Prince Sverre Magnus News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
If there turns out to be an engagement announcement in the offing waiting for her 18th birthday, I will withdraw my criticism of this incident. ;) Unlikely as it is, it would surely be fascinating to see, now that the national average age of first marriages has risen to 35 for women and 37 for men, the reactions from the public to an 18- or 19-year-old prince announcing his plans to marry his 18-year-old girlfriend.

The reaction is always 'they should wait' as if they want Magnus to be free and with a lineup of lady friends for a few years until he gets tired and settles down.

I'm starting to see whatever is that they have is cute and serious. An 18-year-old by today's standards often involves a teen that has been working online and savvy enough to be making more money than their relatives have done in a lifetime.

If Magnus has the courage to introduce her to his family, to have his mother find in her collection a gala dress she can fit in for an event, with matching jewelry, then these 'kids' are not playing house. They are serious on their commitment, and he looks after her to make her feel part of his family. I say, go for its Magnus, she's the ONE so don't let her slip away!
I think the Prince and his Amalie are more "highschool sweethearts" - and that is sweet.

But Princess Ingrid Alexandra went to the military... Is something like this planned for the Prince? And what is with studying? Abroad... There are cute girls and boys too... The couple is really very young! But on the other hand some early couples come together, like our Prince Georg-Friedrich von Hohenzollern and his Sophie - They were already friends in the kindergarden....
In general I agree, however, she was known by the Norwegian media, so I am not completely sure she would have gone unnoticed by them. If she showed up in this way (which I would have recommended if they felt the need for her to attend), there was still a risk that the Norwegian media would decide to publish based on her attendance.
I think you're onto something here. Looking at the comments by the media in the discussion today about how they've handled the Marius situation, they probably have stories that they're sitting on about everyone, not just Marius. If Haakon and MM got wind of this, they may have encouraged SV to bring the girlfriend, rather than having the media "out" them, like it's a scandal.
I think both sets of parents can be blamed for this one. She is a minor and she could have arrived with her family or other friends and joined her boyfriend at the wedding away from the press. They are not protecting her. Obviously, if they allow her to model at that age, they are not protecting her.
I think you're onto something here. Looking at the comments by the media in the discussion today about how they've handled the Marius situation, they probably have stories that they're sitting on about everyone, not just Marius. If Haakon and MM got wind of this, they may have encouraged SV to bring the girlfriend, rather than having the media "out" them, like it's a scandal.

Based on the precedent with Princess Ingrid Alexandra (who receives even more interest from the media and public), it seems even the boldest of the media (i.e., Se og Hør) would wait until both parties were adults before "outing" them, and it would not be presented or received as a scandal.

If the goal had been to preempt potential reporting on the relationship after Amalie Giæver Macleod's 18th birthday in November, the public introduction would surely have been handled in a different way – perhaps a strategic leak to a friendly outlet with on-the-record confirmation from a spokesperson that the two were in a relationship but did not want to comment further, or perhaps giving permission to picture agencies to photograph the couple holding hands outside some non-royal social event such as Miss Macleod's 18th birthday party.

As it was, many elements of the introduction – Macleod walking not just next to her boyfriend but with the entire crown princely family set apart from the public, at a grand royal event which was of great public interest even though it was officially "private", at a time when three other members of the royal family were generating headlines and negative commentary on a daily basis, and wearing a dress reused from the Crown Princess's pre-wedding photoshoot – appeared designed to boost media and public interest, rather than tame it.

It would be unfair to arrive at any judgments about the Prince or his girlfriend based on just one public relations decision made when they are only 17 and 18 (assuming, as I do, that it was their decision though their parents must have agreed to it). However, because many have praised this introduction as good PR or argued that it bodes well for the couple's potential to represent the monarchy, I will counter by saying that if the couple continue to make similar decisions over the years as they grow older, that would not be a positive sign for the royal house. It is good for royal "spares" and their partners to be comfortable with public attention, but spares and spouses/partners of spares who actively seek attention often have issues with their designated roles.

