Crown Prince Christian, News and Current Events Part 1: January 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
So Christian is in Tisvilde too, at the music festival that Isabella has been photographed at … music i lejet.

The reality star thought perhaps Christian didn’t actually know who he was … do I have that right.

Anyway, a nice photo of the Crown Prince.

"- He was really nice and polite. I was very impressed,"

Nice to hear. and nice to see Christian and Isabella at music festivals. For the most part it looks like they can blend in and be themselves.
Crown Prince Christian is regent today till the 27th

Calendar will be updated periodically.
Great! At just 18, he is already getting invaluable experience doing the biggest job of the heir...stepping in smdh stepping up for the monarch when said monarch is abroad or for some reason unable to carry out their duties.
But is he really getting any experience or is he partying with his friends beeing a typical student during summer vacation….all that is basically needed is to be in the country….IMO billedbladet makes to much of it making it sounds like he is running the country with all their articles every time this happens, especially when it is in the middle of the summervacation.
But is he really getting any experience or is he partying with his friends beeing a typical student during summer vacation….all that is basically needed is to be in the country….IMO billedbladet makes to much of it making it sounds like he is running the country with all their articles every time this happens, especially when it is in the middle of the summervacation.
During his first Regency in January and February this year the Crown Prince signed one new law and approved the parental leave of one of the government ministers.
But is he really getting any experience or is he partying with his friends beeing a typical student during summer vacation….all that is basically needed is to be in the country….IMO billedbladet makes to much of it making it sounds like he is running the country with all their articles every time this happens, especially when it is in the middle of the summervacation.
Indeed, it is much noise over little…

All that is required of Christian whenever he is on as regent is to be within the realm, behave on the right side of the law, and to sign whatever his advisor tells him to sign.

It’s not like he has to sit in suit and tie, in a grand office at Christiansborg to do supercomplicated paperwork when daddy is abroad…. But it is in the middle of the summer, few royals are doing anything, most are away on holiday…. So the journalists must fill out their newspapers with something ;)
That's summer reporting for you, not Christian's fault.
He is fulfilling his role, a good step of knowing his role.
I agree. BB does not prop or embiggen any more than other royal reporters do to their royals.
At least Christian does not say hey dad it's summer I'm on holiday pick granny and auntie B. He is the heir now and realizes that he has certain responsibilities now and as the heir he takes on the roll of regent even if it just means he has to stay in the country. That is the roll of the heir after all. To step in when the monarch is unavailable.
I very much doubt that is how it went. Christian has been abroad while his father was abroad in the first few months; his grandmother had to step in as rigsforstander already in February. I don't think that implies he was not taking his duty as regent seriously enough.

If Christian was on holiday abroad or joining his parents to the Olympics, someone would be appointed rigsforstander no doubt. However, he is enjoying his summer with his friends in Denmark, so as a result of that he is regent when his father is abroad - and all accommodations will be made to only interrupt him when strictly necessary (i.e., when he has to sign something).

The only restriction now is that he is among the pool of people who can remain in Denmark if Frederik has to be abroad, so he is part of the equation when they are trying to figure out who should stay behind if several of them would like/plan to be abroad.
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Can’t the king just sign, scan and email a law from wherever he is? Or simply sign on a tablet? I can’t see the added value of this rule in this day and age, other than it being a charming but useless eccentricity.

If an 18 y/o just out of secondary school can do it, it can never be that hard. Perhaps Prince Christian actually reads what he signs which at least could be of some value to him, depending on the topic. But nothing stops him reading laws that he did not sign himself as these tend to be published.

Personally I think it is a pity he needs to waste time with this, it would have been a pleasure to see him supporting Danish athletes in Paris with his parents.
Personally I think it is a pity he needs to waste time with this, it would have been a pleasure to see him supporting Danish athletes in Paris with his parents.

It reminds me a bit of gangland rules - show some presence at the block and its corners...

And this is somehow calming, right, that La Familia is always present?

Just kidding, but that is probably, where it comes from.

Where are his security staffers? He just walks around on his own? I'm sure is a safe place but he's probably recognized as he walks, since this is a man that has been on the news from the moment he was brought out of the delivery room.

Crown Prince Christian is regent today till the 27th

Calendar will be updated periodically.

