and suicidal thoughts and claims in the video that thoughts of suicide arise because a so-called "suicide spirit" has "taken over your consciousness and plays on your emotions".
- What you have to do is say: "Spirit, mind, emotions and body, generate a powerful energetic force field that can remind me why I matter and why I am important to have on this planet. Let me observe so I can see for myself." Take a deep breath and notice what is happening. Then you can say: "Spirit, increase your power and show me why I am important". By then you will have removed the suicidal spirit and regained control of yourself.
Petter Eide, chairman of Leve, the National Association for survivors of suicide, says it is outrageous to hear what Verrett says in the video.
- We work with this every day and I am frightened that he can say something like that. What he says about suicide can lead to more suicides - that's how bad it is. This is the opposite of the professional advice relating to suicide.
Durek Verrett får kjeft etter selvmordsråd_ - Kvakksalveri

Swedish Expressen writes also about it
Durek Verrett i blåsväder igen – påstår att man kan driva ut en ”självmordsande” _ Kungligt _ Expressen
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:previous: Well, filtering away the nonsense, He says: focus away from the negative thoughts. - Aaaaand extremely simplified he has a point, sort of.

He also has a lot of nerve! Considering that his soon to be step-daughters dad committed suicide.
Poor taste doesn't even come close to describing it! :whistling:

But it confirms my suspicion: He thinks about something and then he "invents" some sort of "spirit-explanation" together with an equally tenuous solution. In other words: He probably believe in his own nonsense.
I am of the opinion that the royal family should never have accepted this marriage and should have pressured Princess Martha Louise to end the relationship. This won't be good for the image of the royal family and the monarchy, even if they don't work for the royal house.
And the King and Queen saying they are excited about the wedding is also ridiculous.
:previous: Well, filtering away the nonsense, He says: focus away from the negative thoughts. - Aaaaand extremely simplified he has a point, sort of.

He also has a lot of nerve! Considering that his soon to be step-daughters dad committed suicide.
Poor taste doesn't even come close to describing it! :whistling:

But it confirms my suspicion: He thinks about something and then he "invents" some sort of "spirit-explanation" together with an equally tenuous solution. In other words: He probably believe in his own nonsense.

Not only did his future step-daughters lose their father by suicide, Ari Behn died during the Christmas season that we are currently in the midst of.

It doesn't say much for ML's maternal skill if she did not at least point this out to her beloved, and suggest that he put a sock in it for once.:ermm:
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Petter Eide, chairman of Leve, the National Association for survivors of suicide, says it is outrageous to hear what Verrett says in the video.
- We work with this every day and I am frightened that he can say something like that. What he says about suicide can lead to more suicides - that's how bad it is. This is the opposite of the professional advice relating to suicide.
Durek Verrett får kjeft etter selvmordsråd_ - Kvakksalveri

I agree with this. It's dangerous. This and other things he has said, especially the kids with cancer.

But hey the NRF avoids family drama but gives him a plantform. A dangerous platform that is tied with the royal family.

And to talk about suicide right around Christmas time, when his future stepdaughters lost their dad in this way. I lost more respect for ML
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I think he wants people to be p*ssed off so he can whine about it and claim victimhood. And of course grift from vulnerable people.
I agree with this. It's dangerous. This and other things he has said, especially the kids with cancer.

But hey the NRF avoids family drama but gives him a plantform. A dangerous platform that is tied with the royal family.

And to talk about suicide right around Christmas time, when his future stepdaughters lost their dad in this way. I lost more respect for ML

Someone in the Norwegian parliament need to filibuster approval of the marriage request
I don't know how the majority of people in Norway is thinking about ML and her fiance. I never had the impression that people are attacking him because of his skin colour, in fact I was always of the opinion that Scandinavians in general are quite tolerant towards people of colour, in fact more than Durek's own US people are in general, which is especially sad regarding American history concerning the White/Black population issue.
I can't speak for over 5 million people, but it is my clear sense that the overwhelming majority here are against the stuff that comes out of his mouth (i.e. the shaman stuff), not his skin colour.

But has Durek experienced racism by a small minority in Norway? Yes, absolutely sure he has! And both the Royal Family and the Norwegian media have been speaking out against it.

