Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Marius seems completely out of control at this point and I fear that more and more ugly revelations will come to light. The NRF has shown itself to be either unwilling or unable to address the issue. They seem totally out of their depth and unable to take control of the situation. The NRF better hire some PR experts or this whole mess will swirl out of control and do immense damage to the institution ( I fear it may already be too late).
Wow, so Marius is out of control indeed. It certainly seems that any idea of this being a one off incident that involved too much booze or too many drugs is off the mark and really it was just a case of Marius getting caught for something he has possibly done many times.

-violent towards the victim
-his ex says he was violent and controlling towards her
-another ex says the same
-a stolen scooter
-a previous arrest for drugs

I'd vaguely understand now if the reason we see MM so little on official duties is because she was trying to keep her son in line but it seems even if so, it failed. Or was this somehow all kept from her and the rest of the family.
Yes, many families have problems, but not like this though.

Unfortunately, I'm not surprised that rich and powerful families have these kinds of problems. (... )

Drug-related, and self-entitlement-related, issues in families from the upper-classes are not something I am very surprised with, even if my heart goes out to the victims.
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Marius is 27 years old, a young man who was raised by a ruling royal family. He could have had all the opportunities he wanted.
I am sorry that he did not take advantage of these opportunities to be an example to other young people.
Haakon and Mette-Marit need to guide Marius to find a path for his life.
I want to believe that behind the scenes these problems of Marius are being solved. The situation is very serious.
Unfortunately, Haakon and even more so Mette-Marit had ample opportunity to help Marius stay on the right path. I think it's too late. Thank goodness law enforcement have now stepped in, exactly what Marius needs. No more choices for Marius. I am hoping the courts enforce a long mandatory reform program for violent offenders against women. Time to take Marius's freedoms away for now!

It's reassuring to learn that at least Haukland has submitted evidence and have witnesses. And considering for how short a time they appear to have been together, the relationship must have been pretty tumultuous.
Because I'd imagine Marius defense attorney would focus on evidence,
Why didn't you report him?
Why didn't you leave him?
Where there witnesses?
Did you get treatment?
Are any injuries documented?

Leaving an abusive partner or spouse is not that easy and, in many cases ends up in tragedy for the victim.
Is just not easy, and most of the times the reason is the abuser apologies and states he will change. They never do.

In the case of Marius, and I'm absolutely not blaming victims, but from his social media see the circles he gets involved with and his status in Norway makes him a magnet for trouble. The victim probably thought she could change him and have a future life with him. When you deal with his type, it never does, and it escalates from bad to worse as we have seen since the news reported it dragging his family down with him.
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Marius is 27 years old, a young man who was raised by a ruling royal family. He could have had all the opportunities he wanted.
I am sorry that he did not take advantage of these opportunities to be an example to other young people.
Haakon and Mette-Marit need to guide Marius to find a path for his life.
I want to believe that behind the scenes these problems of Marius are being solved. The situation is very serious.
It seems that history repeats itself, Mette Marit was around Marius' age when she met Haakon, and seemed to have no direction in her life herself. She had a kid, 'studied' a bit here and there, but mostly she did parties and drugs. It seems she did not learn from her past or had the mindset to guide her son towards any structure in life. Haakon was either too weak or understanding or didnt care. What a mess, and sad, so avoidable.
That he is violent against women, tell me, that he had/has a problem deep inside with his mother, the first and most important woman in his life. Maybe it was much more trouble for him, that his mother married the crownprince, he had never again so much time with her, never was the same, than he had got the halfsiblings, who were more important in the family and for Norway.

He and his mother (officially) moved in with the crown prince when he was only three years old, and his mother married the crown prince when he was only four years old, so he will not be able to remember a time from before Haakon.

More trouble for Marius:
At half past one on Friday, the police issued a press release about the case. They informed that Høiby has also been reported for having stolen a scooter.
- On 7 August 2024, Borg Høiby was reported for utility theft of a scooter. The case is being investigated as illegal possession of movable property.
There is a different person offended in the scooter case than in the other cases. They say in the press release that there is great interest in the case, and that they therefore have the choice to inform about the report.

What an earth is Marius doing? After the violence on 4 August, he does this.

