Felipe, Prince of Asturias & Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano: 22 May 2004

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I have a question why does it seem to me that Prince Felipe and Letizia are putting on a "front" for everyone. If you ask me Felipe reminds me alot of Prince Albert. Neither one of these men put me in the mind frame of "family men." Why I don't know, but I think their past behavior has alot to say for me thinking the way that I do. I believe if Princess Grace had been around Prince Albert would have been married, at least once anyway. He may have even been divorced. Who knows? But Felipe was different, his mother is alive, and there in itself lies a story. Queen Sofia is a traditionalist at heart, it appears. She is also very conservative and a devout Catholic but to to a fault. In my heart, I believe Queen Sofia wanted her son to get married that she was will to settled for the next thing other than an underwear,for a daughter-in-law, even if it meant a divoree. Knowing what the general public knows now about their beloved Letizia how can they think she is soooo wonderful. Because she is not. Can anyone tell me anything about this women that screams wonderful or great for that matter? I cannot think of one? For a women, who marries a former professor and later divorces him after her career takes off; I don't know? Then when she marries Felipe, they both want to put on this dignified show for everyone. Come on Felipe and Letizia let your ttue nature slip we know it is there somewhere hiding. Both of you do not have this stellar past? Felipe tramped all over Spain and Europe with his former underwear model and Letizia having a relationship with her teacher. Once again come on Felipe and Letizia. You all cannot act as if all of your lives you'll had bourgeoise behavior. Why not give the women a sack on the lips Felipe because the whole world knows she married been married, so what's up with the white dress, honey this is your second time around, I don't care if if it was a civil union; it's still marriage in the eyes of God, and Felipe we know you like your models in their underwear and you don't mind if the whole world can see. So stop the show!! :yuk:
Originally posted by Akilah@Jun 14th, 2004 - 8:27 pm
I have a question why does it seem to me that Prince Felipe and Letizia are putting on a "front" for everyone. If you ask me Felipe reminds me alot of Prince Albert. Neither one of these men put me in the mind frame of "family men." Why I don't know, but I think their past behavior has alot to say for me thinking the way that I do. I believe if Princess Grace had been around Prince Albert would have been married, at least once anyway. He may have even been divorced. Who knows? But Felipe was different, his mother is alive, and there in itself lies a story. Queen Sofia is a traditionalist at heart, it appears. She is also very conservative and a devout Catholic but to to a fault. In my heart, I believe Queen Sofia wanted her son to get married that she was will to settled for the next thing other than an underwear,for a daughter-in-law, even if it meant a divoree. Knowing what the general public knows now about their beloved Letizia how can they think she is soooo wonderful. Because she is not. Can anyone tell me anything about this women that screams wonderful or great for that matter? I cannot think of one? For a women, who marries a former professor and later divorces him after her career takes off; I don't know? Then when she marries Felipe, they both want to put on this dignified show for everyone. Come on Felipe and Letizia let your ttue nature slip we know it is there somewhere hiding. Both of you do not have this stellar past? Felipe tramped all over Spain and Europe with his former underwear model and Letizia having a relationship with her teacher. Once again come on Felipe and Letizia. You all cannot act as if all of your lives you'll had bourgeoise behavior. Why not give the women a sack on the lips Felipe because the whole world knows she married been married, so what's up with the white dress, honey this is your second time around, I don't care if if it was a civil union; it's still marriage in the eyes of God, and Felipe we know you like your models in their underwear and you don't mind if the whole world can see. So stop the show!! :yuk:
You seem to have a tremendous amount of hatred and venom for Felipe and Letizia. Why is that? Have you ever met them before or talked to them to be able to make this broad sweep of hatred towards them.

I don't care if if it was a civil union; it's still marriage in the eyes of God,

This seems like a redundant statement. :huh: If you marry before a justice of the peace, a mayor, a lawyer, etc., someone other than a religious figure, but someone who still has the authority to marry people, then it is certainly not before "the eyes of God." God may be "watching" so to speak, but you aren't making a promise or a vow in a place of holiness before God in the same manner as what Felipe and Letizia did in church on the day of their wedding. A very distinct difference between making a vow before God and making a vow while God is watching.

