Christian, Isabella, Vincent and Josephine, News Part 4: June 2023 - October 2023

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The issue will be when Christian is reaching mid 30s and still not the heir...will he still not be a full time "working royal" (I hate that term). I think this is a mistake and is delaying Christian becoming more comfortable with doing engagements, etc.

IMO, he should have been more visible starting this summer. IMO, they should have done a summer cruise as the Crown Prince Family. IMO, he should start accompanying his parents on certain engagements (Isabella too for that matter). IMO, he should start giving short speeches here and there (...)

Maybe they think he has 10-20 years to learn all this stuff before he become the Crown Prince so what's a few more years to hang out. Hopefully he won't fall too behind the other royals his age in the same position. Look at Ingrid Alexandra...she seems way more ready...but then again the Norwegian Royal family seem to operate a little differently (just look at how King Harald is more open to sharing duties openly and including Haakon in way more things on an official (as in included in the calendar) level/capacity.

Heck - Estell in Sweden has already seemingly been more involved in some engagements.

I can only read your objection to their postponement of Christian's apanage due to his schooling as a suggestion that he should become a working royal upon turning 18? That's just preposterous. Not even Frederik – who was the heir apparent – was thrown headfirst into life as a working royal at 18.

Or are you suggesting he will... cease doing public appearances completely upon turning 18?

Christian undertook his first official engagement at the age of 3 – and has done several since then. He'd accompanied his parents on 2 overseas tours before the age of 13. He's extremely comfortable doing official engagements. He took the lead in commenting when attending the memorial for the victims of the mall shooting last year, not Frederik. During the two tours, he was completely at ease carrying out engagements alongside his parents. During Royal Run this year, you could read his comments and mistake them for comments made by his mother. Why would any of that change?

I also read that then at 18 he is not becoming a member of the council of state like his father? Does that mean he cannot serve as rigforstander (even if they'd want to appoint him). I think Christian is already behind other royals of his age as the second to the throne. Again, maybe it is just assumed that he won't become heir until his mid 30s anyway so why get ahead of themselves. Unless it gets to the point where the stirrings start of skipping over Frederik to Christian if people start to consider Frederik is past his prime. I guess they'd have to figure out appanage at that time.

Which peers of his generation is Christian "behind" exactly?

Elisabeth is 4 years older than him and is neither a "working royal" yet (nor should she be! She's focusing on her education) and neither did she immediately start doing official engagements upon turning 18. If I'm not mistaken, it wasn't until last year she carried out her first solo engagement.

Amalia declined her apanage upon doing a gap year after completing her secondary education – a gap year where, going by your logic, she should've been out performing official engagements – and it is her example the DRF (and NRF) is following. IIRC she didn't hold her first public speech till she turned 18 and how many solo engagements has she undertaken exactly?

I won't even begin to compare him to Leonor as the monarchy's somewhat fragile situation in Spain most certainly has sped up her introduction to being a working royal.

– I mean, if anything, Christian and Ingrid are ahead of their peers :cool: Amalia declined her apanage so long as she doesn't "do anything for it in return" as heir to the throne. Christian and Ingrid declined theirs as second in line. Or, one could chide the abdicating grandparents for putting their grandchildren in a situation where some people hold unrealistic expectations for their work ethic while studying.

Since I am allegedly being overly-dramatic in my opinions, I'm out. I'm going back to lurking. Where points are not missed and words misconstrued. I know I am in the minority in quite a few POVs so I should have stuck to keeping my thoughts to myself.

I have seen no one miss your point which routinely seems to be that QMII should abdicate. I have seen plenty of people argue why that isn't really a relevant point though.
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I wonder just how many of the young people that ‘are in line for the throne” so not want the responsibility to become King or Queen. Making their feelings know to their parents or/and grandparents, the King or Queen ruling Monarch, I wonder if the delay in some of the duties the young people should be undertaking is due to the fact that they don’t want the responsibility. They would rather be normal citizens. Hence the Elders are allowing the young people to delay, doing what they want, going to further education, taking a gap year(s), gettin a normal job, or as much as one as they can get. They just do not want to be in the lime light or Royal Figure. Not every one is like Princess Estelle. At a young age she has been more active than some older heirs. She is a rarity. Time will tell what will happen. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and it should be respected.
I'm not saying that the Queen should follow the late QEII's example which would make Frederik become Charles 2.0, but if the Queen doesn't want to abdicate then I don't think people should pressure her to abdicate.

