Fashion and Style of Royal Men, Part 8: July 2022 - June 2024

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I don't think it's the length of Nikolai's hair. He's had it about that long before. It just needs a slightly better style.

He looks extremely handsome with short hair (see two years ago?), but this probably gives some more variety for his career.

He also really likes that belt!
Gabriel has a military haircut, and it suits him well:)
A youthful, casual and appropriate outfit for the occasion.

There is no need to dress up so much that you distance yourself too much from the geeks... I mean the attendees at a tech exhibition. ?
You should always try and find something positive. So... I like his handkerchief. ?

As for the rest, it reminds me of an episode of Columbo where the detective visits a shelter for homeless and is offered a decent set of clothes in place of what he is wearing.
I suggest Haakon stays away from homeless shelters.

- Or perhaps he didn't... :ohmy:
Crown Prince Haakon's pullover sweater underneath his suit jacket adds a feature of casualness to the entire look.
Crown Prince Haakon at the SIKT conference in Trondheim on 18 October


Where is the brown shoes ?
OMG! If I hadn't seen it I would not have believed it. What was he thinking? His suit looks to be ok but the addition of a jumper under the jacket made it impossible to wear a tie and squished the shirt collar into an almost unrecognisable mess and rendered said jacket lumpy and bumpy and the trousers were ruined by the tongue of the sneakers. There is just no way to equate the way the trousers of the suit break on a nice pair of brogues compared with the crumpled, rumpled mess on top of his blue sneakers. He is one hot mess!

I looked at his pocket kerchief and tried to be positive Muhler, honest I did. and guess what, I am positive that this particular ensemble is the worst incarnation of men's daywear he has inflicted upon us yet. He is an attractive man with a winning smile but his sartorial choices are unbelievable, unattractive and just plain awful.

And yes, I am positive that he should never wear this ensemble again and, if he does, heaven forfend he wear it to a homeless shelter. :eek:
He was at a conference for 20 to 40 year olds. He was trying to be a cool dad. (It usually results in Ingrid Alex laughing at him, of course.)

As ever, I maintain Haakon's fashion is about 95% not to be taken seriously as long as he has a perfectly nice face and movie-villain facial hair.

The bigger puzzle is him not wearing the blue watch, maybe.
Oh dear, Daniel too has tried to go college-teacher-style.

Nothing wrong with a double-breasted suit. There is never anything wrong with a double-breasted suit. There cannot ever be anything wrong with a double-breasted suit.
But combined with a turtleneck!?! A turtleneck in a dull color on top of that.
No, no - that's a fail.

Turtlenecks should be abolished as a crime against mankind.
No man should be forced to wear a garment that throttles him, while at the same time stripping him of what they have left of his masculinity.
James Bond would never wear a turtleneck.
Did John Wayne ever wear a turtleneck? Clint Eastwood?
The Terminator aka Arnold?
I rest my case.
OMG! If I hadn't seen it I would not have believed it. What was he thinking? His suit looks to be ok but the addition of a jumper under the jacket made it impossible to wear a tie and squished the shirt collar into an almost unrecognisable mess and rendered said jacket lumpy and bumpy and the trousers were ruined by the tongue of the sneakers. There is just no way to equate the way the trousers of the suit break on a nice pair of brogues compared with the crumpled, rumpled mess on top of his blue sneakers. He is one hot mess!

I looked at his pocket kerchief and tried to be positive Muhler, honest I did. and guess what, I am positive that this particular ensemble is the worst incarnation of men's daywear he has inflicted upon us yet. He is an attractive man with a winning smile but his sartorial choices are unbelievable, unattractive and just plain awful.

And yes, I am positive that he should never wear this ensemble again and, if he does, heaven forfend he wear it to a homeless shelter. :eek:
What´s your problem?! He looks super cool - many royal men, often wearing very dull and boring clothes even in their younger years, could well and truly learn from him!
Sentences like "He is one hot mess" or "unbelievable, unattractive and just plain awful" is really an offence and a pretty outrageous thing to say! I doubt you would dare claiming this when this would be about a lady because this would be damned "politically incorrect"...!
And, Muhler, for heaven´s sake, what on earth would be wrong for a man to wear turtle neck?! During all my lifetime this has never been an unfamiliar sight. I mean, aren´t we living in times when we discuss men starting to wear dresses and other stuff like that? It´s not what I like or would ever wear myself, but I do hope that the times for ROYAL men having to choose between uniform or a suit are well and truly over!
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Prince Daniel looks good in a turtleneck sweater.
On The Lawrence Welk Show, two singers Clay Hart and Tom Netherton sometimes wore turtlenecks.
What´s your problem?! He looks super cool - many royal men, often wearing very dull and boring clothes even in their younger years, could well and truly learn from him!
Sentences like "He is one hot mess" or "unbelievable, unattractive and just plain awful" is really an offence and a pretty outrageous thing to say! I doubt you would dare claiming this when this would be about a lady because this would be damned "politically incorrect"...!
And, Muhler, for heaven´s sake, what on earth would be wrong for a man to wear turtle neck?! During all my lifetime this has never been an unfamiliar sight. I mean, aren´t we living in times when we discuss men starting to wear dresses and other stuff like that? It´s not what I like or would ever wear myself, but I do hope that the times for ROYAL men having to choose between uniform or a suit are well and truly over!

