Harry & Meghan: Legal Actions against the Media

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Class action vs group action is not like lorry vs truck, where the concept is the same but the word is different. England does not have such a thing as what we as American posters would recognize as something equivalent to a “class action” lawsuit. A class action is a legal term with a lot of meaning behind it. There is no similar type of suit that has the same threshold to form a class, implications for litigating the case, or implications for compensation as what in the US is a “class action” lawsuit.

There is group litigation, rarely, in England and other parts of the UK. However, it does not equate very closely with what an American would recognize as a “class action,” other than people seeing “lots of people suing one big company,” which is very little of what the basis of a class action actually is, just what people think.

So, to clarify again an earlier comment on this thread: no, this is not a class action lawsuit. Class action lawsuits do not exist in England, nor do they exist under some other name that means the same thing.
Several posts have been deleted - we really MUST stay on the topic of the actual legal actions and not go off one unrelated tangents that leave us going round in circles again.
There is group litigation, rarely, in England and other parts of the UK. However, it does not equate very closely with what an American would recognize as a “class action,” other than people seeing “lots of people suing one big company,” which is very little of what the basis of a class action actually is, just what people think.

This is all true. But understand that, because the average layperson only knows that lawsuits involving groups of people related only by a shared complaint against an entity are often called “class action,” its natural for that term to be misused when they are really talking about a group litigation. And even if the word choice is wrong the fundamental point being made is accurate, that Harry us joining into litigation already underway, not creating a standalone lawsuit out of the blue.
Yes, very understandable that such a mistake would be made, which is why I merely corrected it and moved on and then, when questioned further, hoped to provide some helpful information to my fellow posters and especially fellow Americans.

As I pointed out in my post above, the term “class action” actually is a very loaded term when used in the States and implies quite a lot of things to the average layperson, beyond just that a group of people are suing. Using that term in relation to Harry’s case would cause quite a bit of misunderstanding due to those misconceptions. For example, class action in the US= gobs of money to lawyers. This will not be the case in an English group action. This is just one way that using the incorrect term will lead to misconceptions among readers here about the process that is going on and the outcomes that will result.

I would have thought it would be helpful to readers to understand that the process they are observing is quite different to what they are accustomed to and perhaps not something they even have a readily available vocabulary for. This will be helpful when they follow the proceedings and wonder “but why isn’t...” or “why aren’t they, when in the class actions in the news they...” Perhaps those posters who are following this legal information thread but are not actually interested in the legal information can simply pass my posts over.

ETA: I could perhaps say more succinctly that this prince of the UK has commenced an English action in an English court, one which has no American equivalent and frankly, as I described above, only a distant American cousin with scant family resemblance. Trying to box this action in terms of that cousin is inaccurate and not especially helpful in light of the international community we enjoy here at TRF. We would be better served to understand it on its own terms rather than draw poor comparisons to something in our own system for convenience sake.
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Well, this is quite the stand.

Female MPs have come together to voice their support of the DoS and condemn the tone and content of British news media towards her and her family. I'd like to note that this list stretches across the entire political and ideological spectrum.

page 1 of the letter
page 2 of the letter

Very happy to see my MP's name on the list.
Well, this is quite the stand.

Female MPs have come together to voice their support of the DoS and condemn the tone and content of British news media towards her and her family. I'd like to note that this list stretches across the entire political and ideological spectrum.

page 1 of the letter
page 2 of the letter

Very happy to see my MP's name on the list.

This is amazing and unexpected. The tabloids stepped in it this time when politicians and high clergy are siding with Meghan. It may be a matter if time before people decide to vote with their wallets and not buy their publications.

How very commendable! I don't think there has ever been such a letter sent in support of a royal. Definitely unprecedented pushback which makes me wonder how the tabloid and social media will handle this.
This is a wonderful and supportive gesture in my opinion and I commend these female MPs for doing this. I hope it will put heart into Meghan and Harry and reassure them that she has support in lots of places in Britain.
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How very commendable! I don't think there has ever been such a letter sent in support of a royal. Definitely unprecedented pushback which makes me wonder how the tabloid and social media will handle this.
Oh, badly and with an aggrieved . . . "We only tell it as it is". I am astounded and brought to tears to see such an amazing show of support for Meghan, a vocal worker for women.

