Popularity and Future of the Dutch Monarchy and Royal Family

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Well imo they could have seen this coming. I don't really care what he spends his money on (though I think there are better ways to spend 2 mil.), it's his after all, but anyone with half a brain could have told him going on vacation when everyone is told not to, would be an extremely stupid idea. It doesn't really piss me off, at least no more than other people doing the same thing, it just shows they are very out of touch with "normal society".
The Greek Holiday was a serious error of judgement even if they didn't break any rules it still looked very bad and ill advised for the head of state and his family.

Not a great note to end 2020 for the House of Orange.
According to Nieuwsuur the trust/confidence in the king has plummeted from 76% in April to 47% now.

While 67% was (very) satisfied with the king's functioning, that also decreased to 51%, while those that are (very) dissatisfied increased from 3% to 14%.

About 75% agrees that the king should not have gone on vacation to Greece in October and 70% thinks that the fact that he did was damaging to royal family's image.

About 40% thinks that the king and his family have been in solidarity with the people, while 25% doesn't think so.
Additional percentages:

Trust from 76% to 47%
Distrust from 5% to 16%

Satisfaction about Máxima in her role as queen: from 83% (april) to 61% (now); and dissatisfaction from 3% to 9%.

Concerned about the cost of the monarchy:
Agreed (so concerned): 29% to 40%
Non-agreed (so not concerned): 38% to 29%

Trip to Greece was unwise:
overall: 76% agrees; 10% disagrees
18-34 yrs: 68% agrees; 12% disagrees
55+ yrs: 81% agrees; 9% disagrees

The Netherlands should remain a monarchy:
76% agreed in April; 60% agrees now.
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A drop of 22% for queen Máxima ?
A drop of 22% for queen Máxima ?

Yes, although the number of 'dissatisfied' is still less than 10%. So, people seem to be more 'indifferent'. I guess their relative invisibility over the last year didn't help.
The Greek holiday seems to have had a huge (negative) impact. They seem to have been very quiet since then so I guess there hasn’t been much to rebuild back up the popularity since then. Of course Covid had made it hard for them to been seen much but still they don’t seem to have done as much as others. That in itself would be okay where it not for the Greece trip. A year of rebuilding next year maybe
Hopefully the Dutch King and RF will have better poll figures in 2021.
Yes, although the number of 'dissatisfied' is still less than 10%. So, people seem to be more 'indifferent'. I guess their relative invisibility over the last year didn't help.

Indeed, compared to some other monarchs/RFs the couple seemed less present, even though we have seen them at numerous low-key visits, skype calls etc. such things do not feature in the press as much as other things do.

I suppose that after the Greece-visit it was a wise decision to lay -relatively- low. If they would have appeared too eager to engage in COVID-related activities -such as the Belgians- it might have backfired and seemed dishonest and hypocritical.

Although a public apology was needed to take the political senstivity out of the matter, the image of the king and queen sitting on the sofa explaining their bad behavior as if they were naughty school children was not a very edifying sight for the nation to see.

A large change in numbers like these should set of some alarm bells in the palace. However there is more than enough time to rebuild the damage in the years to come. As Queen Beatrix pointed out in the past popularity is fleeting, which means that the numbers can quickly bounce the other way too.
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They have had a bad year - like many of us. But crisis like Covid can go one of two ways - the Dutch have not been able to appear to do well handling it whilst we can look at the Belgian RF cousins for an example of how to do it. This is the first time in WA's reign (I think) that they have seen such a swing (even if it is more indifference than unpopularity per se) but hopefully it gives them a short sharp shock and they pick their game up next year. With 2021 hopefully a better year with vaccines etc they will be able to ride that wave of improving fortune - especially if they go back to the A team they can be. A bit more humble pie, less billionaire lifestyle, more doing day to day duties and working hard for their country.
The Covid-time Greek trip made Willem Alexander look out of touch with his people.
I am sure they will recover, but the ride might not be as easy for them as before. There will be more scrutiny, a tighter leash due to the pressure of public opinion. Maybe a bit more 'humble' and less 'entitled' would look good in the future.
I am sure they will recover, but the ride might not be as easy for them as before. There will be more scrutiny, a tighter leash due to the pressure of public opinion. Maybe a bit more 'humble' and less 'entitled' would look good in the future.

