Prince Daniel, Current Events Part 3: August 2018-

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Daniel participated today in a digital meeting with the mentees in the Prince Daniel Fellowship's mentoring program.
Lisa Lindström, founder of the company Doberman and one of the inspirers at Prince Daniel's Fellowship, was invited to share her entrepreneurial journey and give her perspective on organizational building. The mentees could share an ongoing challenge within the group in order to subsequently receive feedback from others.
Prins Daniel i digital adeptträff - Sveriges Kungahus
Daniel had today a digital meeting with representatives from Changers Hub about the Ymner service.
Daniel took today part in a digital partner meeting with En Frisk Generation (A Healthy Generation Foundation). He is the patron of En Frisk Generation, which wants to promote more equal health by giving all families with children the opportunity for an active community. Questions about the consequences of the pandemic on children's long-term health were discussed at the meeting. And what it now looks like for the many families that A Healthy Generation usually has activities with. Author and school psychologist Reyhaneh Ahangaran spoke on the topic "How are our children?".
Prins Daniel vid En Frisk Generations partnerträff - Sveriges Kungahus

Photo at court Facebook

Later today he had a digital meeting with the steering group of Prince Daniel's Fellowship.
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Daniel sent yesterday a videogreeting to new police assistants.
Daniel said among other things:
"The Crown Princess and I have had the privilege of visiting many police operations in several parts of our country. We are always filled with admiration and respect for the police we meet. We know that the public makes great demands on you, but we also know that you make at least equal high demands on yourself."
Prins Daniel talade till nyutexaminerade poliser - Sveriges Kungahus

Photo at court Facebook by Victor Ericsson/The Royal Court.

Today, Daniel and Prince Daniel's Fellowship met Antler at a digital meeting to hear more about their initiative Restart the Future with the goal of educating 10,000 future founders, collecting 5,000 new ideas and starting 1,000 new companies.
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Daniel had today a digital meeting with the National Board of Young Enterprise.
Daniel participated yesterday in a digital meeting with the mentees in the Prince Daniel Fellowship's mentoring program.
Daniel inaugurated today digitally Antidoping Sweden's activities.
Antidoping Sweden is a newly formed independent organization which from 2021 is Sweden's national anti-doping organization. Previously, the responsibility lay with the Swedish Sports Confederation.
Daniel said at his speech among other things:
"Sport is for everyone. There, everyone should have the opportunity to participate and compete, on equal terms. If you break the rules, you must take the consequences - and those consequences must also be on equal terms. Regardless of who or where you are."
Prins Daniel invigde Antidoping Sveriges verksamhet - Sveriges Kungahus
Daniel's speech
H.K.H. Prins Daniels invigning av Antidoping Sverige, måndagen den 11 januari 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus
Daniel had today a meeting with the steering group of the Prince Daniel's Fellowship entrepreneurial programme.
Daniel gives a speech tomorrow at Sweden Sustaintech Venture Day.

We are honored to have His Royal Highness Prince Daniel as our guest at the event. At the conference 2020 Prince Daniel held a very appreciated speech referring to Sweden’s industrial history and the possibilities of Sweden being the leading industrial nation in a sustainable future.
H O M E _ Sustaintech
PROGRAM 2021 _ Sustaintech
"HRH Prince Daniel opened the 2021 Sweden Sustaintech Venture Day, this year on screen, with a speech that outlined Sweden’s role as an industrial nation and how Swedish innovative companies are contributing to the world’s #sustainability"

Daniel inaugurated the 2021 Sweden Sustaintech Venture Day.
He said at his speech (in english) among other things:
"Who would have thought, one year ago, that this new way of life; virtual business meetings and conferences, digital classes in high schools, Zoom coffee with older relatives;
Who would have thought that just one year later, this would be “the new normal”?
It has been a tough year for many, a nightmare for some.
On top of the devastating loss of lives, the pandemic has led to deep economic recessions, and an exceptional increase in global poverty.
Last year the global economy shrunk by 4,4%, which the IMF describes as the worst decline since the Great Depression of the 1930s."
Daniel then listened to a number of lectures on investment trends in sustainable technical solutions and green energy.
Prins Daniel vid konferens om hållbar utveckling - Sveriges Kungahus

Photo at court Facebook by Sara Friberg/The Royal Court

H.K.H. Prins Daniels tal vid den digitala konferensen SustainTech Venture Day, Stockholm, torsdagen den 11 februari 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus
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Daniel had today a digital meeting on kidney diseases with representatives of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and Astra Zeneca.
Today, over 850 million people live with kidney disease. Daniel was informed about how ISN and Astra Zeneca work to ensure that more people with kidney disease receive care at an early stage. It would reduce health costs and give patients an increased quality of life in the long run.
Prins Daniel i digitalt möte om njursjukdomar - Sveriges Kungahus

Daniel is the patron of The International Society of Nephrology.
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Daniel pays attention to World Kidney Day. He says at his greeting among other things:
"Globally, 850 millon people live with chronic kidney disease. I'm one of them. But I was lucky: My kidney disease was discovered in time and after a time in dialysis I got a new kidney, donated by my father".
Prins Daniel uppmärksammar World Kidney Day - Sveriges Kungahus

Photo at court Facebook by Elisabeth Toll

Prince Daniel speaks about his disease
Prins Daniel talar ut om sin sjukdom _*Svensk Dam

Prince Daniel's moving words about his serious disease
Prins Daniels gripande ord om sin svåra sjukdom - Allt om kungligt
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Daniel gave a speech at the inauguration of Arbetsterapiforum 2021 today. The speech was recorded before the positive Covid19 test. Arbetsterapiforum is a meeting place for hundreds of occupational therapists from all over Sweden.

