General News about the Sussex Family, Part Three: August-September 2020

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FYI, Montecito/Santa Barbara is absolutely not considered a neighborhood of LA, not even close.
Harry inherited money from his mother.
For example, using US numbers, because that’s were my own investments are & thus what I’m familiar with, if Harry inherited $10 million from Diana, invested around the time of her death, 23 years ago, that sum would have grown to around $58.5 million today, assuming 7-8% growth which is the US stock market’s performance since mid 1997.
Additionally I’ve read a number of reports that the Queen mum set up trusts for her grandkids, so like Beatrice and Eugenie, Harry probably inherited money from his great grandmother. There were reports that Harry inherited more that William from the Queen mother.
For all we know the Queen and Phillip may have established trusts for their grandkids, likewise Charles may have set up a trust fund for Harry, or possibly Archie and his cousins. Meghan, of course, earned a decent amount of money prior to her marriage and likely continues to earn some residuals, we don’t know if she invested her money, but it’s likely she did.
These people don’t live pay check to pay check, they pass wealth on from generation to generation by investing, setting up trusts to avoid taxes, etc..
While Harry and Meghan aren’t uber wealthy billionaires, they likely have enough in assets - his inherited and invested, hers earned and invested, to support their lifestyle.
:previous: Thank you sndral for your general accounting of Harry and Meghan's financials. I learned quite a bit. Your assessment of their perceived assets while not billionaires it would take a lot for them to run out of money. If "it takes money to make money" and Harry and Meghan's investments have not been hindered by economic downturns, inadequate professional money management, the current pandemic or too much spending, their need for a bailout by Charles is unlikely. Despite that the couple could not have picked a worse time to go out on their own than during a pandemic, who knew. It might just all work out for them despite their initial difficulties starting out together.

Harry's Exit Plan!

Duke and Duchess of Windsor Part II.

House reminds me of the Duke and Duchess of York's former home, which the press used to call Southyork, short for the Dallas ranch in the tv series.

Can I have Nottingham Cottage if no one want's it!
This Daily Mail article had me LMAO. So perhaps it's all going to be a bit too chill there in Montecito for the couple but for now this might be the stable quiet safe environment they need. It's not like they have to stay there forever or when covid travel restrictions ease up they won't be going out into the big messy world again for more exciting times.

Seriously, thank you for this one angieuk. Also, yes, you can have Nottingham Cottage, no problem, consider it yours. I would like a couple weeks of holiday time in the fall for myself, if you don't mind.
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Probably rent-free... But maybe the publicity they got when living in this house was enough for the owner, when he now looks to sell the house? Or they did pay but didn't send you a copy of the receipt of payment?
There were a time here on the forums when you had to find a reliable source for claims like that. Eg. articles, but not from a tabloid. Statements of sources who give their name or books from authors who stand by what they write (not like the Katie Nicholls or Mrs. Ex-Campbell's).

For any other person it would be called financial independance. Inheritance/allowance (for those who have that) plus private income.

That's not financial independence. If they lived on the income from their money, didn't take favours from strangers or from H's fahter, that would be financial independence. If they got jobs and earned their own money, that woudl be financial independence...
Maybe, just maybe, Meghan has a super duper rich secret sugar daddy hidden away in the tea house that looks really, really blue and lives in an ornate bottle on the side table when other people are around. :eek:

Works as good as any other assumption I've heard. :lol:

No, the reasonable assumption is that since Charles was giving them £2M a year, they needed that £2M and as they now have more expenses but can't at present earn more, they are still receiving it. Which is more likely? That H's father is helping them as he has done before...or they are "receiving money from a genie."
That Charles helps is no big deal. That he helps a child wh banged on about wanting to be financially independent, and who doesn't work although they are trying to stay relevant, is hypocrisy.

How do you even know he is not working (what is "work" for Harry anyway?) - a Royal site was able to identify their new home from a zoom talk he had to support others. Those zoom-talks need to be organized, prepared etc. - not work? Harry was quoted in the media about his opinions on several things - not work to formulate and present them?

To "stay relevant" they do things, you allow. But that's not work for you? What is work then?