IMO they identify with the particular brand of snide put-downs in the media and recognise the demeaning put-downs because most of them have been on the receiving end themselves. How wonderful to see a group of MP's across the party spectrum took time out to ponder on what was happening and call it out for what it is.

Bravo ladies, your support of ther beleaguered Meghan is as strong a public statement that it is not all in your head or because you in some way deserve it as I have ever seen.

Wow! Just wow! Unbelievably AMAZING.
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How very commendable! I don't think there has ever been such a letter sent in support of a royal. Definitely unprecedented pushback which makes me wonder how the tabloid and social media will handle this.

They’ll handle it the same way the American press would handle it if a bunch of Members of congress sent a letter to the NYT or WSJ.

The coverage will only become more intense. In democracies with a free press, it’s the public and the press itself that decides on what to print. ‘Publish without fear or favour’
Given the 'rock bottom' opinion our MP's are currently held in, their 'support' [if it be genuine] may be more a hindrance than a help..
WOW!!! Now, this is what I call leadership and sisterhood.

I applaud all these women, who are Members of Parliament, for standing behind Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex and condemning all the horrible things the British media has put her through this year.

Women coming together to support another woman. Damn, I’m emotional right now. I’m sure the Duchess appreciates their support.
A lot of the names on the list are the ‘usual suspects’. Well under half the total women MPs in parliament. To me it’s more interesting the number of high profile women who didn’t sign the letter.
Considering the unrelenting bullying and downright untruths that have been written about both Meghan and Harry it is about time high profile people showed their support for her. It would be wonderful to see a lot more come forward to support her.
Some elements in Britain are out of control with their bullying tactics and misleading narratives. I hope Harry' s legal fight proves they have been badly misrepresented. Although this legal fight is only about a letter as I understand it, and probably won't touch on the broader bullying aspect.
A lot of the names on the list are the ‘usual suspects’. Well under half the total women MPs in parliament. To me it’s more interesting the number of high profile women who didn’t sign the letter.

Sometimes it is the 'usual suspects' that keep pushing for what right in the world/society. I'm all for anyone who stands up against bullying and harassment whether it's by a lawsuit (Harry/Meghan) or open letters of support like many of the MPs. It's also nice to see women supporting each other instead of tearing each other down.

Not going to worry about those who didn't sign the letter.
Well, this is quite the stand.

Female MPs have come together to voice their support of the DoS and condemn the tone and content of British news media towards her and her family. I'd like to note that this list stretches across the entire political and ideological spectrum.

page 1 of the letter
page 2 of the letter

Very happy to see my MP's name on the list.

wow, just wow. I'm so glad these Honorable MPs took their time to write this
letter in support of The Duchess of Sussex.
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Sometimes it is the 'usual suspects' that keep pushing for what right in the world/society. I'm all for anyone who stands up against bullying and harassment whether it's by a lawsuit (Harry/Meghan) or open letters of support like many of the MPs. It's also nice to see women supporting each other instead of tearing each other down.

Not going to worry about those who didn't sign the letter.


Hear, hear! How sad to be cynical and unable to distinguish between those of good will, and those of merely will. I continue to believe that there is goodness in the world, and that those who are good will triumph most of the time.
It’s good to see these honourable women speak out against the atrocious media treatment of Duchess Meghan. The bullying and racism increased during Meghan’s pregnancy; I will never forget those who were complicit & encouraged this vile behaviour while Meghan & Harry suffered.

No one should be bullied & people should be treated fairly, hopefully the MPs & other support along with successful lawsuits will eventually lead to better press standards to help everyone.
I am so happy that Meghan gets support from these intelligent and honourable women !
How absolutely supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! There are implications that could be seen with this letter of support towards Meghan. These are women MPs that actually are part of the process to make the laws in the UK. Perhaps they're a minority at this time but as mentioned earlier, a show of support can and does gather momentum as it moves along. This gives Meghan a backing that can also be seen as a backing to her copyright lawsuit as it invaded her privacy by making her words in a letter public.

