International Jumping de Monte-Carlo: 2006 - 2019, 2021 - 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Thanks for the pics thbrc! She looks great :) For those interested, she's wearing new Ray Ban wayfarers.

And she's sitting next to Thierry! :clap: She kind of ignored him last year, though he was there, she was so busy laughing like a hyena with Jules and Felix! Well, Philippe Rozier and Doda are competing but not Athina, although obviously she is there. Athina has been just a spectator at the last of Doda's competitions too. I hope she's not injured but just taking a rest.
Thanks for the pics.
P.S. Is it just me or has Juliette totally had a Diva-makeover? She looks hot. She was so pretty always, but she's so grown up and diva-like now.
Well, I'm not a show jumping rider. I've never done it so maybe our experienced jumpers can correct me if necessary. But I have been under the impression that Charlotte was never good enough reallly to go beyond like 1m35, 1m40. You can't compete in the new CSI Monaco unless you are a 1m45 jumper (except the invites and the kids). Charlotte rode in the CSI Monaco at Fontvieille up through 2003 because she was an invited rider and representative of the Monaco Equestrian Federation. She could not compete in the 'real' prize events. I have long thought that Charlotte is quite good at amateur level but not quite to be a real World-class rider. Am I wrong?

That's a pretty accurate accounting. She is not an Olympic level rider like Athina. Non the less she is a very nice rider and if she were living in the US and riding the Amateur owner div. I would imagine she would do well.
In my understanding the lady next to Charlotte seen in most of the pictures is named Juliette.Who is she,Charlottes friend?Never seen her before.

Juliette Maillot, I just called her Jules for silliness. She is Char's best friend (well, it's actually my personal opinion, as I'm sure others here who've been a 'fan' as long or longer than I have been will have their own observations). But in my honest to goodness strongest opinion, Juliette has always been her best friend. ;-) :cool: She looks very different in these pics, however, obviously has had a makeover of some kind, very glam and cool. She was always cute, but now she is just a knockout, don't you think so? :ohmy: Almost but not quite as hot as dear Charley herself, although obviously no one takes the Throne of Beauty from Charley.... hehe.
Well, here are some links, the reason I came back for a few minutes! About the jumping.... from Hello!'s website.
Athina's young family in the spotlight at Monaco horse show *talks about Athina, Doda, Viviane yesterday mostly

Hibou, I agree that Charlotte is a great horse rider and amateur jumper. I didn't mean to diss her skills! hehe
I just meant she only ever did it with modest intentions. I'm sure if she had put her entire focus on it like Athina did/does, like Doda did/does, Charlotte would have been an Olympics-hopeful now. I think I did make some slightly inaccurate statements in my prior post, however, out of carelessness to detail. I meant that Charlotte was junior-class rider, not amateur.
Hibou, or scooter, I think you guys would know the answer to this question: Isn't all of these riders "amateur" since they are not paid, but they actually pay to compete and they compete for money prizes rather than steady payment or endorsements? So that is what "amateur" is, right? Non-professional riders, period, regardless of level?
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That's a pretty accurate accounting. She is not an Olympic level rider like Athina. Non the less she is a very nice rider and if she were living in the US and riding the Amateur owner div. I would imagine she would do well.
I've never been to the M-C show, but many of the big european shows (Ireland, Holland, Germany) I have been to have a 'ladies' or amateur division which is usually a 1.10 or 1.20 meter, similar to the Adult or low amateur jumpers here.
Juliette Maillot, I just called her Jules for silliness. She is Char's best friend (well, it's actually my personal opinion, as I'm sure others here who've been a 'fan' as long or longer than I have been will have their own observations). But in my honest to goodness strongest opinion, Juliette has always been her best friend. ;-) :cool: She looks very different in these pics, however, obviously has had a makeover of some kind, very glam and cool. She was always cute, but now she is just a knockout, don't you think so? :ohmy: Almost but not quite as hot as dear Charley herself, although obviously no one takes the Throne of Beauty from Charley.... hehe.
Well, here are some links, the reason I came back for a few minutes! About the jumping.... from Hello!'s website.
Athina's young family in the spotlight at Monaco horse show *talks about Athina, Doda, Viviane yesterday mostly

Hibou, I agree that Charlotte is a great horse rider and amateur jumper. I didn't mean to diss her skills! hehe
I just meant she only ever did it with modest intentions. I'm sure if she had put her entire focus on it like Athina did/does, like Doda did/does, Charlotte would have been an Olympics-hopeful now. I think I did make some slightly inaccurate statements in my prior post, however, out of carelessness to detail. I meant that Charlotte was junior-class rider, not amateur.
Hibou, or scooter, I think you guys would know the answer to this question: Isn't all of these riders "amateur" since they are not paid, but they actually pay to compete and they compete for money prizes rather than steady payment or endorsements? So that is what "amateur" is, right? Non-professional riders, period, regardless of level?