Don't you realise how judgmental that sounds? When you have no facts to base your assumptions on?
It is no fun to be on a forum where people just claim things about someone else with no basis, just bad "gut feelings". It's okay to state these gut feelings once, but again and again?
No, the reasonable assumption is that since Charles was giving them £2M a year, they needed that £2M and as they now have more expenses but can't at present earn more, they are still receiving it. Which is more likely? That H's father is helping them as he has done before...or they are "receiving money from a genie."

What we need to remember too is that 2 million you speak of that is shown in Charles' statement of accounting that he gave the Sussexes each year was for when they were *working royals* to cover expenses as *working royals*. Their wardrobe, their modes of travel, their office and staff paychecks etc. That 2 million didn't go into the Sussexes pockets to keep them in Big Macs or avocados or lotsa, lotsa incense sticks for when they practiced yoga. They are no longer *working royals* as of March 31, 2020 and that concludes Charles' responsibility for their expenses as *working royals*.

Charles actually could be giving them *zilch* for all we know. Then again, he may have doled out 5.3 million each year as a "personal allowance" to his kids just because he wanted to. That part of how Charles spends his money is *not* disclosed to the public at all. Nor is how much the recent diamond studded bra he bought for Camilla cost or how much the kid leather harness for Bluebell the Beagle cost. :D

What do people want to see? As Santa Barbara is considered "wine country" perhaps what we need is photo op of Harry going off to his 6am - 6pm job picking grapes in the local vineyards and Meghan bringing him his lunch everyday in a basket with a red and white checked cloth and wiping the sweat from Harry's brow and applying sunscreen. Now *that's* a job eh? :D
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What we need to remember too is that 2 million you speak of that is shown in Charles' statement of accounting that he gave the Sussexes each year was for when they were *working royals* to cover expenses as *working royals*. Their wardrobe, their modes of travel, their office and staff paychecks etc. That 2 million didn't go into the Sussexes pockets to keep them in Big Macs or avocados or lotsa, lotsa incense sticks for when they practiced yoga. They are no longer *working royals* as of March 31, 2020 and that concludes Charles' responsibility for their expenses as *working royals*.

Charles actually could be giving them *zilch* for all we know. Then again, he may have doled out 5.3 million each year as a "personal allowance" to his kids just because he wanted to. That part of how Charles spends his money is *not* disclosed to the public at all. Nor is how much the recent diamond studded bra he bought for Camilla cost or how much the kid leather harness for Bluebell the Beagle cost. :D
and now they have new expenses. they have to pay for security, they have now got a mortgage, they are paying back what was paid out for refurbishing Frogmore..
They've supposedly been given 10 years to pay back the money for Frogmore. Given the current financial crisis, the Treasury could certainly use that money immediately.
They've supposedly been given 10 years to pay back the money for Frogmore. Given the current financial crisis, the Treasury could certainly use that money immediately.

Possibly Charles will pay it.. though I believe he is paying the money for his employees who are on furlough...
Possibly Charles will pay it.. though I believe he is paying the money for his employees who are on furlough...

You believe in a lot of things that have absolutely *no* credible source to back them up. I could state too that I believe Charles is secretly financing how to make living sustainable and grow plants on Mars too but there's no real meat on that bone to back me up anywhere. ;)

Yeps. Sustainable life on Mars. Sounds like Charles. Yeps. That's the way it is folks. You've heard it here first. ?
You believe in a lot of things that have absolutely *no* credible source to back them up. I could state too that I believe Charles is secretly financing how to make living sustainable and grow plants on Mars too but there's no real meat on that bone to back me up anywhere. ;)

Yeps. Sustainable life on Mars. Sounds like Charles. Yeps. That's the way it is folks. You've heard it here first. ?

As far as I know, I read the bit about Charles paying his employees' furlough money on this forum.. I think it is possible... that he would try and save the Govt money.... I don't quite know what your point is. I think that Charles is a good hearted and conscientious person who is aware of the severe financial crisis and is using his money to help people... How that is in any way equivalent to "he might be spending his money on building life on Mars.." i dont understand. I'm working on assumptions that are based on what's known about Charles.. ie that he has allowed both his sons a large allowance to help them financially.. and that he is generally someone who tires to use his income and positon to help others...less fortunate.
Sure Betsypaige.

Two female Australian TV breakfast show personalities - “property was sold to a trust in June which happens to share an office with Meghan’s business manager ... they’ve left the Royal pay check, how can they afford this house?”

