General News for the Cambridge Family Part 3: March 2017-September 2022

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No. Do you think that?

That strikes me as a very odd way to conduct foreign policy if true. Are there any precedents for such use of a member of the rf?

I meant that they might have wished to make a gesture of sympathy, I dont suppose many people dont sympathise with Ukraine.. and sought Govt advice as to whther it was OK. And strictly speaking it is only the queen who is required to stay outside politics. Charles and the others have a bit of wiggle room
I meant that they might have wished to make a gesture of sympathy, I dont suppose many people dont sympathise with Ukraine.. and sought Govt advice as to whther it was OK. And strictly speaking it is only the queen who is required to stay outside politics. Charles and the others have a bit of wiggle room

Ok I understand that makes sense.

I can see the government not objecting to the tweet if asked beforehand. But I'd be very surprised if the government actually asked the duke to make the comment.

I still think the rf needs to be very careful here. Not all wars are as black & white as this one. We could have a future conflict where government & opposition are not in agreement.
I don't think it is particularly political to speak out in support of Ukraine. The main political parties in the UK and I think all Commonwealth realms agree that the war in Ukraine is bad so they aren't "taking sides" in a political context.

I have however always disliked W&C personally tweeting, and it is happening more and more. Much better IMO to release a picture or copy of an official statement which then gives them more to be able to say. I find the remarks about Ukraine pretty short to be honest and if you are going to say something then go on a say all that you need to not limit it to 150 characters or less. It feels a lazy way out to me (though I'm sure its not meant as that). I don't see it as particularly "cool" to show you can tweet, release a fuller statement and make it look like you have spent more than 2 minutes on it. They could have focussed more on the human impact of the war rather than their relationship with the President and his wife - e.g. "we are gravely concerned as the reports of civilian buildings being targeted and send our prayers to all those in Ukraine at this difficult time." or a focus on children/young people. the post makes it seem a bit as if the only reason they care is because they met the President - obviously that isn't the case at all.
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I stay with my point, that this was a not a good decision of the Cambridges. I mean, as a part of the British Royal Family they have subjects from almost everywhere, which might feel left out.

What is with the folks from Cashmere, which suffer under, what they feel, is an occupation? What is with the Arabians? Iraq, Syria? And the African parts of the Commonwealth? Why were they never mentioned? Is this lack of shown empathy by the Cambridges discriminating?

An apolitical stance can be a blessing too!

And their signing with "W&C" does not work at all in German, where "WC" shows the way to the lavatories.
I'm fine with the Cambridges saying something. I don’t find it grandstanding or virtue-signaling. They’re adding their voices to the tides of outrage, and it’s not about “who cares what they have to say” or protocol or precedent. This is the right, urgent time to say something, so, in a very simple way, they did. I don’t foresee it causing future problems.

And WC is a well-known loo sign in the UK as well, but Winston Churchill managed.
Seriously people! While Russia is invading Ukraine murdering it's citizens and the entire world is in shock it seems to me rather shallow to criticize the Cambridges for simply tweeting their support for Ukraine, especially since they met with President Zelensky and his wife.

"In October 2020 we had the privilege to meet President Zelensky and the First Lady to learn of their hope and optimism for Ukraine’s future.

Today we stand with the President and all of Ukraine’s people as they bravely fight for that future ���� W & C"
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I stay with my point, that this was a not a good decision of the Cambridges. I mean, as a part of the British Royal Family they have subjects from almost everywhere, which might feel left out.

What is with the folks from Cashmere, which suffer under, what they feel, is an occupation? What is with the Arabians? Iraq, Syria? And the African parts of the Commonwealth? Why were they never mentioned? Is this lack of shown empathy by the Cambridges discriminating?

An apolitical stance can be a blessing too!

And their signing with "W&C" does not work at all in German, where "WC" shows the way to the lavatories.

You are botherd abouw how they sign their names??
I stay with my point, that this was a not a good decision of the Cambridges. I mean, as a part of the British Royal Family they have subjects from almost everywhere, which might feel left out.

What is with the folks from Cashmere, which suffer under, what they feel, is an occupation? What is with the Arabians? Iraq, Syria? And the African parts of the Commonwealth? Why were they never mentioned? Is this lack of shown empathy by the Cambridges discriminating?

An apolitical stance can be a blessing too!

And their signing with "W&C" does not work at all in German, where "WC" shows the way to the lavatories.

I cannot believe that the manner of how the Cambridges sign off their message is such a vital thing at this moment of time when we are on the verge of WW3, or worse the ultimate weapon being used, because lets not kid ourselves, Putin is not stable.

I am sure the world is worried about W & C. as a signature.
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Seriously people! While Russia is invading Ukraine murdering it's citizens and the entire world is in shock it seems to me rather shallow to criticize the Cambridges for simply tweeting their support for Ukraine, especially since they met with President Zelensky and his wife.

"In October 2020 we had the privilege to meet President Zelensky and the First Lady to learn of their hope and optimism for Ukraine’s future.

