Opening of Parliament, Riksdagen 2003-2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
You're talking about the church on Riddarholmen which is only rung to commemorate the death of a Knight of the Seraphim

Many thank I knew I was mixing up my churches!
Many thank I knew I was mixing up my churches!
Sorry, I wasn't completely right in my first reply. I had a look at the website of the church that says that The Seraphim toll is one of a few times that the bells are rung.
Some unseen photos at these galleries
ROYAL: Die schwedische Königsfamilie beim Gottesdienst anlässlich der Eröffnung des schwedischen Parlaments
ROYAL: Die schwedische Königsfamilie bei der Parlamentseröffnung 2019 in Stockholm
ROYAL: Pink & Passend - Zum Abschlusskonzert anlässlich der Parlamentseröffnung 2019 setzt Victoria Akzente

The king and queen arrived to the Riksdag House with The Sjuglas State Carriage from 1897. The State Coach was built in 1897 in connection with King Oskar II’s 25th Anniversary on the throne. Coachbuilder was Ad. Freyschuss Hofvagnfabrik, Stockholm.
After the ceremony and in the evening they had this car

Gallery from Svensk Damtidning
37 bästa bilderna från Riksmötets öppnande 2019 _ Svensk Dam

Kungafamiljen på Riksmötets öppnande 2019 _ Hovbloggen
Sofias supercoola sammetsbyxa – kvällens stora snackis - Allt om kungligt
La princesse Sofia de Suède pimente son look de la rentrée parlementaire d’un zeste de couleur
Crown Princess Victoria puts on a vibrant display with the Swedish Royal Family at the opera _ Daily Mail Online

With a big smile on her lips, Crown Princess Victoria walked up the stairs to the Riksdag's opening - wearing the same jacket she wore during the 2011, 2015 and 2017 ceremonies.
The Crown Princess has almost made it her signature dress in a sustainable way, says Expressen's fashion expert Magda Omerspahic.
It was a well-known royal jacket that met the curious audience when Crown Princess Victoria arrived at the Opening of the Riksdag.
The black and white jacket, worth about SEK 4,400, is the same as she wore at the ceremonies 2011, 2015 and 2017.
Sustainable thinking in choice of clothing
- Victoria is perhaps the one in the royal family that is best known for reusing garments and at the opening of the Parliament she came dressed in an old goody - the jacket from the Milly which she has worn on many occasions over the last ten years, says Magda Omerspahic, Express's fashion expert.
Crown Princess Victoria has long advocated a climate-smart thinking in her clothing choices, says Omerspahic.
- Her thinking also comes quite right in the time when we talk about climate and the environment perhaps more than ever, and Victoria has long advocated a sustainable thinking about clothes and recycled both simpler garments but also memorable dresses several times.
For those who like color, the dress code at the opening of the Riksdag is not something to hang in the Christmas tree - it is only black and white that applies to the guests. But there is nothing that usually stops the royalty from attracting attention.
- The dress code at the opening of the Riksdag is for the royals black and white and then it is not always easy to vary, but I think both Sofia, Victoria and the queen are good at thinking new and thinking accessories. This year Victoria combined her suit jacket with a black skirt, black pumps and a hair accessory in the form of a white, wider hair band. Fine!
Prinsessan Victorias val på riksmötets öppnande

Traditionally, five provinces are celebrated during the ceremony and this year they are Härjedalen, Medelpad, Hälsingland, Dalarna and Gästrikland. Princess Madeleine is the Duchess of the latter, as the Svensk Damtidning has noted.
The whole royal family was in place for the process - except for Princess Madeleine. The reason is that she is back in her home in Florida, USA.
- Princess Madeleine is back in Florida, and because of that, she does not go over to Sweden on a flying visit to attend when the Parliament opens. But on the other hand, the royal family living in Sweden is present, says Margaretha Thorgren.
But later in September it will nevertheless be a quick visit to Sweden for Madeleine. On September 27, she will, as the first royal ever, attend the book fair.
Därför är prinsessan Madeleine inte på plats i Sverige

The royal family arriving to the Concert Hall

The diplomatic cars at Gustaf Adolfs Torg, the diplomats are invited to the Opening
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Video from TV4
Nyheterna på TV4 Play - Riksmötet högtidligt öppnat

Photos by SPA
Church ceremony

Opening at the Riksdag

Arriving to the concert

Nice photo of Victoria

Victorias snygga modesuccé — detta bar hon på riksmötets konsert _ Femina

Short video of the royals arriving to the concert and greeting welcomed by Speaker Andreas Norlén

The very short cortege route from the Royal Palace to the Riksdag House

Belga Image
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It appears that the opening of the Parliament is something so boring that the Crown Princess had some struggle to stay awake.

