Prince Gustav and Carina Axelsson, Current Events Part 2: Aug 2009 - June 2022

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Prince Gustav and Carina Axelsson News & Discussion Part 2

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Mandy, iceflower, dazzling & JessRulz

Prince Gustav and Carina Axelsson's battle against the grand-father will

Sorry if I miss some information in precedent threads, but are you aware of the last news from the juridic struggle Prince Gustav has engaged in order to cancel the will of his grand-father? Are they expecting any legal answer for the further months? If anybody able to read and understand the danish or swedish newspapers about this are able to help me, I would appreciate!

Thanks a lot
It's all contained in the prior thread, Carronnette. There is no expected date of results, and based on case law, it appears less than likely.

Please read carefully through the entire previous thread; the situation and solutions have been covered exhaustively.
Sorry if I miss some information in precedent threads, but are you aware of the last news from the juridic struggle Prince Gustav has engaged in order to cancel the will of his grand-father? Are they expecting any legal answer for the further months? If anybody able to read and understand the danish or swedish newspapers about this are able to help me, I would appreciate!

Thanks a lot

So far the has been nothing new about the "will figth" the press her in Denmark has had more fokus on why Carina was attending the baptisem of littel prince Henrik of Denmark ;)

Perhaps becuse they woud love to work with another royal wedding...a wedding witch will not break over because a recuest from a perhaps farther inlaw who woud love to get his hands on the berleburg house and jewelery...
Perhaps becuse they woud love to work with another royal wedding...a wedding witch will not break over because a recuest from a perhaps farther inlaw who woud love to get his hands on the berleburg house and jewelery...

I meant why have the press been focusing on her attendance at the christening? I didn' realise it caused that much of a stir?
I meant why have the press been focusing on her attendance at the christening? I didn' realise it caused that much of a stir?

It´s because the press has been talking about the realsionship betwen Gustav and Carina and when and wher they are going to become enggagede and then the wedding....:angel:
Prince Gustav and Carina Axelsson opened their home, Schloss Berleburg, to local children.
Böse Geister - Bad Berleburg - WP - DerWesten

They had several rooms decorated in a Halloween/haunted house theme. Carina was the one who came up with the concept, and decorated the rooms. 99 children visited the "haunted castle".
With the announcement of the engagement of Prince Nikolaos and Tatiana, my thoughts go to Gustav and Carina.

Any news on their Christmas and even moreso, the court case?
I haven't seen anything yet, Michelleq. I was hoping that with the news of Nathalie's engagement, we would hear something about Gustav and Carina. It doesn't seem to be the case, least not yet.
I've read the various threads about this situation, but I've never understood what prevents Gustav from simply draining all the assets from the estate and sheltering them some way. For instance, what prevents him from selling the castle to Carina (or someone else) or giving her the artwork, treasures, etc.?

If he currently owns the properties and goods, I'd think he could do with them as he chooses. Then, if he marries against his grandfather's wishes, there would be no inheritance left for him to lose.
I've read the various threads about this situation, but I've never understood what prevents Gustav from simply draining all the assets from the estate and sheltering them some way. For instance, what prevents him from selling the castle to Carina (or someone else) or giving her the artwork, treasures, etc.?

If he currently owns the properties and goods, I'd think he could do with them as he chooses. Then, if he marries against his grandfather's wishes, there would be no inheritance left for him to lose.
I've never thought of doing just that. Definately out of the box thinking - great job. I would assume though that there are restrictions about what he can sell and how much. If his grandfather was so strict about marriage, I would think it would be the same for selling or redistribution of the estate. But who really knows.
I've never thought of doing just that. Definately out of the box thinking - great job. I would assume though that there are restrictions about what he can sell and how much. If his grandfather was so strict about marriage, I would think it would be the same for selling or redistribution of the estate. But who really knows.

I actually thought along this line myself but wouldn't dare write this. I do remember reading the Prince Richard earns income from the estate during his lifetime so that very well may be one of the reasons Prince Gustav can't sell.

Bravo Kalnel!!!
so even they are no married and she really is not a princess can she still use the tiaras??????
so even they are no married and she really is not a princess can she still use the tiaras??????
I ask the same question and I thin its because they won't let them get married and he's senting a message to the world that she still his princess :flowers:
I ask the same question and I thin its because they won't let them get married and he's senting a message to the world that she still his princess :flowers:

This is not a too good PR strategic. Tatiana Blatnik didn't wear tiaras before her official engagement.
This is not a too good PR strategic. Tatiana Blatnik didn't wear tiaras before her official engagement.

