King Frederik & Queen Mary's Summer Tour aboard the Dannebrog: 2024 -

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Jan 29, 2005
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This is the thread dedicated to the summer tours aboard the royal yacht Dannebrog from 2024 on.

The previous thread can be found here:



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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
The Palace has released some updates on the upcoming summer tour today, May 1:

When Their Majesties the King and Queen officially board the Royal Ship Dannebrog on 2 May 2024, it will also mark the beginning of a new sailing season and the Royal Couple's continuation of the tradition of annual summer cruises.Since the time of Christian IX, the Royal Ship has been used in the summer for cruises to various Danish cities, and with the Royal Ship Dannebrog as their residence, the royal family has visited large parts of the Kingdom over the years. The tradition has since been continued by Christian 10th, Frederik 9th, Her Majesty Queen Margrethe and now also the Royal Couple.This year, Their Majesties will carry out a late summer cruise with the royal ship Dannebrog on the 19th-22nd. August. The procession begins on 19 August in Bornholm's Regional Municipality, after which the royal couple will visit Ærø Municipality on 20 August and Assens Municipality on 21 August. This year's summer tour ends with a visit to Vejle Municipality on 22 August.More details about the program points of the summer tour will be published later.

We are in for a visual treat! These are very scenic places in DK. The island of Ærø in particular. But the Island of Bornholm is also scenic even on rainy days. And the fjord at the town of Vejle is beautiful. In fact there used to be a sanatorium for people with bad nerves there, because the setting is so tranquil. The sanatorium had the most spoiled parrot in DK, the patients loved it and it got loads of attention! A good life for an intelligent social bird. It was at the time probably also one of the most accomplished therapists in DK, as the patients confided all sorts of things to the bird and it helped making them open up.
Even though parrots live long I doubt it's still alive now some 50 years later.
Some nice old scenes with the Dannebrog have been shared prior today's official season start:

A special royal tradition is being continued today by the King and Queen when Their Majesties officially board the Royal Ship Dannebrog at 12.00 to start the year's sailing season.The annual cruises with the Royal Ship are an extension of a now long tradition, which dates back to the reign of Christian X and Queen Alexandrine. As the first royal couple, they made annual cruises in Danish waters a regular part of the summer programme. The tradition was continued by Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid and later by Her Majesty Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik, who all emphasized using the ship in all parts of the kingdom - both in Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland 🇩🇰🇫🇴🇬🇱 ⚓️In the coming months, the King and Queen will visit Sweden, Norway, the Faroe Islands and Greenland with the Royal Ship Dannebrog.In August, the royal couple goes on a summer tour to Bornholm's Regional Municipality, Ærø Municipality, Assens Municipality and Vejle Municipality.

And at noon King Frederik and Queen Mary officially boarded the Royal Ship Dannebrog:

** gallery ** anp gallery ** ppe gallery **

** gettyimages: DNK: Danish Royal Couple Board The Royal Ship Dannebrog **

And in the afternoon they arrived in Helsingør:

And an extra gallery from Fredensborg Castle:

** gettyimages: Danish Royal Couple Welcomed At Fredensborg Castle **
I am so looking forward to this summer's cruise.
I guess they were driven to the quay. I noticed they deviated slightly from the naval protocol. The highest ranking (King Frederik) always enter the boat as the last one, but always leave the boat as the first one.

Also, upon arriving in the town of Helsingør (Which is perhaps better known in English as Elsinore, but that's too far away from spoken Danish for me to use it) they went over to chat with some of the onlookers. At that moment a woman became unwell and King Frederik offered her a bottle of water. (We'll probably get photos from that.)

The Regent Couple will take up residence in Kancellihus, which is located on the outskirts of the palace complex. But as they have become King and Queen since last summer, the security has been tightened. Normally there used to be a sentry outside Kancellihuset, but now there is a security perimeter around the house, when FX&QM are in residence, which means the public can no longer get as close as they used to. Beforehand there was basically only a high wooden fence between a public path and the garden to Kancellihuset.

