Popularity and Future of the Dutch Monarchy and Royal Family

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I would always have though the Dutch Royal Family would be very popular with the Dutch Reformed/Calvinist Church given the historic links with the House of Orange and the Calvinism.

Roman Catholics on the other hand might be a different kettle of fish ;)

No,not here.We do not have that medieval divide in denominations any longer,not since decades.
No,not here.We do not have that medieval divide in denominations any longer,not since decades.

Ofcourse we have, there's a distinct difference between roman catholics and the various type of protestant faiths

Thank you for the answers. It is interesting that the orthodox Protestant party voted against the marriage of Maurits and Marilène but not the more important marriage of Willem-Alexander and Máxima.

The SGP which voted against the Bill of Consent concerning the marriage of Prince Maurits, approved the Bill of Consent concerning the marriage of the Prince of Orange.

Reason: the fiancée of the Prince, Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti, made known that she was studying Protestantism. The Prince stated that the Orange-Nassaus have a Protestant tradition and that the couple agreed their eventual children would be raised as Protestants indeed.

For the SGP this was enough to vote for the Bill of Consent. In the end Princess Máxima, despite her sfudy of Protestantism, despite her Protestant husband and children, remained faithful to the Church of Rome.
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Indeed, at the time it was hoped that the then crown princess would convert. She never did. The princesses were/are raised as protestants, which I suppose would have been the main concern.

The support for the royal family among orthodox protestants is still high, though the royal family seems more open minded in their faith. The vicars they chose for weddings, baptisms and funerals are known to be more free-thinking. Queen Juliana even selected a female vicar to lead her funeral service. It was noted that the king organised bible study evenings with friends, as was revealed by Ds Carel ter Linden. Former Queen Beatrix is a regular chrurch goer, as claimed in the biography of Jutta Chorus of the NRC Handelsblad. Her late husband struggled with his belief in God, as was noted during his funeral by his friend -and former catholic priest- Huub Oosterhuis.

The newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad -popular among orthtodox christians- did write some critical articles about the then crown princely couple in the late 2000s, around the time that the crown prince was criticized by the chairman of the orange associations for his jetset lifestyle. The criticism mainly focussed on flamboyance and even the clothing style of Pss Maxima IIRC. It is however the only newspaper with a seperate news section on their main page for the royal family. Many of the most loyal ‘fans’ of the RF, who often show up in the public when royals attend official functions, will be from a orthodox protestant background.

Queen Wilhelmina was rather strict in her faith for a long time -or so it seemed-and as monarch this played a big part in her private life. Though later in life she became interested in eucomanial and spiritual matters, as we can read in her erratic authobiography ‘Lonely but not alone’. It was said that she and her husband bonded towards the end of his life due to their interest in Soendar Singh and the occult. An interest that the kaiser Wilhelm II - shared.

In general the religion of the royal family is now considered a private matter. This perhaps is the reason why it was decided not to play any religious hymns during the inauguration of king Willem-Alexander, a novelty.
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It seems that the highest popularity remains with among the older Dutch people at around 80% as per that article.
Popularity of the dutch monarchy among young people (18-34) has decreased from 70% in 2007 to 55% at present. This is one of the results of the annual poll (always held sometime near the King's day celebration)

google translated


I wonder if it's a "fashion thing" among the young these days. I.e. right now it's "fashion" to if not critical of the monarchy then at least see it as irrelevant - in principle...
I also find it interesting the money is cited as a major reservation against the monarchy.
It's my experience that outside recessions, young people are not that concerned about the economic aspects of what they are against - that comes later when they get established with job, career, house and children.

How were the question phrased? And who were asked?
If it's mainly young people from high schools and universities it's almost a part of the territory to be "progressive" and at least "in principle" be against a seemingly anachronistic institution as the monarchy.

Also, will that change when the Princesses grow up and start working?
It is a bit indecisive because the support for a republic in the same poll is 14-15%. So the youngsters think the monarchy is oldfashioned and "too expensive" but if they have to chose for a republic: no thanks.

Note that the personal popularity of the King and Queen and their rapport is very good. So once again, as is often confused by many, also on this forum: personal popularity is NOT the same as having a favourr for a hereditary monarchy as a form of state.
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They can not do much about it. The King and the Queen are very popular and have a good rapport. The trick is to convince that a hereditary monarchy is the best form of state. I applaud the Dutch youngsters for having an independent mind and an own opinion. It would be worrisome if youngsters think that a hereditary monarchy is perfectly normal and the best for a country.

