Countess Alexandra & Martin Jørgensen, Current Events 1: March 2007 - October 2008

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Feb 20, 2003
United States
Countess Alexandra & Martin Jørgensen, Current Events 1: March 2007 - October 2008

Welcome to the next chapter in the lives of Countess Alexandra and Martin Jørgensen.

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{edited for consistency - Elspeth}I think Alex and Joachim have been WONDERFUL examples of two royals who are not together, who are cordial and work for the best interests of their children.

Another example would be Sarah and Andrew, but unlike those two (who I adore) Alex and Joachim have both moved on romantically. I too think it was kind of quick to remove her from the website, but as Warren mentioned, she is no longer a part of the Royal Family. That's the way it is. And honestly {edited for consistency - Elspeth}if Alex, Joachim, Martin, Felix and Nikolai (and Marie too if she marries Joachim) get along in private...they really don't need to prove anything to the public.
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Zonk said:
{edited for consistency - Elspeth}I think Alex and Joachim have been WONDERFUL examples of two royals who are not together, who are cordial and work for the best interests of their children. Another example would be Sarah and Andrew

There are more of these examples, like Princess Irene of the Netherlands and her former spouse Prince Carlos-Hugo de Bourbon de Parme, Duke of Parma, who always and ever remaind a welcome guest at family events in the Netherlands Royal House and is very dear to his former sister-in-law, Queen Beatrix.

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fanletizia said:
We lost a great princess :sad:


Everytime people ask who will be the new Diana, She always imediatly comes to my mind. Her humanitarian work, all the trips she took on the bahlf of UNICEF, her work around the Tsunami, HIV, and childrens in all ways is touching. And she is so natural infront of a camera.
MissSaga said:
Her humanitarian work, all the trips she took on the bahlf of UNICEF, her work around the Tsunami, HIV, and childrens in all ways is touching.

Is there any Princess who does not the same? Remember Alexandra gets $ 390,000.-- for so now and then holding an orphan in her arm. Try to see the reality though the wonderful 'humanitarian' gestures.
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for so now and then holding an orphan in her arm. Try to see the reality though the wonderful 'humanitarian' gestures.

That is what is known as a photo-op, Henri M. There's a lot more going on behind the scenes than you may realize. Furthermore, while the photo-ops are a fantastic way to being awareness to a cause, do not discredit the patron. Again, as I said, there is more unglamourous hard work going on that is not being reported. Believe me, I know.

Moving on with the topic at hand.
GlitteringTiaras said:
That is what is known as a photo-op, Henri M. There's a lot more going on behind the scenes than you may realize.

I fully agree with you.
I only wanted to give a bit of counterbalance in the sanctification of glamorous dazzling rich ladies with 12 butlers in a palace posing with an orphan.


For the rest I wish Alexandra and Martin and the kids a lot of succes in their new life.
MissSaga said:

Everytime people ask who will be the new Diana, She always imediatly comes to my mind. Her humanitarian work, all the trips she took on the bahlf of UNICEF, her work around the Tsunami, HIV, and childrens in all ways is touching. And she is so natural infront of a camera.

There was so much heartache surrounding Diana that I would prefer that we never see the new Diana again.

Alexandra, on the other hand, was cut out of an entirely different grain of cloth. Intelligent, well-educated, career professional, discreet. She never seemed to let any circumstances, no matter how bad, get her down. I never got the impression that Alexandra was telling us secrets that would come back to haunt her, embarass her or her children or her in-laws. In fact the telling of family confidences seems to me so alien to Alexandra's nature that I think I would fall over dead from surprise if we saw a tell-all book or interview from her. Its just not in her nature and her discretion and willingness to treat everyone with dignity and respect despite all hardships or any hurts that may have been done to her is her most unique and admirable quality.

She didn't hang onto her princess title as a substitute for a healthy self-esteem. She took the title for what it was, merely the sign of being married to and part of a royal family. When she decided to make her own new family away from Denmark's royal family, she saw no need for the royal title and she parted with it willingly and gracefully.

This lady knows how to treat everyone with dignity and respect and I hope she gets that in her new life.
ysbel said:
I never got the impression that Alexandra was telling us secrets that would come back to haunt her, embarass her or her children or her in-laws.