Today we stand with the President and all of Ukraine’s people as they bravely fight for that future ���� W & C"

To be fair the discussion is not about Ukraine per se. Twenty odd years ago a million people demonstrated on the streets of London against a war that killed tens if not hundreds of thousands. What if one of those had been William Wales, undergraduate at St Andrews? Or he’d released a statement? To give another example has the DofC commented on the conflict in Yemen? A very nasty war indeed with accusations of chemical weapon use & other war crimes. The answer of course is no.

I understand if some people think it’s acceptable for the DofC to comment on this conflict but there are legitimate reasons to think that this is unwise. In the unlikely event that Britain becomes militarily involved the consensus that presently exists will soon start to fracture.

When & if Ukrainian refugees start to arrive in Britain that would be an apt cause for the Cambridges to be involved in. That’s how they can show support for the Ukrainian people. That would really play to their strengths. Especially for the duchess.

And if other forum member think differently then that’s cool.?
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I really don't understand why they did this. In the nicest possible way who on earth cares what members of the rf think about this war. It’s far too serious an event for trite twitter comment.

There does seem to an awful lot of this sort of thing these days. Public figures opining on twitter. Smacks of delusions of grandeur & climbing on bandwagons. You once met the Ukrainian President? Really? And? Shades of Sarah Palin & being able to see Russia from Alaska!

And the point Victor raises is a valid one. If they want to comment on this war then what about other conflicts? Plenty of other wars happening sadly. Some in the Commonwealth. Where does it stop?

They need better advice next time! Royalty should leave geopolitics to the experts & stay in their lane.

I am not quite sure I understand what specific point you are criticising W& C for? They have only made a comment of sympathy for the people of Ukraine in what is clearly a major international issue. I do not know many people who would disagree with an expression of sympathy in such a situation.
I stay with my point, that this was a not a good decision of the Cambridges. I mean, as a part of the British Royal Family they have subjects from almost everywhere, which might feel left out.

Which part of the British "empire" might find support for the people of Ukraine objectionable?
I am not quite sure I understand what specific point you are criticising W& C for? They have only made a comment of sympathy for the people of Ukraine in what is clearly a major international issue. I do not know many people who would disagree with an expression of sympathy in such a situation.

Post 1839 explains the point.
Post 1839 explains the point.

I am not quite sure post 1839 does explain any specific objection.

It is not the point of the royal family to not be able to say something that somebody within the populace may take umbrage to. A comment expressing sympathy with the people of a country under attack is not a party political statement in any way. I do not think there are many British subjects who do not feel sympathy with the people of Ukraine.
Which part of the British "empire" might find support for the people of Ukraine objectionable?

This is not the question! The question is rather, which war-torn part of the former British Empire was ever eligible for any sign of empathy by the Cambridges? What? None? Why?

And will they start now? Sympathy for the Houthis? Israel Criticism? What is next?
are you saying that they dont feel sympathy for people in trouble, regardless of whehter they are part of the former British empire or not?
I am not quite sure post 1839 does explain any specific objection.

It is not the point of the royal family to not be able to say something that somebody within the populace may take umbrage to. A comment expressing sympathy with the people of a country under attack is not a party political statement in any way. I do not think there are many British subjects who do not feel sympathy with the people of Ukraine.

It is political. It's not just about party politics. Which is why I mentioned Yemen. And there are very obvious political reasons why no member of the rf has expressed sympathy for Yemenis attacked by foreign forces. And similarly to Ukraine no doubt there would be few British people who would not feel sympathy for the people of Yemen if they were aware of that conflict.

If the Cambridges want to make comments on geo-politics then ok but they need to be consistent & also not partisan in what they chose to highlight on their twitter feed.

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
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It is political. It's not just about party politics. Which is why I mentioned Yemen. And there are very obvious political reasons why no member of the rf has expressed sympathy for Yemenis attacked by foreign forces. And similarly to Ukraine no doubt there would be few British people who would not feel sympathy for the people of Yemen if they were aware of that conflict.

If the Cambridges want to make comments on geo-politics then ok but they need to be consistent & also not partisan in what they chose to highlight on their twitter feed.

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

Not sure Prince William was alive when the Aden/Yemen troubles were happening (1960s). You can't criticise him for not showing solidarity with the people of Aden if he was not even born then.
Not sure Prince William was alive when the Aden/Yemen troubles were happening (1960s). You can't criticise him for not showing solidarity with the people of Aden if he was not even born then.

I'm not sure what you mean? Saudi led intervention in the Yemeni Civil War is what I've referenced. That started in 2014.

Aden of course is a very long time ago. That was a conflict linked to British decolonisation.
It is political. It's not just about party politics. Which is why I mentioned Yemen. And there are very obvious political reasons why no member of the rf has expressed sympathy for Yemenis attacked by foreign forces. And similarly to Ukraine no doubt there would be few British people who would not feel sympathy for the people of Yemen if they were aware of that conflict.

