Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Marius has since 2021 lived in a property managed by Haakon and Mette-Marit at Skaugum. The attractive home is a detached house of 164 square meters over three levels. It is outside the area where Haakon and Mette-Marit live. The Royal Court will not tell what its rental price is.
A slightly larger home at the same street was rented out in March 2020 at NOK 27,000 a month.
Marius has had very modest income, 120,000 in 2020, 30,000 in 2021 and close to 240,000 in 2022. He can't pay rent NOK 25,000 a month.
Nettavisen asked the Court if Haakon and Mette-Marit cover the rent or contribute in some other way with a subsidy to Marius' economy. Guri Varpe replies that the Court has no expenses related to Marius. The Court has neither responsibility for nor knowledge of his private finances, and can't make a statement on his behalf.
Marius has since 2021 lived in a property managed by Haakon and Mette-Marit at Skaugum. The attractive home is a detached house of 164 square meters over three levels. It is outside the area where Haakon and Mette-Marit live. The Royal Court will not tell what its rental price is.
A slightly larger home at the same street was rented out in March 2020 at NOK 27,000 a month.
Marius has had very modest income, 120,000 in 2020, 30,000 in 2021 and close to 240,000 in 2022. He can't pay rent NOK 25,000 a month.
Nettavisen asked the Court if Haakon and Mette-Marit cover the rent or contribute in some other way with a subsidy to Marius' economy. Guri Varpe replies that the Court has no expenses related to Marius. The Court has neither responsibility for nor knowledge of his private finances, and can't make a statement on his behalf.
No job and combined with his lifestyle means there is no way he can afford to pay full rent of a place like that. 164 square meters is more than most family homes! And considering his lifestyle, with partying away, he must get money from someone.
And that someone can only be the NRF, because Mette Marit didn't exactly bring a fortune with when she married.
The alternative source of income would be much more disturbing.
If Marius is charged separately for violence against all three women, does that mean he could be looking at up to 18 years...? (For that alone.)
No, that would be most unusual. The most likely scenario is one trial where all charges are lumped together. I'd say the charges for violence would have to be pretty severe and frequent for him to get more than one year in my estimation.
So, as much as we can't hold MM and Haakon responsible for his awful actions - they are in some control of his lifestyle via however much they are paying him as an allowance or by paying his rent for him, providing him somewhere to live.

Now, IF I were Marius (not that I'd hopefully ever do anything as bad as him) I know for a fact my parents would be stepping in and saying unless X Y or Z happens (no trip to Italy, commitment to rehab, public apology etc) my rent free home would be gone. TBH they'd have moved me back into the family home already at this point as punishment - though that may not be the best optics for the RF in this situation.
Marius in Pisa:
He is in a bar with several others as Se og Hør's reporters introduce themselves to him. Se og Hør is in Italy to confront him with how he stands up to the accusations he has against him. Since the charge against him became known, both Marius and his lawyer have made themselves more or less unavailable to the press.
The reporters wonder why he is not at the wedding in Norway. He explains that he is in Pisa with a friend.
What is the plan in Italy?
- No plans - a holiday, being in Italy.
When asked about how he has been lately, he replies with a rejecting "No". The conversation ends. The friend that he is on holiday with has a birthday on 30 August, perhaps the celebration continues tonight?
I really do winder what support is in place around Marius. Obviously based on this silly decision not the Royal Court because if their Communication/Press team gave this the okay they are very bad at their jobs.

On August 14 the Royal Court spokeswoman said:

"The Royal Court has not advised Marius Borg Høiby in any way in the matter.
This is a police matter, and we must refer to Borg Høiby's lawyer for questions about the case.
The Royal Court assists members of the Royal Family in their work - both officially and privately - with practical assistance and advice."​

No job [...]

He is registered as a sole proprietor working in motorcycle maintenance and repair. (Though if retaining customers' vehicles for a year without permission is anywhere near normal for his business, the reviews can't be too good...)