Can't blame her. Listening to our current government's dravel would put anyone to sleep. One would think that screwing over the working class would be more dramatic than boring.
There were a very damning picture from the nineties with Princess Christina out like a candle and Crown Princess Victoria not far behind
Opening of the 2020 Riksdag session
The opening of the Riksdag session, which marks the start of the new parliamentary year, will take place on 8 September. As a result of the corona pandemic, there will be a restricted number of people attending the ceremony in the Chamber of the Riksdag this year.
The 2020/21 Riksdag session will open on 8 September. Usually, the members of the Riksdag, the Royal Family, the Government and a large number of invited guests participate in the ceremony during the opening of the Riksdag session. This year, because of the corona pandemic, it will not be possible to carry out the ceremony as usual. For example, a limited number of people will be in attendance on location in the Chamber, and all the activities normally contained in the programme for the opening of the Riksdag session will not take place.
Opening of the 2020 Riksdag session - Riksdagen
Opening of the 2020 Riksdag session
The opening of the Riksdag session, which marks the start of the new parliamentary year, will take place on 8 September. As a result of the corona pandemic, there will be a restricted number of people attending the ceremony in the Chamber of the Riksdag this year.
The 2020/21 Riksdag session will open on 8 September. Usually, the members of the Riksdag, the Royal Family, the Government and a large number of invited guests participate in the ceremony during the opening of the Riksdag session. This year, because of the corona pandemic, it will not be possible to carry out the ceremony as usual. For example, a limited number of people will be in attendance on location in the Chamber, and all the activities normally contained in the programme for the opening of the Riksdag session will not take place.
Opening of the 2020 Riksdag session - Riksdagen

will the RF still attend? i presume at least the king would need to be there.
will the RF still attend? i presume at least the king would need to be there.
No news as yet. §6 of The Riksdag Act of 2014 states that the Riksdag is opened by the Head of State but that if the Head of State is prevented to attend the Speaker opens the Riksdag.
Margareta Thorgren said to Svensk Damtidning that the royal family will attend at the Opening of the Riksdag.

- Yes, according to the Public Health Agency's restrictions, says Margareta.
Kungafamiljens beslut – som kan chocka många _ Svensk Dam

We have to wait to see the event at the court calendar to see who of the royal family attend. I would be surprised if all six (the royal couple, crown princess couple and prince couple) of them attend.

The customary reception for members of the Riksdag and guests in the Grand Gallery has been cancelled on account of the corona pandemic.
This year, there will be no concert at Konserthuset Stockholm either.
Information to the media about the opening of the Riksdag session 2020 - Riksdagen

Svensk Damtidning wants to know if Sofia will attend at the Opening of the Riksdag.

But the big question remains in the air: which members of the royal family will appear when the Riksdag begins its new working year? Will Sofia be there?
Margareta Thorgren doesn't want to give information yet about the set of royals who will be present.
- We will return with it when it is decided, says Margareta.
The royal family has been very careful with representation assignments in recent months. The explanation is obvious. Even a royal family must take into account the world situation and the coronavirus.
Therefore, King Carl Gustaf and the rest of the family have focused mainly on digital representation.
Prinsessan Sofia – gåtan hovet vägrar förklara _ Svensk Dam

The court updated the Opening of the Riksdag session on 8th September to the calendar, the king and queen are listed to attend.
Kalender - Sveriges Kungahus
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The court updated the Opening of the Riksdag session on 8th September to the calendar, the king and queen are listed to attend.
Kalender - Sveriges Kungahus
The Riksdag has made several changes to the Opening of the Riksdag, not only the particiaption of the Royal Family.

Some of the changes made:
- All other events in connection with the Opening of the Riksdag is cancelled, eg. the service in Stockholm Cathederal, the reception after the ceremony and the concert in the Stockholm Concert Hall.