If the Cambridges want to make comments on geo-politics then ok but they need to be consistent & also not partisan in what they chose to highlight on their twitter feed.

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

To be honest, I don't see W&C's statement as being "political" at all. To be political means taking a side against the another side. This isn't what is happening. All over our world, people are expressing their disgust at Russia's violation of international law and even supporting boycotts of Russian products and urging their govenments to stand behind Ukraine. It's a statement that the Cambridges have made in support of the *people* that have been forced to battle and defend their homeland against a totally unwarranted and totally uncalled for invasion because Putin wants a land grab to restore the former USSR and prevent NATO from growing.

To be in support of those that are under fire from this insane madman isn't political at all. There is really no *side* to be against in this matter. Russia has poked its own bear and fed it some heavy duty lies and reasoning all because of one man's ego driven quest for power.
They chose to comment on this particular conflict. That’s a conscious decision which excludes other wars. That’s political. They’re free to do but shouldn’t be surprised if people pick up on their inconsistency.

No member of the brf is going to criticise the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & it’s role in Yemen. Especially when British made cluster bombs have been used.

It is what it is.
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They chose to comment on this particular conflict. That’s a conscious decision which excludes other wars. That’s political. They’re free to do but shouldn’t be surprised if people pick up on their inconsistency.

No member of the brf is going to criticise the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & it’s role in Yemen. Especially when British made cluster bombs have been used.

It is what it is.

Your right.
They chose to comment on this particular conflict. That’s a conscious decision which excludes other wars. That’s political. They’re free to do but shouldn’t be surprised if people pick up on their inconsistency.

No member of the brf is going to criticise the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & it’s role in Yemen. Especially when British made cluster bombs have been used.

It is what it is.

They have not made a comment on the conflict per se, merely expressing sympathy for the people ravaged by this terrible war. Nothing political about it all, IMO. This is also the conflict that has pretty much all the world united in condemnation, barring a few countries. The last time there appeared to be such unanimity in the world was probably for the 1991 Gulf War.

To be honest, I don't see W&C's statement as being "political" at all. To be political means taking a side against the another side. This isn't what is happening. All over our world, people are expressing their disgust at Russia's violation of international law and even supporting boycotts of Russian products and urging their govenments to stand behind Ukraine. It's a statement that the Cambridges have made in support of the *people* that have been forced to battle and defend their homeland against a totally unwarranted and totally uncalled for invasion because Putin wants a land grab to restore the former USSR and prevent NATO from growing.

To be in support of those that are under fire from this insane madman isn't political at all. There is really no *side* to be against in this matter. Russia has poked its own bear and fed it some heavy duty lies and reasoning all because of one man's ego driven quest for power.

Well said, @Osipi.
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They have not made a comment on the conflict per se, merely expressing sympathy for the people ravaged by this terrible war. Nothing political about it all, IMO. This is also the conflict that has pretty much all the world united in condemnation, barring a few countries. The last time there appeared to be such unanimity in the world was probably for the 1991 Gulf War.

I agree it's a terrible war. As they all are. War is one of humanity's most stupid habits.
To be honest, I don't see W&C's statement as being "political" at all. To be political means taking a side against the another side. This isn't what is happening. All over our world, people are expressing their disgust at Russia's violation of international law and even supporting boycotts of Russian products and urging their govenments to stand behind Ukraine. It's a statement that the Cambridges have made in support of the *people* that have been forced to battle and defend their homeland against a totally unwarranted and totally uncalled for invasion because Putin wants a land grab to restore the former USSR and prevent NATO from growing.

To be in support of those that are under fire from this insane madman isn't political at all. There is really no *side* to be against in this matter. Russia has poked its own bear and fed it some heavy duty lies and reasoning all because of one man's ego driven quest for power.

That's a pretty gross oversimplification of what it means to be political. "Being political" definitely doesn't equal being partisan – or taking sides, as you say – but to be actively interested, engaged and involved as a citizens in public life. That's also why the whole "royals are supposed to be apolitical" debacle is fundamentally wrong as that isn't possible. As Aristotle said, men are political animals.

For what it's worth, I don't think the Cambridges' statement is problematic. Pretty much just echoes what other royals have said on the matter. But I do think it's unfortunate that people feel it necessary to refute and misconstrue legitimate criticism that not all countries experiencing atrocities like Ukraine are going to receive the same outpouring of sympathy (Palestine comes to mind).
But I do think it's unfortunate that people feel it necessary to refute and misconstrue legitimate criticism that not all countries experiencing atrocities like Ukraine are going to receive the same outpouring of sympathy (Palestine comes to mind).

And Syria, and the Rohingya, and the Uyghurs… I take it you’re equally as concerned with the entire world’s response with those, and feel that people other than William and Catherine should be doing — not just saying — more?
President Zelenskyy has thanked the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for their Twitter message of support.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has thanked the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for expressing their solidarity with the people of his homeland.
He said he was "grateful" to the couple who tweeted on Sunday that they stood with "the President and all of Ukraine's people as they bravely fight" for the future.
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