Prince Harry's Afrika Korps Costume: January 2005

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The media didn't follow the boys to this party. The pictures of Harry were taken by a fellow party goer who sold them to the newspapers.
Thank you, Reina and Sommone, for your replies.:) You have several good ideas that I hadn't thought of before. They shouldn't think racism is funny and if they do, they need to be taken in hand and corrected immediately. Also, reading what James said, what a horrible thing for someone to do, whether friend or foe! I suggest whole new social groups for Harry.:) ;)
james said:
The media didn't follow the boys to this party. The pictures of Harry were taken by a fellow party goer who sold them to the newspapers.

Hmm, I didn't know that.
some resume

elenaris said:
"The Chins", la bande hédoniste des princes Harry et William
LE MONDE | 17.01.05 | 14h03
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"The Chins" (les mentons) : c'est le nom de totem de la bande entourant Harry et William, les deux fils du prince Charles. Il s'agit d'une allusion à cette manière particulière dont la noblesse et la grande bourgeoisie ancienne du royaume jouent de la partie saillante du visage.OAS_AD('Middle'); Cette expression est la signature de l'une des tribus les plus discrètes de la jeunesse anglaise. La photo sur laquelle on voit le prince Harry déguisé en officier nazi, brassard frappé d'une swastika au bras gauche, a projeté à la "une" de l'actualité cette caste de teenagers, avec ses codes et ses signes de reconnaissance.

Ils s'appellent Luke et Mark Tomlinson, Harry Legge-Bourke, Harry Meade, Davina Duckworth-Chad ou Natalie Hicks-Lobbeke. Des noms à rallonge, liés depuis des lustres à la famille royale. Les garçons sont tous passés par les collèges privés avant de rejoindre le Cirencester Agricultural College, célèbre école spécialisée dans la formation des gestionnaires de domaines, ou l'académie militaire de Sandhurst. Les filles, sorties obligatoirement du Cheltenham Ladies College ou de Roedean, œuvrent ensuite dans les associations de préservation du patrimoine ou au comptoir des salles de vente en attendant de faire un bon mariage.

Beuveries et fêtes costumées (équivalent des rallyes mondains à la française) rythment les week-ends de ce groupe basé autour de Highgrove, la résidence de campagne du prince Charles, à deux heures de voiture de Londres. A la lager de prédilection des jeunes de leur âge, ils préfèrent la vodka-cranberry ou la tequila sunrise pour se saouler. Tous aiment la vie au grand air. Ils ont hérité de leurs parents le goût du sport, en particulier de la chasse à courre et du polo.


Ce petit monde hait Tony Blair, dont le projet d'interdiction de la chasse à courre menace, estiment-ils, leur manière de vivre. Harry Meade, qui avait organisé la fête costumée par laquelle le scandale est arrivé, avait d'ailleurs été arrêté pour avoir interrompu le discours du premier ministre lors du dernier congrès du New Labour. Pour autant, le leader conservateur, Michael Howard, ne trouve pas grâce à leurs yeux : citadin, avocat et juif.

Ce cercle de privilégiés a une conscience très aiguë de son statut social. Il se ferme comme une huître devant l'"argent nouveau" issu de l'establishment des médias, de la City ou de l'entreprise. "Il s'agit d'un monde où l'on se connaît depuis le berceau, où la mentalité est immature voire infantile, coupée de la réalité. Ses membres ont un fort sentiment de supériorité qui leur donne une impression d'impunité, ce qui les rend parfois très impolis", explique un organisateur d'événements pour la haute société.

Leur univers ne comprend ni Noirs ni Asiatiques. Reste que ces jeunes gens sont fascinés par l'Afrique, où ils passent souvent leurs vacances à chasser le gros gibier. Ainsi, pour célébrer ses 21 ans, le prince William avait organisé une party costumée sur le thème "Out of Africa". Celui de la soirée à scandale de Meade était "Natives and Colonials" (indigènes et colonisateurs). A cette occasion, certains invités s'étaient déguisés en zoulous en se recouvrant le visage de cirage !

Jasmine Alibaï-Brown, journaliste d'origine pakistanaise de l'Independent, s'indigne du manque de sensibilité à l'égard de la société multiculturelle britannique : "Comment le deuxième et le troisième dans l'ordre de succession au trône peuvent-ils participer à une fête aux connotations ouvertement racistes ?" De son côté, le Times annonce, dans son édition du 17 janvier, que la Chambre des communes se prépare à ouvrir une enquête sur l'entourage et les conseillers du prince Harry.