- 190 MP's will attend the ceremony (something that has been agreed upon amongst the Parties). 175 is required to reach qourum, for the decision making points that follows the ceremony.

- The MP's are not seated in their usual seats, but to secure distance between them, and some of the MP's will be seated on the balcony. Also, no MP will be seated next to the aisle where the King and Queen and Speaker will arrive/depart, to secure distance.

- The Doyen of the Corps Diplomatique is the only Ambassador invited, and representatives from Public Authorities will not be invited this year.
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You know, strangely I wasn't aware that the members of the Diplomatic corps took part in the new Opening of Parliament. Does some of them dress in national costumes like when they hand their letter of introduction to the King?
Honestly, I don't know if I was aware of it. But it makes sense that they take part, however, they don't have such a prominent position as in the old ceremony in the Hall of State.
The opening of the 2020 Riksdag session
This year, the theme of the opening of the Riksdag session has been inspired by the Democracy Centenary which is being celebrated between 2018-2022. In connection with the opening, the fight for universal and equal suffrage and the fact that it is 100 years since the advent of democracy in Sweden will be highlighted.

Programme for the opening of the 2020 Riksdag session
On account of the coronavirus pandemic, the number of participants in the opening of the Riksdag session will be limited. 190 of 348 members of the Riksdag will participate – the number (175 with a safety margin of 15) that need to be present to take two decisions requiring qualified majority, later during the day. In addition, the King and Queen, half of the government ministers and a handful of other invited guests will participate.

The programme may be changed if necessary.

At 1 p.m. the webcast from the opening of the Riksdag session will start. The guests will arrive at Riksplan. A small troop from the Life Guards will be on parade. Flag-bearers from Sollentuna Dementia Association and Frivillig Väntjänst will stand at the entrances. The piano trio Trio Conti will perform inside on the Grand Stairway in the East Wing of the Riksdag.

At 2 p.m. the opening ceremony will start in the Chamber. At the request of the Speaker Andreas Norlén, H.M. The King will declare the 2020/21 Riksdag session open. Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (Social Democratic Party) will then deliver the Statement of Government Policy which outlines the policies the Government intends to pursue during the coming year.

The programme in the Chamber will also include music by the Brass Ensemble, the Swedish Royal Anthem, a vocal performance by an artist, the Swedish National Anthem and exit music.

At 3 p.m. there will be continued coverage and a concert. A live broadcast will be shown on the Riksdag website, with interviews and other features about the opening of the Riksdag session and the future of democracy. The event will end with a pre-recorded concert with a number of musicians from the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra. The concert will be shown on the Riksdag webcast service from 3.30 p.m.
Opening of the 2020 Riksdag session - Riksdagen
The king and queen attend at the traditional church service in connection of the opening of the Riksdag.

Corona-adapted service in the Stockholm Cathedral in connection with the opening of the Riksdag
On Tuesday, September 8 at 12.20, a church service will take place at Stockholm Cathedral in connection with the Opening of the Riksdag. However, due to the current corona pandemic, the number present this year is limited to 50 people. Representatives from the court and the Riksdag will be present.
A church service in connection with the Opening of the Riksdag has a centuries-old tradition, see for example the Riksdag order from 1723.
This year, anyone who wants to follow the service can watch a live broadcast at
- Even though only a few can be offered a place in the Cathedral this time, there are more than previous years who can take part in the service through the live broadcast, says dean Hans Ulfvebrand.
Coronaanpassad gudstjänst i Storkyrkan i samband med Riksmötets öppnande - Stockholms domkyrkoförsamling
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Link to the TV broadcast today:
Forum - Forum_ Riksmötets öppnande _ SVT Play

King Carl Gustaf and queen Silvia arrived to the church service at Stockholm Cathedral. Aftonbladet updates photos here
Riksdagen inleder nytt arbetsår _ Aftonbladet

The King and queen will arrive to the Riksdag by car, not at traditional cortege.
Just nu! Här anländer kungafamiljen till riksmötet _ Svensk Dam
Det bar Silvia vid Riksmötets öppnande _ Svensk Dam
Silvias kärleksgest till kungen – se bilderna! _ Svensk Dam

Many feel disappointed with the arrangement. Crown Princess Victoria is our future regent and an important symbol of our state. Under optimal circumstances, she would be an obvious element in the opening of the Riksdag. But instead, the Crown Princess couple stays at home at Haga Palace.
- The Crown Princess couple will follow the TV broadcast from home in Haga, says Margareta Thorgren.
Victoria och Daniel missar riksmötets öppnande 2020 _ Svensk Dam

The King's speech
H.M. Konungens tal vid riksmötets öppnande, tisdagen den 8 september 2020 - Sveriges Kungahus

The King's speech at court Youtube

Photos by SPA
Today King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia... - Swedish Press Agency _ Facebook


Some photos
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The traditional opening of the Parliamentary session, Riksmötets öppnande, will take place on Tuesday 14th September.

