Luis Alfonso de Borbón and Family (Duke and Duchess of Anjou) 1: Sept 2003-Nov 2008

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Danielane said:
The Invalids are a monument in Paris.

The young duchesse seems pregnant to me: what do you think?

Yes, I think too The Duchesse is pregnant:) :)
found new pics, by hola, from a visit they both did to "his land", france.
unfortunately no better pics...


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12/21/2005. Louis Alfonso of Borbon, his wife Mar’a Margarita de Vargas and his mother Carmen Martinez Bordiu went for Christmas shopping.

from newscom


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that is one beautiful & classie family. i have to admit i would love it if they were to start a family
Her style is just wonderfull, I like it, but I think she looks a little bit older being so classy
I am at a total loss here.:eek: Can someone please tell me exactly who this person, Louis Alfons, is? I've searched TRF and throughout the NET, but nothing really comes up. Is he a pretender to a European throne? What is his major significance to royalty?

Who is Luis Alfonso?

GlitteringTiaras said:
I am at a total loss here.:eek: Can someone please tell me exactly who this person, Louis Alfons, is? I've searched TRF and throughout the NET, but nothing really comes up. Is he a pretender to a European throne? What is his major significance to royalty?:)
OK, we'll start at the beginning. King Alfonso XIII of Spain had four sons:

1. Alfonso, Prince of the Asturias (1907-1938), who renounced his rights to the throne of Spain in 1933; married twice but no issue;

2. Jaime, Duke of Segovia (1908-1975), who renounced all rights to the throne of Spain for himself and his descendants in 1933 (confirmed 1945 and 1947).
Following the death of Alfonso XIII he assumed the title of Duke of Anjou as primogeniture representative of the House of Bourbon. His eldest son:

> Alfonso (1936-1989) Duke of Bourbon, Duke of Burgundy; succeeded his father as primogeniture representative of the House of France in 1975; cr Duke of Cadiz by Franco in 1972 when he married Franco's grand-daughter, and the same year was cr a Royal Highness; one surviving son:

>> Luis Alfonso (b 1974) Duke of Touraine and Duke of Bourbon.
succeeded his father as Primogeniture representative of the House of France and assumed the title of Duke of Anjou.

3. Juan (1913-1993) Count of Barcelona, Prince of the Asturias, father of King Juan Carlos;

4. Gonzalo (1914-1934)

Luis Alfonso is dynastically significant in two ways:
  • He is the senior male by descent of King Alfonso XIII;
  • He is the primogeniture senior Prince of the Bourbon dynasty and therefore, in some eyes, the rightful King of France (and, it could be argued, of Spain).
Although Luis Alfonso has been careful not to make any claims on his own behalf, relations with the Spanish Court could be described as "cool and distant" (the King has not granted him the style of Royal Highness, and none of the Spanish RF attended his wedding, a slight which was commented on at the time).

The Comte de Paris, Head of the Royal House of France of the Orléans line, declared his nephew Prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans Duc d'Anjou in 2004, in what was an obvious and heavy-handed insult to Luis Alfonso, but may have demonstrated the Comte's lack of judgement and politesse instead.

There is some confusion as to Luis Alfonso's style and title; some refer to him as a Prince of Bourbon with the style of Royal Highness, while the Spanish Court refers to him as Excellency.
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That was a great brief on Luis Alfonso, Warren. :)

Luis Alfonso, had his father become King of Spain, would be the King today and not Juan Carlos. The rivarly betwen Juan Carlos and his first cousin, the Duke of Cadiz, ended (or became more bitter) when Franco chose Juan Carlos over Alfonso, Duke of Cadiz. I read in a controversial book that the only reason Franco played with the Cadiz candidate was to keep Juan Carlos and his father in check, kind of black mail as if saying "if you don't behave the way I want I got this other candidates..." When Franco was shopping for Borbons, even the most extremist branch, the Carlistas, showed up. I think Franco kicked them out of Spain. Those were the last Carlist pretenders

But, Juan Carlos, the great master of survival, fooled both Franco and the Francoists and triumphed over the Cadiz candidate. And I'm glad for that, Franco's grand daugther as Queen of Spain would have been a disaster for the monarchy with her temperament. Last week I saw her pictures in Hola magazine posing with such vulgararity and talking about her lovers. I'm glad we have Sofia and not her for Queen.