Court website
Arbetsterapiforum inleddes med tal från Prins Daniel - Sveriges Kungahus
Daniel said at his speech among other things
Countess Estelle Bernadotte af Wisborg was a driving force in establishing occupational therapy here in Sweden. And she herself was involved in teaching when the first training was held at the Red Cross hospital in Stockholm in 1944.
Imagine if she had known then that today there would be 12,000 professional occupational therapists in Sweden! (...)
Today, Countess Estelle has a namesake in her husband's cousin's great-great-granddaughter. And Estelle the younger's father, yes, he is very happy about the opportunity to send this greeting to Arbetsterapiforum 2021.
H.K.H. Prins Daniels tal vid Arbetsterapiforum 2021, 16 mars 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus
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Daniel gave today a pre-recorded digital greeting at the inauguration of the research database SCAPIS.
Forskningsdatabas invigdes med hälsning från Prins Daniel - Sveriges Kungahus

Daniel said at his speech among other things:
I have had the privilege of following SCAPIS for a long time.
As honorary chairman of the Heart-Lung Foundation, I would like to congratulate you, I am convinced that SCAPIS will give your researchers fantastic opportunities to create knowledge for a better and more equal public health.
H.K.H. Prins Daniels hälsning till digital invigning av databasen SCAPIS, onsdagen den 17 mars 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus
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Daniel had yesterday a digital meeting with the mentees in the Prince Daniel Fellowship's mentoring program.
A photo of Daniel at a meeting with Stefan Sjöstrand, the CEO and President of SkiStar AB, at Haga Palace on 18th January.
Nice, interesting and important conversation with His Royal Highness Prince Daniel. About the importance of creating joy of movement and activity among young people, but also the support of entrepreneurship.
Daniel participated in a digital meeting with chairman Susanne Jidesten, general secretary Fredrik Joulamo and commercial manager Stephen Dippel from the Swedish Basketball Federation.
Daniel received an update on the business and how the pandemic has affected it and how the federation plans for the restart after the pandemic, as well as upcoming activities and events.
Daniel has been a patron of the Swedish Basketball Federation since 2019.
Prins Daniel i möte med Svenska basketbollförbundet - Sveriges Kungahus

Court Facebook beskyddarskap - Svenska Basketbollförbundet
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Daniel sent today a digital greeting in connection with the Swedish Basketball Federation's event Basketforum, which is organized every two years and aims to provide a report on the current situation in Swedish basketball. This year's Basketforum was conducted digitally.
In his greeting Daniel said among other things:
"I am a proud patron of Swedish Basketball. From my childhood in Ockelbo, I know what basketball can mean for a community and those who live there."
Prins Daniel skickade en hälsning till Svensk Basket - Sveriges Kungahus
Daniel's speech, he said also
"For the past five years, I have chosen to devote a large part of my time to the health of children and young people. In Sweden today, only two out of ten children move enough. And children with tougher conditions socially and financially unfortunately also have a worse health situation."
H.K.H. Prins Daniels hälsning till Basketforum, 24 april 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus
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Daniel had today a digital meeting with the mentees in the Prince Daniel Fellowship's mentoring program.
Daniel had today a video meeting with the Gelin Foundation, which distributes grants for research on kidney transplants. Daniel was informed about the foundation's activities and ongoing research on kidney transplants.
The Gelin Foundation was founded in 1981 in memory of Lars-Erik Gelin, who was a doctor and holder of the first professorship in transplant surgery in Sweden.
Prins Daniel i videomöte med Gelinstiftelsen - Sveriges Kungahus
Daniel gave just at a live broadcast a greeting to all Sweden's young entrepreneurs who have been competing at the Swedish Young Enterprise Championships. The prizes are delivered at the live broadcast digitally. Daniel is a member of the Young Enterprise's national board.
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Daniel spoke also at the Award ceremony of SvD Affärsbragd (SvD Business Achievement of the Year).
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Prins Daniel_ SvD Affärsbragd handlar om att utmana normen _ SvD

And delivered SvD Affärsbragd to Sebastian Siemiatkowski and company Klarna. Siemiatkowski is one of the founders of Klarna.
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Sebastian Siemiatkowski och Klarna tilldelas SvD Affärsbragd 2021 _ SvD

Sebastian Siemiatkowski is one of the inspirers at Prince Daniel's Fellowship and its Entrepreneurial programme.

