General News about the Sussex Family, Part Three: August-September 2020

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Their actions DO speak MUCH louder than their words. they speak of people who have little real care for anyone but themselves.
It is very nice of Harry to spent 3M dollars to stimulate the US economy but mabye he shoudl think first about paying back what he owes to teh UK?

For all we know, maybe he has been making payments and we just don't know about it. Not everything comes out in the public domain.
As I understand it, they are making payments, but it's just a (relatively) small amount each month, as you would do with a mortgage or a bank loan.
As I understand it, they are making payments, but it's just a (relatively) small amount each month, as you would do with a mortgage or a bank loan.

If they've asked for 11 years to pay, they are not paying much....
If that's the case then Harry CERTAINLY does not need it. He is not even a working member of the RF now, so he should definteily pay bakc what he owes and not take any further money from his fahter...

NONE of them need it. I agree.
NONE of them need it. I agree.
Then since harry and Meg are continually signaling that they are more aware of social issues, more radical and generally better than the rest of the RF why hasn't he made a clean break? Why not pay off the money, refuse to take anything from his father's DOC funds, and start off fresh in the USA, earning his living? If its not possible to do that, at present, he could buy a modest house, and live off the income from his remaining investments.
You keep arguing the Sussexes who actually not taking money from the public. Not more than the actual BRF family currently are. In any case I’m not even disagreeing with you. I’m just adding the rest of them. People want to talk about how the U.K. is suffering (and it is)... then well... It’s how they all operate.

Also based on how things seem to go with the Windsors they likely didn’t want them to lump sum the owed money. Sussexes wanted a clean break. That was clear but they were basically forced into the year review. You don’t think Frogmore Cottage wasn’t also in those plans? I would bet money it was.
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If the British public want to get rid fo the RF, they'll do so.. but they dont at present. So for the present, the BRF who work get a certain amount from the tax payer.
Charles is apparnlety trying to use his money to help the govt by paying out for his unemployed staff, so he is trying to give back something of his fortune to help the tax payer...
IMO the year long review was because the RF don't want to cut Harry off completely. THey may have feared that he had made a wild decision which he might regret and they wanted to give him a chance to return if he wanted to.
He is C's son.. and he loves him. And he'd like to see him back in the UK and working for the firm again... (though I dont think a lot of the publics would really want that)... However If Harry had said "OK I'm going to write a cheque and pay off what I owe re the house, because i dont want to be in debt..." I doubt if they would have been forbidden to do it...
They don’t have to rid of the RF but they don’t have to continue to take money from people with significantly less than them when they have literal generational wealth. That will *never* make sense.

I very much can see Harry and Meghan saying “Here is the $2.4M people constantly attack us over (and this was while there were working royals) and we will be out.” Instead they apparently walked out that meeting with some a year review and an installment plan. And yes I do think that was more on the side of HM and Charles than the Sussexes.

But we will never really know...
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They don’t have to rid of the RF but they don’t have to continue to take money from people with significantly less than them when they have literal generational wealth. That will *never* make sense.

I very much can see Harry and Meghan saying “Here is the $2.4M people constantly attack us over (and this was whole there were working royals) and we will be out.” Instead they apparently walked out that meeting with some a year review and an installment plan. And yes I do think that was more on the side of HM and Charles than the Sussexes.

But we will never reAlly know...

Again if the British public want to say "we like having the RF but we expect them to pay for everything themselves" they can do that.. but so far they haven't.
No we don't know.. but If H had insisted on paying I can't see how they could stop him. The RF didn't want him to leave.. but he did go.. they didn't/couldn't stop him...
The one year review is a different issue to the repayment of the money..
I’m sure many would love that arrangement with the BRF but it’s not exactly easy...

I don’t think the review and FC are different at all. Seem very clear to me it was all part of one giant packaged agreement. Just like the way all the royals handle properties and such.