A tighter leash from the prime minister could have prevented this from happening, so that would be good. I do not for a moment think the lives of other monarchs are less priviliged btw, some of them succeed in hiding it better or in giving the impression they do not enjoy it as much.
Agree 100% but you have to be aware of the circumstances. If the country is in a happy state and happy with your work, as a monarch you can fly to Greece and buy a speedboat and show off your privileges. But it's a dangerous thing to become out of touch or not feel the pulse of society, something that obviously happened with WA and Maxima this year several times. The Dutch monarchy is on stable feet and the country does not suffer hardship, but this can change quickly if WA's mindset does not adapt.

I am sure Felipe of Spain can afford a speedboat for 2 Million Euros but buying it could mean he sat on the throne for the longest time. He cannot flaunt any of his wealth without serious consequences.

Even more I am surprised by WA's behavior as he has eyes and can see what is going on in other countries and those monarchs are not only his peers but close friends, so he must be very sure of himself and his position. So the learning process that things can backfire with serious implications has hopefully started.
I agree with all your points but perhaps he is not so much looking at his peers as benchmark but at the jetset types they surround themselves with in Greece and f.e. in Sevilla? In comparison with some of these types they perhaps could at times feel rather boxed in and limited in the kind of lifestyle they can live.

Hans Jacobs (of GPD press / royalblog.nl) was interviewed by current affairs programme 'Nieuwsuur' yesterday and he noted that the King thinks that he can be King during working hours and private person 'Lex' at other moments. But that is not the way a monarchy works. We have seen other examples of course, the house in Moçambique as a prime example.

Although the Dutch public forgives a lot there is one issue that we are known to care about above all: money. IMO it the weakest argument to get rid of a monarchy - the costs on the overall budget are negligable, a presidency will cost more or less the same, palaces will need to be renovated with a president or a monarch in them etc. But it is the issue that normally inflames people most.

In few other countries we have seen so much nitpicking about finances, the boat of Queen Beatrix as a prime example. The costs are rather insignificant compared to the overall budget. AFAIK we have never seen the Danish or Norwegian publics grumble about the maintenance costs of the Daneborg or the Norge, which should be much higher.

Another complication is that the Dutch monarchy is relatively political, in the sense that they are often debated in parlament. Anything they do is much more politically sensitive as due to Prime minister's responsibility it is a stick to weaken the prime minister with. When was the last time the British royal family was the subject of a debate in the British parlament for example?

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde were in a spa in Normandy or Bretagne at the time Brussels was in lockdown due to terrorist attacks in 2016. There was a photograph of the two in a bathrope. Somehow it did not turn into a political scandal.
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They probably should start thinking about Amalia turning 18 next year; how will that moment be marked? It could be excellent PR if done well or it could be a total disaster with the politicians focusing on the stipend she will receive from the day she turns 18 and with the family looking out of touch.
The 18th birthday of the Princess of Orange should be something positive for the Dutch RF to work towards as is the 50th Birthday of the queen.

IMO they need to move away from the glossy magazine image they have been portraying over the past few years.
A tighter leash from the prime minister could have prevented this from happening, so that would be good.

I really do not think this is a matter for the PM. As King & Queen, W-A and Max really should have exercised better judgement.

I have no doubt this will blow over, these things always do. But it really should serve as an object lesson to W-A and Max that what they are judged on is for their judgement, and there are no "off days" for judgement!
Blaming the PM is overlooking the bigger issues IMO - WA and Maxima themselves. Yes the PM could have ordered them not to go or ordered them back but that is just a cover for them thinking it was okay and acceptable to go in the first place.