Royal expert Tove Taalesen is angry after seeing the video of Marius partying in Pisa:
It shows a man who doesn't understand the seriousness of what he is accused of. It's not illegal for him to travel to Italy or have a beer, but it is tone deaf when he has said he has a drug problem and mental problems. The combination of alcohol and psychological challenges is not a good one. There is something terribly wrong in this family! When you have been caught for what you are, accused in a case of violence and under investigation, then surely it is not a holiday in Italy that you choose to go to? He should sit at home and pull himself together, and examine what kind of life he lives and what kind of harm he does to others. Taalesen thinks it is an insult to the victims and their relatives who have to have this thrown in their faces. If he has done what is alleged, he shows no remorse and no conscience.

Taalesen about Mette-Marit:
Mette-Marit has been "Silent Birgitte", and Taalesen thinks it is an insult to the victims in this case and all other women and men who have experienced violence, that we have a royal family that seems indifferent to the seriousness of it. She thinks the royal family appears as a spoiled, privileged noble family that does not live in step with its people. Mette-Marit has supported organizations that work against violence against women. Taalesen thinks that Mette-Marit should, both as mother and as crown princess, address what has happened to her son. Because she is involved. She has spoken to the victim. It's very special that Mette-Marit seems to distance herself from reality, it seems as if she lives in a bubble.
Royal expert Tove Taalesen is angry after seeing the video of Marius partying in Pisa:
It shows a man who doesn't understand the seriousness of what he is accused of. It's not illegal for him to travel to Italy or have a beer, but it is tone deaf when he has said he has a drug problem and mental problems. The combination of alcohol and psychological challenges is not a good one. There is something terribly wrong in this family! When you have been caught for what you are, accused in a case of violence and under investigation, then surely it is not a holiday in Italy that you choose to go to? He should sit at home and pull himself together, and examine what kind of life he lives and what kind of harm he does to others. Taalesen thinks it is an insult to the victims and their relatives who have to have this thrown in their faces. If he has done what is alleged, he shows no remorse and no conscience.
I believe it's what his lawyer asked him to say, to reduce a possible sentence. I seriously doubt Marius thinks he has a problem, if he did he'd act in a very different manner, eg keep a very low profile, check into a health facility somewhere off the radar to get himself sorted out. For him its just business as usual unfortuantely 'disturbed' by the nosy press. I wonder when Mummy will step in and asks to give her boy some privacy ...
On August 14 the Royal Court spokeswoman said:

"The Royal Court has not advised Marius Borg Høiby in any way in the matter.​
This is a police matter, and we must refer to Borg Høiby's lawyer for questions about the case.​
The Royal Court assists members of the Royal Family in their work - both officially and privately - with practical assistance and advice."​

He is registered as a sole proprietor working in motorcycle maintenance and repair. (Though if retaining customers' vehicles for a year without permission is anywhere near normal for his business, the reviews can't be too good...)

Is there anyone in charge?!?

Yeah, I suspect Marius has a registered company because that can provide certain advantages in regards to vat and tax deductions in connection with purchases and so on.
Royal expert Tove Taalesen is angry after seeing the video of Marius partying in Pisa:
It shows a man who doesn't understand the seriousness of what he is accused of. It's not illegal for him to travel to Italy or have a beer, but it is tone deaf when he has said he has a drug problem and mental problems. The combination of alcohol and psychological challenges is not a good one. There is something terribly wrong in this family! When you have been caught for what you are, accused in a case of violence and under investigation, then surely it is not a holiday in Italy that you choose to go to? He should sit at home and pull himself together, and examine what kind of life he lives and what kind of harm he does to others. Taalesen thinks it is an insult to the victims and their relatives who have to have this thrown in their faces. If he has done what is alleged, he shows no remorse and no conscience.

Taalesen about Mette-Marit:
Mette-Marit has been "Silent Birgitte", and Taalesen thinks it is an insult to the victims in this case and all other women and men who have experienced violence, that we have a royal family that seems indifferent to the seriousness of it. She thinks the royal family appears as a spoiled, privileged noble family that does not live in step with its people. Mette-Marit has supported organizations that work against violence against women. Taalesen thinks that Mette-Marit should, both as mother and as crown princess, address what has happened to her son. Because she is involved. She has spoken to the victim. It's very special that Mette-Marit seems to distance herself from reality, it seems as if she lives in a bubble.

Relaxation with friends is not inherently incompatible with remorse and self-examination (as I understand it, the prison system encourages remorse and self-examination but also provides recreational and social opportunities to prisoners), but given Marius's other actions before and after the assault, her interpretation of his behavior unfortunately is extremely plausible.

