What do you think of Charlene?

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I was reading very interesting remarks here about inheritance laws , but yes it is thread about Charlene.;)

Lalla Meriem, Charlene doesn't seem to have any formal educations. In Paris Match interview last year she stated she never cared about grades and that she left home at 17 because of swimming. I understand she gave up education in the same time. So she is high school drop out.
High school drop out or not, HSH still keeps her around... So what does it matter? Surely, the girl must have other redeeming qualities, no?
High school don't has very seriously for marriage life :rolleyes: we don't talking about philosophy or other scientific themes with my husband. We doing some other things ;) :)

I think that we will have or new wedding in Monaco or new baby :rolleyes: ;)

But I think that CW don't look like a princess, only as good friend :)
Amely said:
High school don't has very seriously for marriage life :rolleyes: we don't talking about philosophy or other scientific themes with my husband. We doing some other things ;) :)

I think that we will have or new wedding in Monaco or new baby :rolleyes: ;)

But I think that CW don't look like a princess, only as good friend :)

Will I guess women don't need to be educated after all? Just barefoot & pregnant? Maybe she can talk about other things ;) :) when she is sitting next to, or meeting a head of state? Sounds kind of like a scary situation to me. I think you more than make the point why that's not enough for someone in Albert's position. I really hope that women don't only & always rely on the lowest common denominator. It's not Charlene's looks that's the problem.
I think she looks cheap and acts cheaply. I don't think she has cleaned up nicely, on the contrary she looks more shabby now than before. She seems to only be interested in sports, still she didn't even bother to try skiing. Additionally she finds art immensely boring, as obvious on the photos from last summer. But she sheds a very revealing light on the current reigning furst. He is obviously this way too, he wouldn't be with her if they didn't have a lot in common. And he even looks shabby when he is with her. Therefore if she marries him she will drag Monaco even further down the cultural degrading spiral it is already in. If that is what you want, fine! At least Monaco could be a leading "capital" in sports. And sport is supposed to be so preventive of drug abuse :)wacko: ) that it must be a good thing.

I wish Charlene and Albert a long and happy marriage together, tons of children and good health.
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All the work that his mother Princess Grace did to clean up Monaco and make it a place for someone other than criminals who want to launder money, Prince Albert has erased with this girlfriend. Albert has dusted off the old slogan: Monaco a place for shady people.
maryellen1539 said:
All the work that his mother Princess Grace did to clean up Monaco and make it a place for someone other than criminals who want to launder money, Prince Albert has erased with this girlfriend. Albert has dusted off the old slogan: Monaco a place for shady people.

Monaco has a place in this financial world. It can serve the needs of the wealthy without being the hideaway for the vermin. HSH Prince Albert needs a someone who will guide him intelligence and tact. He can be a great ruler if only he found a supporting partner who fills the void....the proverbial woman behind the man.
BurberryBrit said:
More importantly, if HE doesn't think he deserves such a woman or that such a woman would have him, I can see why he would settle for Charlene. She seems very content to go along with the status quo. That has to be appealing in some regards.
Charlene maybe the one or maynot.We wait and see....
let's have the happy ending...
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Lakshmi said:
I was reading very interesting remarks here about inheritance laws , but yes it is thread about Charlene.;)

Lalla Meriem, Charlene doesn't seem to have any formal educations. In Paris Match interview last year she stated she never cared about grades and that she left home at 17 because of swimming. I understand she gave up education in the same time. So she is high school drop out.
So what if she is? How does that correspond with her ability to be a presentable spouse to the CEO of a miniature nation? Just askin', folks, just askin'. This emphasis on C's lack of education is a bit curious in my opinion. After all, Bill Gates, who, expressed in dollars at least, is the most successful human currently alive, was a college dropout. So what? He's still invited to the annual Davos conference of world leaders.

I tend to not subscribe to the theory that dictates that only people with an education or a with a certain upbringing or backgound/caste achieve something in life. Remember, Diana never achieved much academically, either. Did that make her irrelevant as a royal spouse? Not in the least.
princess olga said:
So what if she is? How does that correspond with her ability to be a presentable spouse to the CEO of a miniature nation? Just askin', folks, just askin'. This emphasis on C's lack of education is a bit curious in my opinion. After all, Bill Gates, who, expressed in dollars at least, is the most successful human currently alive, was a college dropout. So what? He's still invited to the annual Davos conference of world leaders.

I've posed the same question before. So what if C is a high dropout? IMHO, the reference to Bill Gates may be somewhat misplaced in that, well, we know all about Bill Gates' brilliant idea(s). Of course, being an Olympic athlete is no small feat either, but what's next for CW after all the Olympic trial runs, er, swim? What I'm saying is that Bill Gates dropped out of college, but he built on his ideas and continues to build on those ideas beyond the computer industry. That's all.
gsm said:
Monaco has a place in this financial world. It can serve the needs of the wealthy without being the hideaway for the vermin. HSH Prince Albert needs a someone who will guide him intelligence and tact. He can be a great ruler if only he found a supporting partner who fills the void....the proverbial woman behind the man.