Over time it seems they are becoming more and more happy to lead a jet set lifestyle like the billionaire and multi millionaires they have as friends. That is fine, that is their choice, but they must remember that for their friends around them their lifestyle is paid for from privately earned money, not public funds. CEOs and business owners are accountable to their shareholders, WA and Maxima to the whole of the Netherlands. Of course all royals lead a very comfortable lifestyle, no one thinks Prince Charles in the UK or Queen Margrethe of Denmark or even Philippe and Mathilde in neighbouring Belgium are leading "normal" lives in a similar style to the average person on the street. At times they have all probably done or brought luxury items like WA buying his yacht, for the Dutch its a combination of things in the midst of a pandemic that makes its a bit worrying. As Muriel says, I'm sure they'll move on and in a decade or two it will be seen as the inevitable "dip" all royals go through.
If the PM needs to babysit them in everything they do, then IMO that would mean that they are incapable of making any sound decisions themselves. I don't think that's they case, so they can analyze the situation, reflect further on their own behavior & do better from now on.

I don't think any of the other European royals went on vacation abroad this year? Not because they couldn't afford to or wouldn't be able to better protect themselves from infection than regular people, but because I imagine they realized that it wasn't a good time to do so. Not when citizens were asked not to or were suffering from illness & economic consequences.

I think they weren't even criticized when they went in the summer, it was when they went right after the PM had asked people not to, that they got into trouble.

It's a time of crisis and as such, I think their actions are amplified. If you rise to the occasion, it can be huge boost in positive perception that may even last for years - eg Philippe & family or Sofia of Sweden. Something as simple (but very meaningful & hitting just the right nerve) as "You are not alone" can make you shine greatly.

Willem-Alexander and Maxima messed up, and it also got a stronger reaction than it would have in a different situation. Now I think it is wise indeed to stay quiet for a while.

They seem to have to been incredibly popular and perhaps that has given them the idea that nothing could change that... Now they've seen that that isn't so and will hopefully do better in the future. Luckily, for them this is very much salvageable. Felipe would probably be done in such a scenario...
If the PM needs to babysit them in everything they do, then IMO that would mean that they are incapable of making any sound decisions themselves. I don't think that's they case, so they can analyze the situation, reflect further on their own behavior & do better from now on.

I don't think any of the other European royals went on vacation abroad this year? Not because they couldn't afford to or wouldn't be able to better protect themselves from infection than regular people, but because I imagine they realized that it wasn't a good time to do so. Not when citizens were asked not to or were suffering from illness & economic consequences.

I think they weren't even criticized when they went in the summer, it was when they went right after the PM had asked people not to, that they got into trouble.

It's a time of crisis and as such, I think their actions are amplified. If you rise to the occasion, it can be huge boost in positive perception that may even last for years - eg Philippe & family or Sofia of Sweden. Something as simple (but very meaningful & hitting just the right nerve) as "You are not alone" can make you shine greatly.

Willem-Alexander and Maxima messed up, and it also got a stronger reaction than it would have in a different situation. Now I think it is wise indeed to stay quiet for a while.

They seem to have to been incredibly popular and perhaps that has given them the idea that nothing could change that... Now they've seen that that isn't so and will hopefully do better in the future. Luckily, for them this is very much salvageable. Felipe would probably be done in such a scenario...
The grand duchess spends most of her time in their holiday home in south-eastern France... and travels at least between France, Luxembourg and Germany. And Joachim and his family traveled between France and Denmark at least twice in the last 2 months (for autumn holidays and now for Christmas holidays). I guess there are other examples that we might not know of.

But you are right that their summer holiday was totally fine as the large majority of the Dutch went on holiday and many did so abroad - except for not keeping sufficient distance at least one time when they were photographed. The main problem arose when they went again for the autumn holidays (and it didn't help that they left Amalia and Alexia a few more days while pretending that the family flew back the next day).
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I really do not think this is a matter for the PM. As King & Queen, W-A and Max really should have exercised better judgement.