It doesn't matter they will never get married his grandfather will won't let him not with out giving up his money and all but they might before he dies no offense.So she might as well go for it.:flowers:
This is not a too good PR strategic. Tatiana Blatnik didn't wear tiaras before her official engagement.

But Tatiana can marry her Prince.
Carina cannot marry hers.
But Tatiana can marry her Prince.
Carina cannot marry hers.

Yes she can. She can 100% absolutely marry Gustav. Tonight, tomorrow, next week.

They can marry any time they wish. They prefer to shack up and play house.

A tiara is a piece of jewelry, period. If Gustav's parents think it provident to let her play with the jewels, then it's up to them. I mean, I'm sure that the jewels are well insured, just as I'm sure that every piece of real estate is carefully locked up so that it is not squandered. I think that the will itself is proof positive that this family is determined to hang on to its wealth.

I think the far, far greater sin here is that Gustav has two sisters who have no inheritance rights. Gustav has a 100% choice in who he can marry. His sisters had no rights in choosing their sex at birth. Because they are female, they lose out. If anyone has a gripe, it should be their gripe.

The next heir in line for this little branch has married equally, to someone who has a gainful and independent career; they have a legitimate son. The next heir genuinely believes in the Protestant faith that the grandfather's will provides as a requirement, and in fact very active in it; he has offered his own family schloss as an international conference site. Things will be fine in that family in the next generations.

So they don't get married - so what? This really isn't a tragedy in the least. They have money, they have a nice place to live, she gets to wear pretty clothes and they both get trotted out in front of cameras for "family" events. It really doesn't seem to be all that dreadful of a situation. In fact, it seems rather nice to have all that and very little to have to do to earn it; they have no public responsibilities (unlike Royal families with full calendars) and whatever they choose to do, like open the hunt breakfast, is purely by choice. (The only obligation that Gustav had was to marry in accordance with his grandfather's will, and he seems to be a failure in that.)

And - they can always get married. Yes, they can. Sure, he'd have to, you know, work for a living and all; but there are a lot of princes who do and it doesn't seem to have done them too very much harm. I also wish to point out that Gustav's father is still alive, still reigning Prince, and one of the 400 wealthiest individuals in Germany. I doubt that if they married, that Gustav would in reality have to work; I'm certain his father is in a position to provide a jointure to provide for them amply if not splendidly. There are several subsidiary properties owned by the family that would provide housing far in excess of what the majority of the human race - or even the posters here - have over their heads.

Gustav's girlfriend is by and large a creation of her press agent, and if one takes a careful look at, for instance, the arc of pictures released over a two year period of time from one Royal interaction, that press agent earns his pennies. This whole "tragedy" of not being able to Marry the Prince seems to me to be overly-turgid.

Because - and I'll say it again - Gustav and she can marry at their convenience and leisure.
Yes she can. She can 100% absolutely marry Gustav. Tonight, tomorrow, next week.

They can marry any time they wish. They prefer to shack up and play house.

A tiara is a piece of jewelry, period. If Gustav's parents think it provident to let her play with the jewels, then it's up to them. I mean, I'm sure that the jewels are well insured, just as I'm sure that every piece of real estate is carefully locked up so that it is not squandered. I think that the will itself is proof positive that this family is determined to hang on to its wealth.

I think the far, far greater sin here is that Gustav has two sisters who have no inheritance rights. Gustav has a 100% choice in who he can marry. His sisters had no rights in choosing their sex at birth. Because they are female, they lose out. If anyone has a gripe, it should be their gripe.

The next heir in line for this little branch has married equally, to someone who has a gainful and independent career; they have a legitimate son. The next heir genuinely believes in the Protestant faith that the grandfather's will provides as a requirement, and in fact very active in it; he has offered his own family schloss as an international conference site. Things will be fine in that family in the next generations.

So they don't get married - so what? This really isn't a tragedy in the least. They have money, they have a nice place to live, she gets to wear pretty clothes and they both get trotted out in front of cameras for "family" events. It really doesn't seem to be all that dreadful of a situation. In fact, it seems rather nice to have all that and very little to have to do to earn it; they have no public responsibilities (unlike Royal families with full calendars) and whatever they choose to do, like open the hunt breakfast, is purely by choice. (The only obligation that Gustav had was to marry in accordance with his grandfather's will, and he seems to be a failure in that.)

