Opening of Parliament, Riksdagen 2003-2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
ROYAL: Die schwedischen Royals zum Gottesdienst anlässlich der Eröffnung des schwedischen Parlaments
ROYAL: Die schwedischen Royals zur Eröffnung des schwedischen Parlaments
ROYAL: Victoria und ihre Familie trafen zur Parlamentseröffnung ein
ROYAL: Die Eröffnung des neuen Sitzungsjahres des schwedischen Reichstages

The staff of the court arriving to the Cathedral
Margareta Thorgren
Kirstine von Blixen-Finecke and husband, Anna Hamilton and husband, Mats Nilsson and wife, Jan Lindman

and to the concert
Margareta Thorgren
Karolin A. Johansson
Kirstine von Blixen-Finecke and husband

The service at Stockholm Cathedral
IBL Bildbyrå

Opening of Parliament, Riksdagen
IBL Bildbyrå

The concert in the evening
IBL Bildbyrå

Victoria and Daniel leaving the Parliament

Ruotsin kuninkaalliset valtiopäivien avajaisissa - Madeleinen raskaustyyli keräsi katseita

STYLE: Kronprinzessin Victorias Hommage an Stockholm

Photos from the website of the Parliament

Photo from the government's Instagram

Video of the king's speech at Court's Youtube

Article in Svensk Damtidning
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Victoria and Daniel
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Here's a video of the Swedish Royal Family attending the Religious Service at Stockholm Cathedral.

Swedish Opening of Parliament

Hello all...haven't posted in a while... hope everyone is well.

With the elections in Sweden today, 9/9/18, where press reports allude to a shift to the right.... I began wondering what the new government may bring, which, as a royalist, led me to thinking of the State Opening of Parliament.

Does anyone have any knowledge about when Sweden did away with the royal finery of its State Opening? Seems the last time we saw the royal finery may have been one of the first of the present King's reign, where his sister appeared on the balcony in Swedish court dress and jewels and curtsied to the assembly.

Just curious how that great presentation of state power and glory came to an end if anyone knows.

Let's all admit, we'd love to see Queen Sylvia and Crown Princess Victoria in those great, ermine-lined court dresses.
Hello all...haven't posted in a while... hope everyone is well.

With the elections in Sweden today, 9/9/18, where press reports allude to a shift to the right.... I began wondering what the new government may bring, which, as a royalist, led me to thinking of the State Opening of Parliament.

Does anyone have any knowledge about when Sweden did away with the royal finery of its State Opening? Seems the last time we saw the royal finery may have been one of the first of the present King's reign, where his sister appeared on the balcony in Swedish court dress and jewels and curtsied to the assembly.

Just curious how that great presentation of state power and glory came to an end if anyone knows.

Let's all admit, we'd love to see Queen Sylvia and Crown Princess Victoria in those great, ermine-lined court dresses.

The ceremonial opening of parliament in the Hall of State at the Royal Palace of Stockholm took place for the final time in 1974.
According to provisions contained in the 1974 constitution, the ceremony now takes place at the Riksdag (Parliament) building and is called the Opening of the Parliamentary Session.
The Opening of the Parliamentary Session – a history - Sveriges Kungahus

And I'm one who really doesn't want to see the royal women ever again wearing those old court dresses. The opening of Riksdag in Sweden nowadays is very similar to what we have in Finland: first the church service and then the opening at the Riksdag building, and it is fine like that.
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Royal women always look good in their parliamentary robes.
With the elections in Sweden today, 9/9/18, where press reports allude to a shift to the right.... I began wondering what the new government may bring, which, as a royalist, led me to thinking of the State Opening of Parliament.

The main issue concerning the Royal Family during the next 4-year term is the Constitutional Assembly's inquiry regarding the royal finances and who should be entitled to receive funding from the State. Many beleive that the result could affect the membership of the Royal family itself.
Regarding the Court dress I love it and I'd be happy to see it being used but it would look ridiculous at the Opening of Parliament and would be seen as anachronistic.
Princess Christina herself has said that although she enjoyed wearing the dress and that it made her feel linked to the women who had worn the dress before her looking back now it all feels very distant and not something compatible with the modern system of governance. That said she's still a bit sad that there were no place for the dress anymore.
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Plus the old court dress would look so out of place in the modern Riksdag building.
Plus the old court dress would look so out of place in the modern Riksdag building.

No problem to hold the Opening in the Hall of the Realms. In the Netherlands the same event is also not held in the plenary hall of one of the two Chambers : both assemble in joint session in the mediaeval Hall of Knights. We have seen in the UK that Parliament sometimes assembles in Westminster Hall, for festive or solemn acts, or for an address by a visiting head of state.