We will just agree to disagree here but this to me screams more the family wanting to have a little control of the situation, well at least until March 2021.
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Or they may feell that Harry and Meg might find "outside royal life" more difficult than they expected, and want to offer them a way back in.
Or... it could be the "Firm" handling things as corporations do with agreements and codicils and legally drawn up papers stating "this is how it is". I'm sure that the "negotiation" meetings between H&M and members of the BRF concerning their exit as "working royals" for the "Firm" were not concluded without attorneys and lawyers and papers drawn up signed, sealed and delivered. We have to remember that the "Firm" is actually the "business" side of the BRF and they don't do anything half assed and backwards. ;)
FYI, Montecito/Santa Barbara is absolutely not considered a neighborhood of LA, not even close.
Harry inherited money from his mother.
For example, using US numbers, because that’s were my own investments are & thus what I’m familiar with, if Harry inherited $10 million from Diana, invested around the time of her death, 23 years ago, that sum would have grown to around $58.5 million today, assuming 7-8% growth which is the US stock market’s performance since mid 1997.
Additionally I’ve read a number of reports that the Queen mum set up trusts for her grandkids, so like Beatrice and Eugenie, Harry probably inherited money from his great grandmother. There were reports that Harry inherited more that William from the Queen mother.
For all we know the Queen and Phillip may have established trusts for their grandkids, likewise Charles may have set up a trust fund for Harry, or possibly Archie and his cousins. Meghan, of course, earned a decent amount of money prior to her marriage and likely continues to earn some residuals, we don’t know if she invested her money, but it’s likely she did.
These people don’t live pay check to pay check, they pass wealth on from generation to generation by investing, setting up trusts to avoid taxes, etc..
While Harry and Meghan aren’t uber wealthy billionaires, they likely have enough in assets - his inherited and invested, hers earned and invested, to support their lifestyle.

If Harry had 58mil there is zero reason for him/them to take a mortgage.
The fact they did, is very telling that they don’t have the cash (via selling a properly or stocks, or actual cash in the bank or trust fund) or Charles is paying for the house, in an indirect way imo.
Further indication they do not have that kind of money: not paying back for Frogmore in one sum. And Charles providing them an allowance.

They are, as you would say, rich people poor, and they are jumping why above their means, imo based upon the info we have and my pure common sense.

Also, the house lost half it’s worth since being build, that would a major warning sign for me given the location.

(Also about the house, another forum I follow pointed out that suddenly overnight it appears that information about the house has been scrubbed, such as a Reddit thread and several websites which had the house listed took down the pictures. A screenshot m I saw said something legal reasons.)
I still find it interesting the couple managed to keep the house quiet for 6 weeks, but than went on to leak or confirm the purchase, but did not bother to first make sure all the pics of the house were removed to protect their privacy....

As for what Katryn said about a royal website figuring out the house: I read somewhere that the website is owned or operated by the same ppl who run Meghan’s Mirror (eta: this is the media group which owns both websites: effervescence group), the women who run it have said before that they have a mutual friend with Jessica and it has been long suspected they receive direct information as they had been able to publish clothing items information of Meghan within mere minutes of her arriving at an engagement of a photo being published, which indicates the post was already written and ready to post.
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If they've asked for 11 years to pay, they are not paying much....
2.4 million devided by 11 is 218.000 pounds per year. I don't know how anyone can call that "not much".
Okay...time to move on.
"Daily Mail" is reporting that they have obtained a copy of the property deed for "Chateau at Riven Rock" and that it shows that the trust set up by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for the purchase - "Residential Real Estate Trust" - wast set up on May 15th.

French magazine "Gala" has several different photos of the property in their article -

There are a lot of articles about this property, and Montecito in general, out now - maybe for weekend readers.

A lot of negativity - about neighbours, about wildfires and mudslides, no footpaths, exclusivity, lack of culture, this area taking too much water, the defense fund set up by people owning property there to keep their way of life, fights for views and tree lines, about every aspect really.

A lot of it sounds very like the same things that William and Kate find so attractive about Mustique - low commercial activity, dirt roads and nature, wealthy people getting on with their own lives and being private around other very wealthy people.

It all sounds wonderful to me though, a really wonderful place.
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Well I was wondering about those large gardens & the article mentions water.

I would presume the natural vegetation is Mediterranean like? So it must take a lot of water to maintain so much greenery? Or am I wrong?
Sun Lion you have done very well digging up the French link for these great photos showing different perspectives and more bathroom photos. Odd that the bathrooms I've seen so far only have one sink. Never mind a minor detail in a lovely home.
I am falling in love with this Chateau. The mature plantings everywhere, loads of character, so many little nooks to explore and relax in within the acreage. They will need more than one gardener for the size of that place.

Well I was wondering about those large gardens & the article mentions water.

I would presume the natural vegetation is Mediterranean like? So it must take a lot of water to maintain so much greenery? Or am I wrong?