Ms Arbiter then covers the re-paying of Frogmore Cottage, the on-going costs of this new home, their possible income from speaking engagements, them having a mortgage and having paid a $5,000,000 US deposit.

A bit of a round up of the famous neighbours and their connections to the Sussexes.

One of the Oz presenters then says hasn’t Prince Charles paid for this, and Victoria says no, he has “not funded any of this” and cites public records.

Must say Ms Arbiter comes across as a lovely and genuine person.

And now in The Times" and re-reported by "The Australian" - the property "was bought by a limited liability corporation that appeared to be linked to previous companies created by Meghan".

Also - "Property records show the purchase was made with the aid of a $13,200,000 Australian dollar, 30-year mortgage"

Thanks Sun Lion and Betsypaige as the video would not open for me either. I've been curious in the past about the use of an LLC Limited Liability Corp when buying homes and other property. I had noticed Princess Madeleine and her husband had used an LLC with their home purchases in Florida.

The benefits include privacy and protection from personal lawsuits. For buyers who don’t want nosy people to be able to locate their addresses in public records, like all of us, buying a home with an LLC is the preferred way to go.? ;)

"Many buyers of high-end properties prefer using an LLC, because all property transfers are recorded and available to anyone who wants to look up information on an address. An LLC prevents buyer's name from entering the public record." Also, as the name implies, if someone injures themselves on your property then any lawsuit can only name the LLC, and the only assets that can be used to pay off the suit are those assets held in the LLC (which usually would just be your home.)

"In addition, investors commonly use an LLC to purchase properties they intend to rent to tenants because of the liability protection offered by the structure. When you own your property as an LLC you pay your property taxes through the LLC and can even funnel other costs of homeownership through the LLC."
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As far as I know, I read the bit about Charles paying his employees' furlough money on this forum.. I think it is possible... that he would try and save the Govt money.... I don't quite know what your point is. I think that Charles is a good hearted and conscientious person who is aware of the severe financial crisis and is using his money to help people... How that is in any way equivalent to "he might be spending his money on building life on Mars.." i dont understand. I'm working on assumptions that are based on what's known about Charles.. ie that he has allowed both his sons a large allowance to help them financially.. and that he is generally someone who tires to use his income and positon to help others...less fortunate.

The point really is that we don't *know* how Charles is spending his money and its really not our business to know how Charles is spending his money. its a moot point because we'll never *know* how Charles is or isn't spending his money. We can assume and agree with assumptions all we want to but it still boils down to the fact that *we don't know* and *will never know* private monetary transactions between members of the House of Windsor.

That's what I mean by I can *assume* because Charles is so into sustainable living and passionate about growing things and plants that I can *assume* he's heavily into financing endeavors for sustainable life on Mars. It doesn't make it so though but could be reasonably *assumed* to be so.

I really wish we could stick to what we know to be credible as what we base our opinions on. Credible facts that can be backed up by credible sources that are real and concrete and not *assumptions*. That's all. That's just how I see it though. Doesn't mean its an absolute. ?
If we are going to stick to "credible facts" which are backed up by an impeccable source, there simply aren't that many bout the Royal family. A certain amount is known, and IMO we have to work form that, from what we have learned about the characters involved over years of their life..

Charles is a public figure and some of his money transactions are publicly known.. and IMO its quite right that we get a picture of what he's doing with his DOC funds.
We know that while Harry has what most people would describe as amazing riches, it wasn't enough to keep him in style as a prince and pay for his engagements, but back then, he was getting free security and a free house. Now he has to buy a house and has to pay for his own security. If Charles helped him with his income in the past I can't see why he would refuse to help him at least for a time in the present.. until H manages to start earning his "independent income". I'm sure he would think it preferable to continue to pay his son an allowance than to let him go on taking favours from a stranger...
Originally Posted by Osipi View Post
You believe in a lot of things that have absolutely *no* credible source to back them up. I could state too that I believe Charles is secretly financing how to make living sustainable and grow plants on Mars too but there's no real meat on that bone to back me up anywhere.

Yeps. Sustainable life on Mars. Sounds like Charles. Yeps. That's the way it is folks. You've heard it here first.