Also FYI: I don't believe Sofia is Catholic. I believe she remained faithful to her Greek Orthodox upbringing, even when she married Juan Carlos. She did however, agree to raise any children born to them as a Catholic, to Juan Carlos' faith.
Oopsssssssssssssss........... My bad I was not informed. Thanks. But It does not change the fact that Felipe and Letizia are tasteless royals (they make anybody with money appear grandiose). They really have no standards.
And another thing I don't spit vemon never have and never will. I just make people think a little harder, and I just made my point. You responded just as I hoped. B)
Another thing I want to point out. In the eyes of God when a man and women consummated their union in the eyes of God they are married. If Letizia consummated her marriage to the teacher after their civil union, they were married in the eyes of God.
Originally posted by Genevieve+Jun 14th, 2004 - 8:26 pm--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Genevieve @ Jun 14th, 2004 - 8:26 pm)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Akilah@Jun 14th, 2004 - 8:27 pm
I have a question why does it seem to me that Prince Felipe and Letizia are putting on a "front" for everyone.  If you ask me Felipe reminds me alot of Prince Albert.  Neither one of these men put me in the mind frame of "family men."  Why I don't know, but I think their past behavior has alot to say for me thinking the way that I do.  I believe if Princess Grace had been around Prince Albert would have been married, at least once anyway.  He may have even been divorced.  Who knows?  But Felipe was different, his mother is alive, and there in itself lies a story.  Queen Sofia is a traditionalist at heart, it appears.  She is also very conservative and a devout Catholic but to to a fault.  In my heart, I believe Queen Sofia wanted her son to get married that she was will to settled for the next thing other than an underwear,for a daughter-in-law, even if it meant a divoree.  Knowing what the general public knows now about their beloved Letizia how can they think she is soooo wonderful.  Because she is not.  Can anyone tell me anything about this women that screams wonderful or great for that matter?  I cannot think of one?  For a women, who marries a former professor and later divorces him after her career takes off; I don't know?  Then when she marries Felipe, they both want to put on this dignified show for everyone.  Come on Felipe and Letizia let your ttue nature slip we know it is there somewhere hiding.  Both of you do not have this stellar past?  Felipe tramped all over Spain and Europe with his former underwear model and Letizia having a relationship with her teacher.  Once again come on Felipe and Letizia.  You all cannot act as if all of your lives you'll had bourgeoise behavior.  Why not give the women a sack on the lips Felipe because the whole world knows she married been married, so what's up with the white dress, honey this is your second time around, I don't care if if it was a civil union; it's still marriage in the eyes of God, and Felipe we know you like your models in their underwear and you don't mind if the whole world can see.  So stop the show!!  :yuk:
You seem to have a tremendous amount of hatred and venom for Felipe and Letizia. Why is that? Have you ever met them before or talked to them to be able to make this broad sweep of hatred towards them.

I don't care if if it was a civil union; it's still marriage in the eyes of God,

This seems like a redundant statement. :huh: If you marry before a justice of the peace, a mayor, a lawyer, etc., someone other than a religious figure, but someone who still has the authority to marry people, then it is certainly not before "the eyes of God." God may be "watching" so to speak, but you aren't making a promise or a vow in a place of holiness before God in the same manner as what Felipe and Letizia did in church on the day of their wedding. A very distinct difference between making a vow before God and making a vow while God is watching.

Also FYI: I don't believe Sofia is Catholic. I believe she remained faithful to her Greek Orthodox upbringing, even when she married Juan Carlos. She did however, agree to raise any children born to them as a Catholic, to Juan Carlos' faith. [/b][/quote]
Honestly .. I dont know what this lady is talking about .. Letizia got married in the Church. She has her life before she married Felipe and so did he before he married her. They are obviously happy .. and in love.. can't we be happy for them? I hope they have loads of children. I think the wedding was beautiful and tasteful. Lets be happy for people who have found each other... cant we?
I think you are confused as well? I made some errors in typing. Basicly what I am trying to say, in the simplest terms, is: both Felipe and Letizia are trying to be something they are not. Meaning dignified royals. They are not void of scandal. Some royals are, but not all (won't speak in absolutes). However, both Felipe and Letizia are young, but both have started off on the wrong footing, especially Letizia, with her civil marriage.

In their wedding picture, you see a couple trying so hard to appear to the world as refined, which we can all see from their wedding photos, but in reality they both are simply ordinary people, who in my opinion do not reflect a breeding (royalty), one of which Felipe was born with, but at times seems to forget, and Letizia will never have. :p

