Princess Märtha Louise of Norway and Durek Verrett: 31 August 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
In the Instagram stories of princess Sarah Culberson, we can see behind the scenes photos of Martha Louise in her pink outfit and the Hest booth set up. Don't let a wedding get in the way of sales 😉
I have read about her somewhere, I think it was on Tessy's the ex princess of Lux IG. She is friends with that lady as well as she is a big fan and admirer of Märtha and Durek. I'm sure she was disappointed of not being invited, she would have made a big big show about it. It is a circle of people who cling to some royal connections which are very questionable sometimes, as a means to get famous and earn money as an influencer. I just despise these hangers-on.
As a thank you to the village, Märtha Louise and Durek wanted to give the wedding cake to the residents (and of course at the cake has M & D -monogram).
"We would like to send a big thank you to everyone in Geiranger who has come forward in connection with our wedding. You have hung flags, planted flowers, cleaned the gardens, decorated yourselves and stood in the streets sending us congratulations on our big day.
As a small thank you, we would like to share our wedding cake with you. We hope you like it.
Sincerely, Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett."

The director thinks it's a great way to say thank you to the villagers, and reveals that it's carrot cake with a classic filling.
- It is very fancy, and made by our pastry chefs in the kitchen.
But haven't Märtha and Durek eaten the cake themselves?
- Yes, they have tasted, but there have been portions on the side for the guests.

The wedding cake on Saturday with portions
Nice gesture!!
In the Instagram stories of princess Sarah Culberson, we can see behind the scenes photos of Martha Louise in her pink outfit and the Hest booth set up. Don't let a wedding get in the way of sales 😉
Princess Sarah has quite the life story. By birth she is a Mende princess of the Bumpe–Gao Chiefdom in Sierra Leone. She is actually very well educated and accomplished, should I say more so than our bride and groom. Sarah Culberson - Wikipedia

Here is a fun article about some of the Norwegian fans of the royal family. :wave: Some driving from Oslo to hang out in Geiranger just to get a glimpse of the wedding party.
King Harald commented the wedding to the media in connection with the awarding of the Kavli prize in Oslo Concert Hall on Tuesday.
- Absolutely fantastic. Better than I thought it would be.
What was it that was so good?
- Everything, says the king.
When asked by NRK whether he is now going to have another conversation with Märtha Louise about the agreement concerning the use of the princess title, King Harald replies:
- Yes, we have said that we will do that.

Interesting, the other medias write about NRK's question:
When asked by NRK whether it is time for another talk with Märtha Louise about the agreement with the Royal Palace, the king replied:
- We have already had that conversation.

HELLO! Instagram:
Norway’s newlyweds 🇳🇴 See all the magic from Martha Louise and Durek Verrett’s wedding in the latest magazine, out now!

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Nice gesture!!
At the risk of sounding like a complete oaf... are those glistening round objects surrounding the cake "portions" of it?🤔
The official wedding cake looked pink in color but the one being served to villagers is white...?
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At the risk of sounding like a complete oaf... are those glistening round objects surrounding the cake "portions" of it?🤔
The official wedding cake looked pink in color but the one being served to villagers is white...?
It does smack of “let them eat cake.”
Moved my reply:

At the risk of sounding like a complete oaf... are those glistening round objects surrounding the cake "portions" of it?🤔
The official wedding cake looked pink in color but the one being served to villagers is white...?
I haven't seen the picture of the remnants of the cake. It sure wasn't in its original beauty. It is bad to waste food, on the other hand I doubt if it was a "nice gesture". I don't think that the inhabitants of that famous village in Geiranger are poor and hungry. I wouldn't have done it, I would have given the rest of the cake to some farmer with pigs. But that's just me.