I thought it was also Alexandra to be blamed for her own contribution in the chill in the marriage with Prince Joachim, very much contra the popular idea that this 'fairy Princess' was immaculate...

ysbel said:
She didn't hang onto her princess title as a substitute for a healthy self-esteem. She took the title for what it was, nameely the sign of being married to and part of a royal family. When she decided to make her own new family away from Denmark's royal family, she saw no need for the royal title and she parted with it willingly and gracefully.

Eerh... really...: Alexandra has nothing 'to decide' in this matter. She married a Prince and became a Princess herself by virtue of marriage.
When the marriage ended she automatically lost her style and it was Queen Margrethe II, and not Alexandra, who determined her furtherer style after the divorce and after an eventual second marriage.

Henri M. said:
I thought it was also Alexandra to be blamed for her own contribution in the chill in the marriage with Prince Joachim, very much contra the popular idea that this 'fairy Princess' was immaculate...

My point is that we really don't know because Alexandra and Joachim were so discreet and that is their unique and admirable quality in the world of monarchy today. When any marriage ends after several years and two children, there are always small hurts and slights between the partners. One doesn't end a marriage like that on a whim.

But despite the hurts that inevitably would have come about from the demise of a marriage no matter whose fault it was, Alexandra and Joachim decided that they didn't need to share that with the world. Its admirable.

Eerh... really...: Alexandra has nothing 'to decide' in this matter. She married a Prince and became a Princess herself by virtue of marriage
When the marriage ended she automatically lost her style and it was Queen Margrethe II, and not Alexandra, who determined her furtherer style after the divorce and after an eventual second marriage.


I didn't mean she decided to relinquish the title, Henri. Alexandra knew what the rules were and accepted them with grace. She didn't have to accept them with grace but it was in her nature to do so.
Alexandra's page has been removed from the official Danish monarchy website.
Is there any Princess who does not the same?

Actually, unfortunately, yes, we can determine that, no, 9/10 of the princess' today do not in any way do what Alex did. You can't compare Alexandra to any current princess, in terms of charity. (I think)

And I wasn't talking about others, but about Alexandra, and what if all princess' did what she's done, it wouldn't change a thing, it wouldn't make her less of the fantastic princess she was, so I don't see where you were going with your post.

I hope I'm not going off topic, I don't think I am anyway, but I wil stop now :)
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ysbel said:
There was so much heartache surrounding Diana that I would prefer that we never see the new Diana again.

Alexandra, on the other hand, was cut out of an entirely different grain of cloth. Intelligent, well-educated, career professional, discreet. She never seemed to let any circumstances, no matter how bad, get her down. I never got the impression that Alexandra was telling us secrets that would come back to haunt her, embarass her or her children or her in-laws. In fact the telling of family confidences seems to me so alien to Alexandra's nature that I think I would fall over dead from surprise if we saw a tell-all book or interview from her. Its just not in her nature and her discretion and willingness to treat everyone with dignity and respect despite all hardships or any hurts that may have been done to her is her most unique and admirable quality.

She didn't hang onto her princess title as a substitute for a healthy self-esteem. She took the title for what it was, merely the sign of being married to and part of a royal family. When she decided to make her own new family away from Denmark's royal family, she saw no need for the royal title and she parted with it willingly and gracefully.

This lady knows how to treat everyone with dignity and respect and I hope she gets that in her new life.

Well said, ysbel.

I like Alexandra because she is such a determined and confident woman. These qualities make her very charismatic.
Henri M. said:
I thought it was also Alexandra to be blamed for her own contribution in the chill in the marriage with Prince Joachim, very much contra the popular idea that this 'fairy Princess' was immaculate...

Eerh... really...: Alexandra has nothing 'to decide' in this matter. She married a Prince and became a Princess herself by virtue of marriage.
When the marriage ended she automatically lost her style and it was Queen Margrethe II, and not Alexandra, who determined her furtherer style after the divorce and after an eventual second marriage.


It is Alexandra who decided to remarry and thus to lose her princess status, not the Queen.
Henri M said:
Is there any Princess who does not the same?

MissSaga said:
Actually, unfortunately, yes, we can determine that, no, 9/10 of the princess' today do not in any way do what Alex did. You can't compare Alexandra to any current princess, in terms of charity. (I think)

Ugh...??? I'm really flabbergasted. How do you back your 9/10 statement?

Let us take Princess Máxima who received the 'Orange Fund' as her wedding gift, which donates 260 million USD a year to small-scale private initiatives on local level and in neighbourhoods. How does she compare in your 'charity-ratings' to Alexandra?