Besides, I hope that future King Haakon continues the gender-equal approach his father has so far taken, meaning that a possible wife of Prince Sverre Magnus should be treated no differently than Ari Behn or Durek Verrett, and not take on duties for the royal house unless there is no alternative.
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I think both sets of parents can be blamed for this one. She is a minor and she could have arrived with her family or other friends and joined her boyfriend at the wedding away from the press. They are not protecting her. Obviously, if they allow her to model at that age, they are not protecting her.
Sverre Magnus' Denmark crown prince cousin of the same age, 18, is having the time of his life between wild parties and government duties. Yet I feel Magnus is still viewed as the Romeo teen kid to his Juliet girlfriend.
Well if you ask me, all of this is nothing but a distraction and it seems to be working. The Norwegian press now has something or rather someone new to focus on rather than Marius.
Well if you ask me, all of this is nothing but a distraction and it seems to be working. The Norwegian press now has something or rather someone new to focus on rather than Marius.
And it's a great love story that I prefer to chat about instead of Marius out of control conduct or ML and the reincarnated fortune teller/shaman/life coach/husband of hers
Sverre Magnus' Denmark crown prince cousin of the same age, 18, is having the time of his life between wild parties and government duties. Yet I feel Magnus is still viewed as the Romeo teen kid to his Juliet girlfriend.

Wild parties? Or normal music festivals?
And as we seen, Norway's press doesn't put everything to light. The Danish press doesn't seem to hold back on their reporting. So that's unfair.
I wonder if there would be this much buzz around Amalie if she was homely/plain instead of extremely pretty?
I don't remember when any teenage Royal date caused such a sensation.🙄
Well if you ask me, all of this is nothing but a distraction and it seems to be working. The Norwegian press now has something or rather someone new to focus on rather than Marius.

Has it? There seems to me to have been only bare-bones coverage in the media.

I wonder if there would be this much buzz around Amalie if she was homely/plain instead of extremely pretty?


I don't remember when any teenage Royal date caused such a sensation.🙄

On foreign social media, yes, but is that the case in Norway?

And I suppose the Chiara de Bourbon/Prince Christian of Denmark rumors attracted even more attention from foreigners – but to your point, Chiara is also conventionally pretty.
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Some teen romances last, and some don't. There's no way of knowing how things are going to go with Sverre Magnus and Amalie. Bringing a "plus one" to a family wedding isn't really a big thing. Unfortunately, when it's a royal family wedding, it's going to attract press speculation.
I wonder if there would be this much buzz around Amalie if she was homely/plain instead of extremely pretty?
I don't remember when any teenage Royal date caused such a sensation.🙄
Honestly, she looks like any average Norvegian girl. It's only few tabloids and royal forums that mentioned her, it's not a bifmg sensation in Norway.
I didn't know that! How sweet.

Yep, the mothers of our Prince Georg-Friedrich von Preussen and his wife Sophie were friends - that is, why the little kids spent so much time together. Then they were an issue at highschool and then again after his military service, when he studied. And now they are husband and wife and have 4 kids themselves. This is truly romantic!

Couples out of highschool sweethearts are not that rare. But I wish for Sverre Magnus and his Amalie, that they can grow. I mean, it is quite natural, that folks are asking about Amalie's background and her parents. But in the public spotlight are many dangers! It is nothing for the shy!
Sverre Magnus has moved to Trondheim. Mette-Marit confirmed this at their county visit.
Amalie Giæver Macleod states on LinkedIn that she has started working at an art gallery in Trondheim.
- We can confirm that the prince has moved to Trondheim, and that he will be here until Christmas. He will work. But we don't want to go into any more detail about where he will work and what he will do, but we can confirm that he has moved here and is very happy about it, says Mette-Marit.
According to what NRK knows, Sverre Magnus lives somewhere in the center of Trondheim.
As far as NRK knows, Mette-Marit was also in Trondheim at the weekend ahead of the county tour. Then she was observed on several occasions together with Sverre Magnus.
- We do not usually confirm our private programme, Mette-Marit stated today.
Rather a low-key announcement compared to Princess Ingrid Alexandra, whose first post-graduation job received an official announcement with details, as well as a contrast with the prince's recent introduction of his girlfriend, which was conducted much more publicly than his sister's relationship with her boyfriend. I wonder if he chose Trondheim to live with his girlfriend (if that is the case) and if the "until Christmas" means he will start as a military conscript in the New Year, as his sister did.