Yes Durham, a very dry area it seems from what I've read.

A lot of desert plants, cacti and succulents, lots of palms and such, in the photos of my book about Santa Barbara homes.

And fires a real risk which then leads to mudslides from the mountains behind - when the vegetation is burnt away and it then rains, nothing holds the resulting mud from sliding down into people's properties.

There was a lot of damage in 2018 from mud destroying people's homes.

I guess that means insurance would be higher to cover these fire and mudslide risks.

I've seen articles predicting the water bills the Duke and Duchess may have to face - one even put it at half a million American dollars a year for water alone.

That seems an extreme claim, but it would no doubt be a big and on-going expense.

Another article explained how Montecito put up half the money for a desalination plant in Santa Barbara in exchange for a good supply of water for the next fifty years.

And yet another article had how there was a $1,000 dollar a head cocktail party arranged by residents in order to raise money for the home-owners defense fund.

They want to fight to keep Montecito as it more or less is, and not have it become like Santa Barbara.

Though SB is lovely, Montecito wants to stay seperate.

Other articles explained how sheltered the area is, a steady temperature that is not overly hot, mountain trails behind and islands in the ocean in front. Only twenty minutes to go from the mountains to the sea.

Charlie Chaplin thought it the best part of the California coast and set up investors that opened it up.

"Daily Mail" has managed to wrangle some of Harry and Meghan's neighbours and there seems to be a general air of excitment about them moving in, despite other articles saying how no-one pays attention if they cross paths with a well-known person on a walking trail.

The done thing is to play it cool and pretend you didn't notice.
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The climate sounds a lot like the Perth area. I've not been to California but I've been to WA a few times & that is a lot dryer & less green than the NSW coast for instance.
Sun Lion you have done very well digging up the French link for these great photos showing different perspectives and more bathroom photos. Odd that the bathrooms I've seen so far only have one sink. Never mind a minor detail in a lovely home.
I am falling in love with this Chateau. The mature plantings everywhere, loads of character, so many little nooks to explore and relax in within the acreage. They will need more than one gardener for the size of that place.

I really like it too Tarlita, the house itself, the grounds - that terrace area with the roses, the tea-house by the waterway - the Montecito area with mountains and on the sea.

To me it seems like such a dream place for anyone, let alone a place to raise your child.

I think some in the media are a bit unhappy to see the runaways landing in such a lovely place.


The climate sounds a lot like the Perth area. I've not been to California but I've been to WA a few times & that is a lot dryer & less green than the NSW coast for instance.

Yes, I think the drieness is a major factor Durham, perhaps the major factor as I read that the temperature is not extreme, but generally pleasant.

If it does on occasion get a bit hotter, the locals find it too much. (Sorry, have read too much to know which article had the actual figures about that.)

I've been to WA and that is hot - once made the error on leaning on a brick wall in the afternoon and got burnt.

I think Montecito is more blue skies and sunshine, but not torrid heat. But with the problem of a dry climate.
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I think some in the media are a bit unhappy to see the runaways landing in such a lovely place.

Well yes possibly. Maybe this sort of chutzpah might be the reason?

"While there is not any jurisdiction by The Monarchy or Cabinet Office over the use of the word ‘Royal’ overseas, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex do not intend to use ‘Sussex Royal’ or any iteration of the word ‘Royal’ in any territory (either within the UK or otherwise) when the transition occurs Spring 2020."
Well yes possibly. Maybe this sort of chutzpah might be the reason?

"While there is not any jurisdiction by The Monarchy or Cabinet Office over the use of the word ‘Royal’ overseas, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex do not intend to use ‘Sussex Royal’ or any iteration of the word ‘Royal’ in any territory (either within the UK or otherwise) when the transition occurs Spring 2020."

Yes, Harry and Meghan have certainly added to their own "woes" and in many ways.

I wonder at what stage does interest in them die down - or will there never be that stage. Will they forever be on the radar.

They are - and are now in a position to be - more unpredictable than anyone else from the Royal Family.
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I can’t believe I am posting articles from right wing media.

But, finally! someone in the press talks about this.
I know many of have been the subjects of this woman and her squad attacks on social media.
It kept boggling me why the couple has been in contact with them considering their behavior, did their people not do proper research...?

