International Jumping de Monte-Carlo: 2006 - 2019, 2021 - 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Charlotte looks so much better with her hair up ! She recovers that look of innocence and mixture of sophistication and "artful neglige" that defined her style when she was younger.
Re: Charlotte greeting Athina - it looked a bit "stiff" as if they're mearly acquaintances, not close friends. Nothing negative, but just because they're both rich doesn't mean they run in the same circles. I wonder if Athina is riding/competing anymore, and if her recent marriage has changed that (if true, would be a shame, unless she's pregnant).

Really? To me they look very friendly. We can only see Athina's face, but she seems very happy to meet charlotte
Really? To me they look very friendly. We can only see Athina's face, but she seems very happy to meet charlotte

I agree 100%. I think if they looked a little stiff, it was because of one of these reasons (just my opinion):
1) Athina came up rather suddently, perhaps taking the party by surprise, as everyone else but Char is looking like they don't know what's going on.
2) The photographers (less likely, considering they all seem perfectly relaxed in other pics, but still possible, I suppose)

But I will say that I agree with Horseygal that they are just acquainted, albeit always friendly acquainted, socially friendly, but not over-friendly.
I just always wished they would be friends, like best friends, but accepted long ago it ain't gonna happen. I think the media has paired them together off and on, esp. when they were little kids, as part of an exclusive "richest kids club", and then there are the coincidences:
1) Both lost a parent at a very young age
2) Both inherited their own island, albeit one being quite "more important" than the other one :D
3) Their grandfathers *hated* each other! :lol:
4) Their mothers were sort of rivals in their own way on the social scene, weren't they?
5) The equestrian thing, yada yada
is juliette married? in Abaca, they refer her as Mrs. Maillot. Can somebody clarify?
Some 'new' pics from International Jumping competition in Monaco, June 07, that I don't remember seeing it here (small pics only)..Sorry if it's repost! (Starface)

Pic1 + Pic2 + Pic3 (so cute smile) + Pic4 + Pic5


Some new pics from International Jumping competition in Monaco from June 07..Small pics only, sorry if it is repost! (Starface)

Prince Albert, Charlene, Charlotte + Pic No.2

A.Dellal, J.Maillot, Charlene, Prince Albert, Charlotte

@Mizzy - so far, last year's fotossesion made by Gérard Rancinan included Casiraghi Trio.
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In all of the pictures that I have seen on this page- the car photos and the horse jumping Charlene seems to just be there and she is not included in any conversation. Its like she's an outsider who is hanging around. That is not a healthy situation to be in.
That the true, do anybody know did Charlene learn to speak french?
International Jumping de Monte-Carlo - June 2008

Post here news and pics about this years International Jumping de Monte-Carlo ([FONT=Verdana, Arial Narrow, Helvetica, Arial] June 26th - 28th - [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial Narrow, Helvetica, Arial]to be confirmed)[/FONT].

The International Jumping of Monte Carlo had taken in 2006 a new dimension while being installed on the Hercules Port of the Principality to the foot of the Rock, vis-a-vis the sea.
The infrastructures of International Jumping of Monte Carlo will succeed the racing cars of the Formula 1 to the Plays of the Small States marking the 60 years of the Olympic Committee Monegasque, for the greatest pleasure of the spectators, the media and in love with the equestrian sport.
The most beautiful conquest of the man will again border on the most beautiful yachts of the world within an exceptional framework.

Fédération Equestre de la Principauté de Monaco
[FONT=Verdana, Arial Narrow, Helvetica, Arial]

Have a look at last years Jumping Thread:

International Jumping de Monte-Carlo - June 2006

International Jumping de Monte-Carlo - June 2007

and at the retrospective thread:

A Retrospective - International Jumping de Monte-Carlo

And please remember the following:
  • Only pictures you have written permission to share can be posted here. You can post links to any pictures.
  • Remember to be respectful. Everyone has the right to express their views, but that needs to be done in a civil way.
Happy Posting!
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I've found a nice picture of Charlotte and Charlene from last year:

Here's the official site of this years International Show Jumping:

is juliette married? in Abaca, they refer her as Mrs. Maillot. Can somebody clarify?