It is hard to maintain the old splendour. Even in the UK you can see (Life) Peers just wearing kaki pants and unbuttoned shirt under old rag-looking peer's robes waiting for the Queen. It sometimes looks better to scrap it than to do it half-hearty. Like the Speaker refusing a wig and wear the mist horrible tie mismatching the black robe. Imagine that with Queen Silvia dresses up in mediaeval style while opposite her she sees republican or ultra left or Green folks in "casual" wear watching to her performing a theatre?

But the State Opening of Parliament in Sweden was indeed incredibly stylish affair.
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No problem to hold the Opening in the Hall of the Realms. In the Netherlands the same event is also not held in the plenary hall of one of the two Chambers : both assemble in joint session in the mediaeval Hall of Knights. We have seen in the UK that Parliament sometimes assembles in Westminster Hall, for festive or solemn acts, or for an address by a visiting head of state.

The difference is that in Sweden the Hall of State where the old Opening of the Riksdag took place is located in the Royal Palace. So the members of Parliament came to the King for the Opening. In the UK Westminster Hall is a Part of the Parliament of Westminster and in The Hague the Ridderzaal is a part of the Binnenhof in which the Parlemanet buildings are located. Tnhis is not the case in Sweden.
The difference is that in Sweden the Hall of State where the old Opening of the Riksdag took place is located in the Royal Palace. So the members of Parliament came to the King for the Opening. In the UK Westminster Hall is a Part of the Parliament of Westminster and in The Hague the Ridderzaal is a part of the Binnenhof in which the Parlemanet buildings are located. Tnhis is not the case in Sweden.
The symbolism of the King convening the Parliament to start off the new year is one of the main reasons that the politicians wanted to abolish the ceremony. A symbolism that was seen as incompatible with the first paragraph of the new instrument of government that states that all power in Sweden originates with the people.
There were also many who felt uncomfortable with the symbolics of the monarch on his throne surrounded by his armed guards.
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And now it looks like they're going to church ;)

Personally I'd like to have seen a bit more pomp included in the ceremony when they were revising it.
And now it looks like they're going to church ;)

Personally I'd like to have seen a bit more pomp included in the ceremony when they were revising it.
They are going to church. The ceremony is always preceded by a service in Stockholm cathedral.
From the Constitution
A special meeting of the Chamber for the formal opening of a Riksdag session takes place no later than the third day of the session. At the request of the Speaker, the Head of State declares the session open. If the Head of State is unable to attend, the Speaker declares the session open.
At this meeting, the Prime Minister delivers a statement of Government policy unless there are special grounds why he or she should refrain from doing so.
Time of meeting for the opening of the Riksdag session
Supplementary provision 3.6.1 After an election to the Riksdag, the formal
opening of the session after an election to the Riksdag takes place at 2
p.m. on the second day of the session.

According to the Constitution, the Head of State has no political power. The duties of the Head of State are representational and ceremonial. The Speaker of the Riksdag asks the King to declare the session open, the royal family is a honorary guest at the opening session. And since the Head of State has no political power, it would be really odd if the Members of the Riksdag would have to come to the Royal Palace to the opening of the Riksdag and there would be the royal symbols and guards and the members of the royal family would wear orders and court dresses.
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Opening of Parliament, Riksdagen, 2018

The traditional opening of Parliament, riksmötets öppnande, will take place on Tuesday 25th September, at 2 pm, at The Riksdag building in Stockholm.


A service is traditionally held in Storkyrkan/Stockholm Cathedral prior to the opening. An alternative event is organized by the Humanists. The Royal Family tradionally attend the Service in Storkyrkan, and they are seated in the Royal boxes in the church.

Attendance by the Royal Family:
The King, The Queen, The Crown Princess, Prince Daniel, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia

Opening of Parliament
1 pm - The guests arrive
The Central Band of the Swedish Army and the Swedish Life Guard will be on parade at Riksplan infront of the Riksdag building. The guest will arrive to the Main entrance at Riksplan and make their way the the chamber through the Grand Staircase.*

The Royal Family will traditionally go in cortege from the Royal Palace to Riksdaghuset and arrive shortly before the ceremony. They will be greeted by the Speaker* at Riksplan, and together with the Deputy Speakers and Prime Minister**, make their way through the Grand Staircase to the chamber.*

2 pm - Ceremony in the Chamber
On request of the Speaker will H.M. The King declare the parliamentary session open. The ceremony wil also include The Royal Anthem, music by a secret musician, and The National Anthem.

The theme of this year's opening of the Parliament will be mid-Sweden and thereby the traditional provinces (landskap) of Värmland, Västmanland, Närke, Östergötland, Uppland and Södermanland. This will be reflected in the program, food and decorations. The choir performing in the Grand staircase while the guests arrive will hence be from Stockholm and the secret musician from mid-Sweden.