At the same time the support for a republic is nowhere. So I interpret this as unease. A monarchy is a strange institution and does this fit in a modern state and should it cost that much? At the same time they see no need to overturn it and call for a republic. Probably because the idea of one of those Dutch politicians as a president is less appealing than leaving the King and Queen (who enjoy great popularity and a good rapport) where they are, despite the doubt about the institution.
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I think that monarchy is a much better form of government than the republic. A king dedicates himself to his country much better than a president. For a king it is a mission. For a president, his job is just an ambition.
I love the idea of a royal family having a mission to represent their country and to have a "special role" in their country.
It is interesting to see how each royal family adapts to the evolution of the times.
Everything may change in the country, but the royal family is still there.
I love that my neighboring country (Spain) has restored its monarchy.
I am sad that my country (Portugal) abolished its monarchy in 1910. I have hope of a day to see it restored.
I will always be a monarchist.
It is interesting to see that per the chart, a gap between those 18-34 and the national average only opened around the time of Queen Beatrix's abdication.

There are banners in my town, for these typical big King's Day events and one of them is called "Heimwee naar Bea" (Homesick for Bea). :lol:

Anyway the idea that the stately Queen making place for a younger generation would be a boost amongst youngsters was idle. But once again, the popularity and the rapport of royals themselves is very good. It is just that the monarchy, a system of designating the head of state by hereditary succession, is loosing it's appeal. It has been a downward trend for decades. At the same time the support for a republic is not developing, so all by all it is more a moodboard than something practical.
In regards to the position of various political parties in the Netherlands towards the monarchy, I've found that only the Socialist Party, the GreenLeft, and the Party for the Animals are really interested in a republic. However keep in mind that this a long time goal, not really for a sort of "the moment we are in power" type of goal. As it stands, according to the current opinion polls for the next Dutch general election the three parties combined would get about 35% of the vote and the Socialist Party has actually been losing support in the polls from what I've seen so pro-Republican parties could actually wind up with less than 35%.

So nothing to really worry about, keep calm and carry on.:flowers:

-Frozen Royalist
In regards to the position of various political parties in the Netherlands towards the monarchy, I've found that only the Socialist Party, the GreenLeft, and the Party for the Animals are really interested in a republic. However keep in mind that this a long time goal, not really for a sort of "the moment we are in power" type of goal. As it stands, according to the current opinion polls for the next Dutch general election the three parties combined would get about 35% of the vote and the Socialist Party has actually been losing support in the polls from what I've seen so pro-Republican parties could actually wind up with less than 35%.

So nothing to really worry about, keep calm and carry on.:flowers:

-Frozen Royalist

No any Dutch party has a real practical desire for a republic and the Dutch fragmented landscape means always coalitions are needed to obtain a workable majority. But that the monarchy itself is loosing appeal is a phenomenon hardly to ignore. This counts for all institutions. For the Church, for the EU, for the Parliament, for Justice, for banks, for the education system, etc.

Once again it is not about the King or Queen Máxima themselves, whom enjoy a good approval and popularity. It is about having a system in which birth, and not a free democratic choice, delivers the next head of state.

That the current political parties do not favour a monarchy say nothing. Du moment that the monarchy scores around 50% in the polls, more and more politicians will back a referendum, under pressure of (social) media and smart campaigns by influencial republican-minded activists. Just take a look at Brexit, just take a look at the Gilets Jaunes, just take a look at the Catalonian secession movement, just take a look at the climate protests, just take a look at the Lega Nord/5 Stelle appeal in Italy.

Just a little bit of clever activism is needed to bring the institution into danger zone. Look what happened to the phenomenon of the popular figure of Black Peter in the Dutch Saint-Nicholas celebrations. Look what happened to the splendid Dutch Golden State Coach, with panels depicting colonial pride. Look what happened to statues or street names of once Great Men, whose actions of centuries ago are judged with the eyes of 2019. While the overwhelming majority does not care at all, direct and clever (social) media-activism by a vocal minority won all this.

And once again, do not look to darling Victoria, charming Amalia or sweet Elisabeth. As said: personal popularity is not one-on-one to be translated into popularity of the monarchy.
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So the professionally offended managed to get rid of Black Pieter?

When the pendulum swings back and all this offense-craze seize to have effect, we will be in for years where we all will have to develop a very thick hide!
So the professionally offended managed to get rid of Black Pieter?