They were lucky with the weather today. A very balmy 18 degrees C today with a nice refreshing wind. That's just what the doctor ordered because the trees here in DK have gone totally crazy over the past couple of days! The trees simply exploded! Every single bud sprang a fully fledged leave yesterday between 11.25 and 12.13. So spring is finally here.
What a great start for the sailing season.
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Also, upon arriving in the town of Helsingør (Which is perhaps better known in English as Elsingore, but that's too far away from spoken Danish for me to use it)

Lovers of Shakespeare will note that Elsinore is the name of the castle in Hamlet. The first time I read it, I didn't know it was based on the name of a reason place in Denmark. Very cool.

they went over to chat with some of the onlookers. At that moment a woman became unwell and King Frederik offered her a bottle of water. (We'll probably get photos from that.)

Fred on the spot! Hopefully, it wasn't anything serious and she was just overwrought from being that close to the king in naval uniform.
That's very possible. I suspect some members of the TRF would swoon in that situation...

Elsinore it is. That's even further away from spoken Danish as you can surmise.
I shall correct my post accordingly.

ADDED: As a learned and well-informed man, the good Shakespeare would no doubt have heard about the fancy and ultra modern fortress in Denmark, and it's sister fortress Helsingborg on the other side of the sound, which back then was still Danish land.
And to the English watching Hamlet, the fortress would have been both something they knew about but at the same time a bit exotic.
However, had Shakespeare ever visited Denmark he would without a seconds hesitation have relocated the whole play of Hamlet to Copenhagen Castle. It had a well-deserved reputation for being one of the most spooky castles in all of Europe! It was well-known because the DRF resided there.
Had Bram Stoker seen it, he would have decided that Dracula would have felt right at home in Copenhagen Castle. I'm serious. It was a castle that had been added to over the centuries until it became a mix of all kinds of styles around a courtyard. The inside was drafty labyrinth of corridors and interconnecting rooms and suddenly there would be walled off doorways. Creaking floorboards everywhere and it was also rat-infested.
Unfortunately it was torn down, otherwise it would today be the Mecca for Goths.

It looks almost cozy in these pictures of a model of the castle. It wasn't!
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"Today at noon, Their Majesties The King and Queen officially boarded the Royal Ship Dannebrog and thus began the first sailing season as a royal couple⚓
The cannons on Batteriet Sixtus fired 27 shots as the Royal Ship passed, after which the 92-year-old royal ship continued to Helsingør to receive a salute from the cannons at Kronborg Castle.
The traditional boarding marked the beginning of this year's sailing season, which brings the King and Queen on a commonwealth cruise and summer cruise, among other things."

There is just so many articles to go through! such a joyous day, everyone looks great.
Love these photos with the crowd

another gallery and Frederik and Mary helping the woman in need

the Royal Dannebrog on the blue water is such a sight to see.

Frederik and Mary have given an interview on board the Dannebrog

"- It is a great pleasure to board the Dannebrog. We have embarked on our calling and our work, which symbolically happens with this action on the royal ship. It is very special, he tells TV 2 and adds:
- It gives a feeling that now it is me who has steered in more than one sense, and it feels safe and secure."
"- We have not set a fixed route, but a good direction. We are going to continue the tracks we have laid. Our interest in nature and communities and business. We also want to be a royal couple who are visible and present throughout Denmark."

more from throughout the day

"Denmark showed its beautiful side when the Royal Ship Dannebrog rounded Kronborg Castle in Helsingør earlier today 🇩🇰

For 92 years, the Royal Ship Dannebrog has served as the official and private residence of Christian 10th, Frederik 9th and Her Majesty Queen Margrethe. Today, Their Majesties The King and Queen continued this tradition as they began their first sailing season as the royal couple at midday."

