Visiting Greece must be a botter-sweet experience for Queen Sophia. It is obviously the country of her birth, but it is also the land her brother was formerly monarch of.
in the Acropolis, Queen Sofia unveiled a plate in memory of King Pedro IV of Aragon, ..... The King Pedro IV of Aragon was the Duke of Athens. This is Spanish title of nobility , is not Greek.
Signature of the agreement of collaboration between the Foundation Queen Sofia, Mutual Motorist of Madrid and the Foundation Pasquall Maragall for the " International Year of the Alzheimer 2011 "
La Zarzuela Palace. Madrid
Audience to a representation of the Deputation of Alicante and of the Foundation Archaeological Provincial Museum of Alicante
La Zarzuela Palace. Madrid
Don Juan Carlos will displace to Berlin on the occasion of the celebration of 6 º Forum Hispanic - German, who will develop during the 7th and 8th of April. His Majesty the King will support a meeting with His Excellence the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr Christian Wulff, in Bellevue's Palace, which will go followed by a lunch with the assistants to the Forum.
Delivery of the edition XXVIII of the International Prizes of Journalism " King of Spain " and the edition VII of the Prize Don Quijote of Journalism Madrid
Does someone know if the King of Spain will assist at Prince William wedding ?
He is doing the contrary of the King of the Belgians who go to Rome on 1/5/2011.