Christian, Isabella, Vincent and Josephine, News Part 4: June 2023 - October 2023

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Absolutely you need to be there for your teens almost as much as when they were little. We were the parents picking them up after parties, amazing what they let slip when they have had a few drinks! They are three responsible happy young adults now. I think the CP couple are doing agreat job with their children. The children seem mature for their ages, confident and aware of what's right and wrong.
For those who are worried about Christian's present lifestyle, I am curious to see how military life will straighten him (or not). His cousins, who I assume possibly had similar partying habits at Christian's age, obviously could not cope and dropped out, but, as the future heir to the throne, I don't think Christian has a choice.

On another point, I agree 100 % with Countessmeout on Maria Chiara.
What's been pointed out is how trashy Maria Chiara (and her mother's) social media is (I've also pointed out how baffling that is, considering MC is no nouveau riche) and the fact she is a second rate influencer, which she is, because last time I checked she wasn't the rival of Chiara Ferragni. Those are facts.

But the biggest stretch is to interpret any critique against Maria Chiara as praise for Christian, because guess what: it isn't.

And no, not all teenage boys are party boys, not all teenage princes are indiscreet, and Christian definitely isn't the only teenage Prince in Europe. There are plenty of those -certainly not living in a convent- who manage not to have a stream of frivolous pictures leaked.

I'm going to claim that it's not the guys who are bashing these three women...

Of course, there's quite nothing like using the "you're misogynistic" card against female posters. It's not patronising at all.
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Nothing to add I agree on everything you say on MC.

Except on the alcohol bit.
Christian is of legal drinking age in Denmark, so it is in that cultural context he needs to be viewed. Christian can legally walk into any store in DK and buy ordinary beer up to 7%. He can sit in any public place an enjoy his beer openly.
The drinking culture in DK is much more lax than in many other places. So what Christian is doing is considered perfectly normal. And allowing Christian to drink beer, also without supervision (in fact he does have a couple of police officers nearby at any time which would certainly make me less concerned!) is also considered perfectly normal by parents in DK.

Now, do Danish teen drink too much, too young and too often? Yes! Absolutely!
Did I drink too much, too young and too often when I was seventeen? Well, let's not dwell on trivialities and instead look forward. ;)?
When I was sixteen I could walk into any store and buy as much hard liquor as I wanted and drink it right outside the store. When my children were sixteen they couldn't, that would be illegal, so things have indeed changed and is changing.

But back to M&F and parenting. Can't speak on behalf of M&F but I can explain how it is to have survived having two teens at home - who wants to go out and meet friends and party.
We could forbid them to drink alcohol, we could make them promise not to drink alcohol - but, the chances of them not drinking were pretty slim and we knew it. So we felt it was better to introduce them to alcohol when they felt like trying it, in a fairly safe environment - at home or family gatherings.
At parties sometimes some of us parents would be nearby - mainly to prevent party-crashers in fact. And usually we parents would take turn driving our teens home. And that sometimes meant shutting your ears to things you were not supposed to hear or on occasion making a teen throw up at the side of the road. (Better than in the car!)
But one thing that we made very clear to our own teens as well as their friends, was that they could call us at any time for a ride home, even if they were totally wasted. No getting into trouble for that.
Because we knew that if we made a song and dance act out of it, we knew that one day they would get dead drunk (especially if they are not used to it and know their limitations) but try and hide it from us and in that way could end up in real trouble!

And admittedly there were times when we really wanted to give them an earful, but bit our tongue! Otherwise they may not call the next time and who knew what could happen then.
Seems to me that M&F are trying something similar with their children, to the extent that is possible.

I have two sons who will be teens very very soon. The alcohol I have at home is not locked away - and never will be. Alcohol is not taboo or forbidden, and like you, I know my boys will experiment and get absolutely drunk when they can. And like you, they will be taught that me and their father will always be available to them to pick them up from parties where they are likely to drink, or have their friends at our place. I cannot, and will not stop them from drinking.

When I was at uni, I remember the guys who went hard on alcohol every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It wasn't pretty and by final year, you could see the damage it did to them - mentally and physically. Some of my peers who borderline abused alcohol throughout late teens and their 20s, now have significant health issues. It's not pretty and I will try in vain to limit the amount of alcohol my boys consume, especially in their late teens. I drink, and I love my wine and spirits, but I have never ever been hungover, ever. What I saw as a young adult, and coupled with the fact my parents didn't make alcohol a taboo or forbidden, led me to the decision to never ever get to that stage.

