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  1. Suonymona

    HSH Prince Albert Current Events 17 : March 2006 - May 2006

    And the only one under 50! All which makes its harder to separate the golddigging future wannabes from those who could be good for Albert. Ann
  2. Suonymona

    The late Prince Rainier III

    Rainier really looked better with facial hair. Albert looked okay with his moustache but he doesn't carry it off like his father. Ann
  3. Suonymona

    Princess Caroline Pictures: 90s to this day

    I don't know if it was giving 'permission' to tinypic or what, but now I can see all of tbhrc's lovely photos. Thanks for sharing them! Ann
  4. Suonymona

    A Wife for Albert part III

    I have faith Albert will make the right choice for him. But there is a lot of pressure on Albert to make the right choice for Monaco. He may be deciding by not making a choice...yet. There is someone for Albert. He would rather wait than be wrong. Ann
  5. Suonymona

    Alexandre & Nicole Coste Current Events 2 : Dec.2005 - May 2006

    MyAdia That was quite a post. Thank you for the perspective. Ann
  6. Suonymona

    HSH Prince Albert Current Events 17 : March 2006 - May 2006

    Monaco is trying to grow its biotech sector. Perhaps he was seeing what new technology the hospital has acquired? Ann
  7. Suonymona

    A Wife for Albert part III

    In all of his adventures, I don't think Albert has gotten involved with a married woman. Even Nicole was divorced (or at least legally separated) when they started. And with a reporter? Of all the professions a girlfriend of Albert's could have, I think this would be naturally far down on the...
  8. Suonymona

    A Wife for Albert part III

    Albert might be waiting for a priest to draw up the right list. Fate had Grace on Rainier's list. Ann
  9. Suonymona

    Princess Stephanie - Professional shots

    Oy. I bet those photos would make Stephanie cringe now! Ann
  10. Suonymona

    Photo Retrospective of Grimaldi Family - Part I

    In that colour photo on the left in the middle, it almost looks like Grace is topless. But 1)she wouldn't do that and 2)especially not with press swarming around! Ann
  11. Suonymona

    Princess Stephanie Current Events 7 : Feb.2006 - May 2006

    The only person I've ever known to not have a belly button was Alfred Hitchcock. He literally had it surgically removed. I've also seen plastic surgery programmes where, because of infections and other nasty complications/side effects, the stomach skin was moved up to cover lost breast tissue...
  12. Suonymona

    The late Princess Grace part 3

    Those cheekbones are definitely from the maternal side. Thanks Nina! Ann
  13. Suonymona

    A Wife for Albert part III

    This isn't quite the proper thread, but it would be a waste to start a new one for something like When is the calmest time on the Monaco social calendar that would be ideal for a Royal wedding? While this is sorta directed at paca, I would like everyone to feel free to chime in. Ann
  14. Suonymona

    Princess Stephanie When She Was Younger

    Grace was wearing a feather hat. The black and white of the photo appears to blend her hair into the hat. Stephanie was quite comfortable making cute expressions around the press...something she passed onto her children? Ann
  15. Suonymona

    HSH Prince Albert Current Events 17 : March 2006 - May 2006

    The pinky fidget has returned. He seems to do it more when he notices the press. If they get snaps before he sees them, he's calm or relaxed enough that he's not doing it. Or maybe he's subconsciously avoiding showing any other fingers! :eek:;) Ann
  16. Suonymona

    General Questions about the Princely Family of Monaco Part 1

    Caroline is not heir apparent because she is not male. Were there a younger brother to Albert, he would heir apparent to Albert. Caroline was heir apparent until Albert was born, then became heir presumptive again. She would have been moved down the line (as Charlotte is behind Pierre) had...
  17. Suonymona

    The late Princess Grace part 3

    My cousin in Iowa has almost no accent aside from a slight stepping on A's-but thats a state thing, like calling it Eye-oh-uh. She lives north of Omaha, Nebraska. The television anchors (up and coming) take elocution lessons there to learn the "Omaha accent", which is basicly the non-accent...
  18. Suonymona

    Charlene Wittstock Current Events 2 : April 2006 - June 2006

    They were in contact for quite a bit before the official announcement. IIRC, they knew each other a year before they got married. A smart idea, to see how someone is during all four seasons. Ann
  19. Suonymona

    Alexandre & Nicole Coste Current Events 2 : Dec.2005 - May 2006

    Outside of papparazzi shots, I doubt there will be more 'official' photos for quite some time. Ann
  20. Suonymona

    Pauline, Louis, Camille Current Events 4 : Feb.2006 - June 2007

    Pierre has Casiraghi height. Stefano was the shortest of his immediate family, iirc. Louis will definitely be tall (over 6ft) but maybe not as much as Pierre. Ann
  21. Suonymona

    Kind Of Funny Shots - Princely Family of Monaco

    "Whats Russian for poppycock?" "When are they going to open the bar?"
  22. Suonymona

    Pauline, Louis, Camille Current Events 4 : Feb.2006 - June 2007

    Louis seems to have the best features of Daniel, Rainier and the Kelly parts that also show in Albert. All of Stephanie's children will be striking. Its quite a gene pool. I don't think the Grimaldi trio are short, they're right on target for their generation. Ann
  23. Suonymona

    Monaco's succession issues

    We're bored. ;) Albert isn't giving us anything else to clack over. :D Ann
  24. Suonymona

    Monaco's succession issues

    If Albert and bride only had a daughter, there would be no need for a constitutional change to that of the eldest child without regard to sex. She would be the only (legitimate) heir. Yes, the daughter would be first the automatic heir apparent and moved to heir presumptive should a younger...
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