International Jumping de Monte-Carlo: 2006 - 2019, 2021 - 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
CasiraghiTrio said:
Two years exactly. :) To the date. Well, not precisely today's date, but they've been known to be a couple since the summer of 2004, and we're now in summer 2006, so basically two years exactl.

the magazine says that they met 3 years ago, so maybe, even if we got the first pics of them 2 years ago, they've been together for some more time.
What is Charlotte wearing on the third day of the jumping? Is that a dress or a top? Does anyone know?
International Jumping de Monte-Carlo: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010..

Post here news and pics about this years International Jumping de Monte-Carlo.

The International Jumping of Monte Carlo had taken in 2006 a new dimension while being installed on the Hercules Port of the Principality to the foot of the Rock, vis-a-vis the sea.
The 28, 29 and June 30, 2007, the infrastructures of International Jumping of Monte Carlo will succeed the racing cars of the Formula 1 to the Plays of the Small States marking the 60 years of the Olympic Committee Monegasque, for the greatest pleasure of the spectators, the media and in love with the equestrian sport.
The most beautiful conquest of the man will again border on the most beautiful yachts of the world within an exceptional framework.
Fédération Equestre de la Principauté de Monaco


The dates:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial Narrow, Helvetica, Arial]From June 28th to 30th, 2007: SHOW JUMPING[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial Narrow, Helvetica, Arial]Thursday 28, Friday 29 and Saturday 30 June Port Hercule: 12th Monaco International Show Jumping.


Have a look at last years Jumping Thread:

International Jumping de Monte-Carlo - June 2006

and at the retrospective thread:

A Retrospective - International Jumping de Monte-Carlo

And please remember the following:
  • Only pictures you have written permission to share can be posted here. You can post links to any pictures.
  • Remember to be respectful. Everyone has the right to express their views, but that needs to be done in a civil way.
Happy Posting!

*This thread will be opened as the event occurs*
Does anyone know if Charlotte will be competing in the International Jumping this year. I know that in years past she has competed and we have seen Caroline, Ernst and Prince Albert all attend.

This would be nice to see the family together again. I beleive it is coming up this weekend.

Anyone know? I will be watching the results.
Does anyone know if Charlotte will be competing in the International Jumping this year. I know that in years past she has competed and we have seen Caroline, Ernst and Prince Albert all attend.

This would be nice to see the family together again. I beleive it is coming up this weekend.

Anyone know? I will be watching the results.

I wonder if she has time anymore, now that she's in college. I would think that if being an equestrian is what she chose to do as a profession, then I'm sure she'd be competing regularly - otherwise, she probably rides for pleasure, or competes on a lower level, just to keep her skills strong (like her Mother - did she ever actually compete, formally)? It would be great, if she did, but I cannot imagine she has time - she'd probably be quickly overshadowed by professional riders (maybe Valentine, Christine Maillot, etc).
thanks for this thead, always been a fan of the M-C jumping
Oh I hope we will see charlotte there, i dont care fi shes competing or no. Just to see her there:) And the rest of the family for sure!
Does anyone know if Charlotte will be competing in the International Jumping this year. I know that in years past she has competed and we have seen Caroline, Ernst and Prince Albert all attend.

This would be nice to see the family together again. I beleive it is coming up this weekend.

Anyone know? I will be watching the results.
i do not think she will be competing..she has left this part of her life several years ago...but i do hope that she will make appearances there..along with juliette (they look so good together :) ) and i really hope to see pictures of valentine again...kinda miss seeing her..
i do not think she will be competing..she has left this part of her life several years ago...but i do hope that she will make appearances there..along with juliette (they look so good together :) ) and i really hope to see pictures of valentine again...kinda miss seeing her..

Im guessing she will, she made an apperance last year. she might not be ridding but i think she follows up on the event;)
It will be interesting to see if Caroline and Charlotte attend the International Horse show this year. The event was reinstated when Albert took office. Both Caroline and Charlotte like to ride and were present last year.
The event was only moved from Fontvielle to the port. It has been around for some time. Apart from the printemps des arts which was suspended when Rainier died due to to mourning, I don't remember whether the same happened to the jumping. I'm only into wood horses, so don't follow it that much. Not Albert's achievement that it is there. I should think that caro is there with her family though. I wonder whether last sunday was her frontpage to send her on vacation (as he seems to be on his own in Spain).
What impressed me about last year's debut at the Port Hercule site was the very casual, breezy air, of everyone there and the feeling one had looking at the pictures. It was so relaxed. Charlotte wore these ripped jeans and tee shirt, sneakers, very casual. It was neat to see her so fresh and relaxed, little makeup. She always looks so much better with less makeup. I always say for her, less is more! :flowers:
Yes the Jumping was suspended in 2005 when Prince Rainier died, and if I'm not mistaken also in 2004. The first Jumping was held in 1995. Does anyone know if the Roziers are somehow involved on it?
Yes the Jumping was suspended in 2005 when Prince Rainier died, and if I'm not mistaken also in 2004. The first Jumping was held in 1995. Does anyone know if the Roziers are somehow involved on it?