The article says that according to NRK's information, the scooter theft occurred "some time ago". So at the time the scooter was stolen the victim did not report it to the police, but after Marius Borg Høiby's attack on his girlfriend was reported in the press on August 6, the theft-victim reported the scooter incident to the police on August 7. It seems that much like Juliane Snekkestad and Nora Haukland, the scooter owner was inspired to come forward by the news of Marius's arrest.
He and his mother (officially) moved in with the crown prince when he was only three years old, and his mother married the crown prince when he was only four years old, so he will not be able to remember a time from before Haakon.
It’s perfectly possible to remember various things from when you are three and four, depending on who you are and especially depending on what’s going on.

Furthermore, as the Princess of Wales takes great pains to remind us — your first five years are crucially important for your development. We know Marius’s were famously disrupted by the major life changes and attention (and maybe losing some of his mother’s due to the changes with her). We don’t know much about how MM raised him as a young mother before then, in a period he would not be able to remember but would have still been equally critical.
Personally, I don’t think that any insecurities would stem from sharing his mother with her new husband or having a new sister and brother. I think it’s more related to the fact that the natural order in a family was overturned by the royal status. He IS the oldest brother, but he is much less than the rest of the family. He will always be less. I think the royal family went to great pains to include him but he understood very well the peck order.
And, from personal experience, I think it’s difficult for a first child to have both parents have a second happy family. Unless the parents work very well in making him feel desired he/she will feel like belonging nowhere.
Now, that’s not a cause for becoming an abuser, just a misfit. What he did (or what we are told from what happened) is, in my opinion, too much freedom and not enough time spent with his parents - all four of them.
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I'm working in education and meet good parents with "problematic" children all the time. Even when you do your very best, there's no guarantee that all of your children will become great people, there are so many factors that influence that, some are genetic, sometimes it's the character and sometimes it's just plain bad luck. And maybe Mette-Marit and Haakon tried too hard and Marius found his biological father's lifestyle more appealing, less demanding. Don't get me wrong, I have zero sympathy for Marius, he's an adult who obviously has chosen to be a complete waste of space. But aside from the poor victims, I feel for Mette-Marit and Haakon, too, they certainly tried their best.
I feel for Mette-Marit and Haakon, too, they certainly tried their best.
We don't have any evidence for that, though.

They could have been wonderful parents who did their best every hour.

They could have screwed up majorly or taken the easy way out.

We just don't know at this point. Odds are it's probably going to be somewhere in the middle, though.
Yes, this makes also me thinking about how much cover up has been done for Marius.

Royal expert Tove Taalesen is shocked by the latest information in the case, and believes this shows a man who is completely out of control. This is a great personal crisis and tragedy. Not just for him, but also for his family.
Taalesen believes Marius has been out of control for a long time, and that it is only now that the truth is coming out. But she is still surprised by the new turn of events and this is a very sad case, and she expects further information to come out in the case. This must be absolutely terrible for the whole family. The royal couple is also drawn into this family crisis which is completely out of control. Taalesen is happy that the truth is coming out, and this shows that the vast majority of families have problems, including the royal family.

Yes, many families have problems, but not like this though.
From a post I read some days ago I believe it has been known that Marius has been using cocaine since he was 20 . This was the age when MM publicly stated he would be stepping away from public appearances . His family have been well aware of his behaviour for some time .
From a post I read some days ago I believe it has been known that Marius has been using cocaine since he was 20 . This was the age when MM publicly stated he would be stepping away from public appearances . His family have been well aware of his behaviour for some time .

The announcement that Marius Borg Høiby was stepping back from public life was made in January 2017.

His arrest and fine for cocaine use occurred six months later in July 2017. It is unclear if his parents were informed.

Marius's recent public statement mentioned that he had struggled with substance abuse for a long time but did not specify exactly how long.

