German Bild has a paywall article:
Drogen, Gewalt, kriminelle Clique: Wie geht Marius Borg Høiby, der Sohn von Norwegens Kronprinzessin Mette-Marit, mit den Vorwürfen gegen ihn um? Ein Insider aus seiner Party-Clique packt bei BILD aus.
Bunte quotes the article, Bild's source is said to be from Marius' circle.
The informant makes a clear statement: "Remorse? No, Marius is partying again." He has always been able to do what he wants, but only now is there pressure from outside for the first time. Although he no longer goes to public clubs and bars, the parties have now moved to private homes more than before.
And while the world is shocked by his actions, he is said to be "back together" with the woman he attacked. The couple is staying at Skaugum, where they are "shielded from the public", the source adds and claims that Marius and his partner have a "toxic relationship" in which jealousy and excessive partying play a major role. After their escapades, when the mood "explodes", they always make up again, it is said.
The source isn't surprised by the incidents. "Marius is used to his escapades not resulting in any consequences for him. His mother is protecting him", she comments unimpressed.
Gegen Marius Borg Høiby wird nun wegen einer weiteren Straftat ermittelt. Insider behaupten außerdem, er habe seinen Diplomatenpass missbraucht.
Well, I hope that the being back together with the latest victim isn't true now, although it has been previously so.