What makes Ms. Taalesen so certain that a statement from the Crown Princess would change the minds of those who perceive her (or the royal family generally) as spoiled and indifferent? Aside from the legal and ethical problems of any parent of a perpetrator speaking out about their child's case to the press, Crown Princess Mette-Marit's previous public statements about Marius have all been met with mixed reactions. For example: Little sympathy for Mette-Marit - Norway's News in English —

Considering that the Crown Princess severely criticized news outlets for as little as reporting, accurately, that Marius had used the Palace as his address to sell items online, it is within the realm of possibility that she would be even harsher in her criticism now that news outlets are reporting on her son's violence and drug abuse and publishing embarrassing photographs of him. If so, her statement would certainly provoke even further controversy. Perhaps her silence is the most tactful "statement" she can provide under the circumstances, given her own feelings.
I think its naïve of the Royal Court to think they can say Marius isn't part of the Royal House so its nothing to do with them. As they say themselves - they advise the Royal House officially and privately - Haakon and MM are part of the Royal House and this is, I'd imagine right now, a huge part of their private life - so whilst they may not be advising Marius they should be advising Haakon and MM better IMO>
It is indeed possible that Marius can and would reflect on his actions and ponder away in Italy. But it doesn't harm if the NRF (because Marius can't) considered: What image do we present by allowing Marius to go to Italy contra what image we would like to present?
In that light it would PR wise be better if Marius sat in a cabin on a mountain somewhere.

Because the logic thought I think a lot of people would think is: How about his two ex'es? Wouldn't they benefit from a holiday to Italy? They too have been through quite an ordeal. Twice actually. Perhaps they more than Marius would like to reflect on their future and the commotion they have caused by being brave enough to step forward.
Because far from all Norwegians are happy about this and would have preferred these girlfriends to just have remained silent, so that everyone could keep pretending there are no problems. The two women should not expect universal gratitude.
I think its naïve of the Royal Court to think they can say Marius isn't part of the Royal House so its nothing to do with them. As they say themselves - they advise the Royal House officially and privately - Haakon and MM are part of the Royal House and this is, I'd imagine right now, a huge part of their private life - so whilst they may not be advising Marius they should be advising Haakon and MM better IMO>

Thank you for pointing out that the Royal Court actually said "The Royal Court assists members of the Royal House in their work - both officially and privately - with practical assistance and advice." (Does that mean they do not advise Princess Märtha Louise either...?)
Of course they are not going to talk to the press. And as for pictures of him sitting in a bar with a friend it is not like he is dancing on tabletops drunk. People can be angry all they want and maybe feel he should not be out and about but under the law he can do this. I don't condone his behavior towards those women he abused at all but this is a very high profile case and if it was any other person they would not be followed by the press to such lengths.
Royal expert Tove Taalesen is angry after seeing the video of Marius partying in Pisa:
It shows a man who doesn't understand the seriousness of what he is accused of. It's not illegal for him to travel to Italy or have a beer, but it is tone deaf when he has said he has a drug problem and mental problems. The combination of alcohol and psychological challenges is not a good one. There is something terribly wrong in this family! When you have been caught for what you are, accused in a case of violence and under investigation, then surely it is not a holiday in Italy that you choose to go to? He should sit at home and pull himself together, and examine what kind of life he lives and what kind of harm he does to others. Taalesen thinks it is an insult to the victims and their relatives who have to have this thrown in their faces. If he has done what is alleged, he shows no remorse and no conscience.

Taalesen about Mette-Marit:
Mette-Marit has been "Silent Birgitte", and Taalesen thinks it is an insult to the victims in this case and all other women and men who have experienced violence, that we have a royal family that seems indifferent to the seriousness of it. She thinks the royal family appears as a spoiled, privileged noble family that does not live in step with its people. Mette-Marit has supported organizations that work against violence against women. Taalesen thinks that Mette-Marit should, both as mother and as crown princess, address what has happened to her son. Because she is involved. She has spoken to the victim. It's very special that Mette-Marit seems to distance herself from reality, it seems as if she lives in a bubble.