Another question is whether Durek has experienced racism in the Norwegian media? (Which is something he claims.)
Well, they've been critical of the stuff that comes out of his mouth, but I can't see that I can tie any of that criticism to his skin colour. And no, I haven't had time to read every single thing the Norwegian media have written about him, but I have read a lot of it.

Him being "American with stereotypical prejudice from Europeans" I doubt this. I never had the impression that there is a general negative opinion about Americans. Most educated Europeans know that there are such Americans and others who don't fit into the negative stereotype.
He has gotten some of it on social media here in Norway, e.g. been called a stupid American and stuff.
But not by the vast majority!


They don’t like him, because they consider him to hold dangerous and unsound opinions.

At least that’s my impression.

The fact Verrett has experienced racism is a separate unfortunate matter, and people like Haakon should stop conflating the two in favor of downplaying the first part.
I think the Royal Family thought that if they came out strongly against the racism part, then they would be spared any criticism from Durek of being racist.
But it seems they were wrong because, as readers of this thread will know, he recently said the following: ''I did a trick on her (Märtha) to see if she had racism in her, and of course she did. She is part of the Royal Family, and the royals are the biggest racists of all.''
However, it should be said that his manager has tried to convince the Norwegian media that his comments weren't meant as a criticism of the NRF. I mean, LOL.


And as to Martha Louise's finances, I would bet that there is some kind of Trust Fund set up for her. I also bet it is strictly administered by a Trustee. Her Parents are indulgent, but not fools. A certain amount of discretionary money for her to use, but not the principal. She is one of only two children, and Haakon will be King . So I bet there was Estate planning for something for the three Granddaughters too . Especially after Ari's tragic suicide.

A Trust, probably tied in with her Girls, in some fashion. To protect them. Plus, there certainly are enough red flags around Durek to proceed with caution, in any case.
Don't think there are any Trust Fund!
And Märtha (and the King and Queen) has been quite clear in interviews that she has to earn a living.

The wealth of the NRF:

They're quite rich if we take into account all their personal properties in Norway, their jewellery collection (which is owned personally by the King) and a large amount of furniture, paintings, artefacts and silver from the reception rooms at the royal palace, which Queen Maud brought with her from the UK and which is therefore owned personally by the King and not the state.

But they aren't that rich in cash, stock and funds.
I mean, the palace told the finance paper Dagens Næringsliv in 2019 that the King had a liquid fortune of around 100 million NOK, which was invested in funds in Norway and abroad.
And in 2016, they told Dagbladet that CP Haakon had a fortune of around 9 million NOK, which was invested in funds in Norway and abroad.
(Will write more about it at a later date in the finance thread.)

Unfortunately no matter what the NRF do, he and ML will always push the boundaries.
They will set their own needs and interests above that of their family members and country - always.

ML because that's how she has been programmed from birth and Durek because he's quack who happens to believe in himself. So in their world it's me, myself and I before everybody else.
Oh, they can and will show compassion and understanding for the needs and interest of others - provided it doesn't conflict with their own needs.

Call me cynical but I believe they will continue to make a spectacle of themselves - together or otherwise - even after the point where a king Haakon will be forced/pressured/provoked enough to close the door on his sister.

It's like watching a Greek tragedy. There won't be any happy ending here.
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Royal Norway, I respectively disagree that there isn't a Trust Fund set up for Martha Louise and her 3 daughters. "Earning a living Is different". Estate Planning wise.

She is one of two children, Haakon will be King. He will be set.

Not one where ML can live a lavish jet set lifestyle, obviously not. That is not how The Norwegian Royal Family operates.
But one that provides for some "extras" for Her and the Girls.

As someone who knows People with wealth ( unfortunately not Me, LOL) THAT IS the norm. Depending on the money, status and importantly the "personality-actions" of the recipient. How The Trust is set up AND Administered. Martha Louise has always seemed to Me to be flighty, for lack of a better word.

The King and Queen are elderly and Harold is increasingly frail. Of course they are going to leave money or assets to their Daughter and Ganddaughters. In a "protected" way. Via a Trust.
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More from Durek
"Always coming for the black man who wants to make the world a more loving and better place.
Norwegian and European press you try to convince the world I'm fake why don't cover the things I do that shows I'm not. Because you want to exploit the black man who is doing good in the world and make him be seen like a fake and a con man, a dangerous man. Because you know who I'm choosing to marry.
Tribe, thank you for standing with me against this mob and giving our spiritual voices power to be heard by those who want to snuff us out. Because they are scared of new information. We are fire raw spirit power. This time, we will not be silenced."
"It is very important to read what I'm up against in Norway. This article says it all. We must share this tribe.

