Frederik, Mary and Family on Summer Holidays: 2005-2008, 2012-2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
We own a summer house in Tisvildeleje and did indeed see them at Sankt Hans on the beach (which was absolutely stuffed by the way, wonder if people had tipped Mary and Frederik off). Didn't approach them as I thought they were entitled to some privacy, but seems like the press found them afterall. I believe they are staying with the Heering family in their summer house in Tisvildeleje. I've actually got an overall photo of the bonfire just so you can get a feeling of the place (don't mind the instagram-effects).
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Do the couple own any summer house in Denmark?
Really nice family pictures & a nice clear glimpse of the twins who actually look very much alike.
We own a summer house in Tisvildeleje and did indeed see them at Sankt Hans on the beach (which was absolutely stuffed by the way, wonder if people had tipped Mary and Frederik off). Didn't approach them as I thought they were entitled to some privacy, but seems like the press found them afterall. I believe they are staying with the Heering family in their summer house in Tisvildeleje. I've actually got an overall photo of the bonfire just so you can get a feeling of the place (don't mind the instagram-effects).
How fun! Thanks for sharing the photo. And good for you for trying to give them some privacy.
Bad form for the parents not wearing bike helmets also:bang:
Thank you for the insight Zelia! Is the bonfire usually that packed or do you think that it was Mary and Frederick's presence that made the event more popular than usual? You seem to imply that the latter was the case.

Also, can I just say how lovely all the children in the bonfire pictures are dressed? I know this is probably a trivial topic, but Scandinavian children seem to be nonplussed by cartoon characters, hideous colors, sparkles, princess dresses, superhero-themed clothing and the like. They wear practical, timeless, classical clothes. I live in the States where I always have a hard time finding this kind of clothes for my children. It is really refreshing to see. (Incidentally, and completely OT, if you know of any brand sold in the U.S. that you can suggest, send them my way! Thanks)
Here's my opinion, Juliette and perhaps lots will disagree...I think it could well be a cultural thing unique to the Danes OR perhaps more controversially it could be a class thing...M&F hang out in middle/upper class areas with middle/upper class peeps and shop in middle/upper class kidswear 'boutiques' which is where you find clothes like these...Even in Australia where I live, you can go to the department stores and find all the bright merchandise-style clothes and then you go to an upmarket kids boutique and you find gorgeous clothes, in more subdued colours, no transfers or bedazzling to be seen and this comes with a price tag ($50 compared to $5 let's say)...And most people see quality clothing for kids (who are notorious for wrecking stuff) as excessive and a luxury...
Do the couple own any summer house in Denmark?
Really nice family pictures & a nice clear glimpse of the twins who actually look very much alike.

No, they don't. Except for the hunting lodge in Trend. They'll propably be heading that way at some point.
I think it could well be a cultural thing unique to the Danes OR perhaps more controversially it could be a class thing
I don't know about unique to the Danes, Nordic maybe.
The kids seem to be dressed very similar to kids where I am too.
Summary of a number of articles in Billed Bladet #26, 2012.
Written by Helle Skram de Fries and Ulrik Ulriksen.

As we know now, M&F and the children have started their holiday at Tisvilde, located on the northern coast of Zealand, actually not far from Fredensborg.

Last Saturday was Sankt Hans (Saint Hans) evening here in DK and this is when we celebrate the midsummer with bonfires at dusk. Traditionally a witch is placed in the fire, sitting on a broom and when the fire reaches her, she will according to floklore fly to Blocksberg/Brocken in Germany. Here witches and demons gather and party with the Devil.
There is often a speech and usually those present sing Midsommervisen = The midsummers song. (You can find it YouTube). At this time of the year the sun goes down around 22.30 and it up again around 03.00. It isn't really dark until between 23.30-02.00.

Okay, M&F plus Christian and Bella and quite a few of their friends. The people you see in the pictures close to M&F are mostly friends and not strangers.
Among the friends were Birgitte and Jeppe Handwerk.
Peter and Caroline Heering.
Anna-Sofie Reese.
Julie Mølsgaard.
- And their children.