Or someone like Princess Mabel who already for 10 years was a fulltime director of a charity (Open Society Institute) before she even has ever met her spouse?
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what's happening to her now? is she going to continue to go to royal appointments?
rchainho said:
what's happening to her now? is she going to continue to go to royal appointments?

No, she is not. Alexandra is no longer a member of the Danish Royal House. She did keep some of her patronages, but now under her new title, Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg.
So does this mean also that she won't be invited to any social events done by the DRF?
As a Dame of the Order of the Elephant - Denmark's highest order of chivalry - Alexandra will undoubtedly be invited to the grand reception Queen Margrethe holds in January for the Knights of the Order of the Elephant.

Other than that, I think she will be invited to some private family gatherings especially where her sons are prominent but we, the public, are not likely to see pictures of these private gatherings.
ysbel said:
Other than that, I think she will be invited to some private family gatherings especially where her sons are prominent but we, the public, are not likely to see pictures of these private gatherings.

IMO, I hope this will be the Only time I see her, really.
I like her very much and I think a nice girl like her deserves a loving husband. I wish her and her husband a long and happy life together.
This might have been mentioned before-is she still getting money from the royal budget (from the govt, not what J or QM might give her for child support or as a gift)? Is it because she is still performing duties for the govt or as mother of two royal family members?
kaffir said:
This might have been mentioned before-is she still getting money from the royal budget (from the govt, not what J or QM might give her for child support or as a gift)? Is it because she is still performing duties for the govt or as mother of two royal family members?

Yes, around € 300.000,-- ($ 390,000.--) per year, very generously provided by the Danish taxpayers for the former wife of a younger son of their head of state. For the rest of her life.

I have no idea what was the logic thought behind this, but I bet there will be a logic thought somewhere.

Henri M. said:
Yes, around € 300.000,-- ($ 390,000.--) per year, very generously provided by the Danish taxpayers for the former wife of a younger son of their head of state. For the rest of her life.

I have no idea what was the logic thought behind this, but I bet there will be a logic thought somewhere.

Count Ingolf of Rosenborg receives about the same amount as Alexandra. Granted their situations are a bit different, but neither of them have/will have much public duties, although they both have their patronages.
norwegianne said:
Count Ingolf of Rosenborg receives about the same amount as Alexandra. Granted their situations are a bit different, but neither of them have/will have much public duties, although they both have their patronages.

In my Dutch ears it sounds very generous indeed. In the Netherlands only The Queen, The Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima receive an annua; apanage.

The idea that the State of the Netherlands would finance an allowance to a former spouse of Prince Constantijn really is alien.


Happy Alexandra!
I start to wonder if the newspaper articles about Alexandra's value in terms of employment and income we recently discussed here came out of the thin air or if she already is on looking for a position to continue her former professional career? Just a thought...
Jo of Palatine said:
I start to wonder if the newspaper articles about Alexandra's value in terms of employment and income we recently discussed here came out of the thin air or if she already is on looking for a position to continue her former professional career? Just a thought...

I was thinking that perhaps The Queen felt it would be better to keep Alexandra in the good graces of the family rather than shut her out and form a competing support base. I think her allowance is her "alimony" & the keeping of certain patronages maintains stability for the charity -- they didn't lose an "official" royal patron.
Not The Queen...

pinklady1991 said:
I was thinking that perhaps The Queen felt it would be better to keep Alexandra in the good graces of the family rather than shut her out and form a competing support base. I think her allowance is her "alimony" & the keeping of certain patronages maintains stability for the charity -- they didn't lose an "official" royal patron.

Excuse me: it is not the Queen who decided or arranged this but the State of Denmark.
Queen Margrethe will not miss any sou. It is the Danish taxpayers who have to fund these lavish arrangements.
The 'good graces' of the family may be lovely. It is not the family to bleed for this anyway.
Henri M. said:
Excuse me: it is not the Queen who decided or arranged this but the State of Denmark.
Queen Margrethe will not miss any sou. It is the Danish taxpayers who have to fund these lavish arrangements.
The 'good graces' of the family may be lovely. It is not the family to bleed for this anyway.

Well, that's monarchy for you... Compared to the amounts of ex-presidents or their respective widows the Federal republic of Germany has acquired nad has to pay for the upkeep - this is nothing!
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