I understand what CP Frederik and Mary are doing - better to know what he's up to and give him the safe space to drink and experiment, but the number of times he's been photographed since at least his 17th birthday drinking beer is far more than I'd expected. The research is clear - alcohol damages young brains and the earlier you start, the worse the damage. There's a reason why doctors ask pregnant women to stay clear of alcohol during pregnancy, and there's an increasing call for the age of drinking to be raised from 18 to 21.

Do I believe Christian is becoming a raging alcoholic? No. Do I believe CP Frederik and Mary are bad parents? Absolutely not!
Love how the guy gets the pass as he is young and having fun. The 18 year old girl is being bashed as a useless party girl who will never amount to anything. You know forget she graduated early as top student, speaks six languages and has plans for college.

Right now, Christian is being praised simply because he, most likely, will become King of Denmark. That's it. He has not even finished school, gained a college/university degree or done a full day of work. He has achieved ZERO, yet this young woman is basically being branded a lazy, idle social-climber for simply being around him.

I'm going to claim that it's not the guys who are bashing these three women...

Who has been "bashing" Chiara while praising Christian? Is it bashing her to point out facts? :ermm:

She and her family are being indiscreet. Within the span of 3 months since they were seen together in June, she has already managed to give an interview about their "special friendship". Her mother joins in by posting a picture of Christian with the family, knowing it would generate further attention and speculation.

She and her family are jetsetters and they are self-indulgent. They proudly display that on their social media. She and her sister are influencers. They accept invitations by companies in return for promotions on their social media.

It's not a stretch to say that Christian and Chiara's respective positions can't be compared given that Christian is a member of an existing royal family and Chiara and her family are just playing royalty (just like Christian's Greek cousins for that matter). Chiara can live the life she leads off of her inherited wealth (good for her!). Christian, on the other hand, needs to tread carefully to not invoke scorn from the people who are funding his lifestyle.

None of this is rooted in gender. Of course I can only speak for myself but my point would be the exact same if we were talking about Princess Christina of Denmark and Clarus de Bourbon so to insinuate people are being misogynistic is a bit laughable :D

Right now, Christian is being praised simply because he, most likely, will become King of Denmark. That's it. He has not even finished school, gained a college/university degree or done a full day of work. He has achieved ZERO, yet this young woman is basically being branded a lazy, idle social-climber for simply being around him.

Right now, what I am witnessing is a young and extremely privileged 17-year old CHILD drinking alcohol and partying, and yet this is deemed acceptable? In my eyes, absolutely not. It makes me wonder in disbelief that Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary would allow their underage child to drink any alcohol, given the copious amounts of research of what damage alcohol can do to growing bodies, not least the risks of damaging their mental health as a young minds cannot simply cope with the effects of alcohol. Yet the focus here is on the young woman he is associating with. A young woman who has NO indiscretions, clearly has a very close-knit family and is becoming quite accomplished.

I am simply astounded

And I am simply at a loss as to where you find all this overwhelming praise for Christian? :lol:

"He has not even finished school, gained a college/university degree or done a full day of work" – I don't think you can fault him for that – academically, he's exactly where he should be at his age in the Danish school system – not everyone can be "two years ahead in the schooling system" ?

Before admonishing him for drinking alcohol, perhaps you could've read up on the Danish alcohol policies that don't prohibit him from drinking at 17. That you think a 17 year old shouldn't be drinking is hardly something M&F should take into consideration. His drinking habits are no different than any other average Dane his age ;)
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Thank you Archduchess Zelia and Muhler for the insights into Danish culture/life.

That he has not finished school, well he is not suppose to yet. That will come in 2024. He is not behind. Look at Norway, with 19 year old Ingrid-Alexandra, graduating this year.

As a non-heir yet, Christian in my book, is doing good. He has not been hidden away. He has done events with his parents and the Queen. The 100th anniversary celebrations with Frederik and the Queen were a delight. And a highlight for me was him attending the memorial after the attacks in Denmark. Very sad occasion and that he answered press questions was great.