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It's worth noting that in Marius' statements he mentions "mental disorders," which (presumably) are illnesses. His family may have intervened many times and given him lots of love and support, but even when everyone has the best intentions, things don't always work out.
There has been many columns and articles in Norwegian media about how the media is handling this case. Some experts think the media should not reveal every detail of it, some disagree.
At this column among other things:
It's not new that Høiby has had a lifestyle that stretched boundaries. It's also not new that he has had acquaintances with a lifestyle that there are even more reasons to question. Tips, photos and other information have trickled into the editors over time.
Nevertheless, even though the media knew a lot, his lifestyle and social circle were only exceptionally mentioned. It took a criminal case for it to become a national news story. And even then, at least initially, it was not a case that the son of the crown princess has a lifestyle with self-destructive tendencies. Speaking publicly about drug use, psychological challenges and other problems was something Høiby himself (perhaps with the help of some advisers) chose to do.
I think that the Norwegian press has to a large extent judged correctly when they have chosen to hold back until now.

With the knowledge that, to quote the column by Roger Aarli-Grøndalen, "Tips, photos and other information have trickled into the editors over time" and they chose not to act on them, it also calls into question how much cover has been given by the media to the royal family in general. Many commenters on this forum have said that aside from Marius, Märtha Louise and Durek, all the other members of the royal family have always behaved well. But how can we be assured of that in light of the recently apparent self-censorship in royal reporting? Marius is in practice the least "royal" member of the royal family: no title, no right to the throne, no constitutional immunity from the law, no representational activities, no patronages, no participation in public life since his 20th birthday announcement. Yet it would seem news executives did not authorize any investigative reporting into his and his friends' associations with violence, drugs, gangs, and other behavior, including his police fine for drug use and police investigation for reckless driving, up until Se og Hør forcing the issue with photographic evidence of a violent assault. Therefore, how can anyone be certain that the media would, for instance, report on any cocaine use by Ingrid Alexandra, especially since she not only enjoys more deference as a future head of state but there is no possibility of police action since she is unquestionably immune from the law under Article 37 of the Constitution?
Mette-Marit has always been aware that her son is not a public figure. So it's surprising that Marius has a diplomatic passport, according to Se og Hør.
According to sources, Marius has used his diplomatic passport several times to avoid unpleasant situations. Close sources claim that he has used his status to escape the police abroad, even when he is said to have been under the influence of drugs.
This misuse of the diplomatic passport reinforces the impression that Marius, as part of the royal family, benefits from privileges that are not intended for personal use. Using a diplomatic passport in this way is very problematic: it suggests that he thinks he is above the law, which can undermine trust in the royal family and the institutions they represent.

VG has found out:
After the woman had been subjected to violence by Marius, she got a message from Mette-Marit on her phone. The woman is said to have then called Mette-Marit. VG doesn't know the content of the conversation, the number of contacts between them, duration or time.
VG asked the Palace about the contact between Mette-Marit and the woman, and the criticism Mette-Marit has received. The press officer answered that as previously told, they don't go into details about the conversation, as it is private.
The victim's legal counsel Mette Yvonne Larsen says:
- The contact has not been a burden for my client, but there is an understanding that some may react outwardly. But for her it hasn't been a problem.

Dagbladet writes that Nora Haukland will take part in a well-known Norwegian TV program, filming starts on Monday. Dagbladet asked Nora's lawyer how they intend to solve it with any new interrogations or other things that may arise when Nora goes on TV work in the next few weeks?
- So far, the police haven't signaled any such need. That's why we were questioned for six hours when there was a lot to talk about. If more is needed, they have telephones in TVland too, says Nora's lawyer John Christian Elden.
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Mette-Marit has always been aware that her son is not a public figure. So it's surprising that Marius has a diplomatic passport, according to Se og Hør.
According to sources, Marius has used his diplomatic passport several times to avoid unpleasant situations. Close sources claim that he has used his status to escape the police abroad, even when he is said to have been under the influence of drugs.
This misuse of the diplomatic passport reinforces the impression that Marius, as part of the royal family, benefits from privileges that are not intended for personal use. Using a diplomatic passport in this way is very problematic: it suggests that he thinks he is above the law, which can undermine trust in the royal family and the institutions they represent.

