British Royal Family Current Events 11: Sep 2022 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
The King & Queen have inspeacted the new gates at Holyrood.

The Queen has received a Coronation bouquet from the Worshipful Company of Gardeners at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.

The Company have presented a Coronation bouquet to all Queens since and including Queen Mary.

The King and Queen with The Princess Royal have welcomed around 8,000 Scots to the gardens of Holyroodhouse.

HM received the First Minister of Scotland at Holyrood today

King Charles and Queen Camilla toured the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary to mark 75 years of NHS today

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Yikes, there's a lot of chanting, "Not My King!!!" and a lot of "boo"s as well.
I don't understand this-the headline is Charles meets with queen Scotland
Is she an actual member of the Scottish royal family?

No, nothing to do with with royal family.

Towns and villages in Scotland have a day a year called a gala day (or fair in the case of Bo'ness where this happened). There's usually a parade and some entertainment in the local park. One of the girls of the town is usually chosen to be the gala queen, sometimes a boy is chosen to be her supporter. It's just a bit of fun for the kids.

My town, instead of a Queen, celebrates the marriage of Princess Marjorie Bruce and Walter Stewart, which started the House of Stewart.
Is there any live coverage? I have just got home from celebrating my brother's 70th birthday and can't find any coverage at all so just wondering.
Here's a video from Holyrood House and St Giles Cathedral today.

Arrival of the Scottish Crown Jewels at St Giles Cathedral.

Nice sized crowds outside the Cathedral too
Yikes, there's a lot of chanting, "Not My King!!!" and a lot of "boo"s as well.

They (Republic) were allowed to gather very close to St Giles'. Closer indeed than any other group. Not sure how/why that happened?

They are deeply unpleasant & provocative & there will inevitably be some sort of future altercation between these types & spectators who want to enjoy a royal occasion.

Free speech is one thing but the heckler's veto is another & this lot are disruptors. They will no doubt have succeeded in spoiling the occasion for many in the crowds who just wanted to celebrate their king in a uniquely Scottish way. These protesters even booed the salute given to the crown of Scotland.
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Is there any live coverage? I have just got home from celebrating my brother's 70th birthday and can't find any coverage at all so just wondering.

Youtube, the Royal Family Channel
I wonder why this wasn't held on a weekend like the coronation?
A weekend would have made more sense.
They (Republic) were allowed to gather very close to St Giles'. Closer indeed than any other group. Not sure how/why that happened?

You should address this question to the SNP -controlled Scottish Executive, which is responsible for the police services in Scotland if I am not mistaken.

The republican protesters were indeed quite loud, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying that they spoiled the occasion for everybody.
You should address this question to the SNP -controlled Scottish Executive, which is responsible for the police services in Scotland if I am not mistaken.

The republican protesters were indeed quite loud, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying that they spoiled the occasion for everybody.

They had a megaphone blasting at goodness knows what decibel level literally within metres of the kirk entrance!

Maybe the hard of hearing were undisturbed.:lol:
You should address this question to the SNP -controlled Scottish Executive, which is responsible for the police services in Scotland if I am not mistaken.

The republican protesters were indeed quite loud, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying that they spoiled the occasion for everybody.

While the Scottish GOVERNMENT does have responsibility for Poileas Alba, they don't tell them how to carry out thier duties. It is up to the police themselves to decide how to organise things. Also, I fail to see what relevance it is that the Government is SNP controlled.
It is interesting to note that the majority of republicans interviewed weren't Scots and had obviously travelled from outwith the country.

King Charles and Queen Camilla, Prince and Princess of Wales make their way from the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh for a service of thanksgiving and dedication celebrating their coronation at St Giles' Cathedral.

William and Catherine are the Duke and Duchess of Rothesay in Scotland, not the Prince and Princess of Wales.
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While the Scottish GOVERNMENT does have responsibility for Poileas Alba, they don't tell them how to carry out thier duties. It is up to the police themselves to decide how to organise things. Also, I fail to see what relevance it is that the Government is SNP controlled.
It is interesting to note that the majority of republicans interviewed weren't Scots and had obviously travelled from outwith the country.

That's interesting. Were they mostly English?

Is there a link to the service anywhere?

There is this but it's only part of it:

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That's interesting. Were they mostly English?