This year with his 18th birthday and him finishing school will be a year for transition. It's exciting times. :flowers:
It is indeed not easy to deal with alcohol in regards to teens. (Both alcohol and drugs!) And also in early adulthood. There are many who drink way too much.
I do wish there was some miracle cure to deal with that problem. I also believe if alcohol was invented today it would be banned on the spot - and the world would be a better place for it.
There have been two occasions when I was young where I realized it was time to cut down, that was some 35 years ago where drinking in the workplace was not only socially acceptable but a norm. In one case I was teamed up with an alcoholic and I drank about half of what he drank during a workday. One day after work I couldn't understand why my key didn't fit into the lock, until it dawned on me that it was the door to the apartment block I was trying to open, not the door to my apartment. (the street door was never locked)!
On the other occasion I cut down was because when I clocked in at 7, I was literally looking forward to our first beer around 8.
That has fortunately changed here in DK.

Well, mysogynic is a wildcard like other wildcards.
I will merely point to the posters who have been and are detractors of Madeleine, MC and Alexia here on TRF. Even though women constitute the vast majority of members I dare maintain that those who were/are most critical are almost exclusively women.

And as for MC here.
Well, it's in the eyes of the beholder. I could just as easily put up a defense for MC for the very same things she is criticized for here in this thread and turn them in into something positive.
So IMO it's hardly a fact that she is for example indiscreet or self-indulgent. That's an opinion, an interpretation, a moral viewpoint.

And indeed in a very near future we will likely see pictures of Isabella partying. If she behaves like we have seen Christian behave so far, I'd say she would be an average Danish teen girl.

Finally, it has fortunately become much more socially acceptable to be an introvert who is not keen on parties and don't like to drink (at least drink heavily), that in contrast to my youth where you were considered a bit of a weirdo if you didn't drink and loved to party.
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Thank you Archduchess Zelia and Muhler for the insights into Danish culture/life.

That he has not finished school, well he is not suppose to yet. That will come in 2024. He is not behind. Look at Norway, with 19 year old Ingrid-Alexandra, graduating this year.

If I understand it correctly, that is because Denmark has 13 school grades/years (in the academic/university track) rather than 12, so students graduate at 18/19 rather than 17/18 as in the United States or Canada.
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Looking at the past few days on this thread makes me laugh -- it really shows how little we know about what is actually taking place and how much we all bring our own biases to viewing things.

The only "facts" we know about Christian's life this summer are completely scandal-free:

FACT: He went to the same music festival as his dad and was pictured holding what looks like a beer while talking to a bunch of kids his age.

Was it his first or 5,000th beer? Are his parents aware and involved? Is this normal or a path to complete debauchery? We have no way of knowing.

FACT: He and some guys went to the Formula 1 race in Monaco, where they were in a photo with Maria-Chiara.

Is he dating Maria-Chiara? Do his parents and grandmother approve? Does the princess's interview confirm that they're dating or not? Is she a misunderstood teen or a jet-setting airhead? (Or both? Or neither?) Is he actually really close friends with the other crown heirs? Again, it's all speculation that we cannot confirm.

My take is that the Monaco photo shows four young guys excited to be at a Formula 1 race with some silly girl standing next to them, and the music festival shows a teenage boy having a beer and hanging out with his friends.

That's about it.
If I understand it correctly, that is because Denmark has 13 school grades/years (in the academic/university track) rather than 12, so students graduate at 18/19 rather than 17/18 as in the United States or Canada.

10 years basic school - 0-9th grade.
For most followed by high school or technical high school, for additional three years.
However, many go for continuation school after leaving basic school for one year, and that counts as a kind of 10th grade.

So by the time you finish high school, you have gone to school for 13-14 years.


When my parents went to school, (up to mid to late 60s) the system very much resembled the current US system.
You started at 1st grade and went to school for seven years, with most leaving at age 14. - Most of those went right to work or got an apprenticeship of some sort - I'll get back to that.

But those who were deemed to have the necessary skills continued in what in DK was called Realschool (equivalent to the US high school), and that was a two year preparation for the Gymnasium (college for the late teens) which lasted and still lasts for three years. And that was a preparation for university or similar higher academic education.
But the students still graduated around18-19 years of age, before going to the university. (Most were actually called for conscription, before going to university though.)