Because intolerance must stop. Martha*@iam_marthalouise*and I are leading the way for unheard voices in the country of Norway to be heard.

Thank you! Sverre Avnskog for seeing us clearly.
Article in story open with Google for translation.
Have you seen the amount of hate directed at me for helping people because they assume I'm saying not to go to hospitals and only do shamanism. When I have gotten so many emails from people, this worked for who asked me to post this to help more people. You gotta check this out."
I never really hear anyone but Derek talk about the fact he is black.
TV2 royal expert/commentator Ole-Jørgen Schulsrud-Hansen has written an opinion piece about the Durek-dude (link). Google translation (link).

Here's a small but important quote:
''Durek Verrett's statements are harming the Norwegian monarchy.''

Unfortunately, I agree!

And IMO the only solution is that Märtha renounces the princess-title, which will create a greater distance between Durek and the monarchy, but as I've written in a previous post, Märtha hasn't exactly been in the habit of putting the monarchy before herself, and I doubt she'll start now.
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And IMO the only solution is that Märtha renounces the princess-title, which will create a greater distance between Durek and the monarchy, but as I've written in a previous post, Märtha hasn't exactly been in the habit of putting the monarchy before herself, and I doubt she'll start now.

I respectfully disagree. If an even greater distance between the monarchy and Durek Verrett is needed (though it doesn't appear to me that any significant number of Norwegians are attributing responsibility for his statements to the King), then the most important measure is for the King not to constitutionally consent to the marriage, which would ensure that Mr. Verrett could never become the spouse of the monarch. However, as you informatively posted, both the Royal Court and Prime Minister have made comments suggesting they do not plan on the King withholding this consent, so they evidently consider the potential of a Prince Consort Durek acceptable. And if Durek is seen as qualified to become Prince Consort, I don't see why he should not be qualified to be the husband of a princess.

Moreover, as it has already been announced that Durek Verrett himself will not receive a title, pressuring the princess to renounce her own title would amount to punishing her alone, and not him, which does not seem fair as he is the partner who is more in conflict with the public's expectations of the monarchy.

I also cannot think of an occasion where a prince lost his own title due to the actions of his wife, and it would not be fair for a princess to be treated more harshly than princes in similar scenarios.

I am of the opinion that the royal family should never have accepted this marriage and should have pressured Princess Martha Louise to end the relationship.

Wouldn't the King have fared extremely poorly in the global court of public opinion if he had done so? One only needs observe how the late Prince Gustav Albrecht of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, a German who spent his own money to protect Jewish cemeteries against the Nazis' vandalism, has been smeared across the internet and media as a nasty, racist Nazi and falsely accused of including an "Aryan" clause in his will, all because his last will reserved his estate for heirs who did not marry non-nobles (at a time when most nobles were expected to marry within the nobility). And in Gustav Albrecht's case, unlike Harald's, there was not even any racial-minority spouse affected by the situation or any personal conflict (he died long before his will's marriage clause had any impact).

But hey the NRF avoids family drama but gives him a plantform. A dangerous platform that is tied with the royal family.

What platform has the royal family afforded to Durek Verrett? He has not conducted his interviews or business activities with royal endorsement or at royal engagements.
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I respectfully disagree. If an even greater distance between the monarchy and Durek Verrett is needed (though it doesn't appear to me that any significant number of Norwegians are attributing responsibility for his statements to the King), then the most important measure is for the King not to constitutionally consent to the marriage, which would ensure that Mr. Verrett could never become the spouse of the monarch. However, as you informatively posted, both the Royal Court and Prime Minister have made comments suggesting they do not plan on the King withholding this consent, so they evidently consider the potential of a Prince Consort Durek acceptable. And if Durek is seen as qualified to become Prince Consort, I don't see why he should not be qualified to be the husband of a princess.

I fully agree that withholding consent is the way to go. That is the only truly meaningful thing to do. Acknowledging that he is not fit to be a potential Prince Consort, which means that if Märtha Louise wants to marry him, she can do so but will loose her place in line to the throne.