lovely video from their point of view. Highlighting the crew, the people, and Denmark. What a great tradition that they continue
"Today at noon, Their Majesties The King and Queen officially boarded the Royal Ship Dannebrog and thus began the first sailing season as a royal couple⚓
The cannons on Batteriet Sixtus fired 27 shots as the Royal Ship passed, after which the 92-year-old royal ship continued to Helsingør to receive a salute from the cannons at Kronborg Castle.
The traditional boarding marked the beginning of this year's sailing season, which brings the King and Queen on a commonwealth cruise and summer cruise, among other things."
What an elegant profile Queen Mary has. I've noticed it often. An enviable profile of someone who stays fit.
Love the scenes of cannon fire at Kronborg and of their arms around each other on the top deck. Whoever filmed that and put it together has a good eye.
I will put this here. This is so lovely! I am sure Fredensborg holds many wonderful memories for them!

What a lovely photo!

The king says that Fredensborg is a very special place for them and that it always feels like home.
- We became a family here, and we started a family here, and therefore Fredensborg will always have a special meaning for us.
Kvinde fik det dårligt, og lagde sig for kongens fødder – han kom til undsætning med vand
The officer standing on the deck of the chaluppe is King Frederik's yacht-captain. As such he will also act as (the highest ranking) an adjutant. The command of Dannebrog is considered the most distinguished command in the Danish navy and it is also almost always the last command a captain has before retiring after a distinguished service.

The cannons at Kronborg are widely regarded as the oldest artillery pieces in active service in the world. (Don't know if that's correct though.) They are heavy bronze pieces from the 1700s. Their range is about 3 km if they ever again were to fire balls. The castle of Helsingborg on the other (temporary Swedish side, because we shall one day regain our ancient lands) side of the sound had(have cannons with a similar range and the sound is 6 km wide at this point, so these two fortresses dominated the sound.
Interestingly this battery of bronze cannons right now constitute the entire Danish army artillery train! All other (self propelled BTW) Danish artillery pieces were donated to Ukraine, where I hope they are put to good use, and we haven't got any replacements yet.
Kronborg last saw action in 1801 and 1807 against the British navy.

I will put this here. This is so lovely! I am sure Fredensborg holds many wonderful memories for them!

What a lovely photo!

The king says that Fredensborg is a very special place for them and that it always feels like home.
- We became a family here, and we started a family here, and therefore Fredensborg will always have a special meaning for us.
Kvinde fik det dårligt, og lagde sig for kongens fødder – han kom til undsætning med vand
Indeed. They lived at Fredensborg while their mansion at Amalienborg was renovated and it was at Fredensborg that Christian and Isabella first went to kindergarten. Within comfortable cycling distance from Kancellihuset BTW.
I will put this here. This is so lovely! I am sure Fredensborg holds many wonderful memories for them!

What a lovely photo!

The king says that Fredensborg is a very special place for them and that it always feels like home.
- We became a family here, and we started a family here, and therefore Fredensborg will always have a special meaning for us.
Kvinde fik det dårligt, og lagde sig for kongens fødder – han kom til undsætning med vand

Here is that image, only in a larger size. 😃

The castle at Helsingor is a fantastic sight from the water.
The outline of the building is so strong and dominant, that even from a long distance it is easy to see against the sea and sky.
Here are some of the photos I once took when sailing past, and luckily wonderful weather … and no scaffolding over it.
And a very busy area with ships and yachts.
I wonder if people took their yachts out to welcome the Royal vessel.


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I'm loving all the photos and videos! Beautiful!

The couple's interview with English subtitles

Lovely videos of their walk about. Slides 4 and 5 are very loving.

It's touching to see them walk towards Kancellihuset with arms around each other. Much like 18 years ago when they took home a newborn Prince Christian🥰
Thank for the updates and especially the subtitles. Truly appreciate it.
I'm loving all the photos and videos! Beautiful!

The couple's interview with English subtitles

Lovely videos of their walk about. Slides 4 and 5 are very loving.

