General News about the Sussex Family, Part Three: August-September 2020

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What did you think? Of course Charles would rescue him! He will be the king of the Uk's son one day!

Yes, that' doesn't make his taking favours from strangers any more admirable.
That line by the previous poster is repeated regularly on pro H&M forums. They feel that it is somehow only right that the Queen sell a few priceless heirlooms to help H&M pay their bills. I don’t know why they think that the Queen needs to sell jewelry to help them out if she wishes to do so

Because they like irony... It is so funny how people here behave as if they were the Sussex's financial advisors... Why not say the queen would give them some unknown pieces of jewellery from her vaults? It#s the same thing, honestly.

Yes, that' doesn't make his taking favours from strangers any more admirable.

You just assume he took favours from strangers. But how do you know? :D
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Because they like irony... It is so funny how people here behave as if they were the Sussex's financial advisors... Why not say the queen would give them some unknown pieces of jewellery from her vaults? It#s the same thing, honestly.

You just assume he took favours from strangers. But how do you know? :D

He's been living for months in the house of a person he does not apparently know.. and probably living rent free..
Because they like irony... It is so funny how people here behave as if they were the Sussex's financial advisors... Why not say the queen would give them some unknown pieces of jewellery from her vaults? It#s the same thing, honestly.

You just assume he took favours from strangers. But how do you know? :D

But they are financially independent. They will not need any help from his granny or father. Or at least they intend to be.
The house looks attractive and suitable for people who need some privacy. I love the California coast and I'm not surprised they chose Santa Barbara. I've visited California a few times and my 50th birthday present was a week on that coast driving a new Ford Mustang (yes lucky me!). I'm not very interested in how they're paying for their house or new life as long as it's not coming from my pocket. Good luck to them and I hope they can put this awful book behind them, find some inner peace and build bridges with the family again.
But they are financially independent. They will not need any help from his granny or father. Or at least they intend to be.

On their website they explained they didn't want to receive money from the Sovereign's grant but instead be allowed to earn a professional income. As apparently only about 5% of their income came from the Sovereign's grant, they seemed fine with keeping the 95%. So, I'm not completely sure that they wanted financial independence; they mostly wanted to earn additional income.
Exactly, financial independence on their terms. So not true financial independence
just laughing my head off. seen Harry's cameo, if so he needs to do a lot of sport :D
He's been living for months in the house of a person he does not apparently know.. and probably living rent free..

Probably rent-free... But maybe the publicity they got when living in this house was enough for the owner, when he now looks to sell the house? Or they did pay but didn't send you a copy of the receipt of payment?
There were a time here on the forums when you had to find a reliable source for claims like that. Eg. articles, but not from a tabloid. Statements of sources who give their name or books from authors who stand by what they write (not like the Katie Nicholls or Mrs. Ex-Campbell's).

Exactly, financial independence on their terms. So not true financial independence
For any other person it would be called financial independance. Inheritance/allowance (for those who have that) plus private income.
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What did you think? Of course Charles would rescue him! He will be the king of the Uk's son one day!

I'm not so sure.
I've heard comments to the effect that Charles should not be an "enabler."

If there's enough negativity, then perhaps any bailout from Charles will be on his terms. I can't see him just handing over the money without any restrictions.
Rich people who help their kids are not necessarily enablers. Nor are middle class people who help their kids. Harry and Meghan are not drug addicts or grifters or scofflaws or criminals. Why shouldn’t a parent help his kids have a better life?
...USA audience - here we are in one of the most exclusive neighbourhoods of LA ina mega mansion because we are royalty.
FYI, Montecito/Santa Barbara is absolutely not considered a neighborhood of LA, not even close.
Harry inherited money from his mother.
For example, using US numbers, because that’s were my own investments are & thus what I’m familiar with, if Harry inherited $10 million from Diana, invested around the time of her death, 23 years ago, that sum would have grown to around $58.5 million today, assuming 7-8% growth which is the US stock market’s performance since mid 1997.
Additionally I’ve read a number of reports that the Queen mum set up trusts for her grandkids, so like Beatrice and Eugenie, Harry probably inherited money from his great grandmother. There were reports that Harry inherited more that William from the Queen mother.
For all we know the Queen and Phillip may have established trusts for their grandkids, likewise Charles may have set up a trust fund for Harry, or possibly Archie and his cousins. Meghan, of course, earned a decent amount of money prior to her marriage and likely continues to earn some residuals, we don’t know if she invested her money, but it’s likely she did.
These people don’t live pay check to pay check, they pass wealth on from generation to generation by investing, setting up trusts to avoid taxes, etc..
While Harry and Meghan aren’t uber wealthy billionaires, they likely have enough in assets - his inherited and invested, hers earned and invested, to support their lifestyle.
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It sounds like it could be the title of a murder mystery, lol...Murder at the Chateau!