The way it going now, I think Christian is lucky. In his case, he can follow William's example: enjoy his university life and gather real life experience as much as possible, whether pursuing Master or join military service or maybe even having a job, while doing royal work part-time. The way I see it, the time he spent as an adult with the slight freedom of 2nd in line, it gives William better foundation as he moves up in the succession. Seriously, Christian should count his blessing that he's not in Leonor's position.
On another note: Christian has got his drivers license.

You can get a drivers license in DK when you are seventeen, but until you turn eighteen you can only drive, if an experienced driver who has had the license for at least ten years is in the car with you.
And that applies only in Denmark.

The court informs that one of Christian's PET officers will be the "experienced driver". So he is having a police officer as co-driver. Should help preventing him from developing a habit of having a too heavy foot.


I believe the monarchies will all eventually adopt a "Dutch system". I.e. the monarch will abdicate when the Heir is ready and in his/her prime.

Let's say Christian has his first child when he is 35, not unreasonably to assume. Now, people of Christian's generation can expect to live to around 100. With good medical care and a reasonable healthy living, not to mention the major advances in medical science these years and no doubt in the future, it will not be unreasonable to expect Christian to live and be pretty active at least until he turn 90. That means Christian's firstborn will be waiting for 60-70 years before ascending the throne.
And Christian's children may very likely live past 100.

So in some way the whole concept of succession will have to be revised just as the roles of the heirs and the next successor will also have to be revised.
The monarch, the heir and the successor will all have to have more defined and prominent roles. It's IMO a necessity. - And/or the monarchs will have to move over when the heir is around 50 or so. And perhaps become a kind of stay-at-home reserves.
Otherwise we will eventually end up with a whole generation of "Prince Charles'er".

The monarchies of the future will have to remain relevant and relatable for all age-groups of the population, older, middle-aged and young or they will slowly fade away.
So someone within the monarchies will have to represent each age-segment and that means a more prominent role than today for the heir and the successor.
I would personally prefered him getting a smaller stipend at the age of 18, but I guess this is what was agreed to. So be it.

Hvaing said that, the second he turns 18 the press will let their dogs of their leash and his life will change dramatically. And, as others have already pointed out, he's life will no longer "just" be his own.

There will be expectations to everything from education, military training, appearance in public, his tolerance of fools and imbeciles, his day-job for now and that's before we even start talking about friends, girlfriends heck even boyfriends if that was the case. And he has to navigate that with everyone watching and everbody being a potential photographer.

The point is: there is much more to this than simply cutting ribbons and attending state dinners. It is a job. A job he already has been doing for years you might say. We are basicly asking him to sign over a huge chunk of his life and then simply wait. That is his job for the next many years. How long is he expected to ask his parents for money to simply buy a round for his mates or a tank of gas for his car? And honestly, do we really want the alternative:

"Prinsen til flaskeautomaten...?"
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:previous: :flowers:

The party-prince? Beer, party and music?
Well, the vast majority of Danish seventeen year olds spend the summer partying, having fun, being with friends and drinking a beer or two - and being away from parents and younger siblings...

So the SE & Hør headline should really read: Christian being normal.

The only thing I can put my finger on is that: I would so much like to cut his hair! :D
Short! Stubbles. Snip, snip! :D
Seems like SE og Hør are already painting the narrative for Christian and the kid hasn't turned 18 yet. It seems like he spent his summer being a normal 17 year old, especially important for him. Once he turns 18 I fear this will be relentless.

At least Christian has the benefit of having Mary and Frederik as attentive, communicative and involved parents that have most likely been preparing him for this....unlike Frederik who had none of that when he turned 18.

I do agree he could do with a haircut. However, I envy his full head of thick hair!!
LOL, most of the 17-year-olds I know spend their summers working to make money and build their resumes for college.

Maria-Chiara and her sister (and parents) seem to be more involved in the international jet-set/fashion/entertainment world than I would have guessed Christian's parents would favor. The girls remind me people who hang out with Crown Prince Pavlos' children.
Maria-Chiara and her sister (and parents) seem to be more involved in the international jet-set/fashion/entertainment world than I would have guessed Christian's parents would favor.