It's touching to see them walk towards Kancellihuset with arms around each other. Much like 18 years ago when they took home a newborn Prince Christian🥰

thank you for the English subtitles.
And the videos of the walk about, its the little touches between them that say a lot.

Lovely pictures of the day, the Royal couple just seem so happy greeting everyone.
From Helsingør Kommune.
Love picture #5
I love the way they both bend down to talk to children. They aren't the only royals who do it, but it's still considerate. It takes them down to their level so he or she feels like Frederik or Mary cares enough to speak to them rather than at them or toward them. It's the little things.
thank you for the English subtitles.
And the videos of the walk about, its the little touches between them that say a lot.
Lovely videos! And yes, the little sub-conscious touches between them - it is just instinctual and natural. It is not forced, awkward or rehearsed. It is wonderful to see. And great that they took the time to go and talk to the people gathered there and spend a little extra time. I am sure the crowd appreciated it. I had to LOL because you can see the photographers clicking away probably thinking "did we bring enough film to capture this?" "This was not on our photographer Bingo card for today!" and "we hit the jackpot with all these great photos!" Same for those filming the event as well! At both events!
Part of his speech at Fredensborg

"For our family, Fredensborg rhymes with spring. When we move north, the evenings are brighter, the forest is greener, and the sun is a little bit warmer. The season and surroundings invite outdoor life, and that suits us very well, because we are a family that thrive in the outdoors. Bicycles, horses and boats - we do most things," said King Frederik"

A cheerful couple

Many are posting on social media, lovely photos
This 20 minute YouTube was filmed by someone at the arrival at Helsingor and shows how it is to be in the crowd, as opposed to the official photos and videos.
I watched it on my TV which gives a better idea of the experience.
A very large crowd, and very windy day. At least the flags look great because of the wind.
Wonderful views of the castle.
Many people cut off behind the rail line … a train actually goes past … but able to see the cars leave.
Towards the end Mary comes close to the person filming and speaks to a child.
The band played ABBA’s “Dancing Queen” before the ship arrived.
And the royal vessel seemed to come in fast before swinging around to berth.
Lots of times the view of the couple is blocked by someone putting up their phone or getting their head in the way, but having been in some crowds here during visits to Sydney, I can say that is how it goes. This video gives you a good experience of what being there in person is like.
There are lots of good shots too, and the flags and castle are worth seeing with the blue sky.

More information on the summer cruise, August 19-22

"When the royal couple arrives on the Royal Ship Dannebrog at Vejle Harbour, a varied program awaits with visits across Vejle Municipality. After reception at Vejle Harbour, the day offers a series of visits, which individually and together will show the Royal Couple some of the best that Vejle Municipality has in terms of sustainability, communities and green growth."

"It will be a festive, popular and enjoyable day ahead when the Royal Couple visit Bornholm on Monday 19 August in connection with this year's summer tour. During the day, Your Majesties will visit selected Bornholm pearls - both inside and out."
That will be pretty much a standard municipal visit. Without having read the schedule I can outline exactly what will happen from start to finish.
That is, perhaps FX&QM will do things slightly differently. We shall see.

Program for the King and Queen's summer tour 2024

The royal couple is on the 19th-22nd.

Summer cruise in Bornholm's Regional Municipality on Monday 19 August 2024
Arrival at Rønne Harbor at 10:00 a.m.
The royal couple arrives with the Royal Ship Dannebrog at Honnørkajen in Rønne Harbour. Here, Your Majesties are received by, among others, Mayor Jacob Trøst. A ninefold life is given out, and the Royal Life Guards Band plays "King Christian".

Carriage ride in Rønne at 10.30
The royal couple drives together with Mayor Jacob Trøst in the carriage through Rønne town to Rønne Theater with escort from the Guardhusar Regiment's Horse Squadron.