Very good articles.
The abuser goes on holiday. Funded by ???
Is anyone in the crown prince family taking this seriously? Sorry but right now the picture presented is not good.
God. I used to like this family, particularly Haakon, but I think they’ve lost the plot. They can’t even pretend they understand the concept of modeling good examples for the country they are supposed to represent. Yikes 😳.
I don't believe the video of Marius in a bar in Italy has been posted here, if so just delete this post.
The woman with him, is that his girlfriend?

ADDED: It is - perplexing - why the NRF can't see what damage such a video is to the NRF, especially Marius.
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I don't believe the video of Marius in a bar in Italy has been posted here, if so just delete this post.
The woman with him, is that his girlfriend?

ADDED: It is - perplexing - why the NRF can't see what damage such a video is to the NRF, especially Marius.
It might be her, no? Something’s really not adding up in this mess.
He is an adult responsible for his own actions. He seems to be having a serious conversation with this person and doesn’t seem to be having a wild time. The press is going to follow him no matter where he goes at this point.
I don't believe the video of Marius in a bar in Italy has been posted here, if so just delete this post.
The woman with him, is that his girlfriend?

ADDED: It is - perplexing - why the NRF can't see what damage such a video is to the NRF, especially Marius.
Three things strike me about that video:
1. We can't tell what he's drinking. Could be club soda, could be a cocktail.
2. He's very cozy with the girl.
3. He looks awful. The brown bags under his eyes suggest he either hasn't slept or has been indulging a lot.
I don't believe the video of Marius in a bar in Italy has been posted here, if so just delete this post.
The woman with him, is that his girlfriend?

ADDED: It is - perplexing - why the NRF can't see what damage such a video is to the NRF, especially Marius.

There is a video of Marius at Se og Hør's article telling about Marius in Pisa I posted today.
I don't believe the video of Marius in a bar in Italy has been posted here, if so just delete this post.
The woman with him, is that his girlfriend?

ADDED: It is - perplexing - why the NRF can't see what damage such a video is to the NRF, especially Marius.
It’s difficult to get a 27-year-old man to do exactly what you want him to do, even if you are a King, or a Prince, or a Princess.
With regards to Marius in Italy, I'm looking at it more from a legal and consistency standpoint. To be fair, my expectations are based entirely on the American legal system, which is admittedly unfair because Norway is a vastly different country with a vastly different legal system. For the sake of context for my question, however, I'll explain where I'm coming from.

- There are many times where an alleged perpetrator, especially one whose committed a crime with potentially deadly consequences, would be held in jail until a trial occurs, or at least a trial is set
- Even if they're not, if there is a history of abuse between the alleged perpetrator and the alleged victim, the court would put in a place a court order that would keep the former from contacting the latter at all under threat of rearrest
- If the alleged perpetrator has the means to go to another country before they go to trial, their passport will be taken away until the trial completes
- If none of this happens, it will demonstrate, at least to the American public, that the legal system has failed, caving in to misogyny and/or the influence of wealth and privilege

Once again, Norway has its own legal system, and there are certainly flaws in the American one. There are also nuances in every case, and the public rightfully doesn't know all of the details pertaining to a private, legal case.

So, my question is this: the Norwegian police seemed fine with Marius going to Italy, and there doesn't seem to have been any restrictions placed on him to prevent him from going. Would anyone being investigated for the exact same crime be able to travel outside of the country, regardless of wealth and/or privilege?
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I don't believe the video of Marius in a bar in Italy has been posted here, if so just delete this post.
The woman with him, is that his girlfriend?

ADDED: It is - perplexing - why the NRF can't see what damage such a video is to the NRF, especially Marius.
Oh my gosh - I wonder who’s with him - this looks so bad:oops:
Leave it alone. He has not been convicted yet, he is a free man, he has rights. Why not to travel? This investigation can take months, should he sit at home behind the four walls? It's not our job to judge him, we don't know him personally.
We don't know Marius personally, but the words from his own mouth told the story. He admitted he had substance abuse issues and said that he would sincerely pursue treatment. Apparently his idea of treatment is dispensed from a tap.

Should he sit at home or lose his right to travel freely? Of course not. But it really sounded like a good idea for him to seek some serious professional care for a period of time. Which isn't nearly as much fun as partying in Pisa but would keep him safe from the press.

The press won't leave it alone. It's only going to get worse after his step-aunt's marriage ceremonies blow over. I'm not saying that is right or fair at all, it's just the way it might be.
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