General Questions About The Ruling Family Of Abu Dhabi 1:

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Exactly, and this is a natural process; the "Khalid's generation" as we may call it, will be formed by his brothers, his sisters' husbands, and his closest cousins; naturally these closest cousins ​​are part of the Bani Fatima, whether by blood or marriage. In other words, the "Khalid generation" is essentially Bani Fatima.

But this is something natural and logical, it is to be expected that a ruler has his closest people in his inner circle.
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Right. So what to watch out for next ? The next level appointments ?
Khalid to be named Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces

Khalid will form his court; we will know who will be its Chairman and its other constituents

Dhiyab is currently out of the Executive Council and Federal Cabinet, at some point he is expected to be appointed to some important role

Hamdan bin Mohammed expected to be appointed to his first ministerial post

We will see what responsibilities Hazza, Tahnoun, Mansour and Khalid will have in their new posts in practice

We will know if there is a chance that Mansour loses any of his posts as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs. Abdullah could be a candidate for the first and Dhiyab for the second

Hamed bin Zayed, who was kicked out of the Executive Council, may get some consolation prize
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Let's wait and watch.
I have a question, it sounds absurd to myself, but let me put it here anyway. I know they don't have a constitution as they are aristocracy/monarchy. But is there anywhere the roles are defined ? President is the supreme leader and he can Overturn anything as per his wish. But on day to day basis, are the roles defined like who does what ? Like roles and responsibilities of vice-president, Prime Minister, deputy PM, deputy ruler of Abu Dhabi, crown Prince etc. I see that MRM attends GCC meetings in Jeddah. He attends as a vice president or as a PM ? He also chairs many federal meetings every month, in what capacity ? Does sharing this vice president role undermines Dubai's importance or decision making in anyway ?
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Article 5 1
The Supreme Council of the Union shall elect from among
its members a President and a Vice President of the Union. The Vice President of the Union shall exercise all the powers of the President in the event of his absence for any reason.

Article 54
The President of the Union shall assume the following powers:
1. Presiding the Supreme Council and directing its
2. Presiding the Supreme Council into session, and
terminating its sessions according to the rules of procedure
upon which the Council shall decide its bye-laws. It is
obligatory for him to convene the Council for sessions,
whenever one of its members so requested.
3. Calling the Supreme Council and the Council of
Ministers into joint session whenever necessity demands.
4. Signing Union laws, decrees and decisions which the
Supreme Council has sanctioned and promulgating them.
5. Appointing the Prime Minister, accepting his resignation
and relieving him of office with the consent of the Supreme
Council. He shall also appoint the Deputy Prime Minister
and the Ministers and shall receive their resignations and
relieve them of office in accordance with a proposal from the
Prime Minister of the Union.
6. Appointing the diplomatic representative s of the Union
to foreign states and other senior Union officials both civil
and military (with the exception of the President and Judges
of the Supreme Court of the Union) and accepting their
resignations and dismissing them with the consent of the
Council of Ministers of the Union. Such appointments,
acceptance of resignations and dismissals shall be
accomplished by decrees and in accordance with Union laws.
7. Signing of letters of credence of diplomatic
representatives of the Union to foreign states and
organisations and accepting the credentials of diplomatic and
consular representatives of foreign states to the Union and
receiving their letters of credence. He shall similarly sign
documents of appointment and credence of representatives.
8. Supervising the implementation of Union laws, decrees
and decisions through the Council of Ministers of the Union
and the competent Ministers.
9. Representing the Union internally, vis-a-vis other states
and in all international relations.
Exercising the right of pardon and commutation of
sentences and approving capital sentences according to the
provisions of this Constitution and Union laws.
11. Conferring decorations and medals of honour, both civil
and military, in accordance with the laws relating to such
decorations and medals.
12. Any other power vested in him by the Supreme Council
or vested in him in conformity with this Constitution or
Union laws.
Article 55
The Council of Ministers of the Union shall consist of the
Prime Minister, his Deputy and a number of Ministers.
Article 56
Ministers shall be chosen from among citizens of the
Union known for their competence and experience.

Article 59
The Prime Minister shall preside over the meetings of
the Council of Ministers. He shall call it into session, direct its debates, follow up the activities of Ministers and shall supervise

the co-ordination of work between the various Ministries and in all executive organs of the Union.
The Deputy Prime Minister shall exercise all the powers
of the Prime Minister in the event of his absence for any reason.
In essence, the posts of Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister and Crown Prince are just ceremonial, it's just "if the main guy is unavailable, whether traveling, sick, dying or any other circumstance, his deputy assumes his responsibilities". His duty is to be available when the President, Prime Minister or Ruler is unavailable.

When Maktoum bin Rashid was an inactive Prime Minister, Hamdan bin Zayed was the de facto Prime Minister. When Khalifa bin Zayed became ill, Mohamed bin Rashid attended far more international meetings than he has in Mohamed bin Zayed's government. When Khalifa bin Zayed became ill, Mohamed bin Zayed became the de facto Ruler of Abu Dhabi.