Ehh. You do realize this thread is pretty lighthearted?

If a majority prefer this thread to be serious, fair enough. I'll respect that and pull out due to ignorance, as I know nothing about fashion, let alone enough to be able to discuss fashion seriously.
What´s your problem?! He looks super cool - many royal men, often wearing very dull and boring clothes even in their younger years, could well and truly learn from him!
Sentences like "He is one hot mess" or "unbelievable, unattractive and just plain awful" is really an offence and a pretty outrageous thing to say! I doubt you would dare claiming this when this would be about a lady because this would be damned "politically incorrect"...!
And, Muhler, for heaven´s sake, what on earth would be wrong for a man to wear turtle neck?! During all my lifetime this has never been an unfamiliar sight. I mean, aren´t we living in times when we discuss men starting to wear dresses and other stuff like that? It´s not what I like or would ever wear myself, but I do hope that the times for ROYAL men having to choose between uniform or a suit are well and truly over!

There was nothing offensive, insulting, degrading, or inappropriate about MARG's comments. I've seen the same kinds of comments made in threads about what female royals are wearing, so there's no double standard there. Muhler is allowed to dislike turtlenecks without you acting like it's a personal affront. I don't like turtlenecks either, on men OR women.

Maybe dial it back a few notches. There's no reason to be so angry.
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Bond has worn a turtleneck, actually, in multiple incarnations.

So has Steve McQueen.

Not Steve McQueen?!? At gunpoint, I trust?

The James Bond examples don't count. That's Bond going commando-style (Yes, I'm aware of the term "going commando" so stop giggling) the neck of the turtleneck being used to cover his face.
You'd never see Bond walk into a five star hotel saying: "My name is Bond, James, Bond. I believe you have a reservation for me." Wearing a turtleneck. - Would never happen, cannot happen.

Sweater's are allowed. They can - doesn't work with everybody though - exude an air of ruggedness and sailor-cool.
And most importantly - Sweaters can have all sorts of patterns and all sorts of colors, we can love to hate. :cool:
Finally they are comical to put on as this clip illustrates in abundance.
That's is one reason why wives and sweethearts love to give their husbands sweaters and force them to put them on in front of everybody.
Not Steve McQueen?!? At gunpoint, I trust?
As the article says —
"Both Daniel Craig in Spectre and Roger Moore in Live and Let Die were inspired to wear this look after Steve McQueen famously wore a dark blue turtleneck sweater with a shoulder holster as police lieutenant Frank Bullitt in the 1968 film Bullitt. This look is only seen briefly at the end of the film since he is usually wearing a brown herringbone, elbow-patched tweed jacket to hide his gun and holster. Bullitt‘s poster and publicity stills, which are without the jacket, are what made the look so iconic.

Not only does Daniel Craig copy McQueen’s turtleneck and shoulder holster look in Spectre, but he also wears the same brown suede Sanders & Sanders “Playboy” chukka boots that McQueen wears in Bullitt."

Edit: Also, Muhler, I hate to disappoint you about Eastwood and many, many others... ("Turtleneck Archives").

Sweater's are allowed. They can - doesn't work with everybody though - exude an air of ruggedness and sailor-cool.
And most importantly - Sweaters can have all sorts of patterns and all sorts of colors, we can love to hate. :cool:
Finally they are comical to put on as this clip illustrates in abundance.
That's is one reason why wives and sweethearts love to give their husbands sweaters and force them to put them on in front of everybody.

But it's dog hair. It's Laurent wanting to bond with his kindred spirits. :D
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:previous: Did you really have to ruin all my childhood illusions? :eek:

I can never watch a movie with these gentlemen again in the same light. :ohmy:

But at least we have John Wayne, surely he never wore a turtle. :D

Anyway, none of them can ever surpass the master. The, in this thread, much lamented Prince Henrik.
A peek down memory lane:

No one but PH could ever wear this and remotely get away with it:

There was never any danger of mistaking PH for a deer - or any other creature ever having lived on this planet:

Even though he at times almost went stealthy:

PH more or less staged his own parodies - wonder where they found the clothes?

If PH is sitting on a cloud playing a harp I'm sure his gown will be the most flamboyant around. :D
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