"Let them eat cake" was a statement of Marie Antoinette as we all know. The statement was made because this privileged woman had no clue at all that people were desperately hungry and couldn't even afford bread.
But I understand the meaning behind Kalnel's post.
"Let them eat cake" was a statement of Marie Antoinette as we all know. The statement was made because this privileged woman had no clue at all that people were desperately hungry and couldn't even afford bread.
But I understand the meaning behind Kalnel's post.
Queen Marie Antoinette never said that. The quote originates in the "Confessions" of Jean-Jacques Rousseau which were written in 1765.

"At length I remembered the last resort of a great princess who, when told that the peasants had no bread, replied: "Then let them eat brioches."
Queen Marie Antoinette never said that. The quote originates in the "Confessions" of Jean-Jacques Rousseau which were written in 1765.

"At length I remembered the last resort of a great princess who, when told that the peasants had no bread, replied: "Then let them eat brioches."
If you look into history there are indeed different interpretations of what she said, if it was "cake" or "brioches" doesn't make any difference. It is the attitude and the unawareness of the King and the way they lived in comparison to the poor peasants at that time that made her to be such a hated person. She probably was the most innocent person in that tragedy, a young woman who didn't know nothing at all. Still that statement has become famous and up till today people are using it as a synonym for unequality.
If you look into history there are indeed different interpretations of what she said, if it was "cake" or "brioches" doesn't make any difference. It is the attitude and the unawareness of the King and the way they lived in comparison to the poor peasants at that time that made her to be such a hated person. She probably was the most innocent person in that tragedy, a young woman who didn't know nothing at all. Still that statement has become famous and up till today people are using it as a synonym for unequality.
No, there aren't edifferent interpretations of what she said. She never said it. Neither cake nor brioche.
No, there aren't edifferent interpretations of what she said. She never said it. Neither cake nor brioche.
You obviously have more knowledge than I do. Can you explain why and where it was attributed to her? And we are talking of several centuries ago and people are still using the words to express certain feelings and making comparisons.
The wedding was the topic of "The Debate" on NRK on Tuesday evening.
Ulf André Andersen, editor-in-chief of Se og Hør, was in Geiranger at work:
- I experienced that this was simply a reality show, where the rest of the royal family and us press people were extras and that Hello! Magazine and Neflix were in charge from, and where press officer Simon Valvik was a useful lackey. I believe that it was not worthy of a royal house, including how it was carried out and organised. Among other things, the king had to wait 45 minutes in a car. I have never experienced that at such a big royal event before.
Svensk Damtidning's editor-in-chief Johan T Lindwall:
- What has happened now in Norway, with the distribution of drink vouchers and the sale of clothes, would never have happened in Sweden. Our king had never accepted this scandal. Never!, says Lindwall, who refers to all the hysteria in its entirety.

Royal experts:
There was a lot of speculation about the guests. Gwyneth Paltrow and Renée Zellweger, as friends of Durek. Durek at an Instagram photo of superstar Stevie Wonder “I wonder if he will play at our wedding. Well, we'll have to wait to find out". Several royal house experts are amazed of the royal guests: Victoria and Daniel, Carl Philip and Sofia, Constantijn and Laurentien. Also many of Märtha Louise's close friends weren't at the wedding.
Trond Norén Isaksen says that most of the European royals were conspicuous by their absence, including those who have been close to Märtha. It's interesting that even though Durek is supposed to be Hollywood's favorite shaman, not a single Hollywood star appeared at his wedding, only a number of C and D celebrities.
Press officer Simon Valvik acknowledges that the organizer said that there would be many prominent guests, which he believes there was. He accuses the royal experts and the media of having build up expectations. It is rude to make a public assessment of the bride and groom's friends who come there, and put them on a scale as to whether they are prominent or not.
Nettavisen's royal house expert Tove Taalesen would like to see the list of those who declined. She wonders about all the young Norwegian celebrities, perhaps they were invited to mingle with Märtha's children.

