Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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Not that big a deal IMO.
It's quite normal to buy a house and tear it down - or in this case a part of the house - and build a new one.
And considering their position and affiliation with the NRF the floorplans and other details will be kept confidential, as the article points out.
What interest me is where they get the money to make a pretty extensive renovation - or perhaps rather where they get their credit. Because I doubt they have that sort of money in a safe somewhere.
It is of course an investment, so they should be able to sell the house, if need be, and profit from it. And as for credit: Well, I suppose the NRF will be the ultimate guarantee (whether they want to or not) for any debt incurred by MM & Durek in Norway.
That is indeed an interesting question "where does the money come from?". Derek it seems doesn't have much, why would he now try to be a model or other things to earn his "own" money. Looks like his "Shaman" business doesn't get him enough money for the lifestyle he wants to have. So it must be his future wife...
But still, I cannot believe that he would be happy to live in Norway permanently, he is not accepted and liked there. It is probably quite an issue for King Harald and Queen Sonja how to deal with the situation. They don't want to abandon their daughter, they have to consider how their decisions will watched and evaluated by the public, plus there are three fatherless daughters to take care of. I just feel very sorry for them.
Well, that official statement of the court does not include if Harald spends private money for his daughter or do you think this is so unthinkable?
Are you asking me?

In case you are: It's IMO not at all unthinkable. In fact it's more than plausible that King Harald has supported his daughter economically - and/or acted as security for any loans she may have had.
My point is that in case ML and Durek cannot pay their bills, or in this case the mortgage or the bills for the entrepreneur/craftsmen doing the renovation, King Harald will likely quietly step in and foot the bill. - Having a Norwegian Princess and her shaman not able to pay their bills - in Norway - isn't exactly good PR!
And I suspect ML and her Durek are well aware of that.
Txs Muhler, I think so, too.
Though there migjt be more money on Martha's side than we know.
Hopefully their marriage goes well.
Even if not, Martha will always be on the bright side because of her roots.
If its a great relief to be able to make such lifedetermining decisions without facing the same risks any other would face
and was it good? I doubt it.
ML is on the tax lists so her fortune, her income and how much she paid in tax is published every year. I also dont think she has sold her house in Lommedalen which is worth alot
To kongelige med enorme formueshopp
In 2021, sales revenue in the company Hest was NOK 3,567,454 million. In 2022, it was close to tenfold, where the company's sales revenue was close to NOK 34 million. Figures from the tax lists show that the princess has enough to salt in her porridge, also when you take into account how her other investments have fared. In 2022, she had a net income of just over a million - more specifically NOK 1,061,272. She had a net fortune of NOK 5,774,497 and paid just over NOK 400,000 in tax.
That's a higher middle-class income in Norway.
And a net fortune of 5.7 million NOK isn't that much, considering her position. Considering the connections and the advise available to members of the NRK I'd imagine she would have had the opportunity to invest better and by now have a considerable bigger fortune.
It's not my impression however that she lives a particular frugal life and that costs money!

In short: In Norway she has not amassed a fortune big enough to retire early and she is far from wealthy enough not work for a living - in whatever form that work might be. I doubt California or wherever she and Durek might prefer to settle is cheaper to live in than Norway. The costs across much of the state is, I understand, so high that even middle-class families have problems.
Se og Hør has seen the lavish wedding invitation the couple has sent out to family and friends.

The guests are invited to a three-day celebration starting in Ålesund on Thursday 29 August. The bride and groom offer a shuttle service from Ålesund Airport to the hotels booked. Märtha Louise and Durek are said to have pre-booked two hotels in Ålesund and three in Geiranger. The guests have to pay for the rooms themselves.
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Sounds like a really big event! We can be sure that it will be very very different from the usual royal weddings in Europe. But, it is their wedding so they can certainly decide how it will be.
I am very curious who is invited and who will attend.
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The guests has to pay 3 nights themselves....I suppose no tourists on that days ?
A wedding worthy of multi-millionaire celebs! That's gonna be expensive. Can they afford it without pawning the shirts on their backs?
A little over the top, for my taste though. Not even King Charles had that big wedding when he married the second time.
Fair enough, if it's gonna be a party, let them party - so long as they remember the whole thing about a wedding is uniting two people who are in love in matrimony and less about showing off...
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Muli-millionaire celebs would pay the rooms for their guests... and not have the guests pitch in. The guests already have other costs such as travel and lots of different outfits.
A wedding worthy of multi-millionaire celebs! That's gonna be expensive. Can they afford it without pawning the shirts on their backs?
A little over the top, for my taste though. Not even King Charles had that big wedding when he married the second time.
Fair enough, if it's gonna be a party, let them party - so long as they remember the whole thing about a wedding is uniting two people who are in love in matrimony and less about showing off...