To sum up:
Those who left school after seven years at around 14, and didn't get any further education, were destined for various forms of manual labor. Unskilled.
Those who went for apprenticeship were destined for some sort of professional work as craftsmen of some sort, from seamstresses to carpenters and they would typically constitute the emerging higher working class or lower middle class, unless they became maters craftsmen.
However apprentices went to school in the evening after work (that was eight hours a day, five days a week, and until noon on Saturdays back then) here they were taught more advanced reading, writing and mathematics i.e. what was considered useful for a skilled worker.

Those who left after Realschool, were typically destined for secondary administrative functions and as managers on lower to mid-level.

Those who left after Gymnasium took on higher administrative functions and middle to higher functionaries and managers.

Those who went to university were destined for the highest and most prestigious positions in society.

That was - simplified - the whole purpose of the Danish (Nordic) education system from around 1920 or so.
The school reform around 1970 abolished the Realschool. Instead everyone went to school for either 10 or 11 years (Preschool or 0 grade was introduced around that time) and most left after 9th or 10th, with an increasing number ending up in Gymnasium, around 60-70 % today.
Finally, it has fortunately become much more socially acceptable to be an introvert who is not keen on parties and don't like to drink (at least drink heavily), that in contrast to my youth where you were considered a bit of a weirdo if you didn't drink and loved to party.

While I agree it is fortunate that there is less pressure to fit the norms, you don't need to be an introvert to decide that you prefer not to drink or party (heavily). That's an option for extroverts as well.

Some seem to think it is inevitable that teens experiment with drugs and alcohol (previously smoking would definitely have been included). However, it's not: it's an option, a route that many teens may take, but still an option and not inevitable. I don't think you can 'control' it as a parent though, and the subculture in which a teen lives also matters. So, I assume that in this case, Christian is just a typical Danish upper-class teenage boy - who at various times has shown to be able to behave responsible towards his siblings and appropriately at royal events.
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If I understand it correctly, that is because Denmark has 13 school grades/years (in the academic/university track) rather than 12, so students graduate at 18/19 rather than 17/18 as in the United States or Canada.

Muhler already explained the Danish system but whenever you are talking about different educational systems, the age at which schooling starts also matters. While some school systems start as late as 6, there are also systems where pupils start as early as the age of 2 1/2 (for example, Belgium).
Royals are celebrities who wear a tiara and cut ribbons.

Has Christian ever worked? Has he ever done charity work? Is he not off partying or is he sitting reading the bible while Maria Chiara parties at the same event they are at?

Love how the guy gets the pass as he is young and having fun. The 18 year old girl is being bashed as a useless party girl who will never amount to anything. You know forget she graduated early as top student, speaks six languages and has plans for college.

Love how people talk about her like some 26 year old waif who has never worked and is lazy. She is barely an adult.

As for charity work at 18 she is patron of two major charities.

She is ambassador to the WWF for France and Italy

And with ocean one.

As well as helping her family foundation

But so much easier to just cast her as a mindless party girl.
Wow! All that bile over Christian having a beer and Maria Chiara being described as as self- indulgent. It seems to me that there is no need for an "intervention" to save Christian from a life of drunken debauchery and Maria Chiara and family need to check out their social media as internationally, people can only perceive her as she presents herself to us, and that is as a young woman who dresses well in advance of her years, and is seen at all the right places with all the right people. The fact that I know nothing about any of her altruistic endeavours is the result of little interest in the magazines that follow her and her own social media failing to reflect a well-rounded view of her life.

"Crown Princess Mary's eldest son Prince Christian has sparked engagement rumours after introducing his 'girlfriend' Princess Maria Chiara di Borbone-Two Sicilies to his grandmother, Queen Margrethe.

The 17-year-old is said to have hosted the 18-year-old princess in Denmark in June, making the brave decision to introduce her to the Queen.

Royal insides said 'they all took tea together' and noted Chiara was extremely nervous about the meeting.

'It's an informal stamp of approval for Chiara because Margrethe doesn't take tea with just anyone,' the source told Women's Day.

'Chiara was in awe of the Queen – it's been a dream of hers to meet such an iconic female ruler and she's been practising her curtsies for months,' they added.

The Princess appeared smitten as she told the Danish press she and the popular Prince have a beautiful friendship and have a lot of fun together.

'There's no doubt an engagement announcement is on the horizon and the palace is preparing accordingly,' the insider said."

"Crown Princess Mary's eldest son Prince Christian has sparked engagement rumours after introducing his 'girlfriend' Princess Maria Chiara di Borbone-Two Sicilies to his grandmother, Queen Margrethe.