The wedding was delayed by almost a full hour. A three-minute drive away from the wedding tent, King Harald and Queen Sonja sat in a car and waited outside the Havila Hotel for over 43 minutes.
TV 2 has calculated the waiting time based on metadata on its own images.
- Initially, it was planned for a short closure of the road related to the transport of people with protective measures. Due to factors beyond the police's control, there was a longer closure than planned, says chief of staff Hans-Martin Gridseth in the Møre og Romsdal police district.
Security expert Jahn-Helge Flesvik says that such an unplanned stop is not fortunate for the security around the king.
TV 2's royal house expert Ole-Jørgen Schulsrud-Hansen says it is also about respect for the royal family. They were ready at the right time, and they had to wait - because they will come last. Otherwise there would have been a breach of all custom.
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It appeared King Harold and Crown Prince Haakon gave Shaman Durek a great big embracing hug right after the nuptials. Ordinarily this would have been lovely but in this instance it kinda gave me the creeps!
There is no chance on planet earth they would have used Märtha Louise’s wedding to create a scene or some kind of public demonstration against him…. As much as we, the audience, would have liked to see it - that’s for ”behind the scenes”
:flowers:Thank you for all the photographs, comments and insight into this remarkable wedding. The groom is an American; the Norwegian princess can follow Prince Harry to California. The business opportunities: Netflix, Heste (note to self: doesn’t this mean ‘horse’..) are many in the US and the new couple will do well in La La Land,
I'm not so sure about that.
Influencers abound in California, and they aren't as high-profile as the Sussexes were.

(Truthfully, I honestly believe that most Americans have veery little interest in anything that happens outside the USA).
Does anybody know anything about ML and D's flowergirls, Astral, Ava an Cornelia. Are they from Durek's family or friends?
I have to say that beeing a Norwegian ( and super proud of my royal family) , it is really difficult and sad reading these comments about King Harald. I truly belive that he is doing his best. Beeing a King, is his duty, and there are no way he will abdicate. He have said that numerous times, when he have been asked the question. It's easy for outsiders to say what he should do about ML, but no matter what's going on, she is still his daughter, and he wants the best for her. ❤️
I have no doubt that King Harald is doing his best… Yes his age and his health has started to become his enemy, wich is the sad case for most people in his age, but he is really trying to be King until the end of his life.. Not because anyone forces him but because he wants to and that he strongly feels he has a life-long duty to follow the oath he swore in front of the parliament in 1991…

I remember when courtiers tried to tell King Olav around 1988-89 that he should leave the throne for health reasons, they said he replied that he cannot do that because he strongly felt that would have been in violation with the blessing he recived in Nidaros Cathedral in 1957…. We often judge older people today, or rather have a tendency of not even taking them seriously or even ridicule them when they say that they cannot do some things because they have promised God to not do that…. I don’t like that. They were raised in a different time by a different generation. They do what they think is right wich is in their full right to do… We will be exactly the same if we are lucky to live long enough, but with the ideals we are raised in…. That applies to both people living in a castle and people living in a rent..

With being older also comes the knowledge that there is always a calm after the storm, and many times the best solution is to simply hold out through the storm, and then act…. We learned that here in Sweden too after the ”Reluctant Monarch” book…

Back on topic now… I am under no illusions this is easy for King Harald and Queen Sonja… Yes they may have spoiled their children a bit too much and yes they may have been to soft sometimes when they should have taken a harder approach… But they are certainly not the only parents living with those thoughts… Most parents do i dare to say… Yes they may be King and Queen and not ”ordinary norwegians” but royals are certainly not the superhumans we sometimes expects them to be… I am totally sure the only thing Harald and Sonja wants is Märtha Louise to be happy and feel loved by someone even when they are no longer around…

It is unfortunate that she has choosen such a highly controversial and dubious man and she must accept that people will forever be critical of her for that…. But i think she knows that and has accepted that a long time ago - even if i do not agree with their regular attacks on the media or on anyone who dares to critisize them directly face to face… They must accept that none of them are private citizens anymore, or they will learn it the hard way….