Marc Roche
I'll try to provide you with a resume in english:

According to "Le Monde," Prince William and Prince Harry belong to a group of young upper class friends whose name is " The Chins" according to the way people behave in English upper classes ( : chin up).

Thse people like hunting, go to some specific schools, get married between people of the same social rank...They are cut from the reality of the real world, a bit despective and have a feeling of imopunity because of their social rank, and immaturity.

If someones whith better english and understanding franch could help I would be glad!
THank you
The whole incident just underscores Prince Harry's slide into what could end up being a disastrous life. Being 2nd is not such a good thing--look at how Princess Margaret was taken to task for leading a self-indulgent lifestyle for many years. And she didn't have the "is she legit?" rumor hanging over her head. I don't know what the solution is but clearly he doesn't look before he leaps, parties way too much for his own good and needs some responsibility handed off to him so he doesn't end up being a middle-aged caricature of the consummate self-indulgent royal. With so much on his side in the way of privilege and entre to any circles he wants.....OK, he's still young and thus not fully formed in terms of judgement.....there are far better uses of his time than this. Lately, with the exception of time spent emulating his mother with orphans and underprivileged overseas, when I see him, in costume or not, he is often holding a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. His mother's brother, Earl Spencer, was nicknamed "Champagne Charlie" for awhile and showed similar poor judgement. Someone has to take this young man in hand--and, no, I don't think it is William's responsibility--help him "get a grip." Unfortunately, as I mentally survey the Windsors, I don't see many good candidates. Her Majesty is older as is the Duke of Edinburgh--plus they have a lot on their plates w/o really needs to be Charles. I skimmed the thread.....anyone heard if he commented on the matter of the Nazi uniform or Harry in general?
queenanne said:
Thank you, Reina and Sommone, for your replies.:) You have several good ideas that I hadn't thought of before. They shouldn't think racism is funny and if they do, they need to be taken in hand and corrected immediately. Also, reading what James said, what a horrible thing for someone to do, whether friend or foe! I suggest whole new social groups for Harry.:) ;)
I agree, but the problem is, would anyone force him to get new friends? I don't think Charles could do it.
I skimmed the thread.....anyone heard if he commented on the matter of the Nazi uniform or Harry in general?
I don't think he has. In time-honoured tradition, it's being left to spokesmen to make statements. The last thing I heard (also from a Clarence House spokesman) was that a news blackout was being imposed as far as Harry's activities are concerned. Strikes me as a pretty stupid move; the media will take it as a challenge, and when there's a vacuum it'll be repalced by something, whether it's true or not.
More fall-out from Harry's Nazi joke. The following editorial appeared in This Scunthorpe, an affiliate of the Daily Telegraph:

12:30 - 22 January 2005
Prince Harry has proved what I already knew - the royal family are a bunch of overindulged and uneducated people.

I would like to know how someone who has had years of the best education money could buy decided to wear an outfit which is a symbol of evil. I would like to know what he was really taught about World War Two and our Empire days (of which we should never be proud).

The argument his mother was killed is no excuse, as many lose parents and yet don't wear the uniform of the fascist state.

I accept some act out. However, to offend the memories of millions who have died, is a great affront of humanity.

If a Premiership footballer allegedly smoked pot and wore the uniform of the evil Nazi regime, then the public would rightfully call for this person to be sacked, while getting on their moral high horse and talking about the downfall of society through yob culture.

However, when the Prince does the same thing, people make excuses for him like he is this innocent person.

Maybe those who complain about yob culture should take a look at the Prince and demand he be prosecuted for any things that are illegal, and severely punished for the things he does which are yobbish, instead of having his position get in the way.

Harry has never publicly apologised for his actions.

Instead he issued a statement and left it at that, while the media went to his defence.

He is in line for the throne and technically could be a future king.

Therefore he should give up all possible royal positions and not be allowed to enter the army as a commanding officer.

Harry should make immediate amends by visiting Auschwitz and come in front of the world to apologise for any offence, because this has gone global.

Also, Harry has put the nail in the coffin for any chance we had of getting the Olympic Games (and rightfully so).

Thanks you stupid, stupid boy.

Finally, this is just a prime example of the failures of the royal family, which the young of this country no longer respect.

So the question is, when will this country wave goodbye to the archaic regime of the monarchy and embrace the trueness of democracy we hold dear within our very hearts?

Don't worry it will happen.