Official reception at Rønne Theater at 10.50
At Rønne Theater, Mayor Jacob Trøst gives an official welcome speech for the Royal couple and introduces members of the municipal council in Bornholm's Regional Municipality. Rønne Theater is Denmark's oldest operating theater and could celebrate its 200th anniversary in 2023.

Visit to Bornholm's Center for Handicrafts, Grønbechs Gård in Hasle at 11.35.
The royal couple arrive at Bornholm's Center for Handicrafts, Grønbechs Gård and are received by center manager Lene Havtorn Larsen. Bornholm's Center for Handicrafts, Grønbechs Gård is an exhibition place for Bornholm handicrafts made of ceramics, glass, textiles, wood and metal. During the visit, the King and Queen get an introduction to "Bornholm as World Craft Region" and take part in a tour of Grønbechs Gård. Along the way, Your Majesties will be told about selected works of art in the "Marguerit" exhibition.

Hike from Ekkodalen to Hareløkkerne at 12.35
The royal couple take part in a hike through Ekkodalen to Hareløkkerne. On arrival at Ekkodalen, Your Majesties are received by forest rider Søren Friese. Ekkodalen is Bornholm's largest rift valley, stretching approx. 2 km through Almindingen.

Visit to Food Bornholm and lunch in Hareløkkerne at 13.15
The royal couple arrive at the campfire at Hareløkkerne and receive an introduction to the company Food Bornholm, which produces leguminous products. In Food Bornholm, 15 local farmers have come together to grow and process quinoa, lentils, amaranth and chickpeas with the aim of creating a plant production unit that can supply the green foods of the future. Along the way, chairman of the board of Food Bornholm Christian Møller Holm and board member Kristen Harild will talk about the idea behind the company and showcase selected products. Subsequently, Bornholm's Regional Municipality will host a lunch in the fire hut at Hareløkkerne.

Visit to Østerlars Church at 14.40
The royal couple arrive at Østerlars Church in Gudhjem and are received by parish council chairman Erling Aabye Dam and parish priest Tina Ravnsbjerg Damholt, after which the church's children's choir will perform a song. Østerlars Kirke is the largest and oldest of Bornholm's four round churches. During the visit, the Royal Couple will take part in a tour of the church and will, among other things, be told about the church's frescoes and will have the opportunity to see the church's stavework.

Visit to the Old Power Plant - Baltic Energy Island 15.35
The Old Power Station in Rønne was built in 1911 and today forms the framework for the project "Energiø Bornholm" and the Baltic Energy Island Foundation's exhibition and activities with a focus on wind energy and the green transition.
On arrival at Det Gamle Elværk, the Royal Couple will be received by director of Baltic Energy Island Søren Møller Christensen, rector of DTU Anders Overgaard Bjarklev and chairman of the board of Baltic Energy Island and director of Bornholms Energy and Supply Claus M. Andersen. During the visit, the King and Queen will get an insight into the "Energiø Bornholm" project, which aims to develop Bornholm into Europe's leading hub for testing and implementing energy technologies and energy systems. The Baltic Energy Island Foundation works to ensure that "Energiø Bornholm" can create local growth and be a starting point for education and innovation in collaboration with DTU, which will establish an international education and innovation environment The Old Power Plant in Rønne.

Reception at Kongeskibet Dannebrog at 18.30
The royal couple holds a reception for invited guests on the Royal Ship Dannebrog in Rønne Havn.

Summer cruise in Ærø Municipality Tuesday 20 August 2024
Arrival at Marstal Harbor on Ærø At 13.00
The royal ship Dannebrog arrives off Marstal Harbor on Ærø. The royal couple will be sailed in a chalup to Paketkajen in Marstal Harbour, where, among others, Mayor Peter Hansted will welcome Their Majesties. At the reception, a ninefold life is given out, and the Swedish Navy's Tambour Corps plays "King Christian". The royal couple are then accompanied along the harbor via Honnørkajen, Pakhusvej and Havnegade to the Marstal Motor Factory at Eriksens Plads.