I don't know if the office of "Deputy Ruler" has its competences established in any law or constitution. But anyway, it seems to me to be just a ceremonial thing, like "this guy is as important as the Crown Prince, respect him"

I'm still not sure if Mansour will actually have more powers, or if it's just ceremonial; perhaps the President wanted to give Mansour authority to replace him on certain occasions (travel, receptions...) and he still doesn't think Khalid is ready for that.
I have been following UAE since last August i are right, from the videos i have seen ex. When Xi jinping visited uae, pope visited uae, Kuwait ruler visited uae etc. MRM took the lead and MBZ was behind. May be at that point he must have thought Khalifa will recover and come back. May be after knowing Khalifa might not recover from his illness, he must have taken front seat. Yes obviously this elevation of Mansour and Tahnoun even if it's ceremonial is to balance the delicate power. That they are second only to President and not to CP. Even then it's interesting why Mansour for Vice President, why not Tahnoun. Because previously Tahnoun was said to be more frontrunner for CP than Mansour. Just from the face of it Vice president role looks better to me that deputy ruler of AD.

Have to see how this new role though expected, changes Khaled, he comes across to me as humble guy. But again in all probability like his father, he would be in his 60s when he becomes president.
We don't know what the President expects from his new Deputy, so it's important that we wait; so far there has been no indication that Mansour's responsibilities have changed, let's wait.

This is an unprecedented situation in the history of the UAE, we don't know what to expect.
Who are the first wives of Tahnoun and Saif bin Mohammed? Do you know who is the wife of Saeed in Mohamed?
Saeed's wife is his first cousin, a daughter of Sultan bin Surour Al Dhaheri. Sultan was a brother of Sheikha bint Surour Al Dhaheri (mother of Saif, Surour and Saeed bin Mohamed, and mother of the wife of Sultan bin Zayed)

I have the information about Tahnoun and Saif's wives written down somewhere, but I can't find it right now. When I find it, I'll send it to you.
Thank you feiraguy.

But I searched before about first wives of Tahnoun and Saif, but didn't find.
I already posted this question but if someone can find out please inform me:

Does anyone know how old Hazza bin Tahnoon bin Mohammed is? He is the eldest son of Shamsa bint Zayed and Tahnoon bin Mohammed.
Also the age of their other son Mohamed bin Tahnoon who married the president MBZ’s daughter Maryam bint Mohammed (her age is around 42).
This is because I’m trying to work out Shamsa’s age, I think she is at least the same age as her half brother MBZ (62) or just older. But then her son Mohamed must be the same age or older than Maryam (42)and Hazza is older than him. I know Shamsa’s husband Tahnoon is considerably older than her ( early 80’s). So she must have started having kids young.
from the book The Political Culture of Leadership:

"Zaid probably married Muza not long after the Buraimi settlement while the memory of her tribe, the Bu Khail’s, help in that crisis was still fresh in his mind. She bore Zaid five boys Saif in 1968, Ahmad in 1969 (some sources say 1971), Hamid in 1970, Umar in 1973, and Khalid in 1977) and two girls (Shamsa in 1960 and Afra in 1966). Muza lived in Al Ain (Zakhir) where her daughter, Shamsa, and her husband Tahnun Muhammad Khalifa built a house. Her other daughter married a son of Muhammad Khalifa from his Dahihri wife. Muza’s eldest son Saif married his maternal cousin (daughter of Awaida Suhail Khaili), thus perpetuating her family connections into the next generation."
Does anyone know how old Hazza bin Tahnoon bin Mohammed is?
...... This is because I’m trying to work out Shamsa’s age, I think she is at least the same age as her half brother MBZ (62) or just older. But then her son Mohamed must be the same age or older than Maryam (42)and Hazza is older than him.

I believe Shamsa's eldest sons are from mid or late 70s. Mariam's husband looks more old to be 41/42. I am saying this because late Khalifa was only 16/17 and his wife was 15 when they had their first child Sultan. MBZ's two full sisters were 14 and 15 when they married in 1982. Shamma was 16 when she had her first daughter Shaikha bint Suroor. Elder sons of Zayed married before they kicked 20s. Khalifa's eldest 3 daughters also married within 14-16. I hope you got that.
Isn't Saif bin Zayed married to a daughter of Hamad bin Suhail Al Khalili?
I noticed that in the early 2000's (which is the date of the book) some sources named Asma bint Awaida Al Khaili as the wife, more recent ones say the wife is Sheikha bin Hamad Al Khaili.

Maybe it's a case of some misinformation that was circulating at that time, or Saif really did change his wife.
Isn’t Sheikha older than Sultan?
Her first child Mohammed (husband to MBZ daughter Shamsa) should be in his 40’s.
Is it true that MBZ wife is 2 years older than him?
Isn’t Sheikha older than Sultan?
Her first child Mohammed (husband to MBZ daughter Shamsa) should be in his 40’s.

