Princess Alexandra, Current Events 2: May 2005 - April 2006

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I am happy and delighted for Princess Alex. I wish her more happiness and fun with her new relationship and with her life.

For me personally, the age of a person should not be the determining factor to be able to say that you should love this person or not. Other persons may find it very vital but one should also consider that we find happiness and true love in various ways. Some persons find it with a younger person but others find it with an older person. With the case of Princess Alex, she found it in the persona of Martin Jørgensen. A person younger than her. Whatever are the things that could make Princess Alex happier provided that she is not harming or hurting other persons (e.g. her kids or the DRF) then let it be. Everyone deserves to be happy and at this point, she is happy with a new man in her life.

But I agree with Grand Duchess that it is still to early for marriage speculations. But if ever she will in the future, I will respect her decision and be happy for her. I know she would think more than thrice about it before she does it because at this stage in her life right now, she has also many responsibilities.

And if ever she would lose her title as Princess of Denmark, she would only lose a title because she would make a decision in consonance to her happiness and with her 2 sons. And she would always remain special in our hearts because of many reasons. She is an exceptional person, a loving mother, a great wife to Prince Joachim, a loving ex- daughter-in-law to the DRF monarchs and more.
May 12, 2005: Princess Alexandra, as protector of DR Radio Girl's Choir attended the first performance concert of "Little Mermaid," composed by Bent Sorensen, at the Royal Albert Hall in London. (Kindly translated by GrandDuchess)

May I say that Alex looks truly gorgeous. She's glowing with happiness, no doubt in relation to her new boyfriend.


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pdas1201 said:
http://www.rexfeatures.comMay I say that Alex looks truly gorgeous. She's glowing with happiness, no doubt in relation to her new boyfriend.

Yes, you may and you are right. She is looking very lovely.
Woah. Joachim-eat your heart out! Gosh she never looked like this when she was royal. Maybe the divorce was more liberating than we thought. SHe looks fantastic. :)
GrandDuchess said:
I think it's great that Princess Alexandra might have found love again, after the hard time she and the boys (and Joachim) have been going through lately. She really deserves to be happy, and I hope this guy can help her be that. Hopefully the boys will also like him. Then everything would be great!

I think it's a bit too early for marriage speculations. But should she ever consider re-marrying, then I for one will be happy for her. It will then be her choice, and we would know that she has found someone who makes her happy and a person she wants near by during her life. Even if some of us royal watchers might not like the idea of her loosing her title as Princess of Denmark one day, I sincerely doubt that it's the most important thing for Alexandra herself. Personal well being and happiness of her and the boys is the most important. And no matter what happens, should she ever loose that princess title - she will forever be Her Excellency the Countess of Frederiksborg. And in our heart and minds, she will always be a truly great Princess, a great mother and a wonderful representative of Denmark.
I completely agree with you:) .

pdas1201 said:
May I say that Alex looks truly gorgeous. She's glowing with happiness, no doubt in relation to her new boyfriend.
She looks gorgeous indeed and looks happy too. The shining gown materials doesn't look overshine because of the girl's choirs skirt. When was the even hapened (evening or mid day?)
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Thanks for the pictures pdas.I'm very glad to see Princess Alexandra in such happy like this than she was before in The Royal Family.She looks really happy,and beautiful.Wish all the happiness for her and her new boyfriend.
Yes i agree, she is looking stunning, i hope everything works out with her new man :)
This woman has such a charisma that even if she puts a melon on her head she still looks stunning!!!
Personally I do not like the dress or the color but on her the dress looks great. Perhaps is not the dress is the way she wears it.
Thanks for posting the photos pdas. Princess Alexandra looks stunning, I've never seen her wear something like this before. She looks happy, which is good to see.
i hope that she will get some space from the media in her new realtionchip
Josefine said:
i hope that she will get some space from the media in her new realtionchip

Who says that she woud ever marrye him Martin ???
it´s only the gossip press like se og hør and ekstrabladet who are writing about it. Man i really hate those kinde of magazines. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Nobody said she would marry him for sure, right now it is just speculation that she might in the future. Yeah those magazines can be annoying for the people they are writing about, but what do they care? They are getting a story out of gossip. I am attacking my own industry here but its true. I dont respect gossip magazines at all.
My translation of EBs articles today

Translation from EB article

It was the dutiful, pretty Princess Alexandra tha crushed the royal marriage says "friends of the couple" (J and A)

"It was Alexs cheating that ruined the marriage"
So direct spekes some people in J and A circle after the revelation that Alex has a relationship with the young cameraman

When the court anounced the split because something "uopprettelig" (translates to something thing that has happened that is so serious that the marriage could not be saved) most people assumed that it was Joachim that had stept over the line

His behaviour as drunken flirting prince in the months before the anouncement fit with the picture. And when the court and the couples friend shut their mouth all sympathy was directed at "poor" Alex. The dutyful, busy Princess that managed everything from poor people to mother to Nikolai and Felix

But tody the sources speak out, the "truth" about Alexandras behaviour befor the split must be known some of the couples friends thinks (I wonder if it is Joachims friends that thinks this news must be known:rolleyes: )

They say that the Princess relationship with Martin Jørgensen is not new and that the Princess fell in love with him whilst married to Joachim. EBs "sources" says they were a couple two years ago

They fell in love during the filming of "Alexandra and the children of the world" two years ago, since that the couple has kept their love a live trough several meetings all over the world, often discuised as business.