Maybe they got confused, because if she was married her last name would change, and she's always been Maillot :flowers:
First small pics of Princess Caroline, Princess Alexandra and Charlotte:


More of Alexandra and Charlotte


Here's another gallery with 47 pics:


Gallery from IBL

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Thanks for the pics, ladies. It's cool to see Char there with Melanie, and Alex (the good Alex, not the bad Alex, ha). Good Alex=her sister. :D
I wonder if Alex will take up equestrian sports like Charlotte did. If she intends to, it won't be far off. Char started the jumping lessons around age ten, then started competing around age 12/13.
It's fantastic to see how dearly the little Princess and la signorina Casiraghi love each other.
Thank you all for the amazing pic.
All the three outfits (Char, Alex and Caroline) are good. Charlotte's perfect. Not so sure about Melanie
It's fantastic to see how dearly the little Princess and la signorina Casiraghi love each other.

I agree Tosca, Charlotte is very sweet and protective of her little sister. It is adorable to watch!
Those photos are adorable on so many levels.
(photos originally posted by tbhrc) // Free Image Hosting // Free Image Hosting
I think Princess Alex is a Monaco glamour girl in the making. The girl has a very charming smile yet manages to look haughty as well. Also, her facial expressions remind me of Andrea's (that haughty look, probably, something only Andrea and Alex got from Caroline and not Pierre and Charlotte). I can't wait to see her in her late teens. Like Pierre she's going to become prettier as she grows into her looks. :wub:
I can't say that Alexandra looks like she has the makings of a great beauty, not yet. She seems to to be taking after her father Ernst and the Hanovers, she looks just like him.

But it is early yet, very early. When Princess Caroline was a little girl I had no idea that she would eventually become the world class beauty that she did become, and I can see a little of Caroline in Alexandra too.

And you are right, who would have thought that Pierre would grow up to outdistance Andrea in the looks department?
The pictures are great. Charlotte looked very pretty, and I loved her outfit. I would so wear something like that. The pictures of the sisters together are very sweet, and they seem close, considering their age difference.
Charlotte looks fantastic. Melanie not so much...
Looove Charlotte's bag and shoes!
Glistening Seas

:) It is great news to hear that Monaco equestrian interest is taken more of a foreground approach. In most countries the love of all things equestrian is a true delight as i am sure to all of us, as well. The pics of little Andrea---my how she haaaas g-r-o-w-n. She too is turning into an absolute beauty!! it's marvelous. The view from the equestrian site with Monaco in the background is magnificient. This sport is one of the many truly enjoyable parts of Monaco ! So glad we were given the treat to the pics!:unicorn::monacostandard:
New pics from Day 2: Princess Caroline, Princess Alexandra, Charlotte Casiraghi, Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock:

Thanks for the pics:)
Caroline and Charlene are great today. But I don't like Charlotte's outfit...Too short
:) It is great news to hear that Monaco equestrian interest is taken more of a foreground approach. In most countries the love of all things equestrian is a true delight as i am sure to all of us, as well. The pics of little Andrea---my how she haaaas g-r-o-w-n. She too is turning into an absolute beauty!! it's marvelous. The view from the equestrian site with Monaco in the background is magnificient. This sport is one of the many truly enjoyable parts of Monaco ! So glad we were given the treat to the pics!:unicorn::monacostandard:
Sadly for those of us who are equestrian ( I always think of it as a religion or nationality rather than a sport) in America there is virtually no coverage even of really big ticket classes like the American Invitational in which only the top 50 riders in the rankings are allowed to compete for the richest grand prix in the country. When my huband first came with me to a european show he was completely blown away. In this country football, baseball, hockey are way higher profile.
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