General News for the Cambridge Family Part 3: March 2017-September 2022

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The Duk of Cambridge has sent a message following the death of Kenyan palaeoanthropologist, conservationist and politician Richard Leakey (1944-2022):

** twitter message **
Hello, Royal Forumites! I am a new member. I have a question. Does anyone know what type of golf club that Prince William was hit in the head with when he had that boyhood accident? Someone asked me, and I thought y'all would know. Thank you!
Hello, Royal Forumites! I am a new member. I have a question. Does anyone know what type of golf club that Prince William was hit in the head with when he had that boyhood accident? Someone asked me, and I thought y'all would know. Thank you!

Welcome Norman! Interesting you would ask.
BBC did a report on his so called "Harry Potter Scar" on his forehead reporting it was a friend's seven-iron that hit him.

Original APNews report June 4, 1991
Prince William Injured By Golf Club | AP News
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Prince William is said to have come to terms with the decision of Camilla becoming Queen Consort.

I think what the article is trying to say is that he supports Camilla becoming Queen, and has come to terms with her marriage to Charles, and her role in the family.

I think by placing this story out there what Charles / William have done is that it has potentially taken the steam out of some of what Harry may be planning to say in his book.

By the DM story explicitly stating that relations between Charles and William (and quite possibly, Harry) were not great in the years after Charles' marriage to Camilla, and that there were family arguments what Harry may say may appear to merely be detail now.

Further, that the relationship between Charles and William is now better than ever before and William is accepting of Camilla will mean that they have gone through is probably not unlike what many blended families have had to. That things are better now is the key thing.
I would have htought that by the time they married William at least had accepted Camilla and things would be Ok between him and Charles on that issue at least. they might have had disputes on other things though. But I think that Charles tried at least to give the boys time to get used to Camilla, and to be grown up and leading thier own lives by the time he married her
The story always used to go that Harry had a much better relationship with both Charles and Camilla than William. Harry is on camera talking about how she's definitely not an evil step mother and he loves her and that no, he's not being forced to say this, which if rumours are true, is not how he's going to remember it in his book.

William meanwhile gravitated towards the Middletons and their family life, didn't need/want Charles and all those stories. He is on camera saying good things about Camilla as well and there's that footage from "The Queen's Castle" where they both look very happy and are messing around celebrating.

It's probably all a lot more complicated than we'll ever see I suppose.
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The story always used to go that Harry had a much better relationship with both Charles and Camilla than William. Harry is on camera talking about how she's definitely not an evil step mother and he loves her and that no, he's not being forced to say this, which if rumours are true, is not how he's going to remember it in his book.

William meanwhile gravitated towards the Middletons and their family life, didn't need/want Charles and all those stories.

It's probably all a lot more complicated than we'll ever see I suppose.

These things always are complicated. Accepting the new partner of a parent after a divorce is always complicated, in this case more complicated by the death of Diana, and the very public nature of all of this.

And no matter how much the head may tell the child to accept the new partner because they bring happiness to the parent, the process of acceptance is not a linear one. There are many road blocks along the way.

And I suspect, that is what has happened here. William's relationship with his father appears to have improved substantially with time, and he appears to have accepted Camilla. And whilst all of this was playing out through the 2000 - 2010 period, the Middletons provided a comforting, warm and loving environment that was probably very appealing to William. The rest is history.

As regards Harry, I guess the less said the better. Lets just wait to see what his lbook has to say, and how the generally behaves in the months and years ahead.
I expect like all sons, Will had his ups and downs with his father, and even with his mother at times. But I think that he turned to the Middletons because they were a a warm friendly family who gave him an experience of a family, with siblings, 2 parents and so on who were much less formal than his own birth family.
The boy is the one who lost his mother and was talking about it to William a few weeks ago.

God save the future king, because he’s a very nice guy.
A lot of royals are "nice guys" and "nice gals" but I believe William has something he's inherited from his mother and that is a sincere ability to instinctively know what would make someone else's life a bit easier. I first saw this in William when he made it known that he wanted time to work and serve with EAAA. He actively wanted to serve the people and what better way than to ensure he was part of a team to get someone to the hospital and medical care as soon as possible. He wasn't in it for the chills and thrills but wanted to make a difference.