The article mentions that Crown Princess Mette-Marit has also been criticized for misuse of her diplomatic passport. Presumably, they are referring to her use of her diplomatic passport in 2012 to assist (Norwegian) friends of hers in becoming parents of twins born to a surrogate mother in India (surrogacy is illegal in Norway and viewed as exploitative by many Norwegians). Marius was only 15 years old at the time, so presumably his own alleged misuse of his diplomatic passport occurred after that. Which raises the question of whether, after the India surrogacy controversy, the royal family took any measures to be more cautious in their use of their diplomatic passports and educate the then-minor royal children to do the same.
With the knowledge that, to quote the column by Roger Aarli-Grøndalen, "Tips, photos and other information have trickled into the editors over time" and they chose not to act on them, it also calls into question how much cover has been given by the media to the royal family in general. Many commenters on this forum have said that aside from Marius, Märtha Louise and Durek, all the other members of the royal family have always behaved well. But how can we be assured of that in light of the recently apparent self-censorship in royal reporting? Marius is in practice the least "royal" member of the royal family: no title, no right to the throne, no constitutional immunity from the law, no representational activities, no patronages, no participation in public life since his 20th birthday announcement. Yet it would seem news executives did not authorize any investigative reporting into his and his friends' associations with violence, drugs, gangs, and other behavior, including his police fine for drug use and police investigation for reckless driving, up until Se og Hør forcing the issue with photographic evidence of a violent assault. Therefore, how can anyone be certain that the media would, for instance, report on any cocaine use by Ingrid Alexandra, especially since she not only enjoys more deference as a future head of state but there is no possibility of police action since she is unquestionably immune from the law under Article 37 of the Constitution?
I don't automatically assume this means that not reporting on Marius previously means that the media is covering for the royal family. Marius was designated a private person, perhaps when the media got these tips they asked the question, would this be reported if this were an ordinary citizen. If, for example, a previous incident was drug possession of a small amount intended for personal use, do those incidents get reported?

IIRC when during the early reporting of the incident involving the latest partner, it was stated that the media would not have ordinarily reported on this matter and it is being reported on due to Marius' public profile due to his ties to the NRF.

The diplomatic passport is more troubling. Perhaps he got it when he was younger and traveled with his mother, step-father, siblings and other royals and it was convenient for them to all have the same passport, but hopefully the diplomatic passport will be revoked.
Good grief.
An unfortunate pattern is beginning to emerge within the CP family.

You can have a cause for Marius, certainly when he was younger, being given a diplomatic passport, so he could accompany his family without too much trouble on family holidays abroad.
But if it turns out there is concrete evidence that Marius misused his passport to get out of trouble or even worse: Was given the passport primarily to get out of trouble, it's bad!
Surely the Foreign Ministry can't ignore this.
And as there must be police reports somewhere if Marius did misuse his passport, why didn't the foreign Ministry inform the Foreign Minister? Who should then inform the PM, who again should inform at the very least Haakon.

Another pattern is also emerging, as has been pointed out in this thread, that a lot of people were covering up for Marius perhaps in particular, but also, shall we say, interesting decisions by the CP-couple.
We are talking about the court.
Several governments.
Civil servants.
Editors of most of the main stream media.
The police as well?
Not to mention Mette Marit in particular who appears to have gone to extraordinary lengths to protect her son. And that could not happen without at least some involvement of her husband. Whose best defense is that he might turn out to be a what can be described by a four-letter word that begins with w and ends with a p.
I sincerely hope I'm wrong.
Because right now it looks like there is not only a skeleton or two in closet at Skaugum, it's a bloody catacomb!

Unfortunately the scenario of a parliamentarian commission, looking into what is up and down in all of this, is getting closer.
The CP-couple themselves can't possible do all that by themselves, a lot of other people must have been involved in this, let's be frank, cover up.

And that leads to the next logic thought: Are there similar cover-ups in other monarchies? There will of course be cover-ups here and there, but to what extent?

But why do it?
The logic answer is: To maintain as idyllic an image of the NRF as possible, which again is in the interest of the Norwegian tribe.

And as it seems that Mette Marit in particular has been very active in protecting her son, even beyond the point where it is advisable (like contacting at least one victim personally), where will that leave her? She had after years of effort build up a considerable respect about her person and her illness elevated her even higher. Will all this come crashing down?
And what about Haakon?!?

Right now there are quite a few Norwegians no doubt, who would like to deport Marius (among others) to island of Jan Mayen, for life! You look on a map and see how far away that is.
I don't automatically assume this means that not reporting on Marius previously means that the media is covering for the royal family. Marius was designated a private person, perhaps when the media got these tips they asked the question, would this be reported if this were an ordinary citizen. If, for example, a previous incident was drug possession of a small amount intended for personal use, do those incidents get reported?

