Crown Princess Mary's Patronages and Charities: 2005 - 2023

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Yesterday evening, October 4, Crown Princess Mary as Patron of "School for 200 years" attended the DR's anniversary show at DR's concert hall in Copenhagen celebrating the 200th anniversary of the education act for better municipal primary schools and independent schools for children in rural areas all over Denmark.

** BB: Mary fejrer folkeskolen ** translation **

Yesterday evening, October 4, Crown Princess Mary as Patron of "School for 200 years" attended the DR's anniversary show at DR's concert hall in Copenhagen celebrating the 200th anniversary of the education act for better municipal primary schools and independent schools for children in rural areas all over Denmark.

** BB: Mary fejrer folkeskolen ** translation **

Here is another lovely picture
Here is another lovely picture

Wauw. Thanks Dazzling.

I was actually at the subway in front of the DR-town just a few minutes before Mary must have arrived. Unfortunately for me, the train came before Mary ;)
And again today Mary participates, as patron of "School for 200 years" in a event related to the school 200 years. She participates in these hours in the anniversary activity city walk with a school class in Næstved. The city walk focuses on the city's school history and begin at the church square where they will visit different places for example an old schoolyard.

First pic from Instragram

TV2 east video of Mary arriving in windy weather ;) + plus 12 pictures so far

Video: Mary gik med på skoleudflugt i Næstved | TV ØST


More pictures from Facebook

And the obligatory selfie: Mary and Emil ;)


Gallery from Royalista with 15 pictures:
Crown Princess Mary takes a rest in giant "storyteller hand"

Notice the bouquet bearing the letters M-a-r-y


Video from (In the bottom of the article)
VIDEO: Royalt besøg i Næstved - - - Lokal - Næstved

BB video:
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Did you write this to cause a stir or would you care to elaborate how you reach that conslusion?

Neither of the above! :) I merely posted what I saw in the photos, and that does not require any conclusions of any sort.

I do not post anything to stir up anyone, and nobody stirs up me. I understand we are here not to do either. And nobody here needs to justify him/herself or his/her thinking, and that's the way it is.

It's all good! :flowers:
She looks happy and relaxed.

And only more and more for each year passing. It can't always have been easy to get from the other side of the world and should be another country's future Queen. Phew. But she genunie looks like one who is exactly at that place where she is happy. I came across this comments at the Daily Mail about a week ago, which I found quite charming that I actually saved it in a link:

"It's ridiculous, because I don't know her in real life, but I absolutely love Mary, for her utter professionalism and lack of pretension. Mary has kindness and love imprinted all over her face and a beauty that only comes from having a beautiful heart and soul. The woman actually looks like she loves life and lives it to the full."
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The words you have posted reflect my sentiments, too.

And I can only be happy for her, for she has earned what she has achieved...and been lucky in love!
As you know Mary has been very busy lately and as such she is very well featured in this weeks edition of BB.
So instead of writing a number of summaries about things you already know, I've instead decided to boil it down to various trivia from the articles.

Mary is patron for both Child Aid Day and Danish Golf Association and in this capacity she visited Asserbro golf club's junior chapter. The children from the club had for the second year in a row been those who have sold most lottery tickets nationwide in support of Child Aid Day and as a reward they got a visit by Mary.
Mary was teamed up with Sebastian, who is the leading junior player in the club. - I know from another article that Sebastion was pretty confident he would win. Buuut, Mary is actually a keen golfer and she plays regularly in golf clubs all over the country.
Anyway, Mary and Sebastion played a good natured game of golf, with a little goofing and banter and the game ended in a draw. - Which suggests that Mary could have thrashed and buried Sebastian had she wanted to.
After the match pancakes and applejuice was served.

Mary also attended the 25th anniversary for Registered Partnership at Copenhagen Townhall. Among those present were the American ambassador, Rufus Glifford (*) and his partner, Stephen, whom Mary had a good chat with. The ambassador and his partner are to be married next year. (Don't know where. I'm not up to date with American legislation).

(*) One of the best American ambassadors we've had here in DK for many years was actually the last ambassador under the Bush administration. Can't remember his name off hand, but in contrast to most ambassadors, he went outside Copenhagen and actually travelled the country, met and talked with ordinary Danes, (often being invited inside for coffee), saw the country and attended events everywhere. As such he got a very indepth knowledge of Denmark. In return he was actually known to the general public and what he said and did was reported also in local medias.
Alas, Rufus Glifford, does not belong in that category. In the sense that he rarely leave Copenhagen because as all city-slickers know: outside the cities there are trees and uhmm... cows...and not much else. :p
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As you know Mary has been very busy lately and as such she is very well featured in this weeks edition of BB.
So instead of writing a number of summaries about things you already know, I've instead decided to boil it down to various trivia from the articles.

But Mary has also been to the town of Næstved, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of compulsary schooling in DK.
As such she was accompanied by the Minister of Education, Christine Antorini and along with a number of local school children they went on a city stroll. - One of the aims with the recent school reform is to ensure the pubils get off their backside, get some fresh air and move their legs every day, hence a city stroll.
Mary was surrounded by loads of school children and at some point they reached a local park, where Mary and the Minister sat on the Storyteller-Hand and posed.
Mary also met a naver. A naver as they are called in DK, is a travelling artisan/craftsman who travel through various countries, picking up new ideas and getting a lot of experience before finally setteling down. Navere (plural) are a common sight here in Europe, often because they wear distinctive clothes depending on their trade. This tradition goes back to at least early medieval times with the forming of guilds, hence the distinctive clothes, which was a badge of approval for other guilds but also served as an identification for potential costumers, whith whom you were not able to communicate with very well.
Here is a pic of typical navere:

And Mary is still busy.