Actually no, the Roziers aren't officially linked to it but they always go, Thierry has been in the competition every year. His brother Philippe also.
The whole Maillot family also always goes because Augustin usually takes part, and Juliette used to (in the days when Char was doing it too).
I hope we get a double delight this time with Athina being there, it would be her third Monte Carlo event. :D
I didn't remember about Thierry competing in the Jumping. Yes I also hope Athina goes once again to the Jumping...I still remember when she first attended in 2001...and then the pic of her with Charlotte at the Barbizon (?) jumping some years ago...time does fly...
I didn't remember about Thierry competing in the Jumping. Yes I also hope Athina goes once again to the Jumping...I still remember when she first attended in 2001...and then the pic of her with Charlotte at the Barbizon (?) jumping some years ago...time does fly...

Yes, it was Barbizon or Fountainebleau, I am thinking may-ish 2003. They didn't talk or be photographed together last summer, shame, maybe this time around. ;) I wonder what Char thinks of Athina's handsome hubby? Maybe that's why Athina keeps her distance? She's hanging on tight to that one, who can blame her? hehe
Well, if Athina and/or Doda compete they'll likely be in the 1m45 events today or tomorrow. It looks like the "easier" events are on Saturday. A lot of teenagers no doubt will be entering the 1m35 and such on the last day. But then Saturday ends with the hardest of all, the Grand Prix, or Grand Prize event, 1m60. That's the one likely to involve the Rozier brothers. Both of them are beyond what might be called super-good. They are like legendary in equestrian terms. Ooooh I am getting excited wondering who will win the Grand Prix Sat.
This is a five-star event!! Was it five star last year?! I think last year it was four star. Well, I don't think Athina is up to five star competing yet. At least, if she competes here, it will be her first five star event that I know of. That is a very difficult level of competiton! Zara Phillips, World and Euro. Champ. for Three Day, said she was intimidated to go to Germany for one of her horse's first four star events, so I imagine five star is crazy.

I have checked a lot of the photo agencies that usually have pics pretty quickly from this event. Nothing. Not even any articles, except what the boss already posted. But here are the results from today.
You can look up the results by event. Georgina Bloomberg is back this year.
Rodrigo Pessoa is there. Athina and Doda competed in the 1m45 today with Pessoa. Philippe Rozier was also competing today in the 1m45.
Lots of big equestrian 'names': Bost, Davenport, Whitaker, Edwina Alexander etc. All there.
I don't see any Maillot in the results, not surprising... Now I think about it I haven't seen any Maillot, either Juliette or her bro. in results for some years now. They're like Char, I guess, did it for fun, as kids, but now onto bigger, 'better' things. :D
BUT WHY NOT PICS? YET?! terrible!

I'm an idiot. Those results were from last year. So ignore my last posts. I was so excited about the event I overlooked the year.
No wonder the Friday results are up and it's only midnight-ish now in Monaco, isn't it? :blush:

All right, here they are:
Click on Equestrian on the left side
Go down with your eyes to the sixth little box thing/section/whatever
Click where it says CSI .... Monte Carlo, etc.
There ya go. They've got all the results from yesterday up.
Charlotte's former trainer Philippe Rozier (briefly in 2001, before his brother Thierry took over) and Doda Miranda Neto (Athina's hubby) were in the 1m45 yesterday. Doda rode a horse that he owns in the 1m50. Athina did not compete yesterday. P Rozier also competed in the 1m50. Lots of famous names competing this year, but not Athina so far, and not the US heiress Georgina Bloomberg like last year. Maybe that is partly why there aren't the pictures we had last year. I'm sorry not to see any pictures yet, no Charlotte, no Caroline, no Albert. Maybe they are waiting til Saturday.
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Thursday, 28 June 2007, First day of the second CSI Monte Carlo at Port Hercule

A picture of the concourse plan from yesterday's competions (from the offical website of the Global Champions Tour)
Giuseppe Rolli from Italy took the €8000-purse as winner of the 1m50 Prix BitBurger
Malin Baryard from Sweden took the 4500-euros FEM Prix (Federation equestrian Monaco Prize)
Jane Davies from Britain took the 1m35 Prize
Patrice Planchat, FRance, won the 1m25 juniors-level prize, 750 euros.
Three young riders from Monaco came in top three in the national meter concourse competition, the winner being Flavia Sallari. All the others in the kids' national were either from Italy or France, a couple others from Monaco.
Later on today.... starting at 14:45, or 2:45pm Monaco time, another national, followed by two invitational international competitions, and then the advanced, the world-class riders like Doda, Rozier.... for the Prize KBL Monaco and the Prize Mednet.