And there is also another saga related to the inner fights between the Borbons that go back to the 19 Century, when Queen Isabela II and her kin were looking for spouses. I don't remember the details but the Spanish Borbons sided with the Borbon-Orleans and Borbon-Two Sicilies (Kingdom of Napoles and Sicily) branch instead of the legitimists Borbons (the heirs of Charles X). Later the legacy of the legitmists fell on the Cadiz clan, thus, Luis Alfonso.
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Duchess of Franco

Toledo said:
Franco's grand daugther as Queen of Spain would have been a disaster for the monarchy with her temperament... I'm glad we have Sofia and not her for Queen.
Thank you Glittering Tiaras and Toledo. :)

Luis Alfonso's mother, Dona Carmen, daughter of Don Cristobal Martinez-Bordiu, 10th Marques de Villaverde, and Dona Maria del Carmen Franco, 1st Duchess of Franco, was reported in both Royalty Digest and Point de Vue as causing a fuss during the wedding reception of her son. Apparently not all of the arrangements, including the seating, were to her liking, and she let the bride's parents, and others, know :eek:. They weren't amused.
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Lets ask something practical, is he rich? From what?
auntie said:
Lets ask something practical, is he rich? From what?
He was never 'poor', but now even more comfortable, from his wife via her father, who is extremely rich.
With no judgements or inferences whatsoever, think Marie Chantal Miller, but in a Venezuelan context.
Most of the money the Franco clan accumulated was during the height of the Dictator in Spain. Just like the Duvaliers, Somozas, Pinochets etc made a lot of money during their respective tiranies, so did the Francos.
Got to run now to work but I'll continue tonight...
Luis Alfonso and María Margarita certainly make up a beautiful and modern couple, they look very good together. Too bad that we don't get to read much about him and other non-ruling royals, at least we don't here in Scandinavia...

Like one of the commentators in the "Young, Sexy & Royal" series said about Luis Alfonso's situation in Spain - he has to "walk on egg shells". I thought that was quite a good description.
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I hope when Felipe becomes King he puts those family feuds to rest and gives back the title Duke of Cadiz to poor Luis Alfonso. Let bygones be bygones.

from LFI

more from deadline press

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Luis is handsome, but he would look better if he would stop scowling. Is it just me or does he always seem to be pouting or something. His wife is pretty, but only 21? How old is Luis? Anyway, I hope they'll be happy together.
Do you know how anyone can contact with Luis Alfonso?Is there anyone in the forum reading this thread from Venezuela?I would really love to know if Luis Alfonso lives and works there. What do the people in Venezuela think about him? Did they know Maria Margarita before her wedding because of her wealthyness?
To add a piece of information, Maria Margarita's mother (Carmen Leonor Santaella) has studied the law but quitted her carreer in order to bring up her three children. She comes from an aristocratic family indeed! They claim that they come from the conquistadores of Spain! Who knows...
Wow if he were now the Crown Prince of Spain, he would have been a better catch than Crown Prince Felipe.
Missyjojo88 said:
Wow if he were now the Crown Prince of Spain, he would have been a better catch than Crown Prince Felipe.
An even better catch because he would be the King of Spain from when his father died in 1989.
it was revealed in the spanish press that louis alfons and margarita will attend the fallas in valencia this year!
it says that margarita will wear a dress from the xvii century that costs about 20000 euros.
you can read the whole article here:
Images of Louis Alfons and Margarita in Las Fallas of Valencia

from terra


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I saw them on today's Corazon... on TVE. Maria Margarita had beautiful dress.
Yes, Felipe is better looking than luis. I thought I read in a magazine that Maria M. was pregnant?
emmeleia said:
Do you know how anyone can contact with Luis Alfonso?Is there anyone in the forum reading this thread from Venezuela?I would really love to know if Luis Alfonso lives and works there. What do the people in Venezuela think about him? Did they know Maria Margarita before her wedding because of her wealthyness?

I believe I read he will be working for his father in law's company. Luis Alfonso has also his own personal fortune thanks to mom, Franco's favorite grand daugther. They were all left well provided when the evil one died :rolleyes:. What he does not have these days is the title because of the controversy between him and the Orleans' branch that refuses to aknowledge him as the senior member of all Bourbons branches, thus, giving him a dynastic edge over the Bourbon-Orleans family.

In some way I do see their point of view, he is not French, he is distantly related and belongs to an off shot of the House of Bourbon that branched out to Spain 300 years ago. And to add insult to injury, he married without approval of the ones who support his claim nor he bothered to invite them to his wedding. Quite ungrateful for all those legitimist invitations to get lost in the mail. :rolleyes: And this marriage without consulting with his supporters was what I read that moved the Orleans to reclaim the title Duke of Anjou back to the core of the French Bourbon branch.
The 'kid' might be well intentioned, but in public relations he has made all the wrong moves.
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magnik said:
I saw them on today's Corazon... on TVE. Maria Margarita had beautiful dress.

ah, lucky you...i missed that part yesterday. only saw them on the ending, when the credits were running. :eek:
just a couple of things:

-how has this given him an advantage over the Orleans, Bourbons, or the Orleans-Bourbon line? which line has the bigger "advantage" to the throne? i hope someone from France can give us their view too.

- i do agree with you, that he does not seem French to me at all...he may have the bloodlines, but well, so far, he doesn't seem to personify the French royalty...

peace out! :cool:
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