Not to worry things can get quite confusing. Basically according to the rules of the US Equine Federation (formerly the Am. Horse Show Assoc) an amateur rider may not accept payment for such things as showing someone else's horse, training or teaching, or being paid in another capacity like secretary or bookkeeper. They may not accept money for photos or endorsements either. Prize money won does not count. Summer camp councilors are exempt and one may accept payment for books and articles written, one may also accept a token of appreciation not to exceed $300. Generally speaking, it has more to do with whether you do it for a living or not. However, also generally speaking, and I will defer to Scooter on the European shows, in the US the fences for amateur jumpers tend to be lower in height and less demanding than the Grand Prix courses which go by Olympic standards. As Scooter pointed out they do have lower levels in Europe as well. It looks like some of the classes at the Monte Carlo show have different levels too. As I said in an earlier post it looks like some of the Olympic level riders are training some of their new horses but we'll have to see who they ride in the Grand Prix classes.

I should add that one may be an amateur and compete at the Grand Prix level like Zara Phillips (Princess Anne's daughter) [although she is an Eventing rider] if one's skills are up to the task.
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Not to worry things can get quite confusing. Basically according to the rules of the US Equine Federation (formerly the Am. Horse Show Assoc) an amateur rider may not accept payment for such things as showing someone else's horse, training or teaching, or being paid in another capacity like secretary or bookkeeper. They may not accept money for photos or endorsements either. Prize money won does not count. Summer camp councilors are exempt and one may accept payment for books and articles written, one may also accept a token of appreciation not to exceed $300. Generally speaking, it has more to do with whether you do it for a living or not. However, also generally speaking, and I will defer to Scooter on the European shows, in the US the fences for amateur jumpers tend to be lower in height and less demanding than the Grand Prix courses which go by Olympic standards. As Scooter pointed out they do have lower levels in Europe as well. It looks like some of the classes at the Monte Carlo show have different levels too. As I said in an earlier post it looks like some of the Olympic level riders are training some of their new horses but we'll have to see who they ride in the Grand Prix classes.

I should add that one may be an amateur and compete at the Grand Prix level like Zara Phillips (Princess Anne's daughter) [although she is an Eventing rider] if one's skills are up to the task.

In Brazil, Doda and Rodrigo Pessoa have endorsements but I think they compete for teams that are sponsored by their endorsers, so it turns out legal and fine, technically. ;) And Team Marionnaud, the team sponsored by Chez Marionnaud perfume company that Charlotte rode for, Valentine also, and the Roziers still do. And before that Charlotte was on the Fortis-sponsored team. Very interesting topic. Yes, so Charlotte competed in juniors, then CSIC, which I forget what the the last 'C' stands for, sometimes she competed in cSIA, I guess that is for "amateur"?
Then CSI-O is something, I forgot.
The highest is CSI-W (world class) isn't it? That's where Pessoa and Miranda belong. Athina was going strong in CSIW all last year and starting off this year too, but now she is out of the game, I guess temporarily, hoping it's not due to an injury! :ohmy:

Well, now, got to get back on topic, don't we? :D

The official pictures, from the CSI Monte Carlo website.

There not any pictures there yet but the website says on another of their pages, "coming soon". So I am hoping like tomorrow, Sat or Sun, but since Mon. would be the next business day, maybe not til then. Let's hope there is some flexibility are regular work hours at CSI M.C. webmaster control center.
From the Results for today, Friday, 29 June 2007
FEM Prize - Federation Equestrian Monaco, started at 1445

These were national invited riders, junior-level riders (this is how CC used to compete in this event). The winner of the FEM prize money was Monaco's Lavinia Leoni.
Prize CSI Monte Carlo, started at 16:00, 4pm Monaco time, a 1m25 concourse
France's Patrice Planchat took the purse.
1m35, same prize sponsor as previous, started at 1800, 6pm
Patrice Planchat had a good day! She(?) won again! If Patrice is female name, which I think it is, we have some Girl Power that went on today! Woohoo! :cool:
KBL Monaco Prize, 1m45, started at 1945, a quarter to eight pm, the first for the day of the major prize events, that is the world-class riders
Gregory Wathelet from Ukraine took the purse.
Prize Mediterranean Network, Group MTN, started at 2200, 10pm
This event was the most difficult of the day. The big potato in the stack, so to speak. Here you can see the concourse blueprint.
Michael Whitaker from great Britain took the purse.
He is a very famous rider.
Tomorrow, Saturday, 30 June 2007, the last day and the big prize events, so don't be square and miss it! :lol: Prince Albert will be there, maybe Princess Caroline too (let's hope so!) And of course, diehard fan of CC that I am, may Charlotte Casiraghi grace us with her worshipful, awe-inspiring, amazing, heavenly presence!:angel:
Thanks for the pics everyone, i hope we´ll see Caroline too.
^You mean at the photos from the link tbhrc provided?She's Juliette Maillot
CasiraghiTrio and Beatrice thank you so much.CasiraghiTrio,yes i think she is a knock out:)
Sorry for my double post,i hadnt seen casiraghiTrios reply to my question.
CasiraghiTrio and Beatrice thank you so much.CasiraghiTrio,yes i think she is a knock out:)
Sorry for my double post,i hadnt seen casiraghiTrios reply to my question.