Moreover, as it has already been announced that Durek Verrett himself will not receive a title, pressuring the princess to renounce her own title would amount to punishing her alone, and not him, which does not seem fair as he is the partner who is more in conflict with the public's expectations of the monarchy.

I also cannot think of an occasion where a prince lost his own title due to the actions of his wife, and it would not be fair for a princess to be treated more harshly than princes in similar scenarios.

I can think of one: prince Friso lost his title as 'prince of the Netherlands' upon marriage because of his future wife's actions (which are rather mild compared to what we have seen in recent years - but because in the Netherlands parliament is involved the expectations of partners of members of the royal house are a bit higher; it isn't sufficient for the head of the family to give in). He was allowed to keep the title prince of Orange-Nassau (and was also made count of Orange-Nassau, so his children could have that title) but he still lost his highest title.

Wouldn't the King have fared extremely poorly in the global court of public opinion if he had done so? One only needs observe how the late Prince Gustav Albrecht of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, a German who spent his own money to protect Jewish cemeteries against the Nazis' vandalism, has been smeared across the internet and media as a nasty, racist Nazi and falsely accused of including an "Aryan" clause in his will, all because his last will reserved his estate for heirs who did not marry non-nobles (at a time when most nobles were expected to marry within the nobility). And in Gustav Albrecht's case, unlike Harald's, there was not even any racial-minority spouse affected by the situation or any personal conflict (he died long before his will's marriage clause had any impact).

Probably, which is quite paradoxical given Durek's claims.

What platform has the royal family afforded to Durek Verrett? He has not conducted his interviews or business activities with royal endorsement or at royal engagements.

He has used Märtha's title in the past (and still finds ways to highlight her status as princess in his social media posts); and being seen with the royal family and often referencing his link to the royal family of course affords him an enormous platform.
I fully agree that withholding consent is the way to go. That is the only truly meaningful thing to do. Acknowledging that he is not fit to be a potential Prince Consort, which means that if Märtha Louise wants to marry him, she can do so but will loose her place in line to the throne.
If something were to happen to Haakon, Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre Magnus, surly Norway would rather be a republic alla Finland and Iceland, no matter if ML were to marry Durek or anyone else.
It appears the family Martha and Durek spent the holidays with are Ole Martin Grevstad and his wife Margit Lovise Holte, both priests. The couple and their daughters appear to be a fairly mainstream family. And then there is Durek, going off like a "crackpot" on his Instagram. How does Martha reconcile these dichotomies in her life?

Ole Martin Grevstad | LinkedIn

Borg Bishop and Diocesan Council martin grebstad/

Durek's latest rantings might be masking his fear now that the wedding date looms ever closer putting up new roadblocks i.e. it isn't safe for him to stay in Norway. Durek's drama continues.:wacko:
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I respectfully disagree. If an even greater distance between the monarchy and Durek Verrett is needed (though it doesn't appear to me that any significant number of Norwegians are attributing responsibility for his statements to the King), then the most important measure is for the King not to constitutionally consent to the marriage, which would ensure that Mr. Verrett could never become the spouse of the monarch. However, as you informatively posted, both the Royal Court and Prime Minister have made comments suggesting they do not plan on the King withholding this consent, so they evidently consider the potential of a Prince Consort Durek acceptable.
No, but his comments are hurting the monarchy, which has been evident in lots of polls since 2019!

And when it comes to the King giving his consent or not, well, Märtha is very unlikely to become monarch anyway, and if she does, then I think the Storting would actually start the process of making Norway a republic.

And if Durek is seen as qualified to become Prince Consort, I don't see why he should not be qualified to be the husband of a princess.
Well, as royal historian Trond Norén Isaksen said last year: ''As long as Märtha is a princess, then everything she and Durek say affects the monarchy.''

I mean, she is a PRINSESS and he will be the PRINCESS' husband. - The word monarchy is written in their faces. And that is a BIG problem when he says what he says, and Märtha is silent behind him, even sometimes supporting him.

Moreover, as it has already been announced that Durek Verrett himself will not receive a title, pressuring the princess to renounce her own title would amount to punishing her alone, and not him, which does not seem fair as he is the partner who is more in conflict with the public's expectations of the monarchy.
I don't want her to be pressured to renounce her title; I want her to do it of her own free will for the sake of the monarchy.
And it's not about ''punishing'' Märtha because as long as she isn't distancing herself from what Durek says, she is in a way supporting it.

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