Yesterday I watched one movie with Fanni Ardan made in 80th and thought that such type of woman would look very good with Albert: bright, smart, sophisticated, self-sufficient and extremely sexy brunette.
Originally Posted by princess olga
So what if she is? How does that correspond with her ability to be a presentable spouse to the CEO of a miniature nation? Just askin', folks, just askin'. This emphasis on C's lack of education is a bit curious in my opinion. After all, Bill Gates, who, expressed in dollars at least, is the most successful human currently alive, was a college dropout. So what? He's still invited to the annual Davos conference of world leaders.

First of all, I agree with rarotonga, that the comparison with Bill Gates is off base. Bill Gates graduated highest in his high school class and was accepted into Harvard where he studied pre law for three years. He only took an absence from Harvard before his final year because he and his partner were the creators of the new microcomputer, thus the beginning of Microsoft. Timing was everything there. I'd say thats a big difference from dropping out of high school like Charlene did and never having a job for the next decade.

Second, I think that the issue is not that she is a high school drop out. She must have had her reasons to do it back at age 16 or 17 to pursue swimming. The issue I have is its 11 years later and she still doesn't have the high school diploma, she didn't start any company or any business or have a job.

Yes, she did make it to the Olympics 7 years ago and that is very admirable. But come girlfriend do something with you life.

And I say to Charlene, do it for youself, not for any man or any prince. Finish at least your high school education, if you don't want to go to college for any time, thats okay, but at least finish high school. Then find something you're passionate about, get a job.

I think she could feel better about herself and more empowered as a female than to just become known as a has-been swimmer who has gone on to do nothing else with her life than to be the mistress of a weathly prince. Come on women this is the year 2007, she doesn't have to put her whole life on hold for the pipe dream hope that this rich prince may or may not marry her one day. And just let her sit around waiting while he is obviously dating other women in front of her face. If she has something else to fall back on, she would be better off for herself and her future.
Charlene's education

I think when Charlene said she didn't care about grades, dropped out for swimming etc., she was making a point that swimming was important to her and she was THAT serious about it. Obviously she must be a very dedicated and determined person to have achieved what she has (and I'm not talking about bagging a prince! ;)). I think she deserves a little more credit.

Casey321 said:
I think when Charlene said she didn't care about grades, dropped out for swimming etc., she was making a point that swimming was important to her and she was THAT serious about it. Obviously she must be a very dedicated and determined person to have achieved what she has (and I'm not talking about bagging a prince! ;)). I think she deserves a little more credit.


Hi Casey! Credit has been given to her olympic achievements and determination however, most olympic athletes have what I call plan B that is what to do with your life when your athletic career is over or declining Windsor very nicely covered the possibilites so I won't repeat them. No one is trying to discredit Charlene's PAST achievements but what do they say "What have you done lately" If there is anyone that can figure that out please tell us (besides her status with Albert). It has already been debated that many do not think she is seriously training and in her one meet this year in January she was beaten by someone hafl her age and failed to quality for the championships. So we are just saying that she seems to have no back up plan other than Albert. JMO
Does anyone know or has it been posted somewhere what Caroline and Stephanie think of her?
Irish ladybug said:
Does anyone know or has it been posted somewhere what Caroline and Stephanie think of her?

There has been no official comment from either of them, but there has been a lot of gossip from last summer at the ball in August that they don't like her -none of which can be confirmed. So basically we don't know.
hibou said:
Well said Windsor.
YES YES YES hibou and Windsor. But when there is money and razzis some women are forgetting their pride.
:)flowers: hibou, nice to meet you on this forum)
hibou said:
Hi Casey! Credit has been given to her olympic achievements and determination however, most olympic athletes have what I call plan B that is what to do with your life when your athletic career is over or declining Windsor very nicely covered the possibilites so I won't repeat them. No one is trying to discredit Charlene's PAST achievements but what do they say "What have you done lately" If there is anyone that can figure that out please tell us (besides her status with Albert).
Hi hibou...Yeah I would have to agree - IF she really is just hanging on to PA and doing nothing else with her life, but I really really want to believe that there's more to her than that. Maybe I'm just being naive!

BTW, I just watched that video of PA with Blessing Odiase on youtube (sorry, off topic i know!) and I have to say I wouldn't like it too much if I was CW. :ermm:
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Casey321 said:
BTW, I just watched that video of PA with Blessing Odiase on youtube (sorry, off topic i know!) and I have to say I wouldn't like it too much if I was CW.

I buzzed over and had a look at the clip after reading your message Casey. If CW has any common sense whatsoever, she will be ticked after seeing this. The interview with the woman sitting beside him was embarrassing enough, but to have her hanging over him and mooing for the camera later, well, she's obviously auditioning for the role of Nicole II.

