Opening of Parliament, Riksdagen 2003-2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I see that some of the women are wearing the national costume. Is that is a Swedish context considered "conservative" or even "nationalist" or is it something that anyone would wear regardless of where that person belongs on the political spectrum?

Among the women wearing national costume, is four from the government; The Minister for Finance Magdalena Andersson, The Minister for the Environment Karolina Skoog, The Minister for Migration and Deputy Minister for Justice Heléne Fritzon, as well as the Minister for Upper Secondary School and Adult Education Anna Ekström. All of the belonging to the Social Democratic Part or the Green Party.

My reflection is that it has become more popular to wear the national costume t the Opening of Parliament the last couple of years, and not that it should be considered 'nationalist' or 'conservative'. Of course there was some debate a couple of years ago when famous MP's of the Sweden Democrats (e.g. Jimmie Åkesson and Björn Söder) wearing national costumes. This year they don't wear their costumes, so it might be some kind of "taking back"the meaning of national costumes from the Sweden Democrats.
Thank you. I notice that a number of men are also wearing a regional costume.

The soldiers lined up outside are from the Royal Guard. They are grenadiers and their uniforms are clearly inspired by Prussian uniforms from mid to late 1800's.
They are armed with the Swedish produced infantry carbine version of the Mauser rifle, 6.5 mm IIRC. Slightly unusual since guardsmen and grenadiers are taller than average.


I also notice a number of people with a flag. I assume they represent the various lens (provinces)? It seems to be optional whether you want to wear the traditional costume from that province or not.
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I see the SRF will arrive in horse draw carriages, escorted by dragoons.

Interestingly quite a few of the dragoons are women, 200 years ago dragoons would have been average sized men, but we grow taller...
They must be heavy dragoons, because they are armed with straight swords, pallasks.
Light dragoons would also have been issued a helmet, but with a "casque", meaning that the head-adornment would "flow" backwards like the mane on a horse, and not up and down like this more Prussian head-adornment.
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The new Marshal of the Realm Fredrik Wersäll first time at the opening of Parliament with the Royal Family. And the new Speaker of the Riksdag, Andreas Norlén, 45.

What function has the Marshal of the Realm? - In medieval context that would make him the defense chief (marechal). But in modern context?
What function has the Marshal of the Realm? - In medieval context that would make him the defense chief (marechal). But in modern context?

The Office of the Marshal of the Realm is headed by Fredrik Wersäll, who is accountable to The King for the activities of the entire Royal Court organization.
Office of the Marshal of the Realm - Sveriges Kungahus

Belga Image

Usually SVT shows when the royal family leaves the Riksdag after the mingling.

The church service
IBL Bildbyrå
Opening of the Riksdag
IBL Bildbyrå

Video of the royal family arriving to the church service
Här anländer kungafamiljen till Storkyrkan

Video of king Carl Gustaf's speech
Kung Carl XVI Gustaf öppnar riksmötet_ ”Var och en av er har fått medborgarnas förtroende”

Gallery, from the church service and Opening of the Riksdag

Se alla bilderna på kungafamiljen från riksmötets öppnande _ Svensk Damtidning
BILDEXTRA_ Här strålar kronprinsessan Victoria med kungafamiljen på riksmötets öppnande

Magazine Hänt has asked from the court why Madeleine doesn't attend today's events.
- She is in USA, therefore she doesn't attend, said information officer Ulrika Näsholm from the court.
Hovet avslöjar_ Därför saknas prinsessan Madeleine vid riksmötets öppnande _ Hä

The royal court at its website
Kungen öppnade riksmötet - Sveriges Kungahus

Court Instagram
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Why oh why are they massacring this otherwise beautiful and appropriate song? (I Dreamed me a Dream.) :bang:
Anybody got a hook? Make that two hooks!

Good grief, she's howling!!
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A curiosity about the the Riksdag is that the MP's are seated by constituency and not party. So, all MP's from the City of Stockholm constituency are seated together, and the MP's from Dalarna County constituency and so on and on. Members of the government in the very front to the right, seen from the Speaker.

The exit march, 'Grand march' by Charles Voss is the same used as entrance march during the State Opening of Parliament in the Hall of State at the Royal Palace.
Are the Drabant Guards (Livdrabanterne) making an appearance? I had quite looked forward to them. Being a uniform nerd. ;)
Are the Drabant Guards (Livdrabanterne) making an appearance? I had quite looked forward to them. Being a uniform nerd. ;)

No, all the fun is already over. No more uniforms today ;)
This year they don't wear their costumes, so it might be some kind of "taking back"the meaning of national costumes from the Sweden Democrats.

Member of Parliament for the liberal Center party, Martin Åstrand specifically states in a tweet that he wears the Leksand costume because he doesn't want the use of the national costumes and national symbols to be hijacked by bigoted and narrow-minded forces.