Didn't Crown Prince Frederik himself have a reputation as a "party prince" and international jetsetter for quite a long time? According to Chiara herself, the two families have been close for all of her life (and her father is godfather to Princess Josephine).

The Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera published an interview with Princess Maria Chiara a few days ago.

Maria Chiara talks about her relationship with Prince Christian, who is referred to as a good friend.

Some things she says in the interview:
“The last time I was in Denmark? Two weeks ago".

“It's good for Christian to think about his studies, they are for life”

But how did she and Prince Christian meet? «We've known each other since we were little, my father Carlo is godfather to his younger sister, Josephine... the Bourbon family is related to almost all the royal families or former rulers of Europe, it's a kind of big club: King Felipe VI of Spain is my father's cousin and I am very close to the heiress, Infanta Leonor, who, like me, loves sport and women's football in particular: a passion that cost me dearly: as a child I broke two teeth playing with friends in Montecarlo. Back then, Belgian royalty used to be our summer guests in St Tropez… and one of my best friends is Alexandra of Hanover, the youngest daughter of Caroline of Monaco».

«Yes, with Christian there is a good understanding, a beautiful friendship, we have a lot of fun together. Then he is very sporty, he loves running, playing tennis but he also knows how to be very disciplined. He and his family are very open."
Didn't Crown Prince Frederik himself have a reputation as a "party prince" and international jetsetter for quite a long time? According to Chiara herself, the two families have been close for all of her life (and her father is godfather to Princess Josephine).

Hmm, not a jetsetter when he was young. More like a party-prince here at home. And when I think back, it really wasn't that often. It was more blown up, because the level where things could become "outrageous" were quite a bit lower back in the late 80s and 90s. He did however have a number of unfortunate instances and combined with the press having labelled him a party-prince as well as his obvious disdain of being the Heir, he did get a reputation for being less than serious by the public at the time.
While he already had his people-skills in place, they weren't as well known to the public back then, because we didn't know him and the person who is and was Frederik. That came later. Around 2000 I'd say, with the Sirius expedition in Greenland.
In fact by the mid-90s he was quite busy in the military and at universities, so his reputation was in hindsight unfair.

It didn't make things easier for him that Joachim married fairly young, 26, and had a "real job" - managing his estate, as well as doing quite a bit of representative work with or without Alexandra. Not to mention that Joachim has always been very articulate, correct in his demeanor and the glamour of Alexandra rubbed off on him as well.
So Frederik paled in comparison.

Christian on the other hand is a very different person from the young Frederik. He is more extrovert, is more articulate and much more confident in the public glare.

And as long as Christian doesn't end up in fights, run someone over, get caught with his nose buried in cocaine or knock someone up, him attending parties and drinking a few beers (after all we still have to see reports of him dead drunk) and associating with an Italian Princess, few will batter an eyelid here in DK. - Except those who look for an excuse to batter an eyelid and blow things out of proportion. I shall refrain from mentioning the tabloids and magazine that pops up in my mind while writing this...
Didn't Crown Prince Frederik himself have a reputation as a "party prince" and international jetsetter for quite a long time? According to Chiara herself, the two families have been close for all of her life (and her father is godfather to Princess Josephine).

What does Maria Chiara mean when she says that "He (Christian) and his family are very open"? I wonder what the original quote was in Italian.

And as long as Christian doesn't end up in fights, run someone over, get caught with his nose buried in cocaine or knock someone up, him attending parties and drinking a few beers (after all we still have to see reports of him dead drunk) and associating with an Italian Princess, few will batter an eyelid here in DK. - Except those who look for an excuse to batter an eyelid and blow things out of proportion. I shall refrain from mentioning the tabloids and magazine that pops up in my mind while writing this...

There is no concrete evidence that Christian and Maria Chiara are dating and, even if they were, they are only 17/18, so it is likely that it might not last or turn serious. In any case, just for the sake of argument, if it did progress to a serious relationship, some people could question if a Catholic Italian princess would be willing to convert to Lutheranism upon marrying a Danish crown prince (I am assuming Frederik will be King already by the time Christian is old enough to marry). Honestly, I don't know how Maria Chiara feels about those issues.

