I've looked everywhere but haven't found any pictures - except one from an article at UNEP's website... Here is the pic and article, from the official website of the United Nations Environmental Programme:
UN-Swedish Cooperation Crowned by Visit of the Royal Couple to UN Nairobi HQ
Nairobi, 16 March 2005 - An active commitment to the United Nations (UN) has been a corner-stone of Sweden’s foreign policy. Sweden has been active within a broad spectrum of the UN's fields of operations including peace and security, disarmament, environmental protection, and human rights.
Today, His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden, and Her Majesty Queen Silvia, paid an official visit to the United Nations Offices at Nairobi (UNON) that aims to further consolidate ongoing cooperation between Sweden and the international organization, with special emphasis on relations with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UN-HABITAT. The King and Queen were received at the UN headquarters in Nairobi by UNON Director-General/UNEP Executive Director, Mr. Klaus Toepfer and UN-HABITAT Executive Director, Mrs. Anna Tibaijuka.
Following the signature of the honourary guest book, Their Majesties participated in a tree planting ceremony at the UN compound, where they planted an indigenous Kenyan tree - Ocotea usambarensi. Following meetings with a number of UN officials, the royal couple visited the UNEP supported Nature and Sports Camp for youth in Langata – a pilot project associating sport and the environment.
It is worth mentioning that Sweden continues to play a crucial role in the advancement of the work of UNEP, with consistent high-level contributions to the Environment Fund and support to various UNEP programmes. Noteworthy is the long-term agreement signed between the government of Sweden and UNEP, during the last Governing Council's 23rd Session in Nairobi, securing an additional US$3.9 million contribution to UNEP's priority programme areas in 2005.
UNEP- Swedish Cooperation
Sweden hosts the US$13.2 million UNEP-led, GEF- financed initiative - the Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA) project in collaboration with the University of Kalmar which played a significant role in strengthening the scientific capability of GIWA. The establishment of “The Swedish water house” – an initiative by the Swedish Government – and GIWA´s active participation has also contributed to the strengthening of the programme. The GIWA assessment is a baseline for activities for the development of environmental improvements in the world’s water bodies.
Sweden has been active in advancing the cause of women in environmental decision making and natural resource management. The Swedish government provided substantive and financial support for the organization of UNEP’s First Global Women’s Assembly on the Environment, held in Nairobi in October 2004. It also spearheaded the development of a UNEP Governing Council decision on gender equality in the field of the environment, adopted at the 23rd session of the GC/GMEF.
UNEP and UNDP are working in partnership with Sweden and other European counterparts on the Environment and Security initiative. The Initiative started its work in Central Asia and South Eastern Europe. It identified environmental problems with potential security (conflict; tensions) risks through stakeholder consultations, and analysed the socio-economic circumstances around the “hot spots”. Major problem areas were identified related to water scarcity; hazardous waste; the risks and impact of mining practices; and cross-border biodiversity loss. Cross-cutting activities include awareness-raising of environment-security risks and hotspots, in particular through working with and supporting the mass media and through institutionalizing local access to relevant environmental information.
In the field of chemicals, Sweden has signed, ratified and provided funding for the Rotterdam Convention on hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. It has also been an avid supporter of the Basel Convention on Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.
Global Mercury Assessment – (GC Decision 21/5 and 22/4 V) - Sweden has welcomed the work done by UNEP in Global Mercury Assessment, considering the establishment of the mercury programme as a big step forward and actively providing financial and technical support to the programme.
Sweden is the lead for the Arctic Council Action Program (ACAP) Project on the Reduction/Elimination of Emissions of Dioxins and Furans with focus on the Arctic and northern regions impacting the Arctic.
An agreement was forged between the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and UNEP on the Capacity Building Programme for Least Developed Countries on Trade, Environment and Development. The agreement provides a unique and flexible framework to implement a coordinated and comprehensive set of highly participatory activities in cooperation with UNCTAD - including thematic research, country projects, training and policy dialogue - to respond to these capacity building needs.
In the field of Production and Consumption - SIDA is supporting UNEP’s Project on Greenhouse gas Emission reduction in Industries in Asia-Pacific (GERIAP). Sweden is also actively supporting UNEP's work on the ten year framework on Sustainable Consumption and Production.
Various agreements were signed with SIDA to support Global Coordination of the Regional Seas Programme and implement activities in the following regions: the Caribbean, East Asia Seas, East, West & Central Africa, and the North East Pacific.