No pics from yesterday, no. :sad:
But here is a retrospective from last year:
Athina (ibl)
Athina and Doda (ibl)
Prince Albert, Charlotte, Felix, et al (ibl gallery)

Last year's winners on the last day of the competitions
PicturesdoListPress.jsp (from the official site for the CSI Monte Carlo)
You can see some pictures that give an idea of the concourse, and of course the winners of last year's big prizes. It's always nice to see the event as well as the faces that generally obscure the event. :D
I hope we will have pictures soon. The official site declares that pics from yesterday are forthcoming, not there yet however.
Other pics from last year for now (gallery, same source)
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I guess Charlotte won't be there this year but I hope Caroline will show up. This is a wonderful event and very different from the other activities held in Monaco so I hope it will be a success and that one of the Grimaldi's will show up!
I hope someone shows up too because the event doesn't get any press unless a Grimaldi shows up. For all we know, Ann de Massy could be there and we would never know because the world press doesn't report on just her. :rolleyes: It will take either a Caroline, Albert, or Stephanie showing up. Even the paparazzi will go too if the Casiraghis were there, which obviously they're not.
I wonder if she has time anymore, now that she's in college. I would think that if being an equestrian is what she chose to do as a profession, then I'm sure she'd be competing regularly - otherwise, she probably rides for pleasure, or competes on a lower level, just to keep her skills strong (like her Mother - did she ever actually compete, formally)? It would be great, if she did, but I cannot imagine she has time - she'd probably be quickly overshadowed by professional riders (maybe Valentine, Christine Maillot, etc).

A lot of us who are show jumpers take the college years off and then return to showing after. She's an excellent rider,so I doubt she'll give it up. She can certainly afford good horses!
Haha, thanks for the links. I saw Athina and Doda there, Doda competed, Athina was just watching. I think about Charlotte, she has not competed since 2004. I think she just attended last year because it was the big inauguration of the new location and the comeback for the event.

Either Prince Albert or Princess Caroline must be engaged at least Saturday, maybe both of them (that would be nice!) for the prize giving. I doubt Steph will go because she never goes to this event and she doesn't have any connection to it. Prince Albert is "High Patron" and Princess Caroline is President.
My bet's on that Prince Albert will show up Saturday for the Grand Prize event and giving, and I hope that Princess Caroline joins him.
A lot of us who are show jumpers take the college years off and then return to showing after. She's an excellent rider,so I doubt she'll give it up. She can certainly afford good horses!

Actually I competed through my sophomore year in college. If you time manage well it can be done under certain circumstances. Also in the US there is the Intercollegiate Horse Show circuit which if you have limited time to ride outside of school can keep you in the saddle. I did that as well - it also looks good on the job resume. Charlotte is lucky to be able to afford a groom and a trainer to keep her horses going when she can't get there, so it possible that she is riding but not enough to compete. I have known riders in the US who can afford it, to do just that. They ride when their schedule allows during the school year and then they are ready for the summer show circuit. It's possible she has moved on from the sport.

I know Caroline still like to ride but doesn't compete. Hopefully she will be there to hand out the trophies.
A lot of us who are show jumpers take the college years off and then return to showing after. She's an excellent rider,so I doubt she'll give it up. She can certainly afford good horses!

I wish you were right, scooter, but I think she gave it up (as a participant) long ago. :sad:
I do think she will continue to follow others in the equestrian sports and she loves horses. I have a fantasy that she becomes her mother's deputy president or something for the event, based on nothing, just me and my pipe dreams. :D

Well, I'm not a show jumping rider. I've never done it so maybe our experienced jumpers can correct me if necessary. But I have been under the impression that Charlotte was never good enough reallly to go beyond like 1m35, 1m40. You can't compete in the new CSI Monaco unless you are a 1m45 jumper (except the invites and the kids). Charlotte rode in the CSI Monaco at Fontvieille up through 2003 because she was an invited rider and representative of the Monaco Equestrian Federation. She could not compete in the 'real' prize events. I have long thought that Charlotte is quite good at amateur level but not quite to be a real World-class rider. Am I wrong?
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Thanks for the pics thbrc! She looks great :) For those interested, she's wearing new Ray Ban wayfarers.
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