As far as I know, I read the bit about Charles paying his employees' furlough money on this forum.. I think it is possible... that he would try and save the Govt money.... I don't quite know what your point is. I think that Charles is a good hearted and conscientious person who is aware of the severe financial crisis and is using his money to help people... How that is in any way equivalent to "he might be spending his money on building life on Mars.." i dont understand. I'm working on assumptions that are based on what's known about Charles.. ie that he has allowed both his sons a large allowance to help them financially.. and that he is generally someone who tires to use his income and positon to help others...less fortunate.

Here you are Denville, is this what you were referring to? :flowers:
"Almost 200 staff who work for Prince Charles are furloughed including his ex-valet Michael Fawcett - but unlike Victoria Beckham, he is footing the bill"

"They include workers at its headquarters in Dumfries House in Ayrshire and at the Castle of Mey in Caithness, which was the late Queen Mother's private residence. Employees at restaurants in Ballater on Deeside close to Balmoral are also affected. It is understood that salaried staff will receive 100 per cent of their monthly wage and variable hours employees will get 80 per cent of their average monthly wage."

I realize this is a Sussex thread and not a Prince Charles thread but it seemed appropriate to back up Denville's post in the greater good of posting :whistling:
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I dont recall the details but yes, it was to hte effect that Charles was paying the "furlough money" himself.. which Is IMO good of him...
Thanks for this...
I dont recall the details but yes, it was to hte effect that Charles was paying the "furlough money" himself.. which Is IMO good of him...
Thanks for this...

I have to admit here that I read the original postings wrong. As it was we were discussing the Sussexes and Charles possibly floating the Sussexes financially, I read Denville's original statement to imply that Charles was floating and financially paying the furlough money to the Sussexes office employees that found themselves out of a job when Harry and Meghan flew the coop and not employee's of Charles that found themselves out on a limb.

Yes, Charles is an amazingly man that does care about the everyday man and their environment and works harder perhaps than any other Prince of Wales before him for the people. I admire the man immensely.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I stand corrected on the "furlough money" and have learned something today. ?
Not sure where i said anything that might come across as saying that Charles was paying for H and Meg's employees since i think they left their service just before the whole problem fo people not being able to work came along. I said MANY times that I believed that Ch was paying money still to his son... and I mentioned that he also now appears to be paying the furlough money to his employees - to save the Government that is an indication of how he likes to spend his money. He does live comfortably himself but he also uses his money to help others.
Thanks Sun Lion and Betsypaige as the video would not open for me either. I've been curious in the past about the use of an LLC Limited Liability Corp when buying homes and other property. I had noticed Princess Madeleine and her husband had used an LLC with their home purchases in Florida.

The benefits include privacy and protection from personal lawsuits. For buyers who don’t want nosy people to be able to locate their addresses in public records, like all of us, buying a home with an LLC is the preferred way to go.? ;)

"Many buyers of high-end properties prefer using an LLC, because all property transfers are recorded and available to anyone who wants to look up information on an address. An LLC prevents buyer's name from entering the public record." Also, as the name implies, if someone injures themselves on your property then any lawsuit can only name the LLC, and the only assets that can be used to pay off the suit are those assets held in the LLC (which usually would just be your home.)

"In addition, investors commonly use an LLC to purchase properties they intend to rent to tenants because of the liability protection offered by the structure. When you own your property as an LLC you pay your property taxes through the LLC and can even funnel other costs of homeownership through the LLC."

Thank you Lady Daly for this information about LLCs.

Some articles I’ve seen about the mortgage have named the business entities, both the new one to buy the house and a previous one that is from the Duchess’s pre-Royal life.

And although the media haven’t reported the address, it is not a secret since the property was identified.

I can’t imagine how the Duke and Duchess may feel about all this information about their new home being out in public.

How was it kept so secret for six weeks? No-one even knew that they had moved, and now so much has been exposed.

A video has been taken off the internet, but this is a famous property on Pinterest for some reason.

Plus all the real-estate websites still have photos and all sorts of information about it still posted.

One site I saw today even had the property taxes for each year since the house was built still up on the internet.

I would think this might be a bit of a shock for Harry and Meghan, that all this private information is not actually private.

It looks to be a wonderful choice though. They must be thrilled to be living there in the California sunshine.
They've supposedly been given 10 years to pay back the money for Frogmore. Given the current financial crisis, the Treasury could certainly use that money immediately.