In the Dutch reality it is the PM that is to blame politically. The king can not be hold to account in parlament but the prime minister -who is politically responsible for all that the king says and does- will need to answer these questions.

But the PM is made of teflon and all scandals -more important ones than this one- easily glide of. In the perception of public opinion it is clear Dutch people think the king and queen were to blame, as we can see in their decreasing poll numbers.
It is no problem at all. All this is connected to a 2020 Year Review by the public broadcaster NOS and they just went vox populi on this specific topic: the autumn break by the King's family. "Did this change your trust in the King?"

Funny questionnaire. I have never had any "trust" in Queen Beatrix or King Willem-Alexander. What "trust"? How does that materialize in trains riding on schedule or fresh water coming out of the tap or having a growing economy? It is a stupid question. If people say "Yes, I have less trust in the King" how is that "trust" materialized anyway?

But the vox pop on the King's speech on a totally empty Dam Square (May 4th) and a few days ago, on his Christmass Address, when he spoke about the unstoppable "manische meningen machine" (manic opinions machine) which is social media in today's life and his honest remark that everyone (the royal family included) "tried to adhere to the rules through trial and error over the past few months" landed generally well.

Royals can have an annus mirabilis or an annus horribilis. But all this does not come even close to that. It is just one of the accidents de route which happen in a long Reign. The King is now already approaching the eighth year of his Reign (how time flies...) and today's up is tomorrow's down, a fate known by every public person. There is no any royal without a bump in their lifelong route.

It is not about today's "popularity" of a royal. It is about the support for a monarchy. And this is declining, be it little bit by little bit. Year after year. Decade after decade. It was declining under Queen Juliana, under Queen Beatrix and is declining under King Willem-Alexander, regardless of any spotless parcours or any personal popularity. Simply because the concept of a hereditary head of state does make less and lesser appeal.

Earlier this year the same King and Queen scored the highest personal approval and popularity ratings ever. But the underlying trend, the desire for having a hereditary monarchy remained downward.
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How popular is former queen Beatrix?

I always assumed the only best dressed and impeccably groomed Dutch Royal lady was a national treasure.
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Saying the PM is to blame seems so odd to me. Yes he is the ones who has to answer for them (which in itself is odd but I get it) but really if that is what it comes down to how sad and weak it makes the RF look. It's a bit like saying someone has diplomatic immunity so its okay for them to beat people up, steal or worse....no its not okay at all but the reality is they may not be able to be prosecuted for it.

WA and Max (and those advising them) should not and are not I hope thinking well we can do most anything we want because the PM will have to take the fall for it. Surely they want to be liked by their own people, respected by them? Okay sometimes as King WA will be obliged to do things people would rather he didn't - e.g. visit or host Heads of State who are less than 'agreeable' but most people see that in those circumstances he is simply doing his job and yes then the PM should be held accountable. When it comes down to their personal holidays, or buying a new million Euro speedboat (or other personal actions) its 100% their choice and they should be the ones held accountable - as they seem to admit themselves with their "non apology apology" video.

I'm sure they can turn this awful last 6 months around, if they listen and learn from their mistakes.
The grand duchess spends most of her time in their holiday home in south-eastern France... and travels at least between France, Luxembourg and Germany. And Joachim and his family traveled between France and Denmark at least twice in the last 2 months (for autumn holidays and now for Christmas holidays). I guess there are other examples that we might not know of.

But you are right that their summer holiday was totally fine as the large majority of the Dutch went on holiday and many did so abroad - except for not keeping sufficient distance at least one time when they were photographed. The main problem arose when they went again for the autumn holidays (and it didn't help that they left Amalia and Alexia a few more days while pretending that the family flew back the next day).