Wow, that's amazing for him to be prepared for these responsibilities so early in life. Something tells me that years from now when Christian marries, hopefully his friend, Princess Chiara of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, and have children the king might decide it's time for him to retire in his 70s. Christian as Regent is the best on-the-job training anyone could get in a monarchy.
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I am still not sure why it is so amazing that Christian officially is regent when his father is abroad. In practice his responsibility is reduced to signing some papers if strictly necessary. As Frederik himself explained, that can be done while running (during military training) - which means, it is unlikely that he truly was able to even read what he was signing. It is not that Christian is holding audiences with politicians or members of the general public, receiving foreign dignitaries or undertaking lots of solo duties while his parents are abroad etc. It's just an ancient practice that someone in the family always needs to be present in Denmark as unlike other monarchs, Frederik is not allowed to sign anything digitally when abroad - so when his signature is needed, someone has to step in.
I am still not sure why it is so amazing that Christian officially is regent when his father is abroad. In practice his responsibility is reduced to signing some papers if strictly necessary. As Frederik himself explained, that can be done while running (during military training) - which means, it is unlikely that he truly was able to even read what he was signing. It is not that Christian is holding audiences with politicians or members of the general public, receiving foreign dignitaries or undertaking lots of solo duties while his parents are abroad etc. It's just an ancient practice that someone in the family always needs to be present in Denmark as unlike other monarchs, Frederik is not allowed to sign anything digitally when abroad - so when his signature is needed, someone has to step in.

Can you imagine if Christian decided to prank his dad and say "I have until the 27th to sign that Denmark wants the Schleswig-Holstein back we lost to Prussia!" :eek::unsure:
I think we can show some respect to the rules and traditions of each country. Denmark has a law of a regent being needed. The Crown Prince is automatically it if the King is abroad. Simple as that.
I am still not sure why it is so amazing that Christian officially is regent when his father is abroad. In practice his responsibility is reduced to signing some papers if strictly necessary. As Frederik himself explained, that can be done while running (during military training) - which means, it is unlikely that he truly was able to even read what he was signing. It is not that Christian is holding audiences with politicians or members of the general public, receiving foreign dignitaries or undertaking lots of solo duties while his parents are abroad etc. It's just an ancient practice that someone in the family always needs to be present in Denmark as unlike other monarchs, Frederik is not allowed to sign anything digitally when abroad - so when his signature is needed, someone has to step in.
That's just in case.
The whole Law of Succession and the paragraphs regarding the monarchy in the Constitution is basically one big "just in case." And those who put together the first Constitution (They did so up the First Schleswigan War mind you) were very thorough!
They covered pretty much everything that had already happened in Danish history or could possibly happen. With particular emphasis on "someone needs to be in charge - and seen to be in charge."
A few examples:
Just in case of the Swedes launch a surprise attack. (See what happened in 1940. The Swedes might get ideas...)
The King is murdered by a usurper.
The King dies while abroad somewhere, we are not even sure where actually. (Did happen, on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land).
The King is taken hostage abroad. (King Richard the Lionhart.)
There is a revolution or an attempted coup d'etat.
A volcano erupts somewhere and the King has to take the slow boat home.
A major natural disaster. (The Doggerland tsunami 8000 years ago could theoretically happen again anytime. Albeit on a minor scale. And that would cause havoc as far away as the east coast of North America.)
The King writes home and asks to be relieved of his burden and be allowed to just stay where he is. (Happened in the early 1700s. Christian VI IIRC.)
A combination of the above.
The thing is that Kings in Western Europe have not been in charge of much for a very long time, as the prime minister and parliament hold most of the powers the King used to have.

To continue with this charming piece of theatre is of course within the rights of the Danish monarch -as likewise other monarchies have their own eccentricities- but it feels rather impractical. And as has been pointed out above the crown prince most likely will not learn a thing of it.
I think he would learn to respect the constitution of his country. So he learns that in Denmark there is a law of regency and he is it.

It makes it more serious.
In the case of Christian it means that: He does have a purpose.
He does have a function.
He is acting head of state.
So he'd better take it seriously.

IMO if we have a head of state and it makes no difference if that head of state (or his deputy, so to speak) is in Denmark or in an oasis 500 km west of Timbuktu, then we might just as well not have a head of state at all.
I prefer the concept of someone always being in charge, even if symbolically.
- And we may soon find ourselves in a situation where that concept may not be that silly after all...
I think he would learn to respect the constitution of his country. So he learns that in Denmark there is a law of regency and he is it.
Exactly! This is the way it is done in Denmark and it should be respected. It is not like there needs to be multiple people left in charge if the monarch is unavailable for whatever reason. It is not that complicated.

And let's be real far as theatre goes, this is the least over the top as it gets. I mean in a list of theatrical rituals this process of regent is low on the list.

It makes it more serious.
In the case of Christian it means that: He does have a purpose.
He does have a function.
He is acting head of state.
So he'd better take it seriously.