Perhaps those that would write and publish these stories about Meghan with the intent of demeaning her will pay attention now that they know MPs are standing up and being counted. Perhaps not.

I just have one question. I noticed first off that the letter of support was sent to Clarence House instead of directly to Frogmore Cottage or the Sussex offices in BP. Anyone have an idea why?
A number of posts have been deleted. Let’s stop comparing royals. Let’s also please stop the infighting and be respectful of one another.

This thread is about legal action taken by the Sussexes, so let’s move on from discussing the letter sent by MPs. Any additional off-topic comments will be deleted.
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Update on the case after Byline uncovers court papers:

A very detailed article, well worth the read:


The length these papers go to fabricate stories that they can use to dehumanise and demean someone is really quite disturbing. It's extremely damning to the Mail and in light of the current upheaval and several high profile lawsuits pending, there is no wonder the British press is ruining around scared to their bone, lashing out like toddlers. It's hard to imagine Leveson 2 not being triggered by it all - the practices in this country need urgent reworking and papers need to be held accountable for their reporting. They ruin lives on the daily without any repercussions and with a great deal of entitlement.
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I think the most telling thing is that Meghan seemed to have kept records of everything. I don't think people saw that coming though they likely should have. So now she can provide physical evidence on her side. Can the other side say the same?

Also interesting that she has also included the story about the personal assistant Melissa. Meghan's lawyers are very much implying she is a disgruntled ex employee. That will be interesting if there is actual proof she was terminated or her contracted simply ended instead of "quitting due to big bad Meghan" like the papers wrote about endlessly.

Going to be an interesting few months. One thing is sure is that Meghan's team is prepared for the battle.
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Thanks much for posting that article, Cloep, and it is very much worth the read. It shows that The Duchess of Sussex has all her ducks in a row with hard facts and to the point of taking apart each and every "slur" or "misinformation" and downright lies and being able to state exactly what the truth really is.

So, here we have Meghan on one side with all her ducks in a row and the Mail on Sunday on the other side not presenting any kind of defense as of now and methinks their ducks are all quacked up.

This is just my supposition but I'm imagining that with all the facts and truths presented by Meghan's lawyers, the MoS/Associated Newspapers will be trying as hard as they can to get Meghan to take an out of court settlement as more and more is presented that Meghan's case is a strong and formidable one. I also believe that Meghan, with earning her nickname of "Tungsten" from her father-in-law, will *not* consider an out of court settlement but take the case to court and rip the MoS to shreds reputation wise and monetarily wise.

Now this is really how one fights back against bullying. :D
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It sounds like Meghan and her team have proof against all of these false articles written. Mail on Sunday publishing only half of Meghan's letter to her father provided an easy way to bring all of these false articles into the court case, as a way to strengthen the copyright case, and prove it's malicious intent. This from my non lawyer POV.
I picture the editors and reporters scratching their heads and saying "We're only supposed to print articles that are true?!!!"

wait - i just saw this article below, yet i remember meghan claiming some months ago in an event how she 'never' read the news, 'never' checked social media on her, etc. now it seems she kept every single article by the daily mail that is not what she wants to hear. how does that work? :bang:


She doesn't have to personally read these articles.

These aren't just articles she doesn't want to hear. They're made up lies, and it's not right that a national news outlet can print lies after lies.
wait - i just saw this article below, yet i remember meghan claiming some months ago in an event how she 'never' read the news, 'never' checked social media on her, etc. now it seems she kept every single article by the daily mail that is not what she wants to hear. how does that work? :bang:


Like she said she tried the 'stiff upper lip' theory and tried to ignore the stuff being written about her. But at some point when someone (in the case the British media) are harming your reputation and potentially putting you and your family in danger, you have to take a different approach and additional actions such as the lawsuit. In preparing for the lawsuit she most likely had to read some of the information to verify the accuracy or at the very least have conversations with the lawyers to verify the information.

Also, Harry does read the information so just because she doesn't typically to that she is most likely aware of what is being said as her husband knows and it impacts him.
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