Interesting that the Crown Princess referred to her son as "the prince" at the press conference, while the Crown Prince referred to him as "Magnus" in his 2023 interview (quoted in the article). How do they usually refer to their two younger children?
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Sounds like the couple are indeed living in Trondheim together. Some were already wondering about the longevity of their relationship with her working in Trondheim, so it seems that at least for the time being they are together.
Sounds like the couple are indeed living in Trondheim together. Some were already wondering about the longevity of their relationship with her working in Trondheim, so it seems that at least for the time being they are together.
The fact that they live in the same city doesn't mean they are living together, does it? I don't know how common it is in Norway to live with a boyfriend when you are under 18. Could anyone from Norway please comment?
The fact that they live in the same city doesn't mean they are living together, does it? I don't know how common it is in Norway to live with a boyfriend when you are under 18. Could anyone from Norway please comment?
Ingrid-Alexandra lived with her boyfriend in an apartment in Oslo in the few months after finishing high school (so exactly the same timing as SM) and before she started in the military, so it seems at least Haakon and Mette-Marit would be fine with it. And if Amelie's parents allow her to attend a high-profile wedding with the crownprincely family, I doubt they would object.
Ingrid-Alexandra lived with her boyfriend in an apartment in Oslo in the few months after finishing high school (so exactly the same timing as SM) and before she started in the military, so it seems at least Haakon and Mette-Marit would be fine with it. And if Amelie's parents allow her to attend a high-profile wedding with the crownprincely family, I doubt they would object.
But both Ingrid and her boyfriend were already over 18 when they moved in together, were they not? I am not saying I don't believe it is possible that they are living together. I am just trying to understand whether that is common in Norway or not.
Wow. Why does nobody think of two teenys under the family umbrella attending the wedding of an aunt? He is 18, so surely she is his school sweetheart - why shouldn't his mother "play chaperone" for the girl, lend her a dress and fix her up with jewellery when Sverre Magnus asked her too do so? His aunt surely was ok with SM to bring a plus one. If they both were okay with the media interest in her, why not do it? But I wouldn't interpret to much into it.
If eveyone is okay with the media attention falling on his young girlfriend, we better not get a strongly worded message from Mette-Marit later on ;)
But both Ingrid and her boyfriend were already over 18 when they moved in together, were they not? I am not saying I don't believe it is possible that they are living together. I am just trying to understand whether that is common in Norway or not.
His girlfriend has obiously skipped a year somewhere, either startes a year early, skipped a year or gone to the international school (one parent is from Scotland I think). If you follow the normal timeline in Norway you finnish the year you turn 19, whilst she has finnished a year earlier. (That is why Ingrid changed from Oslo international school to finnish with her year in the norwegian system)

In big student cities like Trondheim there are student housing crisis, and housing can be very expensive. Very few can afford to live alone. So it is very common to share with friends, fellow students or you partner, so if you can move in with your girl/boyfriend in a one room appartment, you have someone to share the high costs with, and you maybe move together earlier than what you would do if you did not have to worry about costs, so young student couples living together are quite common,
Ingrid-Alexandra lived with her boyfriend in an apartment in Oslo in the few months after finishing high school (so exactly the same timing as SM) and before she started in the military, so it seems at least Haakon and Mette-Marit would be fine with it. And if Amelie's parents allow her to attend a high-profile wedding with the crownprincely family, I doubt they would object.
Rather a low-key announcement compared to Princess Ingrid Alexandra, whose first post-graduation job received an official announcement with details, as well as a contrast with the prince's recent introduction of his girlfriend, which was conducted much more publicly than his sister's relationship with her boyfriend. I wonder if he chose Trondheim to live with his girlfriend (if that is the case) and if the "until Christmas" means he will start as a military conscript in the New Year, as his sister did.

Yes, I think "until Christmas" most likely means that he will start military training in January as his sister did. I think it was already rather expected that he would, but now with the whole Marius situation, the pressure is really on for Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre Magnus to make a good impression. And part of that is joining the military as a conscript.

Living and working in Trondheim sounds good. It's a very nice city and sorry, but I also maintain that it's better for Magnus and Ingrid to be away from Marius. Plus working and doing military training, both of those things teach you valuable lessons.
Some teen romances last, and some don't. There's no way of knowing how things are going to go with Sverre Magnus and Amalie. Bringing a "plus one" to a family wedding isn't really a big thing. Unfortunately, when it's a royal family wedding, it's going to attract press speculation.
The NRF needed positive press coverage because of the Marius-problem. Amalie needed a hightened profile because a prince's ex still gets press attention and for a model, this pure coin. If she wants to move on to the big agencies in New York, LA or Paris, that's what she needs. If Claudia Schiffer had not been promoted by Karl Lagerfeld, she wouldn't have been a "Supermodel", just a quite sucessful German one. To find the right promoter, it's important to have the press's interest. So I think it's business and Mette-Marit's dress will make sure that Amelie's picture is not soon to be forgotten. (Sorry, just found out that Amelie is a model!)
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