From the outside, I have to admit it’s gorgeous....

It has had a book written about it Betsypaige!

"Riven Rock" published in 1998, about mental illness and the husband being locked up in the gilded cage of the estate.

And the wife was a feminist - "a trailblazing women's rights activist".

I'm not making this up!

Based on real people and actual events at the property in the 19th Century.

(The Sussex's new home was built on part of this old estate.)

Here are the details -
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Probably rent-free... But maybe the publicity they got when living in this house was enough for the owner, when he now looks to sell the house? Or they did pay but didn't send you a copy of the receipt of payment?
There were a time here on the forums when you had to find a reliable source for claims like that. Eg. articles, but not from a tabloid. Statements of sources who give their name or books from authors who stand by what they write (not like the Katie Nicholls or Mrs. Ex-Campbell's).

For any other person it would be called financial independance. Inheritance/allowance (for those who have that) plus private income.

A filing in their lawsuit stated they did not pay.
Rich people who help their kids are not necessarily enablers. Nor are middle class people who help their kids. Harry and Meghan are not drug addicts or grifters or scofflaws or criminals. Why shouldn’t a parent help his kids have a better life?

Agreed. It is just l the luck of the draw. And to be fair, although I do not know if this applies to Charles, it will be their money one day anyway. If the family can afford to help them.

And even if they cannot easily help them. I know of families where the parents sold their larger house, downsized and gave the money to their children for their home.

I know parents who gave their homes to their children are grandchildren and moved instead to that child's starter, smaller home.

That Charles helps is no big deal. That he helps a child wh banged on about wanting to be financially independent, and who doesn't work although they are trying to stay relevant, is hypocrisy.
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Its widely reported Will and Harry inherited around £10million each from Diana (accounting for growth over time from diana’s death) The Queen Mother put around 2/3 of her wealth into trust for her grandchildren (all of them) in 1994. The Queen likely has given them something somehow (Trust, allowance etc) Harry is widely reported to be worth around £30million which is a lot but not that much to live a fabulously rich lifestyle without additional income. Charles gives him some money, Harry will get interest from some of his assets so they can afford this new house but for how long (with staff etc) is possibly questionable esp if they start using the capital to make the downpayment, furnish it etc.

The Queen gives all her children money, in part as Head of Windsor CEO but also as “mum” so I don’t have an issue with Charles giving Harry and Meghan money, but I’d say Charles was foolish if he just meets all their expenses no questions asked. Better IMO to give them a set allowance each month/ year which now of course they can supplement with other earnings.
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FYI, Montecito/Santa Barbara is absolutely not considered a neighborhood of LA, not even close.
Harry inherited money from his mother.
For example, using US numbers, because that’s were my own investments are & thus what I’m familiar with, if Harry inherited $10 million from Diana, invested around the time of her death, 23 years ago, that sum would have grown to around $58.5 million today, assuming 7-8% growth which is the US stock market’s performance since mid 1997.
Additionally I’ve read a number of reports that the Queen mum set up trusts for her grandkids, so like Beatrice and Eugenie, Harry probably inherited money from his great grandmother. There were reports that Harry inherited more that William from the Queen mother.
For all we know the Queen and Phillip may have established trusts for their grandkids, likewise Charles may have set up a trust fund for Harry, or possibly Archie and his cousins. Meghan, of course, earned a decent amount of money prior to her marriage and likely continues to earn some residuals, we don’t know if she invested her money, but it’s likely she did.
These people don’t live pay check to pay check, they pass wealth on from generation to generation by investing, setting up trusts to avoid taxes, etc..
While Harry and Meghan aren’t uber wealthy billionaires, they likely have enough in assets - his inherited and invested, hers earned and invested, to support their lifestyle.