As for Charlene, I really don't think much of her. If she were a university grad who was working part time for some financial company, while prepping for her last run at the Olympics, I could see having a bit more interest in her and perhaps a little respect. But...that's not the case - she doesn't seem to have much going for her.

She doesn't appear to have a formal job/work. She may or may not be prepping for the olympics - must be hard to fit that in there, with all the parties, vacations and booty calls. She has little formal education....if she had finished highschool it would be good, university or college would be even better, but to have dropped out and proudly state that education isn't important to her, goes against the grain. She clearly isn't smart enough to realise that as the new girlfriend of the Prince, those words were being put into an interview/the media for all to read. She made herself look very badly.

Just my opinion....
I have feeling she is irrevelant. I just don't see any emotions between her and Albert. She is also boring. I even feel these two are not a couple, and never have been,just some hoax dating, something in prince Albert's style. Overall Charlene is probably quite decent girl, like most people, for sure not princess material. But again it is all irrevelant b/c I don't think Albert has ever been involved with her.
I do not believe that Charlene is Princess material. I think she is fine to be Prince Albert's mistress, meaning she should be displayed at any public function most mistresses are not. I am sure she is a nice person, but not suitable to be the next Princess of Monaco. She speaks too much to the press, as does her family, making contradictory comments constantly. She does inappropriate gestures to Prince Albert while photographers are present (groping, sucking nipples etc) on repeated occasions.

A Princess should carry herself with dignity and understand the role she has taken on. Prince Albert is not just a Prince, he is a ruling sovereign, and Charlene should not behave this way. She has been around for a year, yet repeatedly Charlene has proven she does not get it. In addition, if Prince Albert was truly going to marry Charlene and make her the next Princess of Monaco, he would be grooming her and showing her how to behave properly for this role. Seeing other woman and then taking Charlene on silly little vacation, then staging photo ops doesn't sound serious to me.

It seems to me she is not training for the Olympics in any capacity, she is not gainfully employed, does not have a high school education (by her own admission) She seems to lack common sense which one would have at the age of 29. I think she should find herself another rich man to latch herself onto now while she is still young.
Bijoux Roy said:
Seeing other woman and then taking Charlene on silly little vacation, then staging photo ops doesn't sound serious to me.
And maybe she is fine with the open relationship. Maybe she doesn't want to get married & she is perfectly content with being just a date. Same goes for Albert. Maybe in Charlene he has met a woman who doesn't mind having a no-strings attached relationship. And, I've said this before, maybe she is dating other guys as well.
After seeing those photos of Albert on magazine covers with another woman she appeared quite angry. I'd say she wasn't happy with an open relationship. (And in my opinion, many women say they are fine with open relationships, but I doubt many really are; rather it's something they try to convince themselves of.)
Lady Jennifer said:
And maybe she is fine with the open relationship. Maybe she doesn't want to get married & she is perfectly content with being just a date. Same goes for Albert. Maybe in Charlene he has met a woman who doesn't mind having a no-strings attached relationship. And, I've said this before, maybe she is dating other guys as well.

When she first dated Prince Albert years ago, her first date, the one that she directly after went to the press and told them about. (nobody would have been the wiser had she not went to them, but I guess she wanted the International attention......anyway) She told her coach she would not be coming home on the bus with the rest of the atheletes, she would be coming home an a yacht.

She became extremely angry with Albert after the pictures of him and another woman on the yacht were published last year. I cannot see her being open about him seeing anyone else but her and I seriously doubt she's dating another man. Why would she? Albert provides everything she needs, a place to live (his apartment in Monaco) vacations and press. She doesn't need to work, so it seems and can tell everyone she is training for the olympics (which she isn't)

I am sure that Charlene is a nice person, but I don't think she is equiped to be the next Princess of Monaco.
I do not think what I know of Charlene makes her suitable to be the reigning Princess of Monaco.

However, I think she is clinging to Albert by trying to be more open with him regarding his other women. She clearly wants to keep him happy, no matter the cost to her.
Its the most normal thing about her, IMO.
Lady Jennifer said:
And maybe she is fine with the open relationship. Maybe she doesn't want to get married & she is perfectly content with being just a date. Same goes for Albert. Maybe in Charlene he has met a woman who doesn't mind having a no-strings attached relationship. And, I've said this before, maybe she is dating other guys as well.
yes it's possible... but no pics "Charlene's new lover" so wat are razzis doing? and i hope that dad Wittstock 'll talk to Bunte's journalist... " new one... Albert too ... training for being a champion... she's able to make all that":)
sashajones said:
What does "official companion" really means? Does it mean that he is only and I mean only sleeping with her and no one else?
Hi Sasha jones,
I think the best thing to do is to go back a few pages on this thread there was a very good recent disscussion about this term. I think it will help explain all the miss understanding and interpreting so if you have time ,page back until you find it. Good Luck!
French is difficult. Girlfriend= petite amie : too much familiar
mistress=amante, maîtresse too much familiar
official comp. ??? I think it's ridiculous... they used the word guest=invitée it's the right one for me.
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