You would think fighting in Afghanistan would have humbled him and made him feel grateful for what he has and how lucky he is. And also serving in war torn country would have given him a reality check and a privilege check. But I guess he learned nothing from his time in the Afghanistan.
Instead he becomes entitled and wanting more when he already has millions himself selfish. And shameless I might add.
Could be, but I don't think so.
I lean more toward H&M creating a bubble of their own, with a completely distorted view of their own significance, opportunities and roles. And if no one contradicts you, you end up believing in the mirage you have created.
Harry for whatever reason has pretty much turned his back on his old friends who could have told him in direct terms that he is in error. That's what close friends are for, but there are few such friends, no matter who you are.
If we are to believe the persistent but IMO far from implausible rumors that there is a rift between Harry and William, that means Harry has closed his ears to yet another very close person, who really could give Harry a reality check.
Court advisors have seemingly been ignored as well, and they are after all also there to help H&M to fulfill whatever wishes and projects they wish to embark on.
Then there are the other BRF members. For whatever incongruous reasons Harry decided to ignore their reservations as well. In fact he went into a state of defiance.
Why he has chosen to walk down that path, I don't know. I have several ideas, but that's pure speculation.
That he
has ignored advise after advise, that's a fact IMO. There are simply too many indications to refute that.
Not to mention that no serious professional advisor would advocate such a dramatic break-up with the BRF, over such a short period, without a very clear plan of action and with such an amateurish PR-handling.
I don't know where Harry is running to. I don't think he knows that either by now.
I find it deeply tragic to look at.
Can he return back the BRF to get help to carve out a new role? I firmly believe they would be willing to help him, but he has to ask for it and the question is whether he will overcome his pride, because that's one seriously big three-humped camel he will have to swallow! In public!
Not to mention that the longer it takes for Harry to ask for help from his family, the less help and sympathy he can expect to get. Royals are only humans.
And then there is the joker: Meghan. And their child.
- I have omitted Meghan from most of this, because the decision to break away from the BRF, was ultimately Harry's. No matter how big or little influence Meghan had in this.
It is also Harry who has to take the decisive step towards a reconciliation with the BRF - and dare I say the UK as well. They are after all his family and his country.