IIRC when during the early reporting of the incident involving the latest partner, it was stated that the media would not have ordinarily reported on this matter and it is being reported on due to Marius' public profile due to his ties to the NRF.

That's a very good question - do the media suppress similar incidents involving other semi-private persons? (I say "semi-private" because even after the announcement that he would live a private life, Marius retained his formal membership of the royal family, continued to be the subject of official statements from the crown princely couple defending him from unflattering media coverage, was marketed by his former employer as a "Norwegian prince", etc.) Politicians, celebrities and influencers and their immediate family are perhaps be the closest comparisons. I hope the Scandinavian posters can elaborate on the subject.

The diplomatic passport is more troubling. Perhaps he got it when he was younger and traveled with his mother, step-father, siblings and other royals and it was convenient for them to all have the same passport, but hopefully the diplomatic passport will be revoked.

The Foreign Affairs Department spokeswoman quoted in the article says "Persons who travel on duty for Norwegian authorities can receive a diplomatic passport according to need and request. This applies inter alia to members of the royal house and royal family. We cannot share information about individuals." Perhaps that means all members of the Royal Family are entitled to a diplomatic passport?

VG has found out:
After the woman had been subjected to violence by Marius, she got a message from Mette-Marit on her phone. The woman is said to have then called Mette-Marit. VG doesn't know the content of the conversation, the number of contacts between them, duration or time.
VG asked the Palace about the contact between Mette-Marit and the woman, and the criticism Mette-Marit has received. The press officer answered that as previously told, they don't go into details about the conversation, as it is private.
The victim's legal counsel Mette Yvonne Larsen says:
- The contact has not been a burden for my client, but there is an understanding that some may react outwardly. But for her it hasn't been a problem.

It is gracious of the victim to publicly defend the Crown Princess.
Good grief.
An unfortunate pattern is beginning to emerge within the CP family.

You can have a cause for Marius, certainly when he was younger, being given a diplomatic passport, so he could accompany his family without too much trouble on family holidays abroad.
But if it turns out there is concrete evidence that Marius misused his passport to get out of trouble or even worse: Was given the passport primarily to get out of trouble, it's bad!
Surely the Foreign Ministry can't ignore this.
And as there must be police reports somewhere if Marius did misuse his passport, why didn't the foreign Ministry inform the Foreign Minister? Who should then inform the PM, who again should inform at the very least Haakon.

Muhler, you are so good in putting emotions and thoughts into words!

How much have king Harald and queen Sonja known about Marius' problems, what he has done and how much his doings have been covered up?
Haakon and Mette-Marit are very close to Victoria and Daniel and Frederik and Mary. How much they have known about what Marius has done? Or has everything been a secret?
Is there still more of Marius' doings we will hear during the next days?
This is an article from a Norwegian paper I just found. It summarizes the recent events about Marius and Märtha and asks questions about the prevailing silence of the NRC. Nothing new in this article but still interesting to read because it reflects on the Norwegian opinion in general, at least that's what I think.

Is there still more of Marius' doings we will hear during the next days?
I think that’s a given at this point.

And we’re not going to know whether to pity the NRF or blame them, either. (Probably both. And poor Ingrid and Magnus, because they are certainly not responsible.)

And that leads to the next logic thought: Are there similar cover-ups in other monarchies? There will of course be cover-ups here and there, but to what extent?

Yes. (Think of the tragedy of Juan Carlos and his brother, for instance.) But by the nature of the thing, we usually don’t know about them.

Also, not everything the NRF/CP couple covered up for Marius has necessarily been criminal. Just problematic. Like ML and a divorce case.

However at some point it obviously began escalating.
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German Bild has a paywall article:

Bunte quotes the article, Bild's source is said to be from Marius' circle.
The informant makes a clear statement: "Remorse? No, Marius is partying again." He has always been able to do what he wants, but only now is there pressure from outside for the first time. Although he no longer goes to public clubs and bars, the parties have now moved to private homes more than before.
And while the world is shocked by his actions, he is said to be "back together" with the woman he attacked. The couple is staying at Skaugum, where they are "shielded from the public", the source adds and claims that Marius and his partner have a "toxic relationship" in which jealousy and excessive partying play a major role. After their escapades, when the mood "explodes", they always make up again, it is said.
The source isn't surprised by the incidents. "Marius is used to his escapades not resulting in any consequences for him. His mother is protecting him", she comments unimpressed.

