The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 10: August 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
We get a lot of links from UK or USA news media, but how about actual local Colombian or South American Newspapers for a change to see how they view the visit? Plus, we have at RF newspaper Emojis 🗞️ 📰 sitting for an opportunity to be seen, too :)

The newspapers emphasize the purpose of the visit is to start establishing a connection between local projects in Colombia and use Archwell to be a bridge and make these projects be known in the USA and other countries.

So, it's for mutual benefit but also the start of collaborations that will be in development, I assume, from 2025 on. Organizing these projects is not an overnight task, especially if a government is involved because it requires transparency on both sides.

My hope is, first that nothing bad happens considering their Vice Presidenta hostess has lots of enemies, and that M and H listen to advice for once! And by that, I mean before they write a check to make sure there's a plan to see how those dollars are used in a country with such political instability. I'm pointing out the obvious, if the government collapses whoever takes over also takes over the access to any Archwell funded project. Am I crazy for seen the downside of the couple getting financially involved with the problematic issues within that government? :unsure:

As I say sometimes, remember to check your browser to auto translate the Spanish text.

Colombia's El Tiempo (The Times) newspaper:
Estas son las primeras fotos del Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle en Colombia: ya comieron pandebono

"Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrived in Colombia on Thursday, August 15 and will visit Bogotá, Cartagena and Cali, where they will carry out an agenda focused on issues of social justice, Afro-Colombian culture and the elimination of violence against children.
During their visit to Bogotá, they will attend a meeting in a cultural center and a university forum on "responsible digital future". From there they will travel to Cartagena and San Basilio de Palenque, considered the "first free town in South America".

Diario El Pais (The Country Newspaper)

"In the same way, during their visit to Colombia, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will accompany the vice president on her tour of some regions and the visit will be prior to the first Global Ministerial Conference on the Elimination of Violence against Children, which will take place on November 7 and 8..."

🗞️ 📰
Vogue Mexico & Latino America

"Let's remember that currently the Duchess of Sussex is dedicated to different causes in favor of mental health hand in hand with organizations, while balancing her life as a mother of two children and building her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, in her new home located in Montecito, California..."


El Colombiano (The Colombian news)
"After moving away from the monarchy and moving to California, United States, Harry and Meghan – who this year celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary – created "Archewell", a production company and philanthropic foundation that, as the Vice Presidency describes, "advocates for the promotion of safer digital environments", hence their invitation to the country."
I am not really an expert on international charities, but if the goal was to build a bridge between the social projects in Colombia and potential U.S. partners, I imagine there are dozens of organizations they could reach out to that would be far more meaningful or relevant than Archewell. So, I am actually skeptical about this explanation.
The Times has published an article today for Harry’s upcoming 40th birthday and reflecting on his life at the moment.

This article was very good- I liked how it struck a good balance, acknowledging that Harry’s personal life is happy and he’s enjoying being a dad, while also noting the obvious problems in their careers/attempts to create new roles for themselves. The comment about how their projects need more planning and substance was spot on.
A reporter spoke to some of the local people…

“While their elusiveness irritates some, others in Bogota and Cartagena remain determinedly incurious – 'they're nothing special' and 'who cares?' are common refrains.

Then there are those who live in what might be called blissful ignorance. 'I know about your [late] Queen but I'm not familiar with these guys,' said a street trader with a tight shake of his head.”
I wouldn’t expect the DM (and its sister tabloids) to write anything else than this extremely negative article. When was the last time any British tabloid or ‘royal expert’ gave a good word to anything the Sussexes did?

And if the couple are such nothings and no-hopers as these rags constantly espouse, why are the DM, Mirror, Sun, Express etc reporting at all on this trip? Or indeed on anything and everything they do every time they are out and about for the last four years?
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Hurt runs deep and it won’t be mended anytime soon. The longer this goes on and the longer it will be for Harry to have any type of relationship with any of them. He will drift from Eugenie too as he is just out of the loop.
That might not necessarily be a bad thing. I’ve seen a fair share of toxic families bring each other down but stay together because society expects families to stick together even when those same families are the ones who hurt each individual member more than the people outside of it. If the rest of the BRF feel as though the Sussexes too toxic to be around and feel calmer when they’re not, and the reverse is true of the Sussexes, then I don’t see anything wrong with both sides living separate, happy lives,
I wouldn’t expect the DM (and its sister tabloids) to write anything else than this extremely negative article. When was the last time any British tabloid or ‘royal expert’ gave a good word to anything the Sussexes did?

And if the couple are such nothings and no-hopers as these rags constantly espouse, why are the DM, Mirror, Sun, Express etc reporting at all on this trip? Or indeed on anything and everything they do every time they are out and about for the last four years?
Ironically, the Sussexes are probably a novelty in the “Oh, hey, look at them” type of way people do when they’re barely paying to something to the rest of the world, and the British tabloids are the only reason why they haven’t fallen into relative obscurity yet.
I wouldn’t expect the DM (and its sister tabloids) to write anything else than this extremely negative article. When was the last time any British tabloid or ‘royal expert’ gave a good word to anything the Sussexes did?