They appeared to be. The only Scots voice I heard didn't complain about a non elected head of state but about the cost of the ceremony when so many are struggling to put food on the table.
Thank you for that. Shows how determined they are to be an absolute nuisance.

I still can't understand why the police allowed them to have a demonstration so close to the St Giles'.

According to this report some of the protestors were arrested when they started swearing. At the end you can clearly see one of the protestors with a megaphone. He must be standing on step ladders. It looks like Republic's leader Graham Smith.

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I don't get it-they had a vote under I think Nicola Sturgeon as to whether or not to stay part of the UK. They voted to stay. I assumed that meant they wanted to keep the royal family as well. So why are they complaining now?
Nicolas Sturgeon said she wanted to keep the late Queen as Head of State even if she won a vote for a republic. The current first minister is less supportive of the monarchy, is a republican and has suggested he would like to see the monarchy's role in Scotland end within 5 years of an independence vote win.
I am just coming in from reading Bunte, the German tabloid, and they are complaining, that they were not able to find a live feed from the coronation within the cathedral.

And they leave the impression, since their is nothing to report otherwise, they concentrate very much on the Nay-sayers, the foes of the Monarchy.

Was there a live feed from within the cathedral in England? Browsing through the Royal Forums, it looks there was none.

What is going on?

And there is not even a sub-forum "The Scottish Coronation" here in the Forums!
I am just coming in from reading Bunte, the German tabloid, and they are complaining, that they were not able to find a live feed from the coronation within the cathedral.

And they leave the impression, since their is nothing to report otherwise, they concentrate very much on the Nay-sayers, the foes of the Monarchy.

Was there a live feed from within the cathedral in England? Browsing through the Royal Forums, it looks there was none.

What is going on?

And there is not even a sub-forum "The Scottish Coronation" here in the Forums!

I was wondering why there wasn't a sub forum too. Thought I just didn't see it.
It was all live on the BBC, but you can't watch BBC online outside the British Isles, annoyingly. I don't know if it was on anywhere else.

The protesters are a minority group. They just make a lot of noise.
It will always depend how close to the cameras thus the microphones they are. At the coronation the protestors were situated near Trafalgar Square so quite fr from anywhere action was happening (they were also drowned out by a well timed rendition of the national anthem).

TBH this event has not been all that big news here in the UK - I doubt it will be front page of many if any of the papers tomorrow other than a picture with a story several pages in on the inside.
The Duke of Hamilton carries the Crown of Scotland.
His Grandfather did it for Queen Elisabeth II.
Thank you for that. Shows how determined they are to be an absolute nuisance.

I still can't understand why the police allowed them to have a demonstration so close to the St Giles'.

Knowing the area they were positioned I believe it was a tacticle move by the police. They were kettled in , but if trouble had erupted there was room to manoeuvre. There is not a great deal of space.
The irony of Patrick Harvey going on about democracy when he is in the Scottish cabinet yet his party only received 4% of the vote. Democracy when it suits.
I don't get it-they had a vote under I think Nicola Sturgeon as to whether or not to stay part of the UK. They voted to stay. I assumed that meant they wanted to keep the royal family as well. So why are they complaining now?

The vote was under Alex Salmond and was about independence, not the monarchy. The SNP is not a republican party and it has always been their policy to retain the monarchy after independence. Scotland is the oldest monarchy in Europe and there has never been any great desire to change that. The people doing the complaining are not Scottish nationalists but are part of a UK republican movement. Judging by thier accents they are mostly not Scots, but have been bused in for the day.

Nicolas Sturgeon said she wanted to keep the late Queen as Head of State even if she won a vote for a republic. The current first minister is less supportive of the monarchy, is a republican and has suggested he would like to see the monarchy's role in Scotland end within 5 years of an independence vote win.

The vote wasn't for a republic, it was for independence. The present First Ministeris a republican and has said he wants to be a citizen and not a subject. By saying this he actually doesn't know much about the Scots monarchy where the people were never subjects because in Scotland the monarch is the first among equals, on a par with their people. As such there was never any bowing or curtsying. A friend is going to write to the First Minister to put him right.
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The new First Minister is a republican but he did attend and had a role. The MSP ‘s making a noise are trying to take the spotlight away from other issues. Nobody has wasted money more than the Scottish government. The list is endless but the irony that they complain about the cost of todays event.
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