The 17-year-old is said to have hosted the 18-year-old princess in Denmark in June, making the brave decision to introduce her to the Queen.

Royal insides said 'they all took tea together' and noted Chiara was extremely nervous about the meeting.

'It's an informal stamp of approval for Chiara because Margrethe doesn't take tea with just anyone,' the source told Women's Day.

'Chiara was in awe of the Queen – it's been a dream of hers to meet such an iconic female ruler and she's been practising her curtsies for months,' they added.

The Princess appeared smitten as she told the Danish press she and the popular Prince have a beautiful friendship and have a lot of fun together.

'There's no doubt an engagement announcement is on the horizon and the palace is preparing accordingly,' the insider said."
I'll place my bets on that "royal insider" being either the mother of the alleged girlfriend or one of her friends.
An imminent engagement announcement, from the 17 year old Christian no doubt!! Someone’s hopeful! And trust the DM to publish such rubbish.
Well, mysogynic is a wildcard like other wildcards.
I will merely point to the posters who have been and are detractors of Madeleine, MC and Alexia here on TRF. Even though women constitute the vast majority of members I dare maintain that those who were/are most critical are almost exclusively women.

I'm not sure that would be of much significance. If it is true that women constitute the vast majority of members, then it is only to be expected that the vast majority of any given royal's detractors will be women - and the vast majority of their detractors' detractors. ;)

And as you raised the examples of Madeleine, Maria Chiara and Alexia, I will offer as a counterpoint that the majority of people on the internet who enforce sentiments such as "Madeleine's children aren't real Bernadottes and should be plain Miss/Mr. O'Neill (because she is a woman)" or "Maria Chiara and her sister Maria Carolina aren't rightful heirs to the headship of the Bourbon-Two Sicilies family (because they are women)" appear to be male.
I'll place my bets on that "royal insider" being either the mother of the alleged girlfriend or one of her friends.

An imminent engagement announcement, from the 17 year old Christian no doubt!! Someone’s hopeful! And trust the DM to publish such rubbish.

Well, at least the online version of the Woman's Day article, which the Daily Mail article cites as its source and links to, admits that their "insiders" are only "speculating" about a possible romance.

The Danish teenager, 17, was spotted cosying up to Italian heiress and close family friend Princess Maria Chiara di Borbone, 18, while on a day out with friends at the Monaco Grand Prix, and now insiders are speculating a royal romance could be on the cards.
An imminent engagement announcement, from the 17 year old Christian no doubt!! Someone’s hopeful! And trust the DM to publish such rubbish.

In the 80s and 90s we had this speculation in the European boulevard press for most of the decade(s) and for most of the crown princes (and the Swedish CPss). For now the press appears to be quiet enough about Elisabeth, Amalia, Ingrid and Leonor. This is the first exception I think.

Her family is quite colourful and so I suppose it makes a good and easy story to write about.
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Interesting what people will believe from that Daily Mail (more like Fail) and what they won't.
Daily Fail as rubbish as usual.

For now the press appears to be quiet enough about Elisabeth, Amalia, Ingrid and Leonor. This is the first exception I think.

Maybe because their alleged date (mainly in IA's case, the rest are mostly rumours) fed the press nothing.

Speaking of IA, quite interesting that the press held their breath to talk about her boyfriend right after she turned 18 while Christian just "got a fiancee" from the press when he's not even 18.
The fact that it is another royal will of course make the story bigger. It doesn't matter the Italian titles don't actually exist any more.

The Cinderella story have been over done. A prince actually marrying a princess is such a rare occasion, at least with one of the monarchies still having their throne/position. Tabloids imagining a big double royal wedding, no matter how ridiculous to imagine a 17 year old on the verge.

Ridiculous though they are trying to pretend how nervous and awe struck she is by royals, even though playing on the royal title. It's not like she hasn't been around royals before (besides her own family).
Oh, it won't be the last time Christian will be "engaged".

I'm not sure that would be of much significance. If it is true that women constitute the vast majority of members, then it is only to be expected that the vast majority of any given royal's detractors will be women - and the vast majority of their detractors' detractors. ;)

And as you raised the examples of Madeleine, Maria Chiara and Alexia, I will offer as a counterpoint that the majority of people on the internet who enforce sentiments such as "Madeleine's children aren't real Bernadottes and should be plain Miss/Mr. O'Neill (because she is a woman)" or "Maria Chiara and her sister Maria Carolina aren't rightful heirs to the headship of the Bourbon-Two Sicilies family (because they are women)" appear to be male.