Other than that, I don't think the Danish royal family, and especially old-school Queen Margrethe II, would frown upon Christian dating another royal who also happens to belong to a branch of one of the oldest and most illustrious dynasties in Europe, and whose family is friends with the Danish royal family. On the contrary, I suppose the Queen would be delighted, regardless of Chiara being a "jetsetter" or not.
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I don't know if I should be delighted or horrified by Maria Chiara's interview :lol: Hard to believe she's "very close" with Leonor when Leonor isn't even close with her own jetsetter cousins, be it the Marichalars or the Greeks. She doesn't seem aware that King Felipe is besties with the Duke of Calabria, not with her father. So I take her words with a grain of salt.

CP Plavlos' family gets a lot of heat, but at least his kids have the decorum not to use their titles on social media, and when it comes to Olympia, at least she walks the runway for top brands. Maria Chiara is just another try-hard influencer, it's baffling how much her page (and her mother's) manages to exude nouveau riche energy.

Young love shouldn't be underestimated though, fortunately not everyone has to search for years and years before finding "the one", Count Nikolai himself seems to be an example of that. But it's hard to imagine Mary and Daisy being delighted with MC and the rest of the gang, but perhaps they are.

I hope Christian has enjoyed his summer holidays given he has a busy year coming up where it appears all his choices will be under a microscope.
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Regardless of whether they're dating or not, I think the whole family is being terribly indiscreet. I guess that was only to be expected from them and I guess M&F don't care as these are people they have chosen to befriend but I think it's very unflattering.

It also makes me think of how Marie was admonished for being too open-mouthed in the tabloids when she and Joachim were first dating. Hopefully that's an energy the DRF will retain for Chiara, if she and Christian are dating.

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Personally I don't think they are dating.
Not that I have anything to back up that claim with, I just don't think so.

They may have a fling, but that I think is as far as it goes.

I think they are simply friends. These are someone Christian know, they from the same circle of life and fairly similar backgrounds with fairly similar lifestyles and family histories.
In this age where instant contact and easy travel is so common, it is natural for royal children, and perhaps especially the heirs to seek like minded. Someone who has a good understanding of what it is to be a royal, with all the limitations and obligations that entails, as well as temptations and experience with more or less fame/fortune seeking hangers on.
Because a common problem for royals of all ages - and perhaps even more so today, where everything can be recorded at any time - is: Who can I really trust? Who can I really relax around? Well, the obvious answer is someone who are similar to themselves.
I don't know if I should be delighted or horrified by Maria Chiara's interview :lol: Hard to believe she's "very close" with Leonor when Leonor isn't even close with her own jetsetter cousins, be it the Marichalars or the Greeks. She doesn't seem aware that King Felipe is besties with the Duke of Calabria, not with her father. So I take her words with a grain of salt.

CP Plavlos' family gets a lot of heat, but at least his kids have the decorum not to use their titles on social media, and when it comes to Olympia, at least she walks the runway for top brands. Maria Chiara is just another try-hard influencer, it's baffling how much her page (and her mother's) manages to exude nouveau riche energy.

Young love shouldn't be underestimated though, fortunately not everyone has to search for years and years before finding "the one", Count Nikolai himself seems to be an example of that. But it's hard to imagine Mary and Daisy being delighted with MC and the rest of the gang, but perhaps they are.

Leonor seems to be very discreet about her social life. Although there is no evidence of her being close to Maria Chiara as the latter claimed, we really don't know much about Leonor's private life anyway. In any case, it caught my attention that Maria Chiara referred to Leonor by her old (pre-abdication) title of "Infanta Leonor" rather than "Princess Leonor". So maybe they were closer when they were both younger (I mean, children) and have since drifted apart.

In Maria Chiara's defense, she never mentioned dating Christian and described him just as a good friend, if I understood it correctly. So I don't think it is a Marie-type situation of Maria Chiara babbling about being in a relationship with Christian.

Based on his appearances this summer in the Monaco Grand Prix, St Tropez, and so on, late teen Christian seems to mingle with the young and rich crowd, a bit like his Greek cousins. Maria Chiara must be just another person in that circle.

