Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, General News Part 1: June - September 2010

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There is a six-page interview of Victoria and Daniel in today´s paper version of Aftonbladet (it´s the last part of the earlier published interview)
Victoria and Daniel talk about that they hope to build a family. Has anyone bought the paper?
Hi, I am new here. I have been following this blog for quite a while and decided to register because of the wedding.

I think the couple glows and they share a deep love. I wish them much love and a good health (especially Daniel).
There is a six-page interview of Victoria and Daniel in today´s paper version of Aftonbladet (it´s the last part of the earlier published interview)
Victoria and Daniel talk about that they hope to build a family. Has anyone bought the paper?

i hope so... and maybe a translation!
There is a six-page interview of Victoria and Daniel in today´s paper version of Aftonbladet (it´s the last part of the earlier published interview)
Victoria and Daniel talk about that they hope to build a family. Has anyone bought the paper?

They HOPE to build a family? Are they implying that one of them is not capable of producing a child?

*caugh* Daniel
They HOPE to build a family? Are they implying that one of them is not capable of producing a child?

*caugh* Daniel

The children are God´s gifts. No one can be sure about to have them, they are a blessing. I think that people must be humble in their wishes. Both Daniel and Victoria have said in several interviews, that they both love children very much and that they want to have some of their own.
Isnt "hope to build a family" a polite way of saying " let nature take its course and we'll have children when we're ready"? I hate it when interviewers ask that of a new bride and groom right off the bat. How uncomfortable would that be? I realize that they are a crown princely couple and need to have heirs, but really, can't they enjoy their honeymoon at least? Sheesh!
They HOPE to build a family? Are they implying that one of them is not capable of producing a child?

*caugh* Daniel

Both, Princess Marie and Princess Märtha Louise, were also going for careful wording on similiar questions and got pregnant in no time ;)
Perhaps I may seem a bit insensitive (which I really don't intend to ), but I read that the newlywed couple will have a reprieve (or honeymoon, as lovers tend to term it) from royal obligations until they attend a commemorative ceremony on August 21, 2010. Why is this? No seriously, what is the normal time frame in which a newly married crown couple has spent on their honeymoon. I was thinking of perhaps doing a bit of research on this (as I tend to do everything), just to see the range of honeymoon lengths (as well as lengths between the wedding and the birth of a royal couple's first child).

The SRF are usually off-duty summertime. They then resume their work in August. There is not a set time for honeymoon. Its not a must that they honeymoon 2 months, etc. I believe the long honeymoon had to do with wanting to spend as much alone time together before the demands of royalty start again and Haga Palace is not yet ready. But it should be ready in time when they get back to Stockholm.

Its not a rule or law, but when a royal couple marry it is expected that they have a child within a year or two. Royals do not have the luxury of waiting years and years to have a baby or waiting until they're ready. They have to secure the throne...which is why most royals do not waste time on the matter.
I think that saying they "hope" to build a family is quite a normal thing to say and doesn't tempt fate one way or the other. Better say that than "we'll produce an heir for Sweden within a year"! I'm not sure it's particularly polite to discuss such a private thing anyway.
By stating that they hope to build a family, they mean (imo) that they do want children but it's not up to them to decide whether they indeed will become parents one day.
You get a child, you don't take a child.

According to me, it has nothing to do with their (his) health issues.
There´s a video about Aftonbladet´s interview, but you have to be logged to see it.
A short article with two photos
”Vi hoppas få vara lyckliga” | Nyheter | Aftonbladet

Finnish newspaper Iltasanomat quotes in it´s paper version the interview of Aftonbladet:
The whole Sweden is waiting for the news of a baby for the crown princess couple, even though they just got married. The couple is calm with the expectations. Daniel says that there will be a lot of speculation, but they hope that they can go with their own pace in this. Victoria says that they hope that they are so lucky that they will have children some day.
The only thing Victoria wanted from the honeymoon was that she and Daniel can have a peaceful time together. Victoria says that they have seen many beautiful things in Bora Bora, but the most important thing is just to be together with Daniel and relax. And to talk again and again about everything what happened during the wedding and how they experienced it. Victoria and Daniel have talked a lot about their future together. Daniel says that everything is now beginning for him and that they wait eagerly for the autumn.

Daniel tells about his speech to Victoria:
I made the speech because of my love for Victoria. I wanted to tell everyone, what a fantastic wife I have. Most people have a positive picture about Victoria, but I wanted to show, how I feel for her. How considerate and incredibly sweet she is. It is absolutely incomparable.