This concludes my case. Good Night :flower:
Originally posted by Akilah@Jun 14th, 2004 - 7:27 pm
I have a question why does it seem to me that Prince Felipe and Letizia are putting on a "front" for everyone.  If you ask me Felipe reminds me alot of Prince Albert.  Neither one of these men put me in the mind frame of "family men."  Why I don't know, but I think their past behavior has alot to say for me thinking the way that I do.  I believe if Princess Grace had been around Prince Albert would have been married, at least once anyway.  He may have even been divorced.  Who knows?  But Felipe was different, his mother is alive, and there in itself lies a story.  Queen Sofia is a traditionalist at heart, it appears.  She is also very conservative and a devout Catholic but to to a fault.  In my heart, I believe Queen Sofia wanted her son to get married that she was will to settled for the next thing other than an underwear,for a daughter-in-law, even if it meant a divoree.  Knowing what the general public knows now about their beloved Letizia how can they think she is soooo wonderful.  Because she is not.  Can anyone tell me anything about this women that screams wonderful or great for that matter?  I cannot think of one?  For a women, who marries a former professor and later divorces him after her career takes off; I don't know?  Then when she marries Felipe, they both want to put on this dignified show for everyone.  Come on Felipe and Letizia let your ttue nature slip we know it is there somewhere hiding.  Both of you do not have this stellar past?  Felipe tramped all over Spain and Europe with his former underwear model and Letizia having a relationship with her teacher.  Once again come on Felipe and Letizia.  You all cannot act as if all of your lives you'll had bourgeoise behavior.  Why not give the women a sack on the lips Felipe because the whole world knows she married been married, so what's up with the white dress, honey this is your second time around, I don't care if if it was a civil union; it's still marriage in the eyes of God, and Felipe we know you like your models in their underwear and you don't mind if the whole world can see.  So stop the show!!  :yuk:
Just accept they are now happily married...and luckily they did not take our opinion on their union...Also, why to be double standard...why can't a royalty marry a previously divorced woman...

And assuming they sound to you ordinary people, for you to know this is positive in the sense that the public will connect to them more. Will you be happy if they were they too showy about their royality....

All in all, Felipe is now married to the woman he chose over so many others...This is a FACT now, deal with it.. :innocent:
Originally posted by Akilah@Jun 14th, 2004 - 8:40 pm
Another thing I want to point out.  In the eyes of God when a man and women consummated their union in the eyes of God they are married.  If Letizia consummated her marriage to the teacher after their civil union, they were married in the eyes of God.
If this is your stand about 'consumation of love' then you might as well say it to the other CPs, Mette-Marit even bear a fruit of that love consummation, and Mary lived with her boyfriend of 7 years (Brent Annels). At least Letizia married her man (civil), now who's got values? :flower:
Originally posted by Akilah@Jun 14th, 2004 - 8:35 pm
Oopsssssssssssssss........... My bad I was not informed. Thanks. But It does not change the fact that Felipe and Letizia are tasteless royals (they make anybody with money appear grandiose). They really have no standards.
And another thing I don't spit vemon never have and never will. I just make people think a little harder, and I just made my point. You responded just as I hoped. B)
You just contradicted yourself :rolleyes:
I wish happiness for everyone including Humble, Nouwrein, and even my sister. I frankly do not care what CP Felipe, Letizia, Mary, Mette, William, or Princess Haya do as long as the are happy. I am an American and proud to be one. Royalty does not exist in my part of the world. To be honest, I don't really understand it. I can say I feel the result of monarchies through "the common law tradition" under state laws in my country but other than that I know nothing. I have always thought of royalty as "exemplary" figurea who are suppose to rise above medocrity in society and be a beaken for their people. However, the royal houses across the world have, in my opinion, fallen to the level of everyday mundane people that are just like everyone else. To me, royalty is more than mundane or ordinary. It is pomp and circumstance. I am not saying royalty should not conform as society changes, but they should not compromise principle and intergity. These princes choice in women were there own, and the women they chose were the best choice for them. I am proud of their conviction and strength in making their decision.

As aside note:

I voice my opinion on this board as many other personsdo. I am not one of the fanatical people who live and sleep royalty. I do not post messages on on other message boards about Letizia or Mary, because i would not like to be in their shoes. The highly visible roles they now play is to one to envy and I give my support to anyone strong enough to take it on. Yet, I do not guarantee that my comment are correct. As I don't believe that all others on this forum are correct. Many of the statements on this board on opinionated more so that factual, and more trival than serious. Therefore, I am not angered by any comment made about my comments or alludes to my sanity. Peace and Love. :wacko:
Very nice set of pictures, nouwrein. I especially like the ones that show the train of her gown spread out nice and full in back. Excellent! :heart:
If I find the time this weekend, I’ll do it. The article is soooooooooo long.
perhaps someone can be kind enough to clarify a point for me. .i see readers are posting vehemently that Latizia got married civily.. did she not get married in the church.. I think we saw taht spectacle did we not? So how .. can she have gotten married civilly? I know in my country you get a marriage license.. but you still get married in the church or however have you .. so how is she married civil :cry: :unsure: y .. please explain this.
Originally posted by Queen of Portugal@Jun 18th, 2004 - 8:20 pm
perhaps someone can be kind enough to clarify a point for me. .i see readers are posting vehemently that Latizia got married civily.. did she not get married in the church.. I think we saw taht spectacle did we not? So how .. can she have gotten married civilly? I know in my country you get a marriage license.. but you still get married in the church or however have you .. so how is she married civil :cry:  :unsure: y .. please explain this.