It remains to be seen how Christian will administer his social life when he moves on to military life and possibly more serious state responsibilities. As other posters noted, Frederik also had a reputation of being a party prince, but he wasn't an international jetsetter as Christian appears to be becoming now and I think his social circles were somewhat different than his son's. We do know that Frederik and Christian share an interest in fitness and (physical) sports and Christian is said to be committed to his academic studies too, perhaps more so than Frederik was at the same age (just a personal impression).
I think they are simply friends. These are someone Christian know, they from the same circle of life and fairly similar backgrounds with fairly similar lifestyles and family histories.
In this age where instant contact and easy travel is so common, it is natural for royal children, and perhaps especially the heirs to seek like minded. Someone who has a good understanding of what it is to be a royal, with all the limitations and obligations that entails, as well as temptations and experience with more or less fame/fortune seeking hangers on.

I'd frankly be concerned if Christian feels some type of like-mindedness with the Bourbon sisters. They're princesses without a kingdom (and frankly, not even a good claim to the throne whose non-existent titles they're appropriating :cool:) who jetset around the world on inherited money without a care in the world or anyone expecting anything from them. He, on the other hand, is going to be a king of a very real kingdom one day, and should be concerned about his image.

So I should hope that if Christian ever feels in need of kindred souls, he'd turn to Ingrid Alexandra or Elisabeth instead.

Because a common problem for royals of all ages - and perhaps even more so today, where everything can be recorded at any time - is: Who can I really trust? Who can I really relax around? Well, the obvious answer is someone who are similar to themselves.

Well, clearly not the Bourbons as they post pictures of him and talk about him in interviews as they see fit :lol:

Well, the families know each other and that includes their children, so that's a thing that speaks in favor of some kind of friendship.
And it's not like their activities on the social media is a secret, so Christian and by extension M&F knew what they were in for.

Perhaps Christian already talks/text whatever with Elisabeth, Ingrid and Leonor too? We may hope so.
Partly because I think it's beneficial they develop some kind of personal relationship given their unique positions and jobs.

Buuut, I'm not older than I can still (vaguely) remember how it was to be a seventeen year old lad. The more flamboyant girl (the cheerleader/prom queen types) tend to be a little more interesting - certainly when it comes to partying - than the more sensible and dare I say more mature girls, which I have the impression that Ingrid, Elisabeth and Leonor are.
Not that I think they are dull - Elisabeth and Ingrid both seems to have a healthy streak of humor and are probably a lot of fun and a good talk. (Don't know Leonor well enough to venture into any speculations about her.) They also seem quite levelheaded, - think first, then act. - While the Bourbon and Greek crowd is perhaps a little more spontaneous.

Not that it matters now. While Christian hopefully does enjoys a good talk with a sensible girl, he is seventeen. It's not the collective works and thoughts of Kirkegaard that are on his mind. In a few months he will be eighteen and then the burdens of his status will begin to placed on his shoulders in earnest. And next year his relatively carefree life at high school (in contrast to his peers Christian really doesn't need to worry that much about his grades) is over.
Unless he takes a gap year (I doubt it) the military life awaits him.
So he is partying now, bless him.
I look forward to the great houses of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and Bourbon-Two Sicilies joining together in matrimony..
Perhaps Christian already talks/text whatever with Elisabeth, Ingrid and Leonor too? We may hope so.
Partly because I think it's beneficial they develop some kind of personal relationship given their unique positions and jobs.

Ingrid-Alexandra did mention that she is close to the families in Sweden and Denmark. Christian did attend her confirmation a few years back.

I think we need to be careful in labeling a 17 year so soon. He looks normal too me.. and sometimes you just need to grow, experience, and learn from events/circumstances...
There were some other pictures of him enjoying his time at a music festival with other friends in Denmark. (There is still hope for Danish girls :lol:) I believe Frederik has also attended these days, as father and son seem to enjoy their music.

In his free time he enjoys, and what I have seen of him in events and answering questions from the press, he seems to be doing a good job.
A number of argumentative posts and replies to them have been removed. Opinions can differ and all on-topic opinions are welcome, as long as you stay respectful towards each other and the people you discuss. Please use the private message system instead if you wish to continue your personal arguments. Thank you.
I look forward to the great houses of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and Bourbon-Two Sicilies joining together in matrimony..