And if the couple are such nothings and no-hopers as these rags constantly espouse, why are the DM, Mirror, Sun, Express etc reporting at all on this trip? Or indeed on anything and everything they do every time they are out and about for the last four years?

Firstly, because of their ill treatment and bad mouthing of the BRF/UK, obviously.

Second, because they constantly draw attention to themselves by questionable means; IMO South Park’s Worldwide Privacy Tour nailed it. They expose themselves to scrutiny; why else would we be here discussing them? H&M’s problem is that they only want positive coverage, and IMO want to suppress valid and justified criticism and negative opinion - and that is sinister and should concern everyone, regardless of whether they like or dislike them. Remember PH’s remarks about The First Amendment?

Additionally, as they are visiting Colombia, why not hear their people’s perspective, especially if they are paying for it, either via taxes or absence of law enforcement while H&M are there? Money that could be much better spent elsewhere. Which sort of explains why these local folk’s attitudes are rather dismissive and not complimentary. Much as it was in Nigeria.

As the article I linked concluded:

A Bogota lawyer told The Mail on Sunday: 'People are unhappy, particularly the poor people this government – and in particularly this vice president – promised to help.

'Instead the vice president is swanning around with Harry and Meghan, all of them wearing expensive clothes and all of them pretending that what they are doing has some sort of relevance to Colombia and the outside world.'”
Interesting fact about the Colombia visit - few media have been allowed and most reporting on it have had to use pictures licensed by Archewell.
I meant to pick up on this - it is very interesting. They are attempting to control and present an alternative reality; it is what is not seen, what they are attempting to hide - and not always successfully - that is significant, behind those carefully "curated" images. IMO it has a distinct North Korean feel about it, not unlike state propaganda.

And also, of course, it's an attempt at making money via the photos. As they are licensed by Archewell, I would be interested to know where any revenue from that ends up, now I understand a bit better how non-profits operate - thanks to Toledo's excellent post on the subject back along.

People will get bored with these trips very soon. They are box-ticking episodes on repeat; there's already a feeling of ennui seeping in with this one in my honest opinion. When one sees the same thing repeatedly, it does - naturally - get a bit repetitive and dull.

If they really want genuine and guaranteed worldwide attention, they should agree to do an interview with someone who won't give them an easy ride and will ask the awkward questions that should have been asked long before now (I would list a few suggestions here but am being mindful of the thread rules, but I'm sure we can all think of some good ones). It would make Prince Andrew's interview look like a cosy get together on a breakfast television sofa. Of course, that will never happen in the current conditions.

The Times has published an article today for Harry’s upcoming 40th birthday and reflecting on his life at the moment.

Here's an archived version that avoids the paywall - I've had a quick look and I don't think anyone else has posted one - apologies if they have and I missed it.

I thought it was a good article.
Spot on, shady lady! This whole cringeworthy charade, just to stay relevant. I am sure for Meghan this is just means to an end, a greater plan of hers. But Harry, almost sad to see, he truly believes he still is relevant as Prince Harry. I predict he will end up like his uncle, who only realized much later on what he had done to the nation, the family and himself.
Many of the people Harry and Meghan meet seem to expect some sort of financial reward (i.e., the rapper who asked for money to build a performing arts center).
If the money is not forthcoming, I wonder how welcome these tours will be in future?
Is William or a specific friend quoted on this or is it supposition on the part of the writer.
Here is the passage:
In the aftermath of the King’s coronation last year, William let it be known that he wanted his own crowning to “look and feel different”. One difference could be the absence of Harry. Friends of William say that as things stand he would not want his brother at his coronation, whenever that time comes.

So the sources are "friends" of William, but it looks like the writer may have posed a leading question to these sources. It seems like they are stating is that William wants nothing to do with Harry currently. and if their relationship is in the same state at the time of William's coronation, then Harry will not be wanted.
If they are charging the media for pictures and footage then these tours won't last much longer IMO.

The reality is there isn't that much interest in them for news organisations to shell out tens of thousands of pounds on pictures and footage that the RF and other celebrities provide for free.

I'd say the coverage in the UK has certainly been less than that for Nigeria and that I suspect is because the media just don't want to pay for it. Interesting that the BBC and others are using the pictures from the VP meeting (which were less exclusive) and then a write up. The Sussex's fame had peaked and without more talk of the RF the interest just don't justify the cost.
Here is the passage:
In the aftermath of the King’s coronation last year, William let it be known that he wanted his own crowning to “look and feel different”. One difference could be the absence of Harry. Friends of William say that as things stand he would not want his brother at his coronation, whenever that time comes.

So the sources are "friends" of William, but it looks like the writer may have posed a leading question to these sources. It seems like they are stating is that William wants nothing to do with Harry currently. and if their relationship is in the same state at the time of William's coronation, then Harry will not be wanted.
That seems like pot stirring to me.
Are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex responsible for the problems in Colombia? Should they have turned down the Vice President’s invitation for the sake of the Colombian people?

Also, is the relative low coverage due to a lack of interest or a lack of access by the Sussexes? If it’s a lack of interest, then why does it matter how little access the Sussexes are given on this trip?