Joseph Dylong

Revesby Avenue, Scunthorpe
I suppose it's inevitable that republican sympathisers will seize this incident and use it against the monarchy in general, but I wonder what this person thinks will happen to Harry if he isn't allowed to go to Sandhurst as a result of that party. If he doesn't have something constructive and challenging to do with his life, he'll just start drifting and his problems will get worse, and those very same people who demanded he not go to Sandhurst will be complaining that he has no discipline in his life.

If this incident has any effect whatever on the choice of the Olympic venue, that would be idiotic.
Hello all!:)

The republican sympathizers really didn't seize this was handed to them on a silver platter. Harry seems to be doing that a lot lately, giving republicans fodder. If he behaved, they wouldn't have anything.

Someone posted that Harry should join the Army as a regular enlisted man and start his career that way. I wish I could remember who that was and give them credit...I wholeheartedly agree. Harry doesn't deserve to be admitted to Sandhurst now, he needs more humble beginnings in the Army to really get a grip on reality imo. Anyone else would have been given the boot by now. IF, that's a big IF, lol, the article about two new injuries popping up for the otherwise busy, busy young man, then he won't be going anyway....maybe?

Donna B.
Maybe just me, but I have trouble seeing that Harry would be allowed to join the army as an enlistee as long as the country is at war.

I don't question whether or not the discipline would be good for him.

I simply think that the person who is third in line to the throne wouldn't be allowed to seek out dangers. He'd be a living target in the war-zone, both for assassination attempts and kidnappings. If he was to join the army as enlisted personell there, it would be difficult to bring body-guards in.

That being said I also think that having some structure in his life would be good, whether that happens at a university, or at Sandhurst.
Maybe just me, but I have trouble seeing that Harry would be allowed to join the army as an enlistee as long as the country is at war.
That's a good point Norwegianne. But I just remembered something. Prince Andrew went to war in the Falkland Islands when he was still third in line to the throne and was part of the active combat between Great Britain and Argentina. So, if it was okay for Andrew...then, well, Harry could be an enlisted man. I must say that I am opposed to war and wish NO ONE ever had to go!!! I truly hate it.

Donna B.
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Prince Andrew was an officer all the time he was in the Navy. As far as I know, he was never an enlisted man. He went through training at Dartmouth, the naval equivalent of Sandhurst.

If Harry goes into the Army, he'll be expected to go into combat zones like any other person. The only areas he might be kept out of are ones where he could be in danger of being kidnapped and held hostage or something; I think that possibility is what stopped the Duke of Kent from being able to spend much time (if any) in Northern Ireland as a professional soldier and led to him leaving the Army before he would have otherwise done.
Hi Elspeth:)

Yes, Prince Andrew was an officer in the Navy during the Falkland Islands war. Even though his rank was higher than that of an enlisted man, he still served in the war and took part in active combat on the front lines. Prince Andrew flew combat helicopters during the Falkland war and was most definitely in harms way.

I still think that considering everything that's been happening with Harry, he should not have the privilege of going straight to Officer's Training. Starting out as a regular enlisted man would do him a world of good imo.

Donna B.
Donna B. said:
I still think that considering everything that's been happening with Harry, he should not have the privilege of going straight to Officer's Training. Starting out as a regular enlisted man would do him a world of good imo.