That'd be quite a name for the dynastic experts!

Try say that aloud during a live interview! :D
I know that this is all in good fun, but the dynastic name of the Danish Royal House is the simple "Glücksborg". (Likewise for the Norwegian Royal House which descends from it.) :flowers:

Friday, 15 November 2013, the House of Glücksborg celebrates 150 years on the Danish throne. The Glücksborg dynasty, to which Her Majesty The Queen belongs, is the fourth and youngest branch of the Danish royal lines that descended from Gorm the Old and Queen Thyra in the mid-900s.

(and frankly, not even a good claim to the throne whose non-existent titles they're appropriating :cool:)

Well, their family line's claim was unchallenged for 60 years before the Calabria claimants presented their claim.
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I think Christian's name joined with any of the royal heirs denotes the closeness of their families. A romance between any of them would be a disaster as they each have their own separate destinies and I wouldn't wish that particular heartache on any of them. Significantly I remember the house party at which most of the future monarchs and their families spent time together at a house party to celebrate WA's coming ascension to the throne.

From the few photos it was obvious that these meetings had been going on under the radar for years while the only thing we knew was that Frederik, Haarkon and Victoria were very close and their countries shared interests that those heirs were happy to front. The familial relationship between them was easy to see and the way Frederik and Haarkon treated Victoria was as protective big brothers. It was very sweet and built a joint future for them all.

It would be nice to spend time with people who like you for yourself and while spending time with friends who share a common destiny, there are also other family members present who are not heirs so I guess a little romance is possible. However, Maria Chiara is not in any way a viable option. She lives a life of idle self-indulgence and has never shown any inclination to get a real job or adopt and work for a viable charity. As such, she is no golden gift to an heir in need of a wife!

So, Christian can keep being a typical teenaged boy and Elisabeth, Leonor, I-A and C-A can give him heaps unsolicited dating advice. ?
Royals are celebrities who wear a tiara and cut ribbons.

Has Christian ever worked? Has he ever done charity work? Is he not off partying or is he sitting reading the bible while Maria Chiara parties at the same event they are at?

Love how the guy gets the pass as he is young and having fun. The 18 year old girl is being bashed as a useless party girl who will never amount to anything. You know forget she graduated early as top student, speaks six languages and has plans for college.

Love how people talk about her like some 26 year old waif who has never worked and is lazy. She is barely an adult.

As for charity work at 18 she is patron of two major charities.

She is ambassador to the WWF for France and Italy

And with ocean one.

As well as helping her family foundation

But so much easier to just cast her as a mindless party girl.
Royals are celebrities who wear a tiara and cut ribbons.

Has Christian ever worked? Has he ever done charity work? Is he not off partying or is he sitting reading the bible while Maria Chiara parties at the same event they are at?

Love how the guy gets the pass as he is young and having fun. The 18 year old girl is being bashed as a useless party girl who will never amount to anything. You know forget she graduated early as top student, speaks six languages and has plans for college.

Love how people talk about her like some 26 year old waif who has never worked and is lazy. She is barely an adult.

As for charity work at 18 she is patron of two major charities.

She is ambassador to the WWF for France and Italy

And with ocean one.

As well as helping her family foundation

But so much easier to just cast her as a mindless party girl.

Thank you for this post. Because I was flabbergasted with some of the comments here on the TRF on a potential match between Christian and Maria Chiara, especially toward an 18-year old young woman.

Right now, Christian is being praised simply because he, most likely, will become King of Denmark. That's it. He has not even finished school, gained a college/university degree or done a full day of work. He has achieved ZERO, yet this young woman is basically being branded a lazy, idle social-climber for simply being around him.

Right now, what I am witnessing is a young and extremely privileged 17-year old CHILD drinking alcohol and partying, and yet this is deemed acceptable? In my eyes, absolutely not. It makes me wonder in disbelief that Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary would allow their underage child to drink any alcohol, given the copious amounts of research of what damage alcohol can do to growing bodies, not least the risks of damaging their mental health as a young minds cannot simply cope with the effects of alcohol. Yet the focus here is on the young woman he is associating with. A young woman who has NO indiscretions, clearly has a very close-knit family and is becoming quite accomplished.