I've bolded the section I believe most people forget - money makes money. No one actually knows Harry's net worth and we have no idea the team of financial advisers the Royal family have employed to ensure that their investments, albeit trust accounts, property etc - makes them the returns on investments they expect.

If the home the Meghan and Harry have purchased is indeed the one that is linked here, it is absolutely beautiful. Their little family will certainly enjoy the peace and privacy they are trying to achieve.
It’s a gorgeous home. I hope they are very happy there for many years to come.
Video of Victoria Arbiter on Australian television discussing the Riven Rock house.

Saying there was no involvement from Prince Charles in the purchase -

And while the video walk-through of the property is now no longer available on the internet, this estate seems to have had many fans before the ownership of the Sussexes.

There are many photos of it on different Pinterest sites.

Just type The Chateau of Riven Rock pinterest for more views, including from the air if you don't have Google Earth and want to see the layout of where the tea-house is situated, the tennis court and so on.
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I know the dailymail is trash , but it has some interesting info on the former owner Prince Harry and Meghan bought new £11m California mansion from Russian ‘Scarface’ oligarch

They brought the manion from Sergey Grishin. He reportedly confessed to US authorities that he stole millions from banks in Estonia and Russia.

According to Russian outlet Life, in a bid to gain American citizenship,
the California-resident dished the dirt on how he nearly collapsed Moscow's banking system with various scams.

He reportedly said: "I have stolen a lot in Estonia and Russia.

"This was the largest fraud scheme because no one knew exactly how much money was stolen.
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He's been living for months in the house of a person he does not apparently know.. and probably living rent free..

This really seems to bother you a whole lot. There are many variables to this that we just don't know. Just because the Daily Mail doesn't have gobs of stories with Harry and Perry being BFFs, it doesn't mean they don't know each other. Perhaps the connection is through Meghan and not Harry. Perhaps Perry goes to the same church as Doria like Oprah. Perhaps even Perry has it in mind to sell that house and was hoping Harry and Meghan would buy. We *just don't know* and its *not our business*. There *are* nice people out there in this world that aren't out to just "make a buck" off the backs of other people.

When it comes to Charles and his son, they've always had a very good and very loving relationship from all I've seen over the years. Even through the bad times. The Windsors are just like every other family on this planet. They have their ups and downs and feuds and celebrations but I can't wrap my head around the idea that because Harry struck out on his own (away from taxpayer money which has been explained earlier) that the whole Windsor family would ostracize and shun someone they love just because they decided to not work for the "family business" aka "The Firm".

Any of the Windsors could invest a heap into a venture to colonize Mars should they want to. HM, The Queen has huge investments into stables and breeding race horses and that doesn't come cheap. Their private investments and their private bank accounts are not our business and its another area where *we just don't know* and really shouldn't.

The problem here, I believe, is that the members of the House of Windsor are so very high profile and the general public masses through today's technology can and do witness within seconds if one of the Windsors should "cut the cheese" in public. It grows a life of its own and everyone has an opinion of what that person ate to cause the faux pas of "cutting the cheese" in public. We know if they've bought a prime rib at an outrageous price or they settled for a Big Mac and got the kid a Happy Meal. Everything is game in the lives of these people.

I wouldn't want it for anything. Even a Mounds bar. We sit back and moan that "these people" can buy a multi million dollar home and paint it neon lime green if they want but we don't stop to think how lucky we are that right now there isn't some paparazzi stalking in our bushes getting photos of us sitting at our devices talking on TRF. I tell ya, if they published a photo of me right now, it'd be enough to scare a lot of people and not show me in my best light.

Harry and Meghan are interesting people that have caused ripples in the pond of how everything should work and its upset the apple cart. There has been a lot of discussion which has been wonderful for us (I really enjoy our back and forth in discussions m'friend). There's a lot of points of view that are negative and there are positive ones too. But that's all they are. Opinions and points of view. The "down and dirty" reality may never be told and there's a lot left out that's "private" to the Windsors only that probably could and would really blow our socks off. ?
When it comes to Charles and his son, they've always had a very good and very loving relationship from all I've seen over the years. Even through the bad times. The Windsors are just like every other family on this planet. They have their ups and downs and feuds and celebrations but I can't wrap my head around the idea that because Harry struck out on his own (away from taxpayer money which has been explained earlier) that the whole Windsor family would ostracize and shun someone they love just because they decided to not work for the "family business" aka "The Firm".