Official reception at Motorfabrikken Marstal at 13.25
On arrival at Motorfabrikken Marstal, the King and Queen are welcomed by owners Nina Rydahl Andersen, Julie Skaar and Lone Søndergaard. The royal couple gets a brief introduction to the 120-year-old factory, which from 1934-1995 produced petrol engines for fishing dinghies across the Commonwealth of Nations. In 2007, the three returning Marstaller women bought the dilapidated factory and have created a cultural powerhouse, immigration magnet and most recently FabLab Ærø.
Then Mayor Peter Hansted gives an official welcome speech in the machine hall for the King and Queen and introduces the municipal council members in Ærø Municipality.

Visit to the electric ferry "Ellen" in Søby Harbor at 14.50
The royal couple are received in Søby Harbor by the electric ferry "Ellen" by acting director of transport Thomas Johannes Norrild, chief captain Kim Søgaard and associate professor at Marstal Navigationsskole Henrik Hagbarth Mikkelsen. Your Majesties will then be given a tour of the electric ferry. "Ellen" was put into operation in 2019 on the route between Søby on Ærø and Fynshav on Als. It is the world's longest-reaching electric ferry, with a range that in 2019 was seven times longer than any other fully electric car ferry.

Visit to Søbygaard at 15.30
At the old manor house Søbygaard from 1580, leader Stine Spøring welcomes the Royal Family together with chairman of Søbygaard Karen Margrethe Fabricius and chairman of Søbygaard's Friends Elsebeth Knudsen. The place was built as a hunting lodge by Duke Hans the Younger. Today, the site is the Ærøs visitor center for Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav, which is part of the UNESCO Global Geopark. After the welcome, the Royal Couple are given a tour of Søbygaard, where there are activities in the courtyard.

Hike in Voderup Klint at 16.15
The royal couple will be received at Voderup Klint by geologist at Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav Line Bruun Nicolaisen and forest ranger at the Nature Agency Jakob Harrekilde Jensen. Voderup Klint is located on the south coast of Ærø and is part of the UNESCO-designated South Funen Archipelago Geopark. Their Majesties will be given a guided walking tour around the area.

Stroll from Ærøskøbing Square to Ærøskøbing Harbor at 17.00
The royal couple stroll from Ærøskøbing Torv to Ærøskøbing Harbor accompanied by Mayor Peter Hansted and 1st Deputy Mayor Hans Peter Rønn Bolding. The city is one of Denmark's best-preserved 18th-century cities, and in 2002 Ærøskøbing was awarded a Europa Nostra Award for the preservation of European cultural heritage. Along the way, Your Majesties make a short stop at the local whiskey distillery Ærø Whisky.

Reception at Kongeskibet Dannebrog at 18.30
The royal couple holds a reception for invited guests on the Royal Ship Dannebrog in Ærøskøbing Harbour.

Summer cruise in Assens Municipality on Wednesday 21 August 2024
Arrival at Assens Harbor at 10.00
The royal couple arrives with the royal ship Dannebrog at Midtermolen in Assens Harbour. Here the Royal Couple are received by, among others, Mayor Søren Steen Andersen. A ninefold life is brought out, and the Schleswig Musikkorps plays "King Christian".

Carriage ride in Assens Kl. 10.30
The royal couple drive together with Mayor Søren Steen Andersen and spouse in the carriage through Assens town's main street to Assens Town Hall, escorted by the Guardhusar Regiment's Horse Squadron.

Official reception at Assens Town Hall at 10.55
At Assens Town Hall, mayor Søren Steen Andersen gives an official welcome speech for the King and Queen and introduces city council members and the executive board of Assens Municipality to the King and Queen. In 2011, Assen's new Town Hall was inaugurated in the former Sugar Factory. Assens Sugar Factory and its four juice stations were built in 1883-1884. The sugar factory's oldest buildings were designed by architect Ove Petersen. The large chimney at a height of 60 meters is the focal point and landmark for the building and for the city - and can be seen from a long distance.