I am simply astounded
Royals are celebrities who wear a tiara and cut ribbons.

Has Christian ever worked? Has he ever done charity work? Is he not off partying or is he sitting reading the bible while Maria Chiara parties at the same event they are at?

Love how the guy gets the pass as he is young and having fun. The 18 year old girl is being bashed as a useless party girl who will never amount to anything. You know forget she graduated early as top student, speaks six languages and has plans for college.

Love how people talk about her like some 26 year old waif who has never worked and is lazy. She is barely an adult.

As for charity work at 18 she is patron of two major charities.

She is ambassador to the WWF for France and Italy

And with ocean one.

As well as helping her family foundation

But so much easier to just cast her as a mindless party girl.

Cannot agree more!

I remember clearly the treatment Madeleine of Sweden got! She was vilified to no end. Couldn't do anything right and was basically a mindless bimbo. - My guess is that she was (is) too pretty. No wonder she left for USA.
And Alexia of the Netherlands also get some regular bashing. And IMO again it's down to her being too pretty.

I'm going to claim that it's not the guys who are bashing these three women...
Thank you for this post. Because I was flabbergasted with some of the comments here on the TRF on a potential match between Christian and Maria Chiara, especially toward an 18-year old young woman.

Right now, Christian is being praised simply because he, most likely, will become King of Denmark. That's it. He has not even finished school, gained a college/university degree or done a full day of work. He has achieved ZERO, yet this young woman is basically being branded a lazy, idle social-climber for simply being around him.

Right now, what I am witnessing is a young and extremely privileged 17-year old CHILD drinking alcohol and partying, and yet this is deemed acceptable? In my eyes, absolutely not. It makes me wonder in disbelief that Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary would allow their underage child to drink any alcohol, given the copious amounts of research of what damage alcohol can do to growing bodies, not least the risks of damaging their mental health as a young minds cannot simply cope with the effects of alcohol. Yet the focus here is on the young woman he is associating with. A young woman who has NO indiscretions, clearly has a very close-knit family and is becoming quite accomplished.

I am simply astounded

Nothing to add I agree on everything you say on MC.

Except on the alcohol bit.
Christian is of legal drinking age in Denmark, so it is in that cultural context he needs to be viewed. Christian can legally walk into any store in DK and buy ordinary beer up to 7%. He can sit in any public place an enjoy his beer openly.
The drinking culture in DK is much more lax than in many other places. So what Christian is doing is considered perfectly normal. And allowing Christian to drink beer, also without supervision (in fact he does have a couple of police officers nearby at any time which would certainly make me less concerned!) is also considered perfectly normal by parents in DK.

Now, do Danish teen drink too much, too young and too often? Yes! Absolutely!
Did I drink too much, too young and too often when I was seventeen? Well, let's not dwell on trivialities and instead look forward. ;)?
When I was sixteen I could walk into any store and buy as much hard liquor as I wanted and drink it right outside the store. When my children were sixteen they couldn't, that would be illegal, so things have indeed changed and is changing.

But back to M&F and parenting. Can't speak on behalf of M&F but I can explain how it is to have survived having two teens at home - who wants to go out and meet friends and party.
We could forbid them to drink alcohol, we could make them promise not to drink alcohol - but, the chances of them not drinking were pretty slim and we knew it. So we felt it was better to introduce them to alcohol when they felt like trying it, in a fairly safe environment - at home or family gatherings.
At parties sometimes some of us parents would be nearby - mainly to prevent party-crashers in fact. And usually we parents would take turn driving our teens home. And that sometimes meant shutting your ears to things you were not supposed to hear or on occasion making a teen throw up at the side of the road. (Better than in the car!)
But one thing that we made very clear to our own teens as well as their friends, was that they could call us at any time for a ride home, even if they were totally wasted. No getting into trouble for that.
Because we knew that if we made a song and dance act out of it, we knew that one day they would get dead drunk (especially if they are not used to it and know their limitations) but try and hide it from us and in that way could end up in real trouble!

And admittedly there were times when we really wanted to give them an earful, but bit our tongue! Otherwise they may not call the next time and who knew what could happen then.
Seems to me that M&F are trying something similar with their children, to the extent that is possible.
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