The court updated to their calendar:
King Carl Gustaf, queen Silvia, crown princess Victoria and prince Daniel attend
- The Riksdag church service in Stockholm Cathedral
- The Opening of the 2021 Riksdag session in the Riksdag building
Kalender - Sveriges Kungahus

The customary reception for members of the Riksdag and guests in the Grand Gallery has been cancelled on account of the COVID-19 pandemic.
There will be no concert at Stockholm Concert Hall this year either.
Information to the media about the opening of the 2021 Riksdag session - Riksdagen
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Svensk Damtidning asks, was the Opening of the Riksdag in 2019 the last for Sofia and Carl Philip, they are not attending this year? The Marshal of the Realm Fredrik Wersäll said in October 2019 at SVT's Aktuellt that Victoria, the heir to the throne, is growing more and more into her role as future head of state and in the distinct tasks of head of state. Official visits abroad, participation in the Opening of the Riksdag and such are increasingly concentrated on her. That means that the siblings, as time goes on, can get a little less central duties.
The Riksdag announces that due to Covid-19 and attempts to hold back the spread of infection the number of participants is limited to the Riksdag's 349 members, ministers, parts of the royal family and a small number of other guests.
How it will be next year for Sofia and Carl Philip, no one knows. Maybe they will attend again. But the older Estelle gets, the further out of the royal center of power they will end up. Victoria was 17 when she attended the Opening of the Riksdag for the first time, so in eight years it may be time for Estelle to follow in her footsteps.
Sofia och Carl Philip stoppas från viktiga uppdraget _*Svensk Dam
With Princess Madeleine living in the United States and Princess Birgitta living in Spain, it would be natural for ceremonies such as the Opening of Parliament to be represented by the King Couple and Crown Princess Couple, as Carl Philip (and his wife) would otherwise be the only representing member of the Royal House not in direct line.

Incidentally, it is interesting that Svensk Damtidning repeatedly uses "Sofia and Carl Philip" instead of "Carl Philip and Sofia" - do they normally use "Daniel and Victoria" or "Silvia and Carl XVI Gustaf" as well?
Incidentally, it is interesting that Svensk Damtidning repeatedly uses "Sofia and Carl Philip" instead of "Carl Philip and Sofia" - do they normally use "Daniel and Victoria" or "Silvia and Carl XVI Gustaf" as well?
There is a general tendency in the Swedish language to put the name of the female in a couple before that of the male. But it's always the King & the Queen/Silvia & Victoria/the Crown Princess & Daniel/Prince Daniel.
There is a general tendency in the Swedish language to put the name of the female in a couple before that of the male. But it's always the King & the Queen/Silvia & Victoria/the Crown Princess & Daniel/Prince Daniel.

It's also due to a better flow. Like you always say Lennon-McCartney, never the other way around.
At Expressen today:
Due to corona restrictions, the Riksdag allows all 349 members to attend. But restrictions have been introduced in the number of guests who may participate in the ceremony in the Stockholm Cathedral and in the Riksdag. The restrictions mean that Carl Philip and Sofia cannot attend.
Margareta Thorgren says that it is still a pandemic, so even if all members of the Riksdag are to be in place, it is still a downsizing.
Last year, the Crown Princess couple also had to stay at home. But this year, their traditional presence can be resumed. Thorgren says that they always make a new plan for each year, but they don't plan the opening of the Riksdag so many years ahead. Last year it was in a completely different way, with very large restrictions. Now it is a little more open and then the Crown Princess couple can participate. What next year looks like, they will get back to.
Madeleine and Chris O'Neill do not have the opportunity to attend.
- They are in the USA, says Thorgren.
Riksdagen öppnar_ Därför deltar inte Sofia och Carl Philip

The king and queen, Victoria and Daniel arriving to the church service at the Stockholm Cathedral.
Victorias comeback under riksmötets öppnande _*Svensk Dam

TT Nyhetsbyrån

The Mistress of the Robes Kirstine von Blixen-Finecke (left), The First Marshal of the Court Mats Nilsson and The First Lady of the Court Anna Hamilton.