The treasury won't get any of the money as it was payed for by the Crown Estate as the landlord. So if they pay at all, they pay to the Crown Estate. Just like Andrew and Edward pay their rent to. But not the treasury as it wasn't yet "Taxpayer"-money.
I woudl imagine the Crown estates woudl be glad of a repayment... Money from tourisim is going to be down at present....
I think its a fair point so make, the UK has officially entered its worst ever recession, H&M have promised to pay back £2.4million in official funds but have asked for 11 years to do. Thats fine, but asking for 11 years to pay it back then dropping at least £3million in a downpayment for a mansion is going to raise eyebrows especially given the current economic situation. I'm not saying at all that they have done wrong at all but hope they don't try and play the "poor us" card as they often do if this viewpoint gains traction, it wouldn't look good for them at all.
Rich people who help their kids are not necessarily enablers. Nor are middle class people who help their kids. Harry and Meghan are not drug addicts or grifters or scofflaws or criminals. Why shouldn’t a parent help his kids have a better life?

THey already have a "better life" than 99% of people on this planet. If they were a struggling middle class couple in their mid 20s, and Dad lent them money to buy a house, that would be understandable.. For a rich man like Harry who already has a handsome fortune, to be claiming he wants financial independence yet taking hand outs form his father or from some random person, well words fail me. If H wants to "earn a professional income" he really needs to learn now before it is too late, how to manage money, how to earn it.. and get on with the job. He has plenty of money, he could downsize, live somewhere affordable and live off the income from what's left...until he or Meg are able to get some kind of work...
It's not just the palaces, it's the Royal Collection Trust as well. I don't know where the papers get the figures from, but losses running into tens of millions of pounds have been mentioned. Even now things are opening up, visitor numbers are restricted, and the overseas tourists who probably spend more in the gift shops aren't coming. It doesn't look very good that Harry and Meghan have put down a £5m deposit on a new house without repaying the Frogmore money.
I think its a fair point so make, the UK has officially entered its worst ever recession, H&M have promised to pay back £2.4million in official funds but have asked for 11 years to do. Thats fine, but asking for 11 years to pay it back then dropping at least £3million in a downpayment for a mansion is going to raise eyebrows especially given the current economic situation. I'm not saying at all that they have done wrong at all but hope they don't try and play the "poor us" card as they often do if this viewpoint gains traction, it wouldn't look good for them at all.

UK needs money? Maybe it’s time the BRF as a whole stop taking money. Lord knows this insanely wealthy family doesn’t need it.
UK needs money? Maybe it’s time the BRF as a whole stop taking money. Lord knows this insanely wealthy family doesn’t need it.

If that's the case then Harry CERTAINLY does not need it. He is not even a working member of the RF now, so he should definteily pay bakc what he owes and not take any further money from his fahter...
I think its a fair point so make, the UK has officially entered its worst ever recession, H&M have promised to pay back £2.4million in official funds but have asked for 11 years to do. Thats fine, but asking for 11 years to pay it back then dropping at least £3million in a downpayment for a mansion is going to raise eyebrows especially given the current economic situation. I'm not saying at all that they have done wrong at all but hope they don't try and play the "poor us" card as they often do if this viewpoint gains traction, it wouldn't look good for them at all.

From a US perspective though, dropping the $3million on a down payment on the home would probably be applauded in D.C. as its "stimulating" the economy that has been badly hit. That was the purpose of all Americans getting a $1,200 check each to "stimulate" the economy. Now there's possibly another round to come but our Congress is at a standstill over the details. I've already made my shopping list of what I'm going to do with mine if and when it hits my bank account. :D

This is the worse economic economic depression to hit the planet since 1929 and the Great Depression (of which very few people are still alive that actually remember those times). People can't pay their rent. Unemployment is sky high and I seriously don't think people anywhere are going to be seriously calling in their loans anytime soon for "payment in full". These are extraordinary times and extraordinary measures are being put in place that, frankly, we have never had to deal with before in our lifetime.

Yeps. Harry and Meghan are far, far better off than 99% of the people on this planet. Hope they don't forget their altruistic beliefs and when possible, their actions will speak louder than their words do. ?
Their actions DO speak MUCH louder than their words. they speak of people who have little real care for anyone but themselves.
It is very nice of Harry to spent 3M dollars to stimulate the US economy but mabye he shoudl think first about paying back what he owes to teh UK?
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