When the pendulum swings back and all this offense-craze seize to have effect, we will be in for years where we all will have to develop a very thick hide!

While more than 85% loves the figure of Black Peter, under immense pressure of activists that figure has become an unwanted phenomenon in official public celebrations. While probably more than 85% sees no problem in the Golden State Coach, I bet that after the current restoration the then sparkling new guilded carriage will be stored in the Royal Mews as no one wants to see scenes of royal processions passing shouting and yelling protesters because of colonial depictions on the door panels. Then weird enough a ferocious minority wins it from the silent majority.

When such a minority makes good use of (social) media and dominates talkshows anf sparks a fiery debate, I can easily see the monarchy coming in danger zone. Not that it will be abolished, but the tranquil and distance will have made place for eternal debate. See Spain. I make myself no illusions. All what is worth keeping, is defenceless, these days.
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Popularity of the dutch monarchy among young people (18-34) has decreased from 70% in 2007 to 55% at present. This is one of the results of the annual poll (always held sometime near the King's day celebration)

google translated

Nothing special really coming from that age group.Everything is oldfashioned to them,parents first in that respect..,costs too much,"we can do without this that and another thing etc etc enz..Nothing special especially when this group is only interested in app-away the day and to count the messages they receive and relate that to their popularity...They do NOT count in any serious poll in my book as they live by the craze of the day and haven't got a clue on what\s what and how and who and if you pay them for it...Oh...and then comes the time they need pecunia for this that and a morgage,a baby-sit a this that..and yes,reality sinks in and they see matters quite differently.No worries...In time they do seem to have that extra grey cell.Next!!!
Nothing special really coming from that age group.Everything is oldfashioned to them,parents first in that respect..,costs too much,"we can do without this that and another thing etc etc enz..Nothing special especially when this group is only interested in app-away the day and to count the messages they receive and relate that to their popularity...They do NOT count in any serious poll in my book as they live by the craze of the day and haven't got a clue on what\s what and how and who and if you pay them for it...Oh...and then comes the time they need pecunia for this that and a morgage,a baby-sit a this that..and yes,reality sinks in and they see matters quite differently.No worries...In time they do seem to have that extra grey cell.Next!!!

Still in the same age group the popularity of the monarchy is in decline. For decades. Those mobiles, apps, Facebook and Instagram are there for years and years. So the fresh approach of the new royal couple (themselves popular anyway) had no effect in turning the tide for the institution.

There is no danger. But the downward trend certainly is there. When it jumps under 50% it gets a self-fulfilling force.

It also does not help that at the one side a prince is a speculant with hundreds of properties in Amsterdam, a city plagued with housing shortages. And it does not help that at the other side a princess sells Rubens, Lalique and others for big money. We can embrace ourselves when the Princess of Orange gets 1,6 million Euro per year in two years time, while the Belgians have parked Elisabeth's income. Mark my words. Floods of debate in TV shows with the one poll after the other. And the usual framing of "the millionaire Catharina-Amalia" against food banks et al ("Let them eat cake"). The Gilets Jaunes are not far away.
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Still in the same age group the popularity of the monarchy is in decline. For decades. Those mobiles, apps, Facebook and Instagram are there for years and years. So the fresh approach of the new royal couple (themselves popular anyway) had no effect in turning the tide for the institution.

There is no danger. But the downward trend certainly is there. When it jumps under 50% it gets a self-fulfilling force.

It also does not help that at the one side a prince is a speculant with hundreds of properties in Amsterdam, a city plagued with housing shortages. And it does not help that at the other side a princess sells Rubens, Lalique and others for big money. We can embrace ourselves when the Princess of Orange gets 1,6 million Euro per year in two years time, while the Belgians have parked Elisabeth's income. Mark my words. Floods of debate in TV shows with the one poll after the other. And the usual framing of "the millionaire Catharina-Amalia" against food banks et al ("Let them eat cake"). The Gilets Jaunes are not far away.

Ridiculous!!As are the gillets jaunes btw!!We had it all before with every Heir everywhere,people will get over it soon enough,they always do.Food banks or not,there have always been differences.C'est la vie!
Ridiculous!!As are the gillets jaunes btw!!We had it all before with every Heir everywhere,people will get over it soon enough,they always do.Food banks or not,there have always been differences.C'est la vie!

You have an optimistic nature. I wish I have the same.
You have an optimistic nature. I wish I have the same.

I always have an optimistic and REALISTIC view.You should know after over a decade
...for crying out loud..And what's more:I am right and never go by the craze of the day,ever!

