Summary of article in Billed Bladet #29, 2012.
Fantastisk ferie i bjergene - Fantastic holiday in the mountains.
Written by Anna Johannesen.
After having spend some days in Tisvilde, M&F and their children flew to Seattle, Washington.
They didn't look at the city but went on to a "secret location" in the mountains and here they stayed for two weeks.
Frederik had to leave his family some days early as he had to return to the opening of the general assembly of the International Tennis Federation.
However Mary and her children, and also Caroline and Peter Heering and their children landed in Copenhagen Sunday, so it's presumed the two couples went on holiday together.
There are plenty of opportunities for an active holiday in that part of USA, with rafting, hiking and it is assumed riding as well.
- My guess is that M&F are now in Trend, until they join the rest of the family in Gråsten tomorrow forenoon.