Still some photos from Bora Bora:
:previous: What a great summary, thanks for posting! It sounds like they have a great attitude about their future. These two are rapidly becoming my favorite royal couple, they're just so cute. Perhaps we shouldn't expect a baby right away - after all, they certainly showed they're not in any hurry to satisfy other people's speculation with how long they took to have a wedding. I like that they're content to go at their own pace.
^That's a definitive headline. Shouldn't it say in an event of a divorce instead?
I'm glad she's protected during and after the marriage if ever it doesn't work out.
^That's a definitive headline. Shouldn't it say in an event of a divorce instead?

LOL, I didn't even pick-up on that when reading the article. Yeah, their choice of wording is odd.
Why did Daniel quit his job as executive at his gym? Is it a rule that he would only be a prince and nothing else? Couldn't he do both?? Prince and gym owner?
Why did Daniel quit his job as executive at his gym? Is it a rule that he would only be a prince and nothing else? Couldn't he do both?? Prince and gym owner?

I think keeping his job would have been "risky" on some levels:
- security: he would have a body guard at work or nearby,
- potential conflict of interest; imagine all the "curious people" or gawkers who would show up or sign up at the gym jsut to catch a glimpse. Then imagine a gym owned by the crown princess' husband. The number of members -and cash flow in teh business could easily double, then they could accuse him of "making money" by trading on the royal connection.
This could potentially get complicated.

Now that we know aobut this prenuptial agreement; it's fair enough in cases where there is a big difference in fortunes.

In case of divorce he will not get a castle or the family jewelry but I hope he will have provisions for some sort of support or allowance .

Even while married he shoudl have some allowance: for example he should be able to buy the princess a birthday gift without asking her for money - or sending her the bill. He should be able to buy a gift for his mother or father etc.
I am sure they thought about that!
I'm sure he gets some sort of income that doesn't have anything to do with the royal family. Right? Maybe he's a shareholder of the gym but not an acting employee.
you're right- likely he gets some income from his share of the gym.
Let's hope the gym continues to prosper!
Daniel was the CEO and Board Director at Balance (Training), he stepped down in November 2009. He was also the CEO and Board Director at Master Training and Board Member at the Brasil Development. He quit also these jobs, but he will still be an equity partner. He will get dividends from his investments. Before the wedding it was told at the papers, that the value of the shares he owns in these companies is about two million euros.
Daniel made the decision of stepping down from his own jobs himself, because he thinks that a prince can´t have another job in a leading role in different companies.
Photo show from the honeymoon and the wedding:
Thanks for the explanation guys!! You know, the more I get to know Daniel, the more I like him. I understand that he "made the decision of stepping down from his own jobs himself, because he thinks that a prince can´t have another job in a leading role in different companies." But I'm sure he could have done both. That just shows how dedicated he is towards Victoria and him representing Sweden. ;-)
Victoria and Daniel When the Honeymoon Is Over

I read somewhere that Princess Ann of England Husband after the divource, he did not receive anything much, the same was said about Princess Margaret's husband. Women whether Royal or Non Royal have to protect themselves. Who can guarantee that Victoria and Daniel's marriage will last.? We can see that Victoria has shown her deep love for Daniel while he was as stiff as a board let's wait and see. I hope that they have a long life together.
I'm glad she's protected during and after the marriage if ever it doesn't work out.

She is getting him into a lifestyle, that was a problem for many prince consorts before. For me it would be very ok, if he would get compensation (from her private fortune) in the case, it wouldn´t work out. However the lawyers of the king are smart and the more Daniel has pride (an other point for him)

We can see that Victoria has shown her deep love for Daniel while he was as stiff as a board let's wait and see
I guess we have watched a different wedding coverage then
We can see that Victoria has shown her deep love for Daniel while he was as stiff as a board let's wait and see.
Daniel teared up during the ceremony itself and then gave a beautiful speech at the reception for his wife, even though he was clearly nervous. This is a love match, no doubt about it.
Daniel teared up during the ceremony itself and then gave a beautiful speech at the reception for his wife, even though he was clearly nervous. This is a love match, no doubt about it.

I am in Holland now and I came across a picture in one of the tabloids that I had not seen before. Daniel was lifting his glasses and wiped away his tears with that white piece of cloth he carried in the pocket of the jacket. I never saw that pic anywhere before, neither during the ceremony on TV.

This match is made in heaven, every vessel of their bodies speaks this language. With his speech he made himself vulnerable, that must have cost some courage. They are a great couple and I hope they will become even more happier than they are already and I also hope his health stays well in the long run.
I am in Holland now and I came across a picture in one of the tabloids that I had not seen before. Daniel was lifting his glasses and wiped away his tears with that white piece of cloth he carried in the pocket of the jacket. I never saw that pic anywhere before, neither during the ceremony on TV.

This picture I've been thinking also; and would like to see it again. It's telling a lot about their love for each others. :flowers: Does anyone have the picture?
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