Oh, M-L and Durek are in love, alright. In love with attention, conning people, and spreading misinformation about a myriad of different subjects. I give them less than five years. Are Haakon and Mette-Marit going?
Hence, why I believe this wedding may be beyond their means.
A good way to ruin a marriage is having to pay back a huge loan in order to pay for the wedding. Ain't much romance in living on oat-porridge and sandwiches for the next three years.
I don’t think it’s unusual to reserve rooms at hotels and have the guests pay if they come. We have had two weddings to travel to recently. The wedded couple had reserved rooms at a special rate for guests and we booked and paid for one.
Oh, M-L and Durek are in love, alright. In love with attention, conning people, and spreading misinformation about a myriad of different subjects. I give them less than five years. Are Haakon and Mette-Marit going?
Why wouldn't Haakon and MM going?
If that was my sister getting married, I would definitely go.

For me, it would depend on who my sister was marrying. I love my sister to death, but if she were marrying someone like Durek, there's no way in heck I'd go. It would look like I approved of him. Now, I'm not a royalty, so if I didn't attend my sister's wedding, no one outside of our immediate family would know or care. It's different for Haakon, and I get that.

Still, a part of him must think she's lost her mind.
I don’t think it’s unusual to reserve rooms at hotels and have the guests pay if they come. We have had two weddings to travel to recently. The wedded couple had reserved rooms at a special rate for guests and we booked and paid for one.
It depends on the social circle; in most cases I would agree. At a multi-day high-society wedding it would be expected to pay for accommodation for out of town guests.
A 3 days Wedding and even a small Cruise. I think the last was the Borromeo / Casiraghi Wedding ?
Very expensive Wedding and a lot of Security will be asked at different places . They don' deserve that.
Her wedding should be a private wedding party, only for family and relatives.
I agree! I was wondering what happened to Durek's kidney issues. Didn't he tell us last year he would only marry if by that time he had a new kidney? I am sure if he had a donor kidney he would have made it public.
From the translated article I get Martha is the one footing the bill for the house reconstruction, which means her dad is probably helping out with. If it's his private funds and not public funds they should leave her alone. Problem I will see is if she registers the ownership with this scam artist name, too he will be the one making rules after the August wedding and turning this house into an extension of both his lifestyle and his ambitions to scam people.
I don't trust this guy; he is one of thousands like him that prey in California the celebrity circles to attach himself to them for a money ride. Although, I place that responsibility on her 100%. Whatever happens after the wedding is all on her.
Are Haakon and Mette-Marit going?
Ofcourse they are ! The optics of ML’s only sibling and future King of Norway not attending would hurt their own image more than ML’s…

M-M may have to pull out for health reasons if she’s too unwell but otherwise both of them are fully expected (read forced) to attend…

The Norwegian Royals is a very tight family and judging from The King’s and The Crown Prince’s words in the media about this particular couple, this marriage won’t change that one milimeter !
He's a conman and I think the NRF are still being naive about the consequences. Or they are not being naive and in the big, overall picture this is the best way to deal with it.
Its a tough one!
If Haakon and MM don't go it will be seen as the NRF disapproving of the marriage - a fact that will be milked by Durek.
So I think Haakon and MM will attend but make the shortest appearance possible. Public duties you know, after all they can't possibly cancel a visit to the Seal-Watcher Association for Senior Citizens in Svalbard, alas...
King Harald and Queen Sonia can very plausible claim health problems and stay away, alas...

I don't know how close ML is to other royals in other monarchies, but I doubt many of them can find time in their calendars to attend, alas...
I don't know how close ML is to other royals in other monarchies, but I doubt many of them can find time in their calendars to attend, alas...
My guess is if foreign royals will bother to show up it will be the scandinavian royals like Victoria and Daniel
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From the past family events, I think Haakon and MM will be there, along with Ingrid-Alexandra and Sverre Magnus. Also the King and Queen.
Drawing strict lines with Martha Louise has not been the strongest in the NRF
I could see King Frederik attending, perhaps solo though. Really can't see others. Who knows ? I definitely believe the Norwegian Royal Family will be there.
Maybe *some* Foreign Royals will, as a mark of respect to King Harold attend. Or perhaps, he will let them know through secure channels....not to be bothered.
I know ML is close to Princess Alexandra of Berleburg and Princess Laurentien so I am pretty sure they will be at the wedding.
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