And btw,that age group is the first to take to the streets,starts flee markets,goes picknicking and joins other folks on a Ballen boat and takes care to make sure there's a traffic jam in the canals...and that's only in Amsterdam...let alone the rest of the country..They have to have something to complain before their grey cells sink in,or was that something else..
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The traditional annual enquête about the monarchy by the NOS (the Dutch equivalent of the BBC):


The King maintains his all-time high: 7,6 out of 10.
Queen Máxima maintains her all-time high: 8 out of 10.
Princess Beatrix has a score of 7,4 (her highest was in her last year as Queen: 7,8)


26% is very satisfied
47% is satisfied
18% is neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
5% is very unsatisfied
4% has no opinion


52% thinks it should stay as it is now
18% favours a ceremonial kingship
11% does not want a monarchy but a republic
19% has no opinion


18-34 years
57% for a monarchy
19% for a republic
24% no opinion

35-54 years
67% for a monarchy
14% for a republic
19% no opinion

55 years and older
79% for a monarchy
12% for a republic
9% has no opinion

All age groups
68% for a monarchy
15% for a republic
17% does not know


36% thinks this is undesirable (up from 29%)
36% thinks this is more or less desirable (down from 37%)
16% thinks this is desirable (down from 20%)
12% has no opinion (down from 14%)


51% thinks the King should read the Address indeed
15% does not care who reads the Address: the King or the Prime Minister
28% thinks the Prime Minister should read the Address
6% has no opinion


38% thinks the King should still play a role (down from 41%)
29% thinks it is correct that the King is out of this process (up from 24%)
25% thinks it is okay when the King has a role but also when he has not (same score as last year)
8% does not know (down from 9%)


70% thinks it is important that the Royal House gives account about the expenses (same score as last year)
61% thinks there whould be more openness (down from 63%)


29% is concerned about the costs of the Royal House (same score as last year)
28% is neutral about the costs of the Royal House (down from 29%)
37% is not at all concerned about the costs of the Royal House (same score as last year)
6% has no opinion (up from 5%)


37% thinks it is private and their own private business indeed
46% thinks it is private but should nevertheless be seen as cultural patrimonium worth to preserve
17% has no opinion


73% agrees with the classification "human" (up from 71%)
68% agrees with the classification "involved" (up from 65%)
65% agrees with the classification "empathic" (up from 58%)
53% agrees with the classification "kind" (up from 48%)
24% agrees with the classification "formalistic" (same score as last year)
22% agrees with the classification "impartial" (down from 24%)
5% agrees with the classification "distant" (down from 7%)


57% agrees with the classification "involved" (up from 54%)
48% agrees with the classification "professional" (up from 43%)
28% agrees with the classification "formalistic" (up from 26%)
29% agrees with the classification "convincing" (down from 31%)
27% agrees with the classification "natural" (same score as last year)
8% agrees with the classification "unsecure" (down from 11%)
8% agrees with the classification "artificial" (same score as last year)
5% agrees with the classification "distant" (down from 6%)


"The Dutch appreciate the King because of his spontaneous nature and his accessibility, his interest in people and his feeling for keeping up with the times."

"What the Dutch do appreciate less in the King are the costs of the Royal House, his sometimes stiff appearance and his luxurious lifestyle."


75% agrees that the King is a good ambassador for the country (up from 73%)
41% thinks it is important that the King shows himself in (social) media (same score as last year)
13% agrees that the King has not enough modernized the Royal House (down from 15%)
10% agrees that the King is far too close to the people (down from 12%)


37% is very satisfied (same score as last year)
42% is satisfied (up from 40%)
13% is neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (up from 12%)
1% is unsatisfied (down from 2%)
2% is very unsatisfied (up from 1%)
5% does not know (down from 7%)


19% knows very good what Queen Máxima does as Consort to the King (up from 18%)
57% has a global idea what Queen Máxima does as Consort to the King (down from 58%)
24% has no good idea what Queen Máxima does as Consort of the King (same score as last year)


Queen Máxima's activities in finance go well with her role as Consort to the King
55% agree
6% does not agree

I know well what Queen Máxima does for the United Nations
30% agree
24% does not agree

The inclusive finance portfolio is risky for someone who is under ministerial responsibility
13% agree
35% does not agree

As Consort to the King, Queen Máxima should not have other activities
7% agree
69% does not agree


78% agree
11% does not agree
11% has no opinion


17% says yes
63% says no
20% has no opinion

Source: http://content10c2d.omroep.nl/urish...e6b27e979a/nos/docs/Koningsdagenquete2019.pdf
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Thanks, Duc_et_pair

Well, this confirms my impression that the Dutch are rational and levelheaded people, who don't go over the top emotionally.