All the working BRF have their own areas of passions that they sincerely back but one thing is becoming clear with William and that is with a healthy ability to feel compassion for others from his mother and his dedication to serve and carrying on his father's motto "Ich Dien" (I serve), William has developed traits that will carry him through his roles all the way up to being what I'd term "a people's king". He's had the best teacher in his Granny and his parents.

He's not only a "nice guy" but he's one that the UK will be able to get behind and support because they know he's got their best interests at heart. Sincerely.
I think that William is a bit stiff, but he's sincere. I remember seeing a clip of him with a little kid who had phoned the amburlance when her mother was taken ill.. and while he wasn't a fluent easy chatter, he seemed to be really trying hard to show his admiration for the kid.. and saying to her "IM going to tell my litlte girl Charlotte about you.. and glad your mummy is better now.
William will never been accused of wearing his heart on his sleeve and letting everything and anything emotionally show. He's got a healthy sense of reserve and knows when to let things show and when the time isn't right to. William probably *did* go home and tell Charlotte about this little hero. It's working both ways. Having his own children helps him to understand and communicate with the children he meets in public and with meeting children from all over in his day to day roles, its helping him to raise his own children with a sense of responsibility and compassion and kindness for the people around them. Helps too that Catherine has devoted a lot of her time and energies to charities and incentives that support children and families.

Yeps. The Cambridge family does really bring the aura of George and Elizabeth and their two princesses that they called "we four" only with the Cambridges, it's "we five".
:previous: Quoted the article posted above with more about Deacon's visit.

Deacon and his family, including his grandparents, Terry and Samone Taylor, watched the game from the comfort of the director's box where they enjoyed a meal and drinks and met with club chairman Alan Pace.

Carole said: "Everyone was so welcoming to us, they really couldn't do enough for us. It was a special day, one that we will always remember.

"We want to thank everyone at the club and also Prince William for making this happen for Deacon."

The VIP trip was arranged by Prince William who met Deacon when he and his wife, Kate Middleton, visited Church on the Street in Burnley last month. Founded by Pastor Mick Fleming, Deacon and Carole have received support from the hub since the death of the youngster's mum, Grace who was Carole's granddaughter.
This is the right kind of Royal story!

I'm very happy that the UK will have this man as King in the future.
The story always used to go that Harry had a much better relationship with both Charles and Camilla than William. Harry is on camera talking about how she's definitely not an evil step mother and he loves her and that no, he's not being forced to say this, which if rumours are true, is not how he's going to remember it in his book.

William meanwhile gravitated towards the Middletons and their family life, didn't need/want Charles and all those stories. He is on camera saying good things about Camilla as well and there's that footage from "The Queen's Castle" where they both look very happy and are messing around celebrating.

It's probably all a lot more complicated than we'll ever see I suppose.

Is there any actual evidence that Harry got on better with Camilla?
I really don't understand why they did this. In the nicest possible way who on earth cares what members of the rf think about this war. It’s far too serious an event for trite twitter comment.

There does seem to an awful lot of this sort of thing these days. Public figures opining on twitter. Smacks of delusions of grandeur & climbing on bandwagons. You once met the Ukrainian President? Really? And? Shades of Sarah Palin & being able to see Russia from Alaska!

And the point Victor raises is a valid one. If they want to comment on this war then what about other conflicts? Plenty of other wars happening sadly. Some in the Commonwealth. Where does it stop?

They need better advice next time! Royalty should leave geopolitics to the experts & stay in their lane.
Does it occur to you that they may be following advice from the Govt?
:previous: Good point there. ?
Does it occur to you that they may be following advice from the Govt?

No. Do you think that?

That strikes me as a very odd way to conduct foreign policy if true. Are there any precedents for such use of a member of the rf?
No. Do you think that?

That strikes me as a very odd way to conduct foreign policy if true. Are there any precedents for such use of a member of the rf?

It's my belief that it's really only the Queen that is required to remain apolitical in all things. The rest of the royal family mostly chooses to remain outside of the realm of politics but they're not doing wrong either by making a statement joining the rest of the world from condemning Russia and Putin's actions.

If I'm not mistaken, the royal family (outside of the Queen) can also vote if they choose to. They choose not to. ?
It's more a question of what's appropriate rather than right or wrong.

Members of the rf are at a liberty to say whatever they want about whatever they choose. It's a free country after all.

Once they start doing so though it will become a habit. And that way lies trouble. But I realise others will see things differently. Some people might even welcome such interventions.
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