And - they can always get married. Yes, they can. Sure, he'd have to, you know, work for a living and all; but there are a lot of princes who do and it doesn't seem to have done them too very much harm. I also wish to point out that Gustav's father is still alive, still reigning Prince, and one of the 400 wealthiest individuals in Germany. I doubt that if they married, that Gustav would in reality have to work; I'm certain his father is in a position to provide a jointure to provide for them amply if not splendidly. There are several subsidiary properties owned by the family that would provide housing far in excess of what the majority of the human race - or even the posters here - have over their heads.

Gustav's girlfriend is by and large a creation of her press agent, and if one takes a careful look at, for instance, the arc of pictures released over a two year period of time from one Royal interaction, that press agent earns his pennies. This whole "tragedy" of not being able to Marry the Prince seems to me to be overly-turgid.

Because - and I'll say it again - Gustav and she can marry at their convenience and leisure.

y should he not be able to carry on the famliy name because she not a princess? Thats not fair he's fighting for their rights.His grandfather was a little unfair if you ask me.
y should he not be able to carry on the famliy name because she not a princess? Thats not fair he's fighting for their rights.His grandfather was a little unfair if you ask me.

This has been very thoroughly discussed elsewhere, in Part 1 of this thread. Having said that, not a single one of us here has actually seen the will of the grandfather, so the only thing we know is what has been published...usually via press releases from her press agent, carefully sent to sympathetic pink-press journalists.

It has nothing to do with whether she was born a princess. Gustav's grandfather set up the will with very specific requirements, including (among other items) Protestant faith and noble birth for any bride. "Noble birth" is defined as four generations.

He's not "fighting for their rights." He's fighting for money.

She and Gustav have the right, the 100% right, to marry and to have children. The children would have his name - they would be Berlebergs.

Make no mistake, this isn't some misty-eyed thwarting of pulsing romance; it's not some paperback novel of a goodhearted but poor girl and the master of the manor. Their decision not to marry is their decision alone, and it's based on cold hard cash considerations.


The tiara issue is a non-issue. As I see from the pictures on the appropriate thread, CP Mary of Denmark at one event was not wearing a tiara, but her lady in waiting was! It's jewelry - heck, I even have one dating from the 1820's, a Hungarian piece from my family. And I'm neither Royalty nor aristocracy - although I did debut :)
Nice and informative post NotAPretender. Thank you for that.
To reduce the question to an issue of cash is perhaps overly simplified. Gustav is the next heir in line to inherit the estate. If he does not marry according to the will he will loose the inheritance and it will go to his cousin bypassing his uncle, as the uncle did not marry according to the will either. What will happen if the cousin does not have an heir or does not marry "right"?
Sooner or later the question about the will must be settled; is the requirement regarding the spouse legal?
In worst case scenario the estate will be turned over every generation to another branch of he family simply because of whom they marry or not.

Simply not a practical solution. The estate (think of it as a large wholly owned corporation coupled with your home for generations back) is much more than cash. The cultural and emotional roots were planted generations ago and to simply pack up and move is not something anyone would do lightly. It is as if the Danish royal family would loose the right to the danish crown to Anne Marie's side of the family.

I think Gustav is doing the right thing even though it means he can not marry yet. The question must at some be point addressed and brought to the courts and he is doing it. The estate should stay with its rightful branch of the family.
Because - and I'll say it again - Gustav and she can marry at their convenience and leisure.

Yes they can, but Gustav will loose not only "Cold hard Cash" but everything his family has worked for, for decades, if i'm correct.
Sometimes there are issues that are larger than life. The impact goes far beyond one individuals lifestyle or family life. I don't believe Gustav has ever looked at this issue as only who he can or can not marry. He could have married "equal" but what about a possible first son of such a union. The issue of who the heir marries will impact every generation unless they can get that particular clause of the will changed.
I know little about the situation, so please excuse me if my question is stupid. I am sure it has been asked before. What will happen if Gustav never has any children? What if it is too late for him and Carina to have children together when the will is finally overturned? He will have a right to the inheritance but no heir of his own.
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