The remark about spiteful people is for your account. All what grandmother said was factual. Her son is Nicholas Medforth-Mills indeed. And the youngborn is her second grandchild indeed. With stating so, the Princess actually acknowledged her first grandchild as well. That is more than what we can say about daddy Nicholas denying parenthood in the first place. And en passant the Princess placed both her grandchildren a par.
Spiteful would have been: remaining silent in blissful non-existence and that is not the case at all
Your hopes are over . She spoke to Nicholas Medforth Mills and not de Roumanie.
Of course she did. As long as Nicholas is not restored, for the House of Romania he is Mr Medforth-Mills.
I hope the parents will request their aunt Princess Margareta to become godmother to Maria-Alexandra. That would be a geste with high symbolic value.