Well, I hope that the being back together with the latest victim isn't true now, although it has been previously so.
German Bild has a paywall article:

Bunte quotes the article, Bild's source is said to be from Marius' circle.
The informant makes a clear statement: "Remorse? No, Marius is partying again." He has always been able to do what he wants, but only now is there pressure from outside for the first time. Although he no longer goes to public clubs and bars, the parties have now moved to private homes more than before.
And while the world is shocked by his actions, he is said to be "back together" with the woman he attacked. The couple is staying at Skaugum, where they are "shielded from the public", the source adds and claims that Marius and his partner have a "toxic relationship" in which jealousy and excessive partying play a major role. After their escapades, when the mood "explodes", they always make up again, it is said.
The source isn't surprised by the incidents. "Marius is used to his escapades not resulting in any consequences for him. His mother is protecting him", she comments unimpressed.

Well, I hope that the being back together with the latest victim isn't true now, although it has been previously so.
We should of course be very weary of what they write in Bild and Bunte, but this actually sounds plausible. In fact I suspect their sources is from the Norwegian press. Just a gut-feeling.

If what they write is correct, and unfortunately I believe it is, then the honey-talk to the third victim worked. As it probably has before. - To be cynical: Mette Marit calls the victim, apologizing and probably crying her eyes out resulting in the already vulnerable victim to feel sympathy and perhaps feeling guilt. Marius, in typical abuser-style, is turning up his charm by 200 %. While Haakon is pulling whatever strings he can. - I really do hope I'm wrong though.
Marius is either too stupid and/or too entitled to think there will be any real consequences, so he is indeed likely to continue as usual.
All we need now is that Marius will send this third victim to the hospital. And as he appears to be more and more out of reach and I dare say reason, that may only be a matter of time, because of course Marius will yell and threaten and perhaps be physical again. That hasn't stopped now. - If you believe otherwise then I have a unicorn for sale. The horn does resemble a carrot but trust me it's a real, genuine unicorn.

I really wonder: Does the NRF live in a different dimension?!? Don't they realize how serious this is for them as persons but also the NRF as an institution? Marius is a lost cause, now it's about the rest of the NRF.
And I wonder what the Norwegian government is doing. Isn't it about time the PM had a stern talk with King Harald: Get your house in order, or the Parliament will be forced to step in.
We don't have any evidence for that, though.

They could have been wonderful parents who did their best every hour.

They could have screwed up majorly or taken the easy way out.

We just don't know at this point. Odds are it's probably going to be somewhere in the middle, though.
You are right. We don't know. I find the speculation about the role of Marius' parents to be very frustrating. It is a media feeding frenzy' this does nothing to inform the public about the issue. Is Marius a criminal? If the court so finds, then yes. Was he an indulged child? We would be just guessing, but he has been an adult for a long time. Does he have antisocial behaviour traits? Perhaps, but these things need to be carefully diagnosed by an expert, not by the press. Is addiction a disease? Yes. Are the victims brave for speaking out? Yes. Are the charges extremely serious? Yes.

That is all.
I saw the headlines of this article this morning but couldn't read because I wouldn't subscribe to that paper. "Bild" is a controversial paper, therefore I am not completely sure what we can believe and how reliable the "insiders" are. They always come up with "insider information" because it sells. It might be true but it might be just some person to tell things which are not always facts, but the money that "Bild" is paying is attractive.
I hope that the police will do the investigations and questioning like it should be , that is what I am still trusting will happen.
Another pattern is also emerging, as has been pointed out in this thread, that a lot of people were covering up for Marius perhaps in particular, but also, shall we say, interesting decisions by the CP-couple.
Really???? Marius is clearly a troubled person and undoubtedly a challenge for his mother and step-father but I am not seeing where "a lot of people" have been covering up for him. It is not beyond the realm of possibility and I can see why some have suspicions and perhaps that will be a future revelation, but I am not seeing the cover up. Did I miss something?
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