Kronprinsesse Mary satte fut i skoleeleverne | Billed Bladet
Today, Friday, she's in the town of Greve, where she started the excersize day, which is a part of the continuing celebration of the 200th anniversary on compulsary schooling.
With her went the Minister for Education.

One pupil was particular nervous today, because she had to give a speech for all present, including Mary. But Summer Babai did fine.
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:previous: Thanks Muhler.

The schools Exercise Day is an annual event which always 'begin' the children's official autumn holiday. F&M has a joint event on Sunday, but otherwise it looks like they and their children keeps week 42 free to keep their autumn holiday.

Here is a nice gallery from BT with some lovely pictures :)
(and as you can see it's a beautiful mild autumn wheather today - at least here on Zealand)

Se billederne: Her sendte Mary alle børnene i løb |

More pictures from
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I have never seen arrogance nor pretentiousness in the Crown Princess. I often see a serious expression on her face but that is to be expected when someone is giving a speech about a serious subject. So which photo did you find the arrogance?
Article and pictures where we can read part of Mary's speech.

We also are told how our popular CP was welcomed with rhythmical "Mary! Mary! Mary!" from the people.

Dansk Skoleidræt
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I have never seen arrogance nor pretentiousness in the Crown Princess. I often see a serious expression on her face but that is to be expected when someone is giving a speech about a serious subject. So which photo did you find the arrogance?

Also, it looks like quite a windy day in those photos, which might cause Princess Mary to squint a bit, or tilt her head up to keep her hair out of her face...that is all I see, I agree that she actually looks happy and relaxed.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #42, 2014.
Written by Marianne Singer.

As you know Mary attended the yearly school's sports day in the town of Greve outside Copenhagen.
Here 270 pupils from the local school welcomed her by chanting her name.

Being received like a popstar, Mary was soon surrounded by pupils, who wanted to say hi and pose with her.
With the preliminaries over with it was time to start a three kilometre race. Mary started the race and cheered the children enthusiastically from the sideline, blowing kisses for those of the pupiles who must have enough breath to appreciate that. While the kids were running Mary looked at an exhibition made by the very same kids. That lasted about half an hour (the kids must have been walking, not running) when the kids arrived at the finishing line. Here she handed out refreshments and also munched down an apple.
Then Mary took part in communal callestenics, called Captain Jespersen Cellestenics. - Back when Rodolph Valentino was the big name in the cinema, there was a show on the wireless with an captain Jespersen, who litterally drilled his listeners shouting commands through the ether: Arms Strech! Knees down and bend! No doubt many of you had similar shows in your countries.
Anyway that kind of drill-callestenics in naturally hillarious for modern children, and though it wasn't planned, Mary took part standing among the children, laughing, goofing and giggling.

Then the Minister for Education handed out an award, yeah, yeah, whatever, before one of the older pupils, Summer Babai, gave a speech.

Mary said at some point in her speech: "At my school we were very fortunate. We had many different lanes/venues for among other things hockey, tennis, football (Australian presumably). We didn't have a swimming pool however but on the other hand our school was located only 300 meters from the sea. And you could be fortunate to spot a dolphin out the window, when you sat and were supposed to concentrate about a mathematics formula.
But in the very same sea were supposed to take our swimming tests abd that wasn't that much fun once it became late autumn, where the water was just as cold as it can be in Denmark. (*)
And on top of that it was a long distance to the dressing room, but I was really, really pleased that we had the opportunity to try a lot of different forms of sports and try which one of them we liked or had a little talent for".

(*) Older relatives of mine, who lived in Aarhus, told how they walked from their schools in the early 1930's, to the beach. Undressed and went out into the water and got their swimming lessons that way. After which the now more or less blue children, dressed and walked back to school.
At the same time the children also got washed. Very practical because for most families a bathtub was a distant dream.
- And that was very progressive! For practical reasons though most schools didn't offer swimming lessons back then.
Interestingly the main sewer line of the city had it's, shall we say, "end" out in the water - only a few hundred meters from where the children bathed...! My relatives have told how they could sometimes see the water "burp" brown a little bit further out... And for safety reasons the children only bathed when the wind blew towards the coast. :D

Here is the legenday captain Jespersen in action:
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Mange Tak Muhler for the entertaining and informative translation of the Crown princess' visit! I also hugely enjoyed the youtube rendition of Captain Jesperson; it was wonderful to see what Danes heard during the 1930's! Regarding patronages, thank you also for your and other board members' insights into what must sometimes be very uncomfortable politics behind the scenes in the Danish court. I imagine it must be a miracle for courtiers to keep their employers out of trouble! While they were in Toronto, I don't believe the Royal couple had dealings with Lego, that is doing very well on its own, thank you!:lol: I visited their store in one of our shopping malls, Yorkdale, and my jaw dropped at both the prices and the furnishings of this place:D
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Mange Tak Muhler for the entertaining and informative translation of the Crown princess' visit! I also hugely enjoyed the youtube rendition of Captain Jesperson; it was wonderful to see what Danes heard during the 1930's! Regarding patronages, thank you also for your and other board members' insights into what must sometimes be very uncomfortable politics behind the scenes in the Danish court. I imagine it must be a miracle for courtiers to keep their employers out of trouble! While they were in Toronto, I don't believe the Royal couple had dealings with Lego, that is doing very well on its own, thank you!:lol: I visited their store in one of our shopping malls, Yorkdale, and my jaw dropped at both the prices and the furnishings of this place:D

:) My pleasure.

I agree with you the Lego models are insanely priced and ought IMO only be bought for adult collectors.
The best thing you can buy a child (*) is three kilos of mixed bricks. Much much better for the imagination and creativity. - You can say, build little easily breakable lego-people and run them over with you biggest toy truck :voodoo:

(*) And the child's dad...and uncles...and grandad...and aunts too come to think of it...
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