Today 1 year after the split the couple can show their love as much as they want to. After EB and se og Hørs revelations was known only Alex has been man enogh to show her self in public, the cameraman is still in hiding
And then there is also a poor Joachim article
Alex mad Joachim drink
Destroyed over his beloved wife cheating Joachim drowned his sorrows in alcohol

That is the explenation several friends gives for his behavior from the end of 2003 to the anouncement of the divorce, and the reason for his drinking, flirting and he missing events where he should have been with Alexandra.

It was also Joachim who got the press aginst him after the divorce was known, while Alex was portrayd as the busy, elgant wife. But the real reasons was Alex relationship with a young cameraman. Only the very closest of friends knew the reason why Joachims world had been shattered.

According to "friends" Joachim confronted Alex with her cheating at a wedding two weeks before the anouncement, Alexandra got so angry that she left the party.

Even after his share of bad press Joachim kept his mout shut, partly because of his royal family but also to not throw dirt at the woman that is mother to his children.

Both articles are written by ANNE-METTE GREGERS
The translation is not word by word but should get the content accross

EB is tabloid and they dont mention any source with name, just "friends" so how trustworthy this is I dont know


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i wonder if its true!, i am totally speechless at the momonet. I dont know what to think. What a shock if its true! Its hard to take what tabloids say as gospel but who knows.
Alexandra looked gorgeous at the Royal Albert Hall, thank you for posting those pictures pdas!

More trash-throwing by the press... First it was all Joachim's fault, now it's Alexandra's.... Maybe they could make up their minds for once...
Tabloids always make up crap.

Its funny though that some people were so ready to believe the tabloids when they blamed Joachim, and accepted that it was his fault that they divorced, yet are now so unwilling to accept the criticism of Alex.

But then again, I should know, coz I do this too... all the time! We're all biased creatures :p
Yes i know, because we all know Alexandra to be this woman of high moral standards and very classy etc and we couldnt possibly think of Alex being the blame. But who really knows, i guess we will never know, after all its not our business to know
Australian said:
Yes i know, because we all know Alexandra to be this woman of high moral standards and very classy etc and we couldnt possibly think of Alex being the blame. But who really knows, i guess we will never know, after all its not our business to know

Yes, that's it. Its times like these that makes you think "gee, I really have no connection to these people - I have my own real life to live... why am I even bothered?".

ow, I think its because I love pictures.... and I dislike it when people are harsh to some of these public figures... when that happens, I go into "defence mode" and start caring... LOL! :p
In their joint statement, didn't they say that they both take responsibility for the deterioration of the marriage? IMO, I think both might have turned to someone else and then realized that they shouldn't be married anymore.
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Of course, a short while ago, Alex was, according to the tabloids, seeing someone else, if I remember correctly, so I'm not sure how much stock I'm willing to put to Se & Hør and Ekstrabladet's articles. Especially in regards to how long they've been seeing each other.
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... a few more pictures from the Royal Albert Hall from Colourpress (no watermarks)


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i've got a few more pics tooo....hoho

from jutlandpress


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a few more


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Thank you for these marvelous photos of the lovely countess. Yes, first they blame Joachim then they blame Alexandra. The boys are next! Just wait and see. :rolleyes:
I cerainly agree with you. She looks absolutely stunning in this photo. I love her hair and make up and jewels. Although I liked the color of the dress I didn't care for the design too much. But over all she looked dazzling.:)

For almost 9 years her marriage with Prince Joachim appeared to be delightful. She was/is fantastic Princess of Denmark and their union produced two beautiful boys. Despite the large age difference, I wish her the best of luck with her new romance. I wish her (and Prince Joachim) all the happiness.
Yennie said:
The first of the articles above is basiclly about a family trip to the circus in Mogeltönder when there was a charity show in aid of the Childrens Cancer fund.
It was almost like they were a "real" family again like old times.

And the second article is about Alexandras parents. They have lived at Schackenborg the last couple of years and will continue to do so, even if their daugher is no longer married to the prince
Alexandras mother says something like:
"There no problem between us and Joachim. We loves it here and our relationship with Joachim hasn´t changed.

I do not understand why Alex`s parents feel inclined to keep staying at their ex-son-in-law`s estate. Isn`t it a bit weird? A bit too much, IMO. I suppose Alex has put up a lot but her parents continuing to live inside of the Joachim`s estate is a bit low-can they not afford thier own place? Or are they out of cash?
julial said:
I do not understand why Alex`s parents feel inclined to keep staying at their ex-son-in-law`s estate. Isn`t it a bit weird? A bit too much, IMO. I suppose Alex has put up a lot but her parents continuing to live inside of the Joachim`s estate is a bit low-can they not afford thier own place? Or are they out of cash?

I don't think they feel inclined. As it was quoted their relationship has not changed with PJ...even though he is no longer their son-in-law. They are still family in that they are his childrens' maternal grandparents and he is the father of two of their grandchildren. I mean they are getting on in their age (early 70s and 80s)...why bother moving around when you don't have to? Also, I'm quite sure they're not out of cash thereby not being able to afford their own place.
I just hope Princess Alexandra will not be dumped by her new boyfriend in a future... he running for a younger women, just like the repeat of her ex-husband. She is shining with her new love now. I hope her smile will last for a long time.
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