Crown Prince Christian, News and Current Events Part 1: January 2024 -

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Crown Prince Christian does like his summer festival Festivals!
:previous: It is recent, yes :) It was taken yesterday, see the article I've posted on the previous page of this thread.
Videos of Prince Christian at the AiaSound festival with his friends.

Christian is at another music festival. This time Smukfest near the town of Skanderborg.
He may have gotten wet, because a rainstorm hit the festival a few hours ago.
It's a popular and pretty large festival. Some of you may recall King Frederik appearing on stage slightly tipsy on the stage at that festival some years ago.
Smuk = beautiful, fest = party, so it's beautiful party. And so called because the music festival takes place inside a scenic beech-forest.

Skanderborg is an old town, and as you can tell from the name there used to be a castle there. Borg = castle. Coming from the German burg. So it was a later medieval castle, because in early medieval times castle = hus.
Anyway, there is a charming poem of a king, one of the Valdemars IIRC, who while visiting that castle, was told that his beloved Queen Dagmar was dying in the town of Ribe (the oldest town in present day DK). Dagmar was hailed as the perfect queen, in fact also as the perfect noble wife. A good Christian, virtuous and charitable and loved by everybody she met. As well as a wise counselor to her husband.
Distraught the king rode towards Ribe followed by 100 carls/swains = hirdmen/housecarls/men-at-arms. But when he reached Ribe, alas too late, there were only a handful left to follow him.
He would have had to ride to ride some 100 km across nothing. At the time there was nothing between Ribe and Skanderborg. It was all moor and heath and bogs and only a handful of people lived there. No towns, no inns, perhaps only an isolated barn or two, no hamlets, nothing. The few houses there were were made of earth and turf and you had to get pretty close to even notice them.
It's a beautiful medieval tale about love and devotion.

This central Jutland heath-land was was also a place where an outlaw could hide for a while. - As with most other countries, DK too has a Robin Hood. Jens Langkniv = Jens Long-knife. His real name was actually Jens Olesen, back then meaning son of Ole rather than a dedicated familyname.
He roamed during the 1620s. So he is about 400 years later than Robin Hood. He didn't use a bow and he wasn't a part of a gang, if he was it was very loosely. He used his knife, on occasion to lethal effect, hence his nickname. He too took from the rich and gave to the poor - or they said.
He hid in a cave-system on the almost empty heath in north-central Jutland, emerging when he robbed someone. And very likely he had contacts who informed him of targets and with whom he shared the loot afterwards. He was of course eventually caught and executed. At that time, that would have been either beheading or hanging.
Prince Christian is going to be named the Music Festivals Prince someday. He'll tone it down when he enters the military.
Has the Prince a high Security when he goes to Music Festivals. Is he with selected friends or among the people ?
Has the Prince a high Security when he goes to Music Festivals. Is he with selected friends or among the people ?
At least a couple of discreet pet-officers is following him in the background i’m sure…

A music festival with thousands of people, many of them being drunk, and some people also on drugs, is not a risk-free environment for him… I’m just happy they have found a solution that seems to be working for him, so he can live like an 18 years old and be with his friends as much as possible…
drinks and being silly with your friends, sounds like a great time.
Love the Danish royals enjoying their countries music festivals every summer.
Agreed. Nice that Chriatian can be a normal teen for the most part. And I mean he would not be the first heir to be seen a little spirited. Hey, at least he has not been photographed stumbling out of bars and nightclubs hammered and being shoved into cars and looking belligerent like I've seen.
Will Christian take a sabbatical? I don't think anything has been announced yet about what he will do this year.