IMO if we have a head of state and it makes no difference if that head of state (or his deputy, so to speak) is in Denmark or in an oasis 500 km west of Timbuktu, then we might just as well not have a head of state at all.
I prefer the concept of someone always being in charge, even if symbolically.
- And we may soon find ourselves in a situation where that concept may not be that silly after all...
It teaches him that he’s part of a team, along with his parents and grandmother. He’s still a much loved part of the family, but he’s also essentially the most junior employee in the family business, and that means he has obligations toward them that he didn’t when he was a child.

I recently read some of the material Muhler provided here, where frederik talked about being open with his children regarding their royal status, and the expectations that go along with it, from a young age. I got the impression that maybe Frederik’s parents hadn’t been as forthcoming with him. I’m not surprised to see that Christian was given more obligations and visibility right after turning 18 and becoming the Crown Prince - I don’t think Frederik and Mary will weigh him down too heavily over the next several years, but they’ll want to teach him that he doesn’t have the same freedom and choices as the wealthy, anonymous kids he grew up with.
I can see absolutely see the point in the view that having a barely adult as ”acting regent” makes the whole point of having a head of state coming off as something that even a child can also do…. Even if it is not the case, that is how it easily can be percived…

It is a dilemma that the monarchies where the Monarch still has a political role to fill needs to handle… Coming from Sweden, the only european monarchy where the King does not have a political role anymore, i naturally have a difficult time seeing why a Monarch in a Constitutional Monarchy in 2024 should sign decisions taken by the elected government…

I can see the benefit in having ”one at home” if there is an emergency of some kind, like a terror attack, and members of the royal family is expected to lead the public grief. And for documents that cannot wait as long as that is the way it is done… Cyber Security can after all never be 100 % safe and a cargo plane departing and arriving during the same day with the King’s signature in the cargo bay can have an accident…. But the ”one at home” procedure has also caused the DRF trouble many times over the years when they have been invited to various foreign events and has had to decide wich one that can’t follow… In my mind it should be something that the members of the DRF are interested in finding another solution to…

But many monarchs seems to actually enjoy their political power, no matter how little it may be… Monarchy is a form of Theatre and will always be… But it was a long time ago since the Monarch actually led the government… And an even longer time since a monarch led their forces in battle… It won’t happen again… Not even in a crisis situation… Therefore i can perfectly understand those who are of the opinion that having a Monarch or an Acting Regent signing state documents should be a thing of the past.
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It teaches him that he’s part of a team, along with his parents and grandmother. He’s still a much loved part of the family, but he’s also essentially the most junior employee in the family business, and that means he has obligations toward them that he didn’t when he was a child. (...)
I am not sure being regent is necessary for him to learn this but if this would be the effect of that role, that would be a beautiful thing - as it is indeed very much a family business in which one generation takes over from the previous while preparing the next.

It is a dilemma that the monarchies where the Monarch still has a political role to fill needs to handle… Coming from Sweden, the only european monarchy where the King does not have a political role anymore, i naturally have a difficult time seeing why a Monarch in a Constitutional Monarchy in 2024 should sign decisions taken by the elected government…

I can see the benefit in having ”one at home” if there is an emergency of some kind, like a terror attack, and members of the royal family is expected to lead the public grief. And for documents that cannot wait as long as that is the way it is done… Cyber Security can after all never be 100 % safe and a cargo plane departing and arriving during the same day with the King’s signature in the cargo bay can have an accident…. But the ”one at home” procedure has also caused the DRF trouble many times over the years when they have been invited to various foreign events and has had to decide wich one that can’t follow… In my mind it should be something that the members of the DRF are interested in finding another solution to…

But many monarchs seems to actually enjoy their political power, no matter how little it may be… Monarchy is a form of Theatre and will always be… But it was a long time ago since the Monarch actually led the government… And an even longer time since a monarch led their forces in battle… It won’t happen again… Not even in a crisis situation… Therefore i can perfectly understand those who are of the opinion that having a Monarch or an Acting Regent signing state documents should be a thing of the past.
I don't think people are necessarily advocating that a monarch should no longer sign state documents (except for Sweden, that seems only to be the case in Luxembourg so far). At least, I would argue that it is perfectly possible to do so digitally. King Willem-Alexander has done so since 2013. He signs the documents digitally when abroad and will sign the same document on paper when he returns home (but dated on when he first signed it digitally). In that way, there is no delay in when a law comes into effect - note, that it needs to be signed both by the king as well as the responsible minister. So, that could be an easy solution for Denmark as well if that would be the main issue. Some information about the process (in Dutch): Ook Willem-Alexander ondertekent digitaal

Nonetheless, we should probably return to core of this thread: prince Christian - who according to the Calendar is no longer regent... He was regent from 20 - 23 and again from 25 - 27.

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