Prince Harry and Meghan phoned fan connected to Twitter account that abused royals to thank them for their ‘support’
Matt Wilkinson
Dan Wootton

"But we can reveal the fundraiser — named as Dani Trin — also uses a Twitter account which has previously posted a string of vile tweets branding the Duchess of Cambridge a “b***h” and a “Karen” and her husband Prince William an “a**hole”.

Trin says she was not responsible for the offensive posts.

Only days before Harry, 35, and Meghan, 39, made their gushing phone call, the Henryscousin account also used by Trin accused the Royal Family of being “nasty, pedophilic, racist”.

Other posts over the past year made sick jokes about Kate being an “anorexic wrinkly hoe”, a “corner plant” and repeatedly called her “Karen”

Second article
JOHN HUMPHRYS: I couldn't work with Prince Harry when he guest edited BBC Radio 4's Today programme because I wanted to ask what his minders would see as embarrassing questions

Why we’re sympathetic to Princess Diana — but not Harry and Meghan
Meghan rang Trin to congratulate her on the organising of fundraising activities by a group of Sussex supporters, nothing more, nothing less. The group raised thousands of dollars for charities to help children in the Coronavirus crisis and girls and young women in educational initiatives in Africa among other endeavours in the past months.

Meghan herself has said nothing publicly about any other members of the RF. And all over the Internet, let's not forget, there are vile Tumblr and Twitter sites pouring out poison about Meghan and Harry every day of the week. Nothing is said about the people who write terrible things on these sites.

The NYP article is an opinion piece, by one woman journalist, not an editorial.

And if republican John Humphrys had objections to interviewing Harry on radio when Harry was a guest editor then he should have said so openly at the time, not saved his gibes for over three years while writing in a paper owned by a newspaper group being sued by the Sussexes now. He also said unflattering things about other royals in this article, as well.
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I can’t believe I am posting articles from right wing media.

But, finally! someone in the press talks about this.
I know many of have been the subjects of this woman and her squad attacks on social media.
It kept boggling me why the couple has been in contact with them considering their behavior, did their people not do proper research...?

Prince Harry and Meghan phoned fan connected to Twitter account that abused royals to thank them for their ‘support’
Matt Wilkinson
Dan Wootton

Second article
JOHN HUMPHRYS: I couldn't work with Prince Harry when he guest edited BBC Radio 4's Today programme because I wanted to ask what his minders would see as embarrassing questions

Why we’re sympathetic to Princess Diana — but not Harry and Meghan

Last things first, I'm not fans off this Humphrys guy and certainly not the NY Post, which used that article to trash Charles.

About the Sun's awful. I remember the way people were outraged when this athlete (I'm forgetting his name now) "liked" a tweet relating a quote that was supposedly said by Hitler. Of course this is not NEARLY of the same magnitude, but still, the fact that H and M actually phoned this person (and I don't believe for a moment that they don't know what her account represents, which is sheer ugliness and hatred), is despicable. EVERY day presents a limbo challenge for low can they go?

As to the house..........don't really care where the heck they live.
About the Sun's awful. I remember the way people were outraged when this athlete (I'm forgetting his name now) "liked" a tweet relating a quote that was supposedly said by Hitler. Of course this is not NEARLY of the same magnitude, but still, the fact that H and M actually phoned this person (and I don't believe for a moment that they don't know what her account represents, which is sheer ugliness and hatred), is despicable. EVERY day presents a limbo challenge for low can they go?

Yup they knew exactly what those accounts were saying. Even last year one of their employees were following one of the hate accounts. They thought they were getting a stealth attack in (much like "assisting" in Finding Freedom, or passing Lainey that blind in 2017), but subtlety is a very weak attribute of theirs, humility too.

It's no surprise they're estranged from so many people, and I imagine that list will grow as their antics grow.
Photos of The Chateau of Riven Rock are disappearing from the internet fast.
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Again, Meghan rang this woman to congratulate her on her part in raising large sums of money for endeavours that she (Meghan) supports. She is not responsible for anything this person does or says on her Twitter accounts.

Anyone would think that the only people being dreadful on Twitter were Sussex supporters. Feel free to seek out the hundreds of Tumblr and Twitter sites that spout out horrendous lies and slander about Meghan every day even now. Sites from which tabloid journalists trawl to get copy.

And don't lets forget that it was Dan Wooton's Sun newspaper that asserted that Meghan was a performer on a PornHub site, something they had to later retract, as what was shown was a bedroom scene from Suits.
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