Indeed, however I do seem to notice a very distinct absence of male members actually bashing these three women.

As for your second point: Isn't that more a defense of the current rule about female royals (and female nobles) losing personal titles and status upon marriage? A rule that has been around forever? Rather than de-valuating women?
Just like the idea of "abdication by retirement" is hotly debated here.

And just for the record in case anyone doesn't know my opinion on these two matters:
I do believe women should not automatically lose their titles and status upon marriage. That's outdated and as most royal families champion women's rights, pretty hypocritical as well.
And I'm all for "abdication by retirement" the reasons for which I have explained many times.

"Crown Princess Mary's eldest son Prince Christian has sparked engagement rumours after introducing his 'girlfriend' Princess Maria Chiara di Borbone-Two Sicilies to his grandmother, Queen Margrethe.

The 17-year-old is said to have hosted the 18-year-old princess in Denmark in June, making the brave decision to introduce her to the Queen.

Royal insides said 'they all took tea together' and noted Chiara was extremely nervous about the meeting.

'It's an informal stamp of approval for Chiara because Margrethe doesn't take tea with just anyone,' the source told Women's Day.

'Chiara was in awe of the Queen – it's been a dream of hers to meet such an iconic female ruler and she's been practising her curtsies for months,' they added.

The Princess appeared smitten as she told the Danish press she and the popular Prince have a beautiful friendship and have a lot of fun together.

'There's no doubt an engagement announcement is on the horizon and the palace is preparing accordingly,' the insider said."

I doubt that the royal family is giving all that importance to this supposed romance between Christian and Maria Chiara.
Christian is still very young, he is not even 18 years old, he has not yet finished his studies or started his military education.
Therefore, it will still be early to think about an engagement announcement.

But I think the royal family would be happy if Maria Chiara were Christian's girlfriend. She is already known to the Royal Family, her family is part of the group of people with whom the DRF relates, and Maria Chiara already knows the royal circles of Europe.

An extra thread for the birthday and the birthday celebrations can be found here.
”Engagement rumours swirl”

”There's no doubt an engagement announcement is on the horizon and the palace is preparing accordingly,' the insider said”

The first of hundreds of times that Christian will be engaged ???

I am happy for them if they are a couple, but geeez, the guy isn’t event 18 and the media is already planning his marriage ? Let him be an 18 year old and begin to experience life
In the 80s and 90s we had this speculation in the European boulevard press for most of the decade(s) and for most of the crown princes (and the Swedish CPss). For now the press appears to be quiet enough about Elisabeth, Amalia, Ingrid and Leonor. This is the first exception I think.

Her family is quite colourful and so I suppose it makes a good and easy story to write about.

The fact that it is another royal will of course make the story bigger. It doesn't matter the Italian titles don't actually exist any more.

Maybe because their alleged date (mainly in IA's case, the rest are mostly rumours) fed the press nothing.

I agree that the target of speculation having an interesting family background and encouraging the interest are important factors, but I think it is also significant that Woman's Day is not a Danish publication. Even in democratic monarchies such as Denmark, the gossip press tends to be more careful concerning their own royals compared to the foreign gossip press.

Crown Princess Mary is, for obvious reasons, of more interest to the Australian and British gossip press than the mothers of Elisabeth, Amalia, Ingrid and Leonor, and that apparently extends to her son.
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As for your second point: Isn't that more a defense of the current rule about female royals (and female nobles) losing personal titles and status upon marriage? A rule that has been around forever? Rather than de-valuating women?

Edit: I am going to move my reply to the Royalty/Nobility and Gender thread, as it is no longer specifically about Prince Christian. See here:

Both my and your examples of women being devalued compared to men (your example being "party girls" receiving more bashing than "party boys") have been around forever. The rule that women must be more restrained than men in their personal behavior is as ancient as the rule that women when marrying must give up their position in their family of origin and take up the position of consort to their husband and member of his family.
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Let's see.. like a good old film... with whom will Christian open the ball.

That'll be Margrethe, that's the only possible choice even if Christian already has a fiancee. :D
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