A question - Is there a particular reason for the black and white color scheme for the royal ladies at the daytime activities that are part of the State Opening of Parliament?
A question - Is there a particular reason for the black and white color scheme for the royal ladies at the daytime activities that are part of the State Opening of Parliament?

IIRC, it’s the last vestige of the old “court dress” which was a specific design of black and white gown that women used to be required to wear to certain events, including this one.
IIRC, it’s the last vestige of the old “court dress” which was a specific design of black and white gown that women used to be required to wear to certain events, including this one.

Thanks for your answer. I hadn't thought of that as a reason, but it makes sense.
Photos from yesterday
The royal family and the Speaker
The King's song has ended
The king speaking
The king gives his speech to the Marshal of the Realm, Fredrik Wersäll
The whole gallery here:
Statsminister Stefan Löfven röstades bort – Liverapportering _ Aftonbladet

Video of the King's speech at court Youtube channel

From ParisMatch
Victoria a retrouvé Stockholm et la famille royale pour la rentrée parlementaire

Kungligheternas på hyllningskonsert i samband med Riksmötets öppnande GalaMagazine

Photos from TT Nyhetsbyrån/Expressen kungligt

Victoria, by Stella Pictures
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I´m not that good at swedish, but as far as I understood the King´s speech, he doesn´t seem to read new legislation from the government, but gives a historic summary of parliamentary life in Sweden and some words of encouragement, right?!

I´m sorry, nothing against the King, it was not his fault he was stripped from all his powers, but I wonder how sensible this, forgive me, sorry role of the monarchy is at this particular event...?!

I think only the monarchs in Britain, Norway and the Netherlands have a really vital and meaningful part to play at this ceremony (I don´t know about Spain?!?).
I´m not that good at swedish, but as far as I understood the King´s speech, he doesn´t seem to read new legislation from the government, but gives a historic summary of parliamentary life in Sweden and some words of encouragement, right?!

I´m sorry, nothing against the King, it was not his fault he was stripped from all his powers, but I wonder how sensible this, forgive me, sorry role of the monarchy is at this particular event...?!

I think only the monarchs in Britain, Norway and the Netherlands have a really vital and meaningful part to play at this ceremony (I don´t know about Spain?!?).

Prior to 1975, the King was still the formal head of the executive branch and he actually read a speech from the throne much like the one in the UK or in the Netherlands. Nowadays, he only declares the parliamentary session open at the request of the Speaker of the Riksdag, as required in the Parliament Act.

In a way, however, I think King's speech in Sweden is actually more meaningful now than in the UK or in the Netherlands because he is not simply reading a speech written by someone else about a legislative agenda he may or may not personally agree with. Instead, the Swedish King, despite having to stay politically neutral, has the opportunity to convey his own thoughts and ideas to the members of Parliament.
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Prior to 1975, the King was still the formal head of the executive branch and he actually read a speech from the throne much like the one in the UK or in the Netherlands. Nowadays, he only declares the parliamentary session open at the request of the Speaker of the Riksdag, as required in the Parliament Act.

In a way, however, I think King's speech in Sweden is actually more meaningful now than in the UK or in the Netherlands because he is not simply reading a speech written by someone else about a legislative agenda he may or may not personally agree with. Instead, the Swedish King, despite having to stay politically neutral, has the opportunity to convey his own thoughts and ideas to the members of Parliament.
The theme of the King's speech is often a broad stroke on an important subject like the environment or immigration. This year he focused on the importance of protecting our democracy. Something that, as we see around the world and in Sweden, is very much a contemporary issue and an issue that's growing more and more important. The King is in general successful in staying clear of siding with any political parties although his clear stance on democracy, the environment and immigration in itself can be interpreted as choosing a side. Especially by those who has the dismantling of the liberal democracy, denies climate change and are against immigration.
The traditional opening of Parliament, riksmötets öppnande, will take place on Tuesday 10th September.

King Carl Gustaf, queen Silvia, crown princess Victoria, prince Daniel, prince Carl Philip and princess Sofia attend
The Riksdag service in Stockholm Cathedral
The Opening of the Parliamentary Session in the Riksdag building
The Riksdag Concert at Stockholm Concert Hall
Kalender - Sveriges Kungahus
The Riksdag Concert _ Konserthuset Stockholm
The Riksdag's new working year - the 2019/20 Riksdag session - will open on Tuesday 10 September. The King will open the Riksdag session at the request of the Speaker. Follow the opening via the Riksdag webcast service and social media.
The day will begin at 11 a.m. with a roll-call of the 349 members of the Riksdag, prior to the opening of the Riksdag session.
The opening ceremony will start in the Chamber at 2 p.m. At the request of the Speaker Andreas Norlén, King Carl XVI Gustaf will declare the Riksdag session open. Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (Social Democratic Party) will then read the Statement of Government Policy, presenting the Government's intended policies for the coming year.
There will be various musical performances before and during the ceremony, including an appearance by a surprise artist. In addition to members of the Riksdag, the Royal Family, the Government and other invited guests will attend the opening. In the evening there will be a concert at Konserthuset in Stockholm.
This year's opening ceremony is the fourth consecutive ceremony to have a regional theme. This year, the focus will be on the five Swedish provinces of Härjedalen, Medelpad, Hälsingland, Dalarna and Gästrikland. The theme will be represented in the programme, the food and the decorations.
Opening of the 2019 Riksdag session - Riksdagen
Riksmötets öppnande 2019 - Riksdagen