Daniel's speech at the prize delivery of Swedish Young Enterprise Championships.
He said among other things
"The past year has been a challenging period. Everyone has had to rethink and think new. And you at school have had to carry a heavy load. I have thought a lot about you during this time and I want you to know that I feel great respect for the sacrifices you have made."
H.K.H. Prins Daniels hälsning vid SM i Ung Företagsamhet 2021, 11 maj 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus

Daniel's speech at the delivery of SvD Affärsbragd (SvD Business Achievement of the Year).
He said among other things
"Entrepreneurship and the desire to develop have always been a big part of who I am and what I am passionate about. That is why I am happy for the opportunity to be here today, albeit not physically."
"Even for us in the Royal Family, the way of working has changed drastically during the year and the number of sedentary hours in teams I hardly want to think about, but many rewarding meetings of course."
H.K.H. Prins Daniels tal i samband med prisutdelningen av SvD Affärsbragd 2021, tisdagen den 11 maj 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus

Prins Daniel vid SM i Ung företagsamhet - Sveriges Kungahus
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Today was H.R.H. Prince Daniel's race, which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. Daniel sent a digital greeting from the Royal Stables to the winning crew.
H.R.H. Prince Daniel's race is an annual trotting competition at Gävletravet which has been arranged since 2011. The distance is 1609 meters with autostart.
Prins Daniel skickade hälsning till Gävletravet - Sveriges Kungahus
Daniel and Victoria visited Gävletravet and the first H.R.H Prince Daniel's race on 21st May 2011 during their official visit to Ockelbo.
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On May 25, Prince Daniel's Fellowship releases Entreprenörspeppet 2021, a Youtube episode where inspiring entrepreneurs and youtubers share their experiences of running their own companies. The target group is young people between 16 and 22 years. The episode will be released on Prince Daniel Fellowship's Youtube channel.
The broadcast features famous faces who all agree in their interest in entrepreneurship and to inspire others to dare to try to go their own way.
H.R.H. Prince Daniel
Magdalena Andersson, Minister for Finance
Pär Svärdsson, founder of Apotea
Therese Lindgren, video blogger, influencer and founder of Indy Beauty
Amanda Larsson and Calle Rosengren, founders of Färsking
Wilma & Emil Holmqvist, video bloggers, influencers and founders of Hickap
Elsa Bernadotte, co-founder and COO, Karma
Hampus Hedström, YouTube comedian (host)
Avsnittssläpp 25 maj_ Entreprenörspeppet 2021 - Prins Daniels Fellowship

There was a meeting about this on 18th May.
Therese Lindgren at her Instagram
"This afternoon I had the honor of being interviewed by Prince Daniel for @prinsdanielsfellowship on entrepreneurship. He said that only one in three entrepreneurs are women, and one of the issues we discussed was what is needed for more women to take the step into entrepreneurship."
Daniel and Therese Lindgren

Prince Daniel's Fellowship at its Insta-stories
"Preparations are now beginning for Entreprenörspepp2021"
Daniel with Therese Lindgren and Hampus Hedström
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Prince Daniel's Fellowship released today at its Youtube channel "Entreprenörspeppet 2021".
After the funny beginning (Hampus is thinking how he should dress when he meets a prince, and then they meet...) Hampus Hedström interviews Daniel at first, and then come guests, first Minister for Finance Magdalena Andersson and then others. Hedström interviews them and Daniel is taking part in almost all discussions and making questions.
I watched the whole video:
Daniel reminded Hampus Hedström that they had met before, when Hampus was fourteen.
Daniel is really good in these kind of things. He is a good speaker, relaxed in discussions, passionate in entrepreneurship, interested.

Have you considered starting your own? Last week we had the opportunity to sit down with Prince Daniel and Hampus Hedström to talk about entrepreneurship in various forms and how our journey went. The video also includes a number of other cool entrepreneurs who also share their experiences - from Per Svärdsson (founder of Apotea) to @Therese and several others! Check out the link watch the video on Prince Daniel's youtube channel!

Avsnittssläpp 25 maj_ Entreprenörspeppet 2021 - Prins Daniels Fellowship

Magdalena Andersson, the Minister for Finance, about Entreprenörspeppet:
"Very fun to talk to #prinsdaniel and @hampushedstrom about how important it is for Sweden that young people dare to become entrepreneurs!"

Prince Daniel's Fellowship at its Instagram
"See Therese Lindgren in conversation with host Hampus and H.R.H. Prince Daniel in Entreprenörspeppet 2021, on Fellowship's Youtube channel.

The royal court about Entreprenörspeppet 2021
On Tuesday, May 25, Prince Daniel's Fellowship released Entreprenörspeppet 2021, in which, among others, Daniel participated together with successful entrepreneurs who shared their experiences of running their own companies.
Normally, Daniel and inspirers from Prince Daniel's Fellowship visit a large number of Swedish upper secondary schools and universities every year. Due to the pandemic, this has not been possible and therefore Entreprenörspeppet 2021 was produced. With it, Prince Daniel's Fellowship wants to encourage entrepreneurial initiatives and increase young people's belief in their own creativity and entrepreneurship.
Prins Daniels Fellowship arrangerade Entreprenörspeppet 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus

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Kungahuset - Facebook
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