Visit to the Peter Willemoesskolen at 11.50
At the Peter Willemoes School, the King and Queen are received by headmaster Thomas Lykkegaard Pedersen and a student from the Rights Council. 200 students from 13 different nations attend the school. The school is certified as a Unicef Rights School. Pupils from the Rights Council tell Your Majesties about how the school works with the rights and conditions of children and young people, so that it is felt in everyday life.
Her Majesty also visits the school's homework café, which Red Cross Assens has run for several years. At the same time, the King gets the opportunity to meet the football team Assens FC Optimus, which consists of 28 students with special needs who attend Pilehaveskolen in Assens on a daily basis.

Visit to Lundagerskov at 12.45
Skovrider from the Danish Nature Agency, Jakob Harrekilde, and head of the Department of Environment and Nature in Assens Municipality, Kim Walsted Knudsen, receive the Royal Couple at Lundager Forest. The royal couple hears about the afforestation project and the partnership between the Nature Agency, Assens Forsyning A/S and Assens Municipality. The afforestation has contributed to increased groundwater protection at the same time that the area can be used for recreational purposes for the public. In addition, the King and Queen will be told the story of Assens Municipality's work with the extraction of low-lying soils called the "Assens Model". Assens Municipality has just received KL's Climate Prize '24 for the model. The royal couple plants a tree in Lundager Forest.

Visit and lunch at the Forest Pavilion at 13.15
Assens Municipality hosts an official lunch at the Forest Pavilion. On arrival, the Assens Harmonic Orchestra plays, and the royal couple are welcomed by Stig Nør Larsen and Hanne Plechinger from Helnæs Mølle Outdoor & Holiday Homes. The forest pavilion dates from 1881 and is an iconic building in Assens. At lunch, Assens' Singing Boys will sing.

Visit to Assens Forsyning - Forsyningsparken Kl. 14.30
During the visit to Assens Forsyning - Forsyningsparken, the King and Queen are received by chairman of the board John Buur Christiansen and director Henrik Gregers Boesen. Here, Your Majesties are given a tour and introduced to how Assens Forsyning's new high-tech, climate-friendly and environmentally and energy-efficient sewage treatment plant works and contributes to a better environment. In addition to waste water management, the new plant also produces biogas.
The royal couple will also get an insight into the school service Kredslab, which is the utility's new learning and dissemination forum. Through concrete and practical experiments and teaching, Kredslab aims to increase children's and young people's understanding of how critical infrastructure contributes to greener development for the benefit of people, wildlife and the environment.

Visit to WaterCare at 15.15
The royal couple are welcomed at the company WaterCare by founder and director Henrik Rønnest and director Nick Rønsner. WaterCare is Denmark's leading company within products that clean waste water and rainwater. The company also has a special focus on social responsibility.
During the visit, Your Majesties will be given a tour of the production hall and hear about how WaterCare's specialized products contribute to improving the environment in the Danish fjords, streams and other recipients.

City walk in Assens Kl. 15.50
The royal couple are received in Plums Gård by museum manager Johan Møhlenfeldt Jensen and museum inspector Ingrid Vatne from Museum Vestfyn. On the market town tour, Your Majesties will be told a story about the history of the town of Assens, which goes all the way back to Frederik 1st, who confirmed the town's market town privileges in 1524 until today, when Assens is celebrating the market town's 500th anniversary. The tour starts in Plums Gård - one of Assen's most well-preserved merchant farms and past Museum Willemoesgaarden from the 17th century. The building is named after the local naval hero Peter Willemoes (1783-1808), who was born in the building.
The city walk ends at Kulturkajen, which is Assens' former Town Hall, but today houses several different functions, including Assens Library. Here, the King and Queen get a final story about the transformation that the city of Assen is currently undergoing.

Reception at Kongeskibet Dannebrog at 19.30
The royal couple hold a reception for invited guests on the Royal Ship Dannebrog in Assens Harbour.