Photos of Christian at Smukfest:
I get that impression as well.
At least until the next batch of conscripts are called in January or February. It also depends on what branch he wish to serve in. I think the military will go to great lengths to accommodate Christian but as almost 100 % of all conscripts are volunteers there can be quite a waiting list to serve. For service aboard Dannebrog there is two or three year waiting list, which means most will be around 20-21 before they serve. So maybe Christian has been told that where ever he wished to serve cannot take him in until next summer.
Or indeed he simply decided to take a gap year and do some traveling on his own, probably with a friend or two. Australia springs to mind. I don't think he would go to USA yet. Later probably but not yet. Australia is IMO more likely because he has a network there and in regards to mindset and not least humor Australia and DK is very alike. - After all, if he one day intends to study, which I strongly believe he will, he might just as well check out the place for himself, before deciding.
Whatever, he has said recently that he would like to do some traveling. Something quite a few do when they graduate from high school.
I would recommend the court to start communicating about his plans sooner rather than later (if it's some kind of gap year; no need to specify the details but at least share his general intent). It's better not to be seen as indecisive or worse uninterested in pursuing anything. Furthermore, it's not that he didn't have time to consider the various options.
Why would you recommend it?
It's still holiday time in Dk, the school year starts next week, the academic year on 1st September. So there is no hurry. And no need to speak of indecisiveness or desinterest.
There will be an announcement some time in the next 2 weeks, I am sure, and I am also sure there won't be any big surprise.
Why would you recommend it?
It's still holiday time in Dk, the school year starts next week, the academic year on 1st September. So there is no hurry. And no need to speak of indecisiveness or desinterest.
There will be an announcement some time in the next 2 weeks, I am sure, and I am also sure there won't be any big surprise.
Compared to other royal houses, Denmark is rather late to announce anything about Christian's future plans. Other royal houses were much earlier in announcing the plans for their heirs when they were about to finish secondary education: for Leonor it was already announced in March, for Amalia and Elisabeth it was announced in May and for Ingrid-Alexandra in June. They didn't wait until the last month to announce anything.
This is Dk and they do things their way. Other heirs didn't act as Regent before they even finished school.

AFAIR in the docu for his 18th birthday and in the interview after his graduation Christian already gave hints what he is going to do.(..)
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This is Dk and they do things their way. Other heirs didn't act as Regent before they even finished school.
Only because in the rest of the European monarchies the regency only exists when the Monarch is incapacitated or the crown prince is a minor, not every time he leaves the country.
Only because in the rest of the European monarchies the regency only exists when the Monarch is incapacitated or the crown prince is a minor, not every time he leaves the country.

Exactly, Denmark does has this law of regency. So far Christian was regent 9 days late July and August.

He learned his role, he didn't sneak out of the country, enjoyed his summer at Danish music festivals.
Now he will join the King at the Paris olympics tomorrow. Good think Denmark made it to the gold medal match!
Only because in the rest of the European monarchies the regency only exists when the Monarch is incapacitated or the crown prince is a minor, not every time he leaves the country.
That's exactly the point, isn't it? Every royal family has their own way of doing things.
The Queen's sudden Abdication did not allow him to have a free an enjoying life as each Dane of 18 years old.
The Queen's sudden Abdication did not allow him to have a free an enjoying life as each Dane of 18 years old.
And neither did Frederik at 18. There is no doubt Frederik, Mary, and to a lesser extent QMII, have been preparing Christian as Crown Prince since he was a boy, and he has seen his father as Crown Prince seen he was born.
Does he even have to go into the military if he doesn't want to ?

Well, certainly QMII has never served in the military. However CP Christian’s father, uncle and grandfather did and I believe there is a certain expectation on heirs to the throne, who will one day be chiefs of their countries’ armed forces that they should experience some service life.

Of course if Christian absolutely loathes the very thought of military life then he will just go to University and forget about it . However. I do think he will go the military/naval route his family has taken.
Crown Prince Christian will privately stay in East Africa from September 4 to December, it was announced by the Palace today:

On 4 September, His Royal Highness The Crown Prince will set out for an extended stay in East Africa. There, The Crown Prince will be involved in the daily operation of two farms, which will, among other things, include practical and administrative tasks and also give The Crown Prince insight into local nature protection. The plan is for The Crown Prince to return to Denmark in December.

In The Royal Family, there is a long tradition that the successors to the throne go on extended stays abroad during their youth and have the opportunity to develop and experience the world. Thus, His Majesty The King took part in an expedition to Mongolia in 1986 focused on the nomads and, in 1989, worked for a year at a vineyard in California. Her Majesty Queen Margrethe also went on longer trips to the East and South America in the 1960s.

It is the hope of The King and Queen and The Crown Prince that there will be an understanding that the stay abroad remains a private matter from beginning to end. For this reason, no additional details about the stay will be made public.

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