It means that she did not have a church wedding, or she didn't get married in the church. She married in front of a government official such as a mayor or a judge.

My parents had a civil marriage in front of a mayor but did not have a church wedding. However, the issue with Letizia is that a lot of people think that civil marriages don't "count" and are "not considered to be marriage" in the eyes of the Catholic church...I disagree...My parents had a civil marriage and they are very much married. If they were to divorce (knock on wood, Heaven forbid!), the marriage would still be a fact.
Ahh...if you could do this that would be fantastic! You're a jewel. :D

Would it help if I put it into a free website translator on here first or would that be more confusing?
Originally posted by nouwrein@Jun 15th, 2004 - 8:33 pm
Here's a bigger picture of Felipe and Letizia's wedding cake

Felipe & Letizia's wedding cake

Posted by Octavius in GREMB
Felipe and Letizia's cake was not your traditional white wedding cake!
Guests were served individual portions of a similar cake, which had received the name of "Gianduja Real" and was made by a chocolatier in Alicante called Torreblanca (you can download the recipe in Spanish from their website at http://www.torreblanca.net/2002/esp/GiandujaReal.htm
Whhooaa, that is one (many) impressive wedding cake(s)!!!! It looks like chocolate. Too bad, I think my family would like me to have a more "traditional" wedding cake, but that looks so yummy!

Is that bottom layer wood? Or is it cake as well?
uff, that's a lot... i'll see if i can translate it in pieces. a little day by day... :p
here are the first paragraphs.

a historical day

there weren't tears in the eyes of the bride and the groom, but the god of the rain cryied in the wedding. 22-m, day when letizia became the future queen of asturias, will be historic because of the quantity of rain at the entrance of letizia. it couldn't be a celebration full of people and sun but the royal house could shorten the distances between people and nobility. who saw the faces of the royal family waiting for the bride? who wasn't in that moment one of them? to say that known phrase 'i'm a happy men' the prince had many feelings to think about and lots of hours to think about. the wedding for the prince started at 6 o clock in the morning, only 4 or 5 hours after the gala dinner.
the guests started arriving at 9 o clock. some of them came by bus and others in private cars. there wan't any protocol in the entrance, sportsmen, politics and princes entered without distinction. the rain was only a threat and people hoped that the luck of the king was present that day also. the rain started when sofia and felipe entered in the cathedral. sofia couldn't and didn't want to go faster, although rain was starting to fall.
That's what I am wondering.

Are the decorations supposed to represent something?

My sister just saw the cake and said if she were the bride she would have cried when she saw that cake. My sister thinks it looks awful. I kind of agree. I probably wouldn't have even known it was supposed to be a cake if I wouldn't have been told.
It's more of a pastry competition showpiece rather than a wedding cake. I like it, but I don't think it fits the mold for a wedding...It's a pretty modern thing to do.
Originally posted by samitude@Jun 19th, 2004 - 9:24 am
That's what I am wondering.

Are the decorations supposed to represent something?

My sister just saw the cake and said if she were the bride she would have cried when she saw that cake. My sister thinks it looks awful. I kind of agree. I probably wouldn't have even known it was supposed to be a cake if I wouldn't have been told.
that is not a cake that is FLAN.. it is a spanish desert.. that is custard.. with a caramel type of coating on top .. there were several types of deserts that were created just for the wedding .. one was a type of nougat candy that is almond flavored it is popular there in Spain and Italy .. as well as the flan .. its light and quite delicious. There is also a cake called tres leches.. meaning literally three milk .. it is made with cream and milk and is kinda wet but very very delicious. the desert in the pic is flan .. not cake as we are used to in the term cake.
here is the link of the official distribution of the guests in the royal palace of madrid, in the banquet.
thank you all for helping out and posting picttures and thoughts

I like Victor-Emmanuelle lol. What a great guy, lol it is just hilarious, hes a tough guy, reminds me of my grandpa.
I watched the wedding again over the last week and I must say that I think it is underrated. It was quite musical and serious and religious. I also liked the glimpses of pre-wedding dinenr that I saw. The royals at their various tables. It was nice to see them in a more real situation.
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