M&F arrived in Tisvilde on Sankt Hans day (Saturday) and their friends joined them there.
The various children played at the summer cottage M&F have borrowed in the afternoon and in the evening all the friends gathered at the Handwerks. (Presumably they have a summer cottage there as well). Before going down to the beach to see the bonfire a little after 22.00.

M&F arrived to the cottage in the afternoon and were soon joined there by the Handwerks, who dropped by. The children played a bit in the garden.
But in the evening M&F were observed cycling from their borrowed summer cottage over to the Handwerk cottage. Christian in the lead, prudently wearing a helmet. Bella was wiser, she sat in a "Christiania-bike" (*), with dad as chauffeur. PET were also using the rye-bread engines.
The twins were left back in the cottage in the care of a nanny.
This is the third summer holiday in a row where the M&F go to Tisvilde.

Tuesday forenoon Mary was observed wheeling a twin-pram through the streets of Tisvildeleje village. Ziggy and PET provided perimiter security.
Julie Mølsgaard followed behind holding Isaballe's hand. Christian was still in school. (**) Frederik was on the job.
In the prams sat two, fairly longhaired twins and studied the world on the way to the bakers. Our reporter says the twins were singing, well....
But a passer-by exclaimed: "My, how they have grown"!

(*) It's actually a bike from Nihola, but such bikes are usually referred to as Christiania-bikes here in DK.

(**) The summer holiday for most schools in DK starts tomorrow and lasts six weeks.
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Thank you for the insight Zelia! Is the bonfire usually that packed or do you think that it was Mary and Frederick's presence that made the event more popular than usual? You seem to imply that the latter was the case.

It generally is a very popular place to gather for Sankt Hans and there usually are a lot of people, but for some reason I just think there were even more this year. Might be because of Frederik and Mary, but to be honest I don't think that a lot of people knew they were there (or at least I heard more discussing the presence of our former Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen than I heard people mention the royals).
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wearing a helmet. Bella was wiser, she sat in a "Christiania-bike" (*),
(*) It's actually a bike from Nihola, but such bikes are usually referred to as Christiania-bikes here in DK.
Nope, not here in Copenhagen. They are refered to as "Niholabike" or "Christianiabike" according to which one is in the limelight :flowers:
I like that Mary and Frederik are doing some country holiday in Denmark. We/The press should leave them alone however and give them some privacy.
Here's my opinion, Juliette and perhaps lots will disagree...I think it could well be a cultural thing unique to the Danes OR perhaps more controversially it could be a class thing...M&F hang out in middle/upper class areas with middle/upper class peeps and shop in middle/upper class kidswear 'boutiques' which is where you find clothes like these...

Maybe it's as you say. In any case, for a summer solstice, boy, it seemed really COLD!!! Look how everybody's dressed! Is that pretty typical?

It generally is a very popular place to gather for Sankt Hans and there usually are a lot of people, but for some reason I just think there were even more this year. Might be because of Frederik and Mary, but to be honest I don't think that a lot of people knew they were there (or at least I heard more discussing the presence of our former Prime Minster Poul Nyrup Rasmussen than I heard people mention the royals).

Thanks for your reply!

Nope, not here in Copenhagen. They are refered to as "Niholabike" or "Christianiabike" according to which one is in the limelight :flowers:

Why is it referred to (sometimes!) as Christiania-bike? Is it because prince Christian made it "popular"?
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Maybe it's as you say. In any case, for a summer solstice, boy, it seemed really COLD!!! Look how everybody's dressed! Is that pretty typical?

I noticed that too! I think it's going up to 100 here this weekend.
Why is it referred to (sometimes!) as Christiania-bike? Is it because prince Christian made it "popular"?

No, the name stems from the famous/notorius 'freetown of Christiania' in the middle of Copenhagen (link to a short description of Christiania: which claims to be the first to manufacture this praticular kind of bike.

(A gallery of pictures from Christiania - whose most famous street is 'Pusher Street'......
No, the name stems from the famous/notorius 'freetown of Christiania' in the middle of Copenhagen (link to a short description of Christiania: which claims to be the first to manufacture this praticular kind of bike.