Do i think is right that Durek is not included among the listed members of the Royal Family ? Yes i do…. Do i think it’s right that Märtha Louise does not give up her Princess title in connection with her wedding ? Well what is the alternative ? Glücksburg is hardly an option as a surname…. And even if she would have become known as ”Mrs Verrett” everyone would ofcourse know who she is and where she comes from… So i don’t see how that would make much of a difference… She will always be known as Märtha Louise, the daughter of the King and Queen of Norway, simply because she is…
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One of my cousins (RIP) had to have dialysis three times a week due to juvenile onset diabetes. He was always completely exhausted afterwards and slept soundly for hours.
Regardless of my feelings about this marriage I can't help but be sad for the two of them. DV is apparently seriously ill. Unless he gets a kidney transplant very soon this might not be a long and happy marriage. 🙁
i am so sorry to hear this of durek. they sure looked happy and glowing, and whilst we may not agree with their viewpoints, there's no denying they appear very happy together.

the pictures looked like a happy, joyous wedding. i am glad the drama was left behind. martha looked rather lovely too, and i much prefer this wedding dress and look to the one at her first wedding.
More from Hello!

Hello has a new video, both are very moved:

Joy Sangalang Smith about the wedding rings she designed to Märtha Louise and Durek:

Hello! About the boat trip from Ålesund to Geiranger:

Video, Norway is a very beautiful country. It surely was special to the guests from abroad to see the fjord.
At the risk of sounding like a complete oaf... are those glistening round objects surrounding the cake "portions" of it?🤔
The official wedding cake looked pink in color but the one being served to villagers is white...?

The cake was designed by Odd Ivar Solvold and made by the hotel's pastry chefs Alina Baskardina and Jelena Tulenkova, after just one consultation and one tasting with the couple.
"We had one discussion and then we presented a suggestion, and they tasted it and were happy! (..)

More from Hello!
Exclusive: Princess Märtha Louise of Norway and Durek Verrett's romantic first wedding dance

A very stiff dance. Durek seems so nervous.

More photos to come in the new issue:

Frst episode of season 4 of A Right Royal Podcast. We’re kicking off the new series with an incredible episode sharing all the details from Princess Märtha Louise of Norway and Durek Verrett’s big day. Our HELLO! team were lucky to spend five days with the couple in Norway and in the new episode share all the behind-the-scenes details from their pre-wedding parties as well as their historic nuptials. Host Andrea Caamano, alongside her colleagues Sophie Vokes-Dudgeon, Jessica Callan and Sally Morgan were lucky to meet and mingle with the couple’s 350 guests – and their ‘easy on the eye’ security guards! They also tell incredible details such as flying with many Norwegian reporters and paparazzi, being chased by drones and what the couple were really like during their one-to-one interviews which have been featured in the magazine.

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An excerpt from Hello:

A new beginning for the pair

Speaking to us about the celebrations Märtha said: “It was lovely to be together with all our friends and family.’’

Durek said: “There are people celebrating our wedding, not just here but all over the world. Although some people are unhappy about it, because of my race and Märtha’s position as a royal, other people believe it marks a new beginning for the planet.’’. …..🙄
An excerpt from Hello:

A new beginning for the pair

Speaking to us about the celebrations Märtha said: “It was lovely to be together with all our friends and family.’’

Durek said: “There are people celebrating our wedding, not just here but all over the world. Although some people are unhappy about it, because of my race and Märtha’s position as a royal, other people believe it marks a new beginning for the planet.’’. …..🙄
Maybe there are "people unhappy about his race", but someone should tell him, that probably most people are unhappy about his criminal past, his many lies and his very dubious and dangerous "healing" methods. I think if he was a decent man without any of the above mentioned most people would like him and wish him a happy marriage. Sadly enough racism can never been completely excluded, in no country of the world. But in his case he should also take into consideration other reasons why he isn't everybodys darling.
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