So by and large the Dutch are pretty pleased with the monarchy. The number of republicans are not much different from other monarchies. Around 15-25 %.
There is a good deal of satisfaction with the Regent Couple. And that's not bad for a new King!

People wish the King should keep his nose out of politics in general and don't be too controversial in his statements in particular. That's in line with other monarchies as well.

57 % being in favor of the monarchy among the 18-34 year olds isn't bad either.
It's at that age where you have strong political opinions that are often less nuanced than they become later on.
It's also at that age, where you are more busy studying, standing on your own legs, partying, trying out relationships, establishing a career a home and a family, so it's no particular wonder that 24 % are not that interested in the monarchy. (And probably many other things that you find time to concern yourself with past 34...)

All in all this is a pretty good survey.
As I always say on this forum: personal popularity is not the same as support for a monarchy. As in the seventh year of his Reign, King Willem-Alexander enjoys the highest approval rate of his life and is praised for his warmth and humanity, in the usual major nationwide poll on King's Day only 6 out of 10 agrees with his inherited position.

On this forum I often see a too much focus on popularity. Who is most liked? Who is most loved? Who is best dressed? Who is the warmest? Forget it.

Not the popularity of persons is the core, but the desire to maintain the system of hereditary succession. And this is a perfect illustration. While King Willem-Alexander has high scores and is generally well-liked, the idea of someone automatically inheriting a position, the core of a monarchy, scores less and less.

This is a phenomenon visible in all monarchies. So fellow forummers: do not stare blindly to statistics of who is more popular: Mary or Victoria. Who is more loved: Máxima or Mathilde. Without support for the institution (and the willingness of the taxpayer to fund the formidable prize tag) soon there are no such polls.

It is difficult to turn this tide because in 2020 well-educated, conscious, world-wide, globetrotting and taxpaying citizens simply no longer take such an automatism as a monarchy for granted.

For the good order: the Dutch monarchy is not in danger. The trend since WW II of a slowly eroding support for the idea of a monarchy is just continuing.
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Despite the ever ongoing downward trend of support for the principle of a hereditary monarchy (see previous post), it will have warmed the King that from his 53 years on this earth, at the moment he personally enjoys an all-time high in his approval ratings.
According to Nieuwsuur the trust/confidence in the king has plummeted from 76% in April to 47% now.

While 67% was (very) satisfied with the king's functioning, that also decreased to 51%, while those that are (very) dissatisfied increased from 3% to 14%.

About 75% agrees that the king should not have gone on vacation to Greece in October and 70% thinks that the fact that he did was damaging to royal family's image.

About 40% thinks that the king and his family have been in solidarity with the people, while 25% doesn't think so.
I'm not surprised at all after the Greek holiday in October and the backlash.
It was an exceptionally bad half year for the king. I am not sure his mother ever polled under 50%. From widely praised speeches in Jakarta and on Dam square in spring time, he was able to lose much goodwill later on due to the Greek vacations. Rightly or wrongly so it undermined his core message in these difficult times. It is surprising that neither the king nor his advisors had forseen the public backlash. His reputation as a spendthrift -deserved or not- was also re-affirmed by the acquisition of a speedboat of 2 million Euros.

Let's hope some of the goodwill will return next year. But it is an election year and I suspect there will be a more intense public debate about the income of the princess of Orange.

Of course the amount of people that are dissatisfied is still rather small at 14%. I am sure this will pass. Up to this year the king had a relatively easy ride and there is no reason to assume confidence can not be restored over time.
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I'm not surprised at all after the Greek holiday in October and the backlash.

Indeed,the hype of the day.Even though that fitted in the posibilities at the time,100%,jealousy and negativity ruled,and stil does but I shrug my shoulder for pulp...No,not you An...as you know

But,popularity this or that or not,if one looks and reads what s on social,or rather a social,media these days I drop notifications like this in the bin,the looney bin or dust bin,or any bin for that matter,as I feel halve the populace is pulp.P.U.L.P..Outrageous,uneducated,proposterous,evil ready to blame the cat if they see a chance,anything negative will do,negativity is the call of the day.Well,not with me and mine.
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