I don't think the fact that they left - though surely disappointing - would be the main issue in a possible fraught relationship; the way they left (from their my way or the highway statement - and even the Southern Africa documentary - until the various ways of them getting their story out (the lawsuit and very probable the book)) would most likely be an important factor in all of that.
I don't think the fact that they left - though surely disappointing - would be the main issue in a possible fraught relationship; the way they left (from their my way or the highway statement - and even the Southern Africa documentary - until the various ways of them getting their story out (the lawsuit and very probable the book)) would most likely be an important factor in all of that.

On this, I agree with you. Its tantamount to not only not thinking clearly about what they wanted to do and how to go about doing it but reeks of a child throwing all their toys out of the playpen and then having a royal tantrum because the parent isn't picking them up fast enough. At least this is the picture painted that we're all looking at. The parents though aren't about to give up on the child though and leave him on an orphanage doorstep though. (There'd be a lot more orphanages filled with children were this to be so including all three of mine when they were infants)
On this, I agree with you. Its tantamount to not only not thinking clearly about what they wanted to do and how to go about doing it but reeks of a child throwing all their toys out of the playpen and then having a royal tantrum because the parent isn't picking them up fast enough. At least this is the picture painted that we're all looking at. The parents though aren't about to give up on the child though and leave him on an orphanage doorstep though. (There'd be a lot more orphanages filled with children were this to be so including all three of mine when they were infants)

Giving a 35-year-old man the same leeway as a toddler/baby is probably the exact reason he is the person he is today. He might not like it, but his family giving him the gift of accountability for his actions, might be the best thing they could ever do for him.
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Giving a 35-year-old man the same leeway as a toddler/baby is probably the exact reason he is the person he is today. He might not like it, but his family giving him the gift of accountability for his actions, might be the best thing they could ever do for him.

BINGO. Not only that but imagine if this was your child and every move that child makes from here on out is not only accountable by the child but the child knows that there are a gazillion eyes on him watching his every next move he makes. :lol:

Now *that's* a spotlight that to me would be the definition of hell itself. ;)
Video of Victoria Arbiter on Australian television discussing the Riven Rock house.

Saying there was no involvement from Prince Charles in the purchase -

And while the video walk-through of the property is now no longer available on the internet, this estate seems to have had many fans before the ownership of the Sussexes.

There are many photos of it on different Pinterest sites.

Just type The Chateau of Riven Rock pinterest for more views, including from the air if you don't have Google Earth and want to see the layout of where the tea-house is situated, the tennis court and so on.

Video didn’t work for me; can you summarize what Victoria said? Thanks !
Even if they bought that house with their own money, how are they going to pay for taxes, maintenance, utilities, staffs, security, Archie's future school fees, Meghan's dresses and private jets in the long run, especially when they both don't have high-paying jobs currently?
The Sussexes are not taking public money from the British taxpayer, or any other tax payer for that matter so surely their future finances are their own private business.
Video didn’t work for me; can you summarize what Victoria said? Thanks !

Sure Betsypaige.

Two female Australian TV breakfast show personalities - “property was sold to a trust in June which happens to share an office with Meghan’s business manager ... they’ve left the Royal pay check, how can they afford this house?”

Ms Arbiter then covers the re-paying of Frogmore Cottage, the on-going costs of this new home, their possible income from speaking engagements, them having a mortgage and having paid a $5,000,000 US deposit.

A bit of a round up of the famous neighbours and their connections to the Sussexes.

One of the Oz presenters then says hasn’t Prince Charles paid for this, and Victoria says no, he has “not funded any of this” and cites public records.

Must say Ms Arbiter comes across as a lovely and genuine person.

And now in The Times" and re-reported by "The Australian" - the property "was bought by a limited liability corporation that appeared to be linked to previous companies created by Meghan".

Also - "Property records show the purchase was made with the aid of a $13,200,000 Australian dollar, 30-year mortgage"
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Even if they bought that house with their own money, how are they going to pay for taxes, maintenance, utilities, staffs, security, Archie's future school fees, Meghan's dresses and private jets in the long run, especially when they both don't have high-paying jobs currently?

Maybe, just maybe, Meghan has a super duper rich secret sugar daddy hidden away in the tea house that looks really, really blue and lives in an ornate bottle on the side table when other people are around. :eek:

Works as good as any other assumption I've heard. :lol:
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