Donna B.
I totally agree with you. Maybe Harry would mature a little.
Oh Elspeth, haven't they (the royal family) learned by now? When they impose a blackout and the media is left to conjecture, the problems multiply, not dissipate. From the emotions just on this forum and the poll results from the British people, this is one which should be taken on head on and addressed by Prince Charles in a suitable manner. THAT would definitely help, in my opinion--if he repudiates the behavior and judgement of Harry in this incident and makes clear his actions do not reflect the feelings of the Royal Family--in fact, they are mortified and deeply apologetic for the offence it has caused. I do believe Harry loves his father and seeing him having to apologize for his behavior MIGHT cause him to think twice before engaging in this type of thing ever again. Just a thought.
Elspeth said:
I don't think he has. In time-honoured tradition, it's being left to spokesmen to make statements. The last thing I heard (also from a Clarence House spokesman) was that a news blackout was being imposed as far as Harry's activities are concerned. Strikes me as a pretty stupid move; the media will take it as a challenge, and when there's a vacuum it'll be repalced by something, whether it's true or not.
I read in an article that PCharles made Harry work on the farm (and thatincluded messing with the pig waste). ALso charles wants him to go to auschwitz
Reina said:
I read in an article that PCharles made Harry work on the farm (and thatincluded messing with the pig waste). ALso charles wants him to go to auschwitz
I don't see what working on a farm is going to achieve. What, pat a few animals, shovel a bit of manure, and everyone’s forgotten about what he did? No, I don’t think so. I agree with Charles and with many Holocaust survivors; he should spend time at Auschwitz and see what the regime's symbol he wore on his arm, did. All I can say is that I'm really glad that William is in line to the throne before Harry, and that I hope we won't have to hear about any more idiotic 'jokes' from him again.
Oh Elspeth, haven't they (the royal family) learned by now? When they impose a blackout and the media is left to conjecture, the problems multiply, not dissipate.
Really, somebody's giving them some very bad advice over this. I'm not sure where the news blackout directive came from, but whoever did it has made a very bad mistake, I think.
Reina said:
I read in an article that PCharles made Harry work on the farm (and thatincluded messing with the pig waste). ALso charles wants him to go to auschwitz
I hope one of those pigs will give him a swift kick in the shin. Means he will stay out of the Army longer. Do you honestly believe any rank & file soldier will have any respect for an Officer Henry Wales?
I have never thought that when Harry wore the Nazi uniform the issue was whether he was racist or not. I think the question is whether he fully grasps the responsibility of his position and I think that at this point in time the answer is no. At a recent Halloween party two of my friends came dressed as Nazis and no one batted an eyelid, the reason being that all of the partgoers knew them and knew that, of course, they didn't agree with genoicide etc it was merley a party and they wore the costumes in a mocking fashion as I am sure Harry did. But the point is that he is a Prince so he should have steered clear of anything that was controversial which really included not going to any function dubbed "Natives and Colonials" as William also should have, in the first place. The main problem in the Royal Family is all round arrogance. I read the other day that Zara Philips has called her horse Tsunami II even though Princess Anne's advisors strongly warned against it. They ought to remember that they don't have an automatic right to a lifestyle funded by the taxpayer. Although they are not elected they should not think that they are indispensable. The Royal Family exist through the goodwill of the people and they take advantage of that goodwill at their peril.
True, they are far too arrogent. But that is practically the tradition for them, and traditions are hard to get rid of.
I agree googlofcrazypeople. The problem for them nowadays is that we live in the modern age. In the past they could get away with inappropriate behaviour as their position was never questioned but now people are more sophisticated and educated and whereas many, including myself, still agree with the concept of monarchy it HAS to be monarchy which is on a par with the attitudes of the people. If it isn't then they are doomed because their "subjects" can very easily dispense with them.
LOL. It is gaggleofcrazypeople. At 1st I thought you were callling googlers crazy. Lol.
Sorry for the mis-spelling but I agree with you anyway.
james said:
I have never thought that when Harry wore the Nazi uniform the issue was whether he was racist or not. I think the question is whether he fully grasps the responsibility of his position and I think that at this point in time the answer is no. At a recent Halloween party two of my friends came dressed as Nazis and no one batted an eyelid, the reason being that all of the partgoers knew them and knew that, of course, they didn't agree with genoicide etc it was merley a party and they wore the costumes in a mocking fashion as I am sure Harry did.

I think it's shameful that anybody would go to a party dressed as a Nazi. It doesn't matter if everyone else at the party knows you or knows what kind of a person you supposedly are. To show up at a party - a fun and frivolous occasion - dressed as a Nazi is inconsiderate and insolent when you consider the millions of lives lost and affected by the Nazi regime.

james said:
They ought to remember that they don't have an automatic right to a lifestyle funded by the taxpayer. Although they are not elected they should not think that they are indispensable. The Royal Family exist through the goodwill of the people and they take advantage of that goodwill at their peril.

On this I agree with you. The younger generation of royals don't seem to want to work as hard as their parents and grandparents did to preserve and maintain the integrity of the monarchy. Harry wearing the Nazi costume to a party and Zara naming her horse Tsunami II are just two examples of the younger generation of the Windsors not fully aware of their role and responsibility.
Princss Anne said in the eighties with regards to Royal engagements, " I don't think the next generation will want to be involved at all ". I remember reading that at the time and thinking it an odd thing for her to say as we all took it for granted that William, Harry etc would automatically step into their parents footsteps when they came of age. But she seems to have been very perceptive in hindsight. The Royal youngsters seem to have a belief that they can just "do their own thing" but they really can't if the Monarchy is to survive. It's not only to do with involvement in Royal affairs but also in their behaviour and that of the company they keep. Only yesterday I read that William and Harry were in a nightclub in Klosters where there friend Guy Pelly, who is known for his drug taking and impersonations their grandmother ( which they seem to find a hoot) stripped down to his underwear. This boy is constantly with them and he seems to be a complete idiot. If this is the company they keep then it dosn't say much for them but all in all they don't seem to care.
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