Will tabloids buy pictures of this visit? Well, since they love showing pictures of Meghan walking around her house and going to lunch, I’m pretty sure many of them will.
Are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex responsible for the problems in Colombia? Should they have turned down the Vice President’s invitation for the sake of the Colombian people?

Also, is the relative low coverage due to a lack of interest or a lack of access by the Sussexes? If it’s a lack of interest, then why does it matter how little access the Sussexes are given on this trip?

Will tabloids buy pictures of this visit? Well, since they love showing pictures of Meghan walking around her house and going to lunch, I’m pretty sure many of them will.
Yeah, the Sussexes have taken a significant hit when it comes to favorability in he past few years, but there is significant interest in them, particularly by the British media. They will grouse about all manner of things, some valid, but then will cover them extensively.
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The moderation team has removed several posts that were speculative, stated opinions as facts, and rehashed old information, as well as replies to these posts. As always, please ensure you are following the rules for this thread so that we do not need to close it.
The Telegraph has a good summary of the trip

Interesting fact - only one reporter (apparently from Harpers Bazaar) has been allowed to travel with them writing reports for other newspapers and media outlets to use for their own reporting. That IMO explains some of the reporting or lack of it we have seen.
That is highly irregular. Why was the rest of the press not allowed to be there? Is that on request of the couple/Archwell or on request of the Vice-president? Isn't the whole point of the visit to gather attention for these causes?

It is a tad ironic that the press was restricted, as one of the key topics was false news. A free press with access is a vital element against that!

Not that they will be alone in restricting press access. It is something that has been going on for a decade or more. And the result is docile interviews everywhere as journalists are afraid to lose access to whatever celebrity or politician they are writing about - filming.
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The Telegraph has a good summary of the trip

Interesting fact - only one reporter (apparently from Harpers Bazaar) has been allowed to travel with them writing reports for other newspapers and media outlets to use for their own reporting. That IMO explains some of the reporting or lack of it we have seen.
Thank you for posting this @tommy100 !

I thought it was a really good article, and one line stood out to me: With no access, there is no independent scrutiny. Spot on.

IMO the main aim of the visit was a content for profit exercise with the intent of using it in a future documentary.
Interesting fact about the Colombia visit - few media have been allowed and most reporting on it have had to use pictures licensed by Archewell.
That is highly irregular. Why was the rest of the press not allowed to be there? Is that on request of the couple/Archwell or on request of the Vice-president? Isn't the whole point of the visit to gather attention for these causes?

It is a tad ironic that the press was restricted, as one of the key topics was false news. A free press with access is a vital element against that!

Not that they will be alone in restricting press access. It is something that has been going on for a decade or more. And the result is docile interviews everywhere as journalists are afraid to lose access to whatever celebrity or politician they are writing about.

The BRF often limits the number of newspapers/journalists present as its events or tours. For one because it become too busy, but also because that is entire idea of the royal rota. A limited number of agencies present and the ones that aren't there have to buy their info/photos from the ones that were there. And that was one of H&M objections. If other papers have to buy their info from papers (like the DM) who couldn't report anything positive or truthful if someone held a gun to their collective heads, reporting is distorted.
Now I don't know if agencies have to pay the Sussexes for the photos, but I don't care if they want some control over the narrative. It's essentially what the BRF has been doing for years.
So...Archewell is making money from the pictures of Harry and Meghan on a trip likely paid for by the Colombian taxpayers.

The difference with the BRF's rota system is that it uses journalists from a range of main stream UK media, not just one reported handpicked Harpers Bazaar. Likewise, they are expected to share pictures and reports with other rota members for free and immediately. It is like the White House Correspondents Association. Imagine if instead of using the White House pool Trump or Biden started using only one favourable media outlet to feed news to all the others, and started charging for the pictures they took. That is what Harry and Meghan are doing.

Its fine if that is what they want to do, but it is worthy of note and shows that all the reporting is likely to be skewered towards a more positive slant.
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Links about the trip so far from


As is the Duke and Duchess's official website, the very flattering introductory description of Vice President Márquez seems like an endorsement of the (partisan, divisive) government of Colombia. I had thought that was something the generally nonpartisan British royal family usually avoided doing, even with the governments of the UK.
I bet this thread is closed more than all the rest put together!
Maybe we should have a betting pool on how long it will take? LOL.

As for press access, Harry and Meghan have always attempted to control press coverage, and in situations like this trip, it is made possible. No surprises there.
As is the Duke and Duchess's official website, the very flattering introductory description of Vice President Márquez seems like an endorsement of the (partisan, divisive) government of Colombia. I had thought that was something the generally nonpartisan British royal family usually avoided doing, even with the governments of the UK.
I think it's more important than ever that a clear line be made between Meghan and Harry's activities and the British Royal Family. Attempts have been made with the working royals/member of the family distinction, but it needs to be crystal clear that they don't speak for His Majesty or His Majesty's Government.
Isn't Victoria Ward a 'friend' of Harry's? I know there is one at the Telegraph he gives interviews too. Interesting and not wrong.
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