Understandable, as the Juliette answer is now very obscured by all my show jumpings jargon and ramble. It's such a fascinating topic. I love learning more about jumpings. I think with hibou, scooter and other jumping riders hanging around, we will learn even more, the 'real deal'. All that I know about it is from years of trying to understand the results tables! I think I am too old now to try it, and maybe I don't want to anyway, because it looks so hard! I read a book about it once and I was amazed at how much you must understand geometry to be really good at it?! :ohmy: Did you know it? I didn't! The objective, apparently, is to make three perfect 45-degree angles: in the approach, the jump, and the landing!! That is the key to a "perfect" jump, apparently! Cool huh? Or maybe it's just me! I am so weird like that.... ;)
There are also a few more photos on Corbis. They are basically the same at GettyImages though...
The jumping is live on TV - Euro Sports. So far I have seen Charlotte with Alex, and Prince Albert with Charlene. Charlotte and Charlene talked while Albert studied the program. So far no pics.


There are some new pics on Getty:

Getty Gallery
Is Charlotte's jacket (in the Getty pics of today) the same that she wore over her dress at the Rose Ball?
I like it a lot. Alex has a 'deer in a headlight' look on his face. I don't think he's very into the horse scene. But obviously, any guy dating Charlotte would put up with it just to be around her. :D
So what is the official excuse why Caro isn't there? She has always been there, she is obviously not sick. So why her absence?
I was hoping that Caroline would have been attending the wedding of Prince Alexander zu Schaumburg Lippe and bride Nadja Anna Zsoeks in Bueckeburg, Germany today, but so far I have not seen any photos of her if she was there.
She wasn't mentioned explicitly in the German tabloids. If she was there , they would have had a pic of her.
Another gallery from Abaca:


Here is a link to a gallery from WENN


Oh and here is a little article with a video from yesterday:

Monaco Revue -- The celebrity and lifestyle magazine with purpose

Irish eyes were smiling at the end of Le Jumping International de Monte Carlo as Jessica Kurten of the Emerald Isle captured the top spot. Second place went to Dutchman Jeroen Dubbeldam, while two of the British Whitakers, Robert and Michael, took third and fourth places respectively.
Me too, they're the new edition of Ray Ban for this Spring Summer, model 2140, price moreless around $130, and they're available in black, tortoise, red, and white. It sounded like an ad lol it seems all of the Casiraghis and their friends have been wearing them since the Grand Prix.
I love how the Casiraghis stay loyal to their brands and every now and then their "loyalty" turns into a "trend"! Like rayban wayfarers, Charlotte has worn so many different models and colors over the years, and now they are like the "it" pair to have. It's really hilarious to me. :)
Perhaps I'm one of the few people that actually do not like the wayfarers because they are not very flattering on some faces. I do love Ray Ban as I just bought a pair of their sunglasses and have a really old pair of my mom's, but it's so odd to see 'vintage style' become trendy as these sunglasses are becoming.
I think the wayfarers look best on Andrea - they completely represent his style!
And besides Ray Ban Wayfarers they've also worn some vintage Persol sunglasses, that look moreless like wayfarers but aren't, and also the Persol Ratti 714 model.

I'd also like to see a closeup of that pendant.
I hate to say it but Charlotte could stand to gain a little weight and run a brush through her hair.

I am going to sound like such a fuddy duddy, I'm not, I'm only 24, but I hate hate hate this boho look that has been going on for the past few years which has everyone dressing like homeless grannies, all heavy cardigans and nylons with holes in them.

I noticed that all three of the Casi kids seem to favour this style of expensive messiness and it does nothing for them. Charlotte, imo, looks best in simple classics with her hair up in a loose bun or a pony tail.
I hate to say it but Charlotte could stand to gain a little weight and run a brush through her hair.

I am going to sound like such a fuddy duddy, I'm not, I'm only 24, but I hate hate hate this boho look that has been going on for the past few years which has everyone dressing like homeless grannies, all heavy cardigans and nylons with holes in them.

I noticed that all three of the Casi kids seem to favour this style of expensive messiness and it does nothing for them. Charlotte, imo, looks best in simple classics with her hair up in a loose bun or a pony tail.

I agree with you about the boho look! I am 27 and I hate this new trend.:bang: I think all the Casiraghi kids should take advantage of their money and style advisers and dress a little more sophisticated!!!! Dressing like you just got out is bed makes you look unclean.
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