SVT's broadcast from the Riksdag has already begun
12.45 The Central Band of the Swedish Army performs and the Grenadiers of the Life Guards are on parade. Flag-bearers from the Association for the Children of Östergötland stand outside the Kopparporten entrance with Swedish flags. Duo West/Rydvall performs inside on the Grand Stairway. The members of the Riksdag and invited guests arrive. The Speaker, members of the Royal Family, Prime Minister and others make their way via the Grand Stairway to the Chamber.
14.00 The ceremony in the Chamber starts.
SVT Play

The cortege left the Royal Palace about 13.45.

Program at the Opening

Gallery from the Opening of the Riksdag
TT Nyhetsbyrån

Victorias look och kungens kärleksgest till Silvia – se bilderna från riksmötet! _*Svensk Dam


The court at its website:
Kungen har öppnat det nya riksmötet - Sveriges Kungahus

The King's speech, he said among other things
This year it is 400 years since King Gustaf II Adolf founded Gothenburg, Borås, Sundsvall, Luleå and Piteå in one and the same year. Today, hundreds of thousands of Sweden's inhabitants live in these cities. There are companies, authorities and universities.(...)
Honorable Members, you have a great task in equipping our country and our social institutions for the future. To think in long lines - just as King Gustaf II Adolf did when he founded cities.
His daughter, Queen Kristina, wrote more than a thousand aphorisms during her lifetime. I have attached one of them in particular to:
The happiness and prosperity of a country stands and falls with the knowledge and education we give our young people.
H.M. Konungens tal vid riksmötets öppnande, 14*september 2021 - Sveriges Kungahus

The church service, photos by Swedish Press Agency SPA.

Arriving to the opening of the Riksdag, photos by Swedish Press Agency SPA.


Victorias hatt och Daniels viskning_ Riksmötet 2021 – bästa bilderna _*Svensk Dam

Video of the King's speech at court Youtube
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Videos of the opening of this year's parliament:
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The King, Queen, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia attend at the events on 27th September.
Officiella program _ Kungahuset

Tuesday, 27 September at 12.05, a service will be held in connection with the opening of the Riksdag in the Stockholm Cathedral.
Gudstjänst i Storkyrkan i samband med riksmötets öppnande 27 september. _ Stockholms Stift

This year, the opening of the Riksdag session will be highlighting the centenary of the breakthrough of democracy in Sweden with universal and equal suffrage, and in particular how the first five women entered the Riksdag.
When the Riksdag opened on 10 January 1922, five women took their seats as members of parliament. Kerstin Hesselgren, Elisabeth Tamm, Agda Östlund, Bertha Wellin and Nelly Thüring made history as Sweden’s first five female members of the Riksdag.
14.00 The ceremony in the Chamber starts. Performance by musicians from the Swedish Royal Navy Band. At the request of the Speaker, H.M. The King declares the 2022/23 Riksdag session open. The programme in the Chamber also includes the Royal Anthem, musical performances by by Susanna Stern and Adolf Fredrik's flickkör as well as musicians from Marinens Musikkår, the National Anthem and exit music.
Opening of the Riksdag session 2022 - Riksdagen
Information to the media about the opening of the 2022 Riksdag session - Riksdagen

Stockholm Concert Hall/Hötorget
19.00 The concert in collaboration with the Stockholm Concert Hall starts. The concert will be closed to the media.
Among the guests: Royal representatives, members of the Riksdag and the government. Stefan Forsberg, Executive and Artistic Director of the Stockholm Concert Hall Foundation, hosts the concert which is conducted by none other than the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic's Chief Conductor Designate, Ryan Bancroft.
Concerts in Stockholm _ Konserthuset Stockholm
Why does the Opening of Parliament take place now and not when there is a new Government? Doesn't make much sense when the Prime Minster make a speech in Parliament when nobody knows how long she will remain in office.
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