The Grand Duchess living in Biarritz rather than Luxembourg most of the time - yes, that is, well, strange. And a whole story of its own. It would generally be strange for a consort to live in another country, but I take it that the PM doesn't want her involvement anymore, so in that sense it might be for the best. If she travels back and forth a lot during the pandemic, that is also bound to cause problems and it seems that we are there now, though the issue seems to be that the GD went to visit her.

Though it's not a trip abroad but a visit back home, I think Joachim & Marie's trips from Paris, which has often been a virus hotspot, to Denmark, could also be seen as questionable. I think they've been lucky in that I don't believe they've been criticized.

Well, it was not a good idea to pretend and certainly not a good lesson to teach their daughters.
Saying the PM is to blame seems so odd to me. Yes he is the ones who has to answer for them (which in itself is odd but I get it) but really if that is what it comes down to how sad and weak it makes the RF look. It's a bit like saying someone has diplomatic immunity so its okay for them to beat people up, steal or worse....no its not okay at all but the reality is they may not be able to be prosecuted for it.

WA and Max (and those advising them) should not and are not I hope thinking well we can do most anything we want because the PM will have to take the fall for it. Surely they want to be liked by their own people, respected by them? Okay sometimes as King WA will be obliged to do things people would rather he didn't - e.g. visit or host Heads of State who are less than 'agreeable' but most people see that in those circumstances he is simply doing his job and yes then the PM should be held accountable. When it comes down to their personal holidays, or buying a new million Euro speedboat (or other personal actions) its 100% their choice and they should be the ones held accountable - as they seem to admit themselves with their "non apology apology" video.

I'm sure they can turn this awful last 6 months around, if they listen and learn from their mistakes.

I very much agree. The PM may be more "responsible" for them than in certain other monarchies, but if he has to now be even more watchful of what they do even in their private lives, surely that would not be more pleasant for anyone?

The PM would have to interfere with their private lives (more), WA & M would be more limited in their personal lives and have to ask permission for this or that like children? And the overall perception would be that they cannot be trusted/ are incapable of making good decisions for themselves and setting an example for the country.

I think they are very much capable of doing that, so that's what their renewed goal should be. If, on the other hand, someone was actually not capable of that, I think that would raise all sorts of other questions as to how suitable such a person would be as head of state. But as I said, I don't think that is the case here at all. They are people capable of self-reflection, they have apologized and in the future, they will have plenty of time and opportunities to show their dedication to the country as well better judgment.
Saying the PM is to blame seems so odd to me. Yes he is the ones who has to answer for them (which in itself is odd but I get it) but really if that is what it comes down to how sad and weak it makes the RF look. It's a bit like saying someone has diplomatic immunity so its okay for them to beat people up, steal or worse....no its not okay at all but the reality is they may not be able to be prosecuted for it.

WA and Max (and those advising them) should not and are not I hope thinking well we can do most anything we want because the PM will have to take the fall for it. Surely they want to be liked by their own people, respected by them? Okay sometimes as King WA will be obliged to do things people would rather he didn't - e.g. visit or host Heads of State who are less than 'agreeable' but most people see that in those circumstances he is simply doing his job and yes then the PM should be held accountable. When it comes down to their personal holidays, or buying a new million Euro speedboat (or other personal actions) its 100% their choice and they should be the ones held accountable - as they seem to admit themselves with their "non apology apology" video.

I'm sure they can turn this awful last 6 months around, if they listen and learn from their mistakes.

Questions are never directed at the King, always at the Prime Minister. He is responsible for the head of state. Prime Minister Mark Rutte recalled that at the last weekly audience before the autumn break the Greek holiday was discussed. After the already given go-ahead the restrictions were tightened but "at that moment I had no sharp image on my retina about consequences of this for autumn break of the King in Greece".

Pic: the King and the Prime Minister

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I am sorry Duc et Pair , but what the whole Belgian Royal Family did during the Covid is not to compare with your Royals. Your Princesses stayed home.
Your Crown Princess reveived a Dotation , ours is in the Army without any privilège.
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