Khalifa married in 1964 and Sultan was born in 1965, so chances are low that Shaikha was born before him. As I said most of them married before turning 18. Probably, Mohammed bin Hamad was born in 1983/1984. If his mother was born in 1966, that also fits the issue as it was a norm for them to be a parent in teenage.
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Thanks Puchu. So my order was wrong then. Khalifa bin Zayed and Shamsa bint Suhail’s kids order would be :
Thanks Puchu. So my order was wrong then. Khalifa bin Zayed and Shamsa bint Suhail’s kids order would be :

Moza is older than Ousha, Ousha's eldest daughter is younger than Moza's daughters. I think Mohammed is also elder than Ousha, Mohammed is from 1972. Ousha had her youngest son Mansoor in 2017, believing She was almost 42/43 then. So, this also makes her to be born around 1974/1975. Ousha's eldest daughter Shamsa bint Sultan was born in 1989 probably. I want to add that Shamma bint Khalifa was born in 1982/1983. Latifa is the youngest daughter, her kids are the youngest and She married in 2012 after all of her siblings. Couldn't guess latifa's age because I didn't find her childhood pic with others.

I think this can be the right order:

1.Sultan 2.Shaikha 3.Moza 4.Mohammed 5.Ousha 6.Salama 7.Shamma 8.Latifa

Or Shaikha is the eldest as you were saying.!?
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Can someone list the names of Shamma bint Zayed and Suroor bin Mohammed children and grandchildren.

[Its already made with most of all infos but not included their son Mohamed's all children. So, I am making it again]

Suroor bin Mohamed Al Nahyan married Shamma bint Zayed Al Nahyan in 1982. They have two sons and two daughters.

1. Shaikha bint Suroor married Ahmed bin Tahnoun.

Zayed bin Ahmed (2020)

2. Fatima bint Suroor married Khaled bin Mohammed in 2008.

Shamma bint Khaled (2011)
Mohammed bin Khaled (2013)
Salama bint Khaled (2013)

3. Mohammed bin Suroor married Shamma bint Hamad bin Hamdan in 2012.

Suroor bin Mohammed
Fatima bint Mohammed
Zayed bin Mohammed
Khalifa bin Mohammed (2022)

4. Zayed bin Suroor married Maryam bint Mohammed bin Hamdan in 2023 (daughter of Moza bint Zayed)
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Feiraguy - is this true ?

I do not have this information

I have noticed that since the announcement of the important appointments in Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed has not made any public appearances. It's been 14 full days without appearances.

Since then, Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed has had the spotlight on him, hosting and leading several events. Hazza, Tahnoun, Mansour and Khalid are also missing since the day after the nominations.
I do not have this information

I have noticed that since the announcement of the important appointments in Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed has not made any public appearances. It's been 14 full days without appearances.

Since then, Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed has had the spotlight on him, hosting and leading several events. Hazza, Tahnoun, Mansour and Khalid are also missing since the day after the nominations.

You are right, i also have observed the same. Mansour attended one iftar banquet just 2-3 days after the announcement and some COP meeting. Other than that everyone is missing from public. All other Emirate rulers are daily in news hosting or attending iftar banquets, bht the main Emirate leaders are missing. Now and then only tweets from them. May be Hamdan is standing in for MBZ for these iftar parties. Abdullah is meeting few delegates and he is also in news.
Finally ending the hibernation, MBZ lands in Egypt along with Mansour.
The news of the visit of the President of Brazil to Abu Dhabi showed us how the order of precedence will be in the UAE.

"The official reception ceremony was attended by His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Presidential Court; His Highness Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi; Saqr Ghobash, Speaker of the Federal National Council (FNC), H.H. Sheikh Tahnoun bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Ruler of Abu Dhabi; H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler's Representative in Al Dhafra Region"

1- Mohammed bin Zayed, President
2- Mansour bin Zayed, Vice President
3- Khalid bin Mohammed, Crown Prince
4- Hazza bin Zayed, Deputy Ruler
5- Tahnoun bin Zayed, Deputy Ruler
6- Hamdan bin Zayed, Ruler's Representative
7- Tahnoun, Saif and Surour bin Mohamed ordered by age
8- The other children of Sheikh Zayed ordered by age
9- Children of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed ordered by age
10- Children of Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed ordered by age
11- POSSIBLY, Sheikh Mohamed bin Khalid bin Mohamed bin Zayed as son of the Crown Prince
I’m somewhat surprised the children on Khalifa bin Zayed are still involved in such things.

However, in the wiki leaks, it said Khalifa was well liked and backed as he was full nahyan.

I guess his sons are apart of some councils or the family business?
Obviously Khalifa left his children his huge estate.
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