The Church service on Tuesday in Stockholm Cathedral at 12.20.
Press Riksmötets öppnande - Stockholms domkyrkoförsamling
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The king and queen
Victoria and Daniel

At the church service

Just nu! Här anländer kungafamiljen till stormötet _ Svensk Dam
Elegant och svart-vitt Victoria på riksmötets öppnande - Allt om kungligt
Vi avslöjar_ Det bär kungafamiljen på Riksmötet 2019 _ Svensk Dam

The cortege from the Royal Palace to the Riksdag House starts at 13.45.

SVT's live broadcast from the cortege and the Opening of the Riksdag
Forum - Idag 09.00 _ SVT Play

TV4's broadcast
Nyheterna på TV4 Play - LIVE_ Riksdagens öppnade – följ ceremonin här

The King's Song is sung. The queen, the prime minister, Victoria, Daniel, The Speaker, The Vice Speakers and The Marshal of the Realm Fredrik Wersäll stand in front of the King.
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The royal ladies look absolutely fabulous. I see Princess Sofia plays a bit with the (not strict?) dresscode of wearing black and white.
The royal ladies look absolutely fabulous. I see Princess Sofia plays a bit with the (not strict?) dresscode of wearing black and white.

I noticed that too, that Princess Sofia added a bit of color. She looks stunning though.

Edit: Also it looks like The King, Prince Daniel, and Prince Carl Philip, are all wearing blue suits. I hope I'm not color blind.
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Video of the royal family arriving to the Stockholm Cathedral
Nyheterna på TV4 Play - Se kungafamiljens pampiga ankomst till Storkyrkan

The National Anthem is sung, screenshots

King Carl Gustaf's speech
H.M. Konungens tal vid riksmötets öppnande, tisdagen den 10 september 2019 - Sveriges Kungahus

Another gallery from Belga, from the Riksdag House
Belga Image

Leaving the Stockholm Cathedral, by Stella Pictures

The court at its website
On Tuesday, September 10, the King opened the 2019/2020 Riksdag. The new parliament year has thus begun.
The members of the Royal Family went to the Riksdag House, according to tradition, with the cortege. On the stairs, the King, Queen, Crown Princess, Prince Daniel, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia were welcomed by Speaker Andreas Norlén.
Outside the Riksdag House, grenadiers from the Life Guards paraded while The Royal Swedish Army Band played.
The provinces that this year were chosen to characterize programs, music and decoration at the opening ceremony were Härjedalen, Medelpad, Hälsingland, Dalarna and Gästrikland.
Inside the Riksdag House, the royal family greeted Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and the vice speakers. Afterwards, the guests listened to Vikarby's Small Folk Musicians playing in the large stairwell.
The ceremony in the chamber began with the members of Riksdag and the other guests singing the King's Song jointly.
Limu limu Lima, Kristallen den fina and Glädjens blomster were then performed by court singer Anna Larsson.
The Speaker then requested that the King declare the parliamentary session opened.
In his address to the members of Parliament, the King said, among other things:
“Sweden's future is not only shaped in this chamber, but as much of the development in our world. But the decisions made here affect everyone in our country. Not infrequently for generations to come. They are threads in the fabric that make up our future. "
After further musical performances, the prime minister made his declaration of government.
The church service
The royal family began the day by attending the Parliamentary service in Stockholm Cathedral.
Performance in Stockholm Concert Hall
Tonight, the Royal Family will attend a performance at the Concert Hall on the occasion of the Opening of the Riksdag.
Det nya riksmötet öppnat av Kungen - Sveriges Kungahus

The Royal Family leaving from the Royal Palace to Stockholm Cathedral

Arriving to the Stockholm Concert Hall
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Här anländer kungafamiljen – efter utsatt tid _ Svensk Dam

Photos from court Facebook from today by SPA and Sara Friberg and Henrik Garlöv from the court

Victorias varma kärleksgest till Daniel framför alla - Allt om kungligt

The King's speech at court Youtube
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Is it the bells of the Storkyrkan that only ring on special state occasions such as this or am I mixing it up with another church?
Is it the bells of the Storkyrkan that only ring on special state occasions such as this or am I mixing it up with another church?
You're talking about the church on Riddarholmen which is only rung to commemorate the death of a Knight of the Seraphim
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