Summer cruise in Vejle Municipality Thursday 22 August 2024
Arrival at Vejle Harbor at 10.00
The royal couple arrives with the Royal Ship Dannebrog at Vejle Harbour. Here the King and Queen are received by, among others, Mayor Jens Ejner Christensen. A ninefold life is brought out, and the Prince's Music Corps plays "King Christian".

Official reception at Vejle Town Hall at 10.40
At Vejle Town Hall, Mayor Jens Ejner Christensen gives an official welcome speech for the Royal Couple and introduces the members of the city council in Vejle Municipality. At the festive arrival, there will be bridesmaids dressed in traditional costumes in front of the town hall. Vejle Town Hall is a neo-Gothic building built in 1878-1879 by architect Carl Lendorf. The town hall underwent a restoration in 1919-1920 by architect Martin Nyrop.

Visit to Kong Gauer's Gård at 11.40
At Kong Gauers Gård, the Royal Couple are received by welfare director in Vejle Municipality Anne Mette Lund and day care manager Mette-Lise Larsen. Kong Gauers Gård is a daycare center and nursing home in one and the same building with common areas and activities for children and the elderly. The royal couple get a tour and experience, among other things, how children and the elderly are together for activities in the beauty room, the communal kitchen and for singing and playing in the Royal Palace.

Visit and lunch at Fjordenhus at 12.50
Fjordenhus is Vejle's iconic building on the harbor designed by the Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson. The royal couple is received by mayor Jens Ejner Christensen and walks across the bridge to Fjordenhus, where Vejle Municipality hosts an official lunch.

Visit to Welcon at 15.00
On arrival at the company Welcon in Give, the royal couple will be received by managing director Jens Pedersen. Their Majesties are being introduced to the company, which primarily manufactures large-scale turnkey steel tower structures for the international renewable energy sector based on wind turbines. In Welcon's 60,000 m2 large production halls, the Royal Couple will see how the very large steel structures are produced in the Welding Hall, while Their Majesties will subsequently see the assembly of technical installations in the large tower structures in the Assembly Hall.

Visit to Vejle Climate Park and the Floating Kayak Club at 16.10
The royal couple will be received at Vejle Klimapark by municipal manager Niels Ågesen. The area around the climate park contains many different functions and forms of housing. Here are, among other things, Rødkilde Gymnasium, general housing construction and private housing. The park is an important part of the city's climate protection. The royal couple meets city architect in Vejle Municipality Lisbeth Wolters, who talks about the Art work HavObservatoriet, which is the first of a series of art works in Vejle Ådal and Fjord under the project "City, Water and Art".
The King and Queen are then introduced to two high school students and principal of Rødkilde High School Kristine Kortnum, who during a short walk to the Floating Kayak Club talks about the high school's active use of the town and the fjord. At Den Flydende Jajakklub, high school students talk about teaching marine biology. Their Majesties sail from the Floating Kayak Club in a chalup along the marina to the Royal Ship Dannebrog.

Reception at Kongeskibet Dannebrog at 19.30
The royal couple holds a reception for invited guests on the Royal Ship Dannebrog in Vejle Harbour.
Beautiful photos of the horses that will accompany King Frederik and Queen Mary during their summer tour have been released today:

The royal horses are enjoying the lovely summer weather and the last training before next week's summer tour, where the horses will help transport Their Majesties the King and Queen in the carriage around the towns of Rønne on Bornholm and Assens on Funen.As a prelude to the festive carriage rides, the Royal Stables Agency and the Guardhussar Regiment's Horse Squadron invite the Open Stables and display in the two cities in the days before the King and Queen's visit.On Bornholm, it will be possible to get up close to the royal horses on Saturday 17 August between 16.30 and 19.30 on the field track at Almegårds Kaserne in Rønne. In Assens, the event will take place on Tuesday 20 August between 18.30 and 19.30 at Arena Assens.

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