Crown Prince Christian, News and Current Events Part 1: January 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I'm sure the family has traveled to many places we don't know about.
Christian has mentioned how his parents often talked to him and his siblings of their many travels.
This I'm sure was a conscious choice with his family and government, and not random.

I'm sure the family is enjoying the last weekend as a family of 6 for awhile. ☺️
i am just imaging that for that paris photo they ask some random american tourist to take a family photo said tourist have no idea who they were and then later on seeing that same family in the news earlier this year
Tanzania it is.

“Ekstra Bladet” is reporting that Christian … accompanied by three friends from Herlufsholm school … has taken a safari in Selous Game Reserve in his first few days in Africa.

(His friends possibly won’t stay with Christian for his entire three month trip.)

Here is a nice YouTube of the Selous Reserve, which is also known as Nyerere National Park, and is a UNESCO protected area.

Interesting that he is joined by his friends from Herlufsholm and not from friends from his more recent high school.

And Nyerere National Park is in a different part of the country than Ngorongoro, so at seems not very likely that that will be his first destination (for his volunteering/working).
Interesting that he is joined by his friends from Herlufsholm and not from friends from his more recent high school.

And Nyerere National Park is in a different part of the country than Ngorongoro, so at seems not very likely that that will be his first destination (for his volunteering/working).

Maybe longer/deeper friendship with these mates Somebody, than from his most recent school.

And maybe the off-spring of friends of his parents … who can afford the expenses of a trip to Africa.

A nice introduction for Christian … seeing the wild-life first … rather than having to knuckle down to the work side and wait.

I can still see him going to other parts of the country.

Whether the Shangri-La Coffee farm … which also has pigs, an avocado farm, and supplies yoghurt and cheese to other lodges from their dairy … or somewhere else.

I don’t think he will be limited to this area.

There seems to be many light plane flights, that people don’t have to travel great distances by land. (That is, those people from overseas who can afford it.)

With this information coming out less than a week in, I don’t think it will be the last report of his activities.
Interesting that he is joined by his friends from Herlufsholm and not from friends from his more recent high school.

And Nyerere National Park is in a different part of the country than Ngorongoro, so at seems not very likely that that will be his first destination (for his volunteering/working).
Friends who attended Herlufsholm with him but that he has known for the majority of his life.
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