After the ceremony the Speaker will host a reception in the Grand Gallery in Riksdagshuset.*

Attendance by the Royal Family:
The King, The Queen, The Crown Princess, Prince Daniel, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia

Information from the Riksdag:
Riksmötets öppnande 2018 - Riksdagen

The ceremony will be broadcasted live at SVT Play, starting 13.00 local time:

Concert, Stockholm Concert Hall
6pm - Guests arrive

7pm - Concert
In cooperation with the Stockholm Concert Hall are members of the Royal Family, members of Parliament and government invited to the concert. The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Concert, conducted by Andreas Hanson will perform, hosted by Concert Hall Director Stefan Forsberg.*The concert will be a "Tribute to Democracy".

Attendance by the Royal Family:
The King, The Queen, The Crown Princess, Prince Daniel, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia

Information on the website of Stockholm Concert Hall:*

Attendance in the calendar of the Royal Court:

* A new Speaker of the Riksdag willbe elected on Monday 24th September, and this times it is very hard to tell who it's gonna be, with all parties playing the political game.

** This will be Stefan Löfven, but a vote on his confidence in the Riksdag will take place on Tuesday, before the opening ceremony. If he looses the vote he will instead be Acting Prime Minister until a new Prime Minister is appointed by the Riksdag. Also, this means that the ceremony will be shorter this year, as every election year, as the Prime Minister not will make a speech over the policy of the coming year.
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At what time does the cortege leave from the Palace for the Riksdag tomorrow? I am in Stockholm this week, and I'd like to see it :).
At what time does the cortege leave from the Palace for the Riksdag tomorrow? I am in Stockholm this week, and I'd like to see it :).
The Opening of Parliament starts at 14.00. Before the ceremony there's a church service in Storkyrkan but I don't know at what time. The parish website only says that the church reopens at 14.00.
thanks for your reply :) I guess i ll try to be at slottsbacken at 1.30, I think thats a safe time
At what time does the cortege leave from the Palace for the Riksdag tomorrow? I am in Stockholm this week, and I'd like to see it :).

From the website of Beridna Högvakten (The Mounted Guard)
At the official opening of the Riksdag on September 25, the cortege leaves the Palace at 13.45 and has arrived to the Riksdag House 5 minutes later.
Beridna Vaktparaden - Beridna Högvakten

On previous years the church service has started at 12.30.
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Stefan Löfven today lost the vote of confidence in the Riksdag, loosing with 142-204. He is now acting Prime Minister.

The Speaker will now, starting on Thursday, seek support in the Riksdag for a new Prime Minister and government.
Stefan Löfven today lost the vote of confidence in the Riksdag, loosing with 142-204. He is now acting Prime Minister.

The Speaker will now, starting on Thursday, seek support in the Riksdag for a new Prime Minister and government.

Will there still be the Opening of the Riksdag today?. Wonder why they don't wait till there will be a new government.
Will there still be the Opening of the Riksdag today?. Wonder why they don't wait till there will be a new government.
This doesn't affect the Opening of Parliament. The government lead by Prime minister Löfven will remain in place until either a new one has been approved by the Parliament or there has been a re-election.
Since this could take months, especially in the present messy political situation, the newly elected Parliament has to be opened to be able to function and elect a new government.
The old parliament does not have a mandate to elect a new government.
This doesn't affect the Opening of Parliament. The government lead by Prime minister Löfven will remain in place until either a new one has been approved by the Parliament or there has been a re-election.
Since this could take months, especially in the present messy political situation, the newly elected Parliament has to be opened to be able to function and elect a new government.
The old parliament does not have a mandate to elect a new government.

But will there still be a goverment declaration? Doesn't make since seen now one knows how long the goverment will in power.
But will there still be a goverment declaration? Doesn't make since seen now one knows how long the goverment will in power.
The government declaration is held either at the Opening of Parliament if it's a sitting government (between elections) or when a new government is approved by the Parliament. The latter does not have to coincide with the Opening ceremony.
But will there still be a goverment declaration? Doesn't make since seen now one knows how long the goverment will in power.
No there will not, as I wrote in the first post. This is how it is every fourth year after an election. Last time, in 2014, Fredrik Reinfeldt resigned as a Prime Minister on Election night, but remained in office until the Riksdag had appointed Stefan Löfven, that took place after the Opening of Parliament (in the beginning of October, if I recall correctly).
Is it shown live on SVT 1 or 2?
Is it shown live on SVT 1 or 2?
At SVT 2 at program Forum at 14.00.

The new Marshal of the Realm Fredrik Wersäll first time at the opening of Parliament with the Royal Family. And the new Speaker of the Riksdag, Andreas Norlén, 45.
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I see that some of the women are wearing the national costume. Is that is a Swedish context considered "conservative" or even "nationalist" or is it something that anyone would wear regardless of where that person belongs on the political spectrum?
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