Thank you very much UserDane! Very helpful!

She looks like she is riding actualy outside her own "home" The palace Amalienborg!
Unlike the other years, it seems like the press/paparazzis could not find F+M and children on their private summer vacation this year. It's just nice for them to have some private time together, but I must be honest and admit that I start to miss the family a little bit :D

I really want to see the little Josephine and Vincent soon - they have grown so fast lately :blush:
No, the name stems from the famous/notorius 'freetown of Christiania' in the middle of Copenhagen (link to a short description of Christiania: which claims to be the first to manufacture this praticular kind of bike

Princess Marie has one of these bikes too and there's a photo around somewhere to prove it! They are good for ferrying kids and dogs around:D!

Princess Marie has one of these bikes too and there's a photo around somewhere to prove it! They are good for ferrying kids and dogs around:D!

But isn´t it also a Nihola that Pss Marie and P Joachim has? :ermm:
According to BB's cover, the Crown Prince family have been in the USA as part of their summer holiday. Does anyone have more information on this?
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #29, 2012.
Fantastisk ferie i bjergene - Fantastic holiday in the mountains.
Written by Anna Johannesen.

After having spend some days in Tisvilde, M&F and their children flew to Seattle, Washington.
They didn't look at the city but went on to a "secret location" in the mountains and here they stayed for two weeks.

Frederik had to leave his family some days early as he had to return to the opening of the general assembly of the International Tennis Federation.
However Mary and her children, and also Caroline and Peter Heering and their children landed in Copenhagen Sunday, so it's presumed the two couples went on holiday together.

There are plenty of opportunities for an active holiday in that part of USA, with rafting, hiking and it is assumed riding as well.

- My guess is that M&F are now in Trend, until they join the rest of the family in Gråsten tomorrow forenoon.
Thank you Muhler for the details. Do you know roughly when they left for the United States? Do you think we might get pictures at some point or was this a total secret visit.
Thank you Muhler for the details. Do you know roughly when they left for the United States? Do you think we might get pictures at some point or was this a total secret visit.

Towards the end of June, IMO. They were supposedly a fortnight in the US, Frederik returned a couple of days before Mary because of his royal duties and besides, they don't travel on the same plane.
Billed-Bladet doesn't have much to go on and since TRH managed to keep the trip secret I for one doubt that we'll be getting any pictures, unless of course they decide otherwise :)!

Summary of article in Billed Bladet #29, 2012.
Fantastisk ferie i bjergene - Fantastic holiday in the mountains.
Written by Anna Johannesen.

After having spend some days in Tisvilde, M&F and their children flew to Seattle, Washington.
They didn't look at the city but went on to a "secret location" in the mountains and here they stayed for two weeks.

Frederik had to leave his family some days early as he had to return to the opening of the general assembly of the International Tennis Federation.
However Mary and her children, and also Caroline and Peter Heering and their children landed in Copenhagen Sunday, so it's presumed the two couples went on holiday together.

There are plenty of opportunities for an active holiday in that part of USA, with rafting, hiking and it is assumed riding as well.

- My guess is that M&F are now in Trend, until they join the rest of the family in Gråsten tomorrow forenoon.

Thank you for the translation, as always :flowers:. It seems that the family wanted to enjoy some peace and quiet on the West Coast of the United States. There are certainly many beautiful places to choose from, so I hope they came away satisfied.
I guess with Prince Christian starting school soon (on August 20th I believe) they are not going to spend any time at all in France this year. Too bad! I imagine that at this point Mary is settling into a routine in Copenhagen to smooth Prince Christian's back-to-school time....

I guess with Prince Christian starting school soon (on August 20th I believe) they are not going to spend any time at all in France this year. Too bad! I imagine that at this point Mary is settling into a routine in Copenhagen to smooth Prince Christian's back-to-school time....

Prince Christian starts in school this Monday the 13th :flowers:

Skoleporten Tranegrdskolen
It's the end of the summer vacation for the CP family